Officers Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone please know that a huge segment of Americans absolutely revere you and know you are hero's. Your testimony is recorded and history will show you 💯 did the right thing under tremendous circumstance's and we have the highest respect for you. Trump and his thugs will go down in history as the most corrupt disgrace to darken our democracy. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE AND YOUR SACRIFICES.

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Just saw the video and I wholeheartedly agree! Ditto on the above - Mr. Fanone and Mr. Dunn, you are MY heroes!

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I wholeheartedly agree and couldn’t have said it better myself! This is true for my entire family and extended family as well. We are all so grateful for you!

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"Me too" to everything you wrote, LGF!

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This is literally bringing me to tears! You three are true profiles in courage. God bless all of you and others who won’t back down on doing the right thing.

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It was very moving. This is wrong. I am so ashamed that this is what other countries see. I have a friend who gives me her opinion and then shuts me down before I can say a word. I mentioned people were climbing the walls of the capital and breaking windows. She told me I was making it up. It is like brain rot.

You guys are why we still have a republic. Hopefully, it will last. Thank you for your sacrifice.

It makes me angry how people treat you as if you are a criminal. The stuff they do is disgusting. But one points it out, one becomes a target.

Do I have to suggest a name to get signed copies of your books?

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It's not just brain rot, it's a cult. A personality cult. I don't even know what else to say except that it's absolutely frightening. We can't be a normal country and have normal functioning in the long-term if a good portion of voters are zombified cultists and refuse to accept reality.

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Yes, it is brainwashing! And yes, it is scary!

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Deutschland, Deutschland, uber alles !

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Brought me to tears as w well. Forward never straight.

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“No Jesus I follow would vote for DT” was Adam’s comment. Oh boy. YES YES YES,

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Exactly, he really needs to “coin” that phrase and make a poster out of it. Shame on all Christians who see Donald Trump as a leader.

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Just as long as it’s not a gold coin. (Couldn’t help myself…as usual)

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Just as long as it’s not a gold coin. (Couldn’t help myself…as usual)

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that struck as well!

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This makes my heart break. And I wish I lived near your Mother so this senior could befriend her. I am 71 and because I do not support former idiototus I have lost many friends. I can never forgive or forget January 6th 2021. Never. Thank you both for your bravery. And Adam thank you for interviewing them. They should have been on every news station. This is the first I have heard of the harassment of his mother. This makes me sick. Sick. I am more determined than ever to stand up and fight for the " Greater Good" .

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Bless you

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Me too! I watched every minute of the J6 Committee and listening to this made my heart break all over again. How sad that so many people have cast these courageous people aside. How do we help keep this front and center?

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I am a senior as well, and I feel the same. Fortunately, I know very few people that voted for "that man" and am proud to say know no MAGA supporters. I am a life-long Independent (VERY unpopular when I was young and frowned upon at the voting centers). I smelled trouble in 2016, and that odor has only decayed and rotted further. I was able to convince my husband and a few others to follow Adam's example and vote "not republican" for this round, and he has not regretted it a single day (his first time ever not voting republican!). Adam, what happened to GOP 2.0 that Geoff Duncan and Liz Cheyney talked about? I am trying to find a movement I can get behind. My utmost respect for you, them and even a few other Republicans who voted out of party this round. Please let us know if there is something out there that even those of us who may not be able to physically fight can do so with words, emails or phone calls to try to put us on a constructive path towards a better future and putting these dark 4 years behind us.

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I’m a retired art teacher who would gladly sign up for lawn detail to protect her. Bring it on.

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These men ARE American patriots. Mike and Harry ARE America’s hero’s💙

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Adam, thank you for taking the time to bring us this much-needed conversation with these heroic officers. I truly hope they realize that millions of Americans are in their corner and support them. It was very difficult to get through this video. I was bordering on tears the entire time. I can only try to imagine how deeply wounded these men must feel about the reelection of this disgrace to the American Republic. May we all find the strength to get through the next four years by following the example that these men have set for us. They deserve so much better. I will also add that I believe you, Adam, should also have received the presidential citizen’s medal along with Liz Cheney and Benny Thompson.

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Me too

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I agree that Adam should have received the medal along with Liz and Benny!!!

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Absolutely! Adam so deserves the medal too!! My first thought when I heard the names was where is Adam's name!! I wanted to scream.

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Yes, Adam should have too!

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Next to the word “Patriot” in the dictionary there should be a picture of these two gentlemen. To all of the spineless coward GOP politicians who to this day continue to minimize and trivialize what happened that day: If you want to know what a true hero looks like, look no further than officers Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone!

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Agreed, Thomas. I no longer can say GOP. It's now MAGA's, period.

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Absolutely!! Well said 👏

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LOVE ALL THREE of you! Thanks for this conversation... it's why I'm now a paying member, Adam.

As for your Gitmo name...


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Thank you!

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Love it! Great name for the gang!

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My name for you is “The Freedom Four”. Mike, Harry, Adam and the American Flag because that is who you all are. You are our Heroes now. You will be our Heroes then. And 200 years from now, you will still be our Heroes.

You may feel this election was a statement against your efforts. I would ask that you pull your perspective back a ways. To me, an election is like a the tides in the ocean. At this moment, a slight greater flow of misinformation got through and took the beach. It will not last, it will be gone. Truth has a way of asserting itself and breaking through. There are many of us out here who support you and believe you. We just get drown out by all the screamers. Don’t lose heart, we will rise.

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"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." This quote by MLK always comes to mind when things seem like they'll never change. We can't give up!

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Great analogy! Thanks!

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Well said, Sandra!

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I still can't believe that the person responsible for instigating the attack on the Capitol is the elected president, so sad.

You guys are real heroes!

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Adam, thank you SO MUCH for hosting this conversation. It’s energizing to hear Mike Fanone and Harry Dunn speaking so candidly and openly about where they’re at today. Unfiltered Fanone is the best Fanone. 😎 All three of y’all are genuine, if inadvertent, heroes. Grateful for all of you from the bottom of my heart. ❤️🇺🇸💙

PS — I do hope none of you end up at Gitmo.

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I am totally embarrassed!!!!. I try as best as I can to deal in truth, compassion and love. You three are heroes. We are proud of you! At some point we hope Trump is seen exactly as the lying criminal he is!!!!!

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Wow! I listened and listened again to the video and cried. I hear the pain and struggle that Officers Dunn and Fanone have endured since January 6th. I am appalled at the way they have been treated. Both were doing their job and deserve the respect and appreciation for doing their job and doing what is right. They are the heroes along with all who told the truth about that day. Thank you, Adam for this interview and the impactful work you are doing.

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I have so many thoughts and feelings it's hard to prioritize them, but here goes:

1. Mike, like your mom, I have a social service background (social work and special education). I am trying to teach and help teens in poverty and many days I whine and complain too much. Please tell your mom that your courage to tell the truth put some wind behind my tired wings. Therefore, I know there is greatness in a mom who raised a son with such character!

2. I think about this point in our history as having giant gears working that are hard to fully comprehend right now. Global economics, social media dopamine disorder, unfinished realignments of gender roles, blah, blah, blah. I don't think we can see the sickness of the Trump reelection in its entirety. However, compassion IS living on in many of us and you fine gentlemen are helping.

3. Lastly, I just upgraded to a founding member because I really believe in the work Adam is doing. Your testimony here, now, helped me pull the trigger! Thank You.

Happy New Year

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Wow thank you for that!

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It really really pisses me off that these two patriots are having a hard time finding employment in their chosen profession. The politicalization of law enforcement is very real and very scary. Saw a sheriff’s deputy from a Chicago-area county at my health club yesterday working out in his “Proud Boys” yellow and black polo shirt. WTF.

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Good god

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Probably hits his wife and kicks the dog too. Then cleans his gun. I know the type and my only hope is that eventually they will all die out and/or be unable to find a mate. The first is a given and the second highly probable.

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That's not the way to gain respect!!!

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It seems to work in some quarters, however.

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It's horrific and we share the pain. And the dumbed down public that lives in their own echo chambers and is fed disinformation like the frog who is slowly boiled to death. Please please please don't give up. We need heros like you all!!

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Adam. I would love to share this with family who are not YET subscribers. To promote subscription.

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Please do!

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I've tried to share and the report is that it is only available to subscribers. Maybe I can find another link.

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