Can’t wait for you to run for President!

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Would it help to write the 22 that voted against Jordan to thank them and urge them to stay strong for democracy

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I emailed and called mine to say just that.

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Yes it would help. Do It. They need to know they are supported!!!

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I called all of them after the first vote. I doubt it helped but I felt like I was doing something.

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Mr. Kinzinger, this country needs a LOT more people like you and a lot less people like Jim Jordan.

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The death threats? That’s not terrible where the country is, that’s terrible where the GOP is.

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Thank you, Adam! Keep it coming.....you’re a good man. Wish you were there to be considered although the job seems to be very disruptive to one’s life and I would not want that for you. Death threats? These MAGA people are out of their minds on the KoolAid!

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In my opinion Jim Jordan and the rest of the MAGA crowd lack the integrity and moral character to participate in any office of a democracy. Their kind are disqualified by being power-hungry, by "brow-beating" their counterparts into submission both publicly and privately, by name-calling and belittling anyone who's opinion is not in lockstep with their own and being willing to impose their will on everyone. They may have been the elected candidate "of the people" in their district and sent to Congress "by the people" of their district but they are not "for the people"! They are only for themselves.

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Really enjoy the videos, and the honesty. I'd like you for president, but it's a thankless and stressful job and wouldn't wish it upon you or your family.

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Yes, I emailed my Republican representative that voted against Jm Jorden and thanked him. I am a Democrat.

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The updates you are posting are very helpful. This just CAN'T continue. These fools are tearing our country apart and don't seem to care. But you said it - they only care about themselves. And your visual of the guy drinking beer and watching Faux News in his basement is all too true. It is good to hear the voice of reason.

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Adam, once again a huge thank you for these updates. So many of us admire you, your service to our country, honesty and taking a stand, which cost you your job. Although, in this divisive house, you are better off with less stress and being home with your family a bit more (I hope!). Jim Jordan is pure evil and chaos. He has zero track record of bills, etc.. The whole lot of them in the house and none can reach 217? How pathetic is that? What a world we live in.

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This is all caused by Donald Trump-always total chaos! Thanks for keeping us posted!

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Yes, anything near the Orange Ogre ends up chaotic.

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I JUST NOW saw an article saying Gym was going for number three. I can't BELIEVE he would do this unless for some reason his threats have worked. I wonder, would he threaten their kids?!!!!!!!!!

OMG. I guess we'll know soon. Safe travels Adam.

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Remember, it is not Jim personally or his staff making any threats. It is people they get riled up via seeding names in media outlets such as Fox News, as Adam had mentioned earlier. The holdouts start getting called names like 'traitor' or 'enemy of the country' on broadcasts and then... stuff happens. "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"

But yes, of course they would. I just listened on CNN to the audio recording of a threat made to the wife of an unnamed member of congress because of that member's vote against Jordan.

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You, of course are correct, but they never stop stoking the anger with their lies, conspiracies, and total BS and they never will EVER go against the orange nightmare, and HE has been nonstop lately. And Gym? "What threats, who me?"

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Adam: you are doing the Lords work. Thank you. I said to my husband today (while hunting in Montana, trying not to let political discussions ruin our vacation) that the best case scenario right now is for Jordan to lose 3 or 4 more members every time he forces a vote until he is so humiliated he finally backs off. BUT, we also agreed that with folks like him not just putting party over country but putting self aggrandizement over party, country and everything decent, there is no hope for a good outcome unless there is a strong general revolt in the GOP and the moderates call Jeffries and cut a deal. Or, at a minimum, let Jordan know if he doesn‘t step aside they will make the call. The last thing Jordan wants is a functioning House, so he might concede to avoid that.

Pro tip: they should call Fox first to let them know that Jordan has forced their hand and it is the only way to avoid a shutdown that will hurt the military and many other good Americans just trying to get by. It’s also the only way to get strong immigration reform and funding for Israel and Ukraine, which most Americans support. They didn‘t want to work with the dems, but Jordan blew it up and refused to allow anyone else to step up and lead. A call like that from someone with the right Fox credentials (is there anyone?) might do the trick. Just a thought.

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Thank you, Adam, for all you’ve done for our country! 💞 I think the main reason Jim Jordan wants to be Speaker of the House is so he can facilitate Trump becoming President in 2024. 😢

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That's an intriguing theory, Miss Womack. They're just like each other, aren't they? Dare I say "idiotically persistent?"

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I always applaud you, Adam. You’re like one of the beacons in this horrible time.

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Jimmy will not take no for an answer. Which tracts. Sigh.

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