BlueSky is having this discussion, but everyone needs to divest from Elon companies for absolutely anything with any importance or sensitivity. You can't rely on services provided by Elon owned companies when continuing or secure use of those services is reliant on the current mood, whim, temper tantrum or ketamine mood of Elon, who has obviously no fear to threaten to cut off or denigrate warfighters and elected leaders of countries using Starlink or other services.

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I’m unable to go to the protests, but I would love to take part in a campaign to bury the White House in postcards.

Also, something I’ve been itching to ask: does anyone know any billionaires with integrity?

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Just Warren Buffet, pretty much. His son I guess, who has given a lot to Ukraine.

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I understand Mr Buffett just quietly donated $50 M to Ukraine. Don’t forget Mark Cuban too. He’s a big supporter of everything that isn’t trump/musk.

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I did forget Mark Cuban you're right.

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MARCH 14TH PROTEST - Veterans Called to Rally Nationwide on March 14, 2025 in Protest of Project 2025 and VA Cuts. https://turnpurple2blue.org/2025/03/05/veterans-march/

MARCH 7-14: AMAZON BLACKOUT – No Amazon purchases, no Whole Foods, no Prime orders. https://thepeoplesunionusa.com/faq also https://www.goodsuniteus.com/

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Warren Buffet. His son just gave $500,000 to Ukraine. What about Mark Cuban?

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Mark Cuban is one such billionaire. I'm sure there are many others, but they don't speak up, probably for fear for safety.

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Cuban needs to speak up and speak out. He was soooo anti-Trump before the election. C'mon Mark!!! We need your support and leadership!

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J. Pritzger

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I've been thinking the same: what about the women - Melinda Gates, McKenzie Scott, Laurene Jobs, Oprah...

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What’s the problem with Bill Gates? The largest landowner in the US? He does amazing work for overseas care and support. Warren even bowed to Trump and didn’t speak out; he’s probably rightly got to protect his investors.

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McKenzie Scott

***MR. & MRS. CHUCK FEENEY***they gave it all away

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If you check a dictionary the two words billionaire and integrity are pages apart and never seen together.

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It's an oxymoron, like "honest lawyer"

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may they burn in hell

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And Elon doesn't believe in regulations. Travel at your own risk!

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Pure and simple-Trump is an Extortionist. He is a Felon, a lousy legitimate business man, except for the fact that he a genius at Cons and Scams.

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Trump and Elon are birds of a feather. They are also weapons of mass destruction. One might wonder whose weapons.

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They are also weapons of mass distortion.

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That too.

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I think the whole "demand a deal/grovel from Ukraine before restarting aid" is just Trump cosplaying the dealmaker. Already now they are saying the mineral deal alone wouldn't be enough to restart aid, so the goalpost is moving. Like "pausing" USAID, Trump is showing he has no intention to get back into supporting Ukraine. If he could take the PR win of getting Zelensky to grovel for nothing, he would have though.

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Had Zelenskyy actually groveled the way the Felon wanted, his "support" for Ukraine wouid have disappeared like tomorrow's morning dew, just like everything else he swears to do or uphold. His only constant is greed. His only methods -- attempted blackmail, deceit, treachery, skullduggery. There's no other "there" there.

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Yes, the Japanese Prime Minister who tried to maintain a good relationship with Trump in his first term said that no matter how polite or how many special gifts you brought him in your last meeting, it was like your relationship set back to zero each time you met with Trump again. Trump expects favors and special treatment to go one-way.

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That speaks to his inability to share intimacy as well, I would think. He is a predator and cruel.

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That is highly believable. He also interacts with "quid pro quo". I did this for you, so you have to do something for me; then we are even. His personality is more transactional than relational. That matches with his narcissism. He'll only "do something" if he can get something out of it. Pretty frightening when that type of personality is the leader of a country (Oh, wait! Russia and a few others fit the bill as well!)

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I think any relationship with Trump he is on the take more than the give for all his partners and relationships cost the others dearly. They are destroyed and one would assume Musk will be no exception. Melania hanging on is a mystery. Maybe she too is a Russian agent.

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Trump was not negotiating a deal. He wanted a signature which would without any guarantees for security be a full surrender. He was asking Zelensky to surrender and trust him (or at least go along for the sake of the cameras with the faux promise) talk about security later. Zelensky on camera refused but he never raised his voice and maintained decorum. Zelensky stood head and shoulders superior to all the "suits" in the Oval Room on that day.

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Oh, I wondered that. I thought about once that signature is on that document, Donnie Darko will be ready to dig, baby, dig. Then what will Ukraine have? How could WE promise Zelenskyy anything regarding Russia? We have not proven that Russia will abide by any order or document, especially because they weren't in the room! And Europe, especially eastern Europe is acutely aware that they cannot trust the Russian government. Russian hasn't even stated any interest in real peace...and who knows at what cost if they did? Here's what I realized....Darko and POOtin both want more power, more land. Is that the cost? We help them retain land from Ukraine and they help US acquire some? Or is this reciprocity because Russia helped with something like, say for example, umm, an election? So this is how we pay them back? The whole thing is just wrong and unthinkable.

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More yammer from the commie echo chamber

Trump won’t last his entire term due to a mental/physical breakdown after republicans loose the house and senate on Nov. 3, 2026

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Except the was not a PR win for trump. That backfired big time here and all over the world.

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The Oval Office, which was the setting for POTUS Trump Season 2, Scene 2 streaming into our lives 24/7 unmasked Trump as less of a deal maker than most toddlers who on the whole with each generation excel at it. I have memories of him screaming out of control with Vance at his flank showing no grace, so we assumed it was a strategy but even as a strategy it was less than juvenile.

And there is one image of him at the end where he is slumped over his two hands drawn together between his legs forming a submissive and surrendered form to his entire body as he stared down at his hands; not as a winner but like someone who had no idea what the next move should be; better yet he was out of moves.

Then both retreated I understand as did Zelensky to separate rooms after which in no time whatsoever, Trump "ordered" his staff to dismiss Zelensky -- what about lunch? He is a loser and knows it as does Putin What's the deal with Putin? I hope this does not last long enough to even know.

We need to overthrow Trump, and his administration and even sooner, post haste, immediately dispense with Musk after which I want all of his government contracts investigated as a priority. Let's destroy him for I am sure he is worthy of being destroyed.

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I saw a commentator saying that the display in the Oval Office was clearly a performance aimed at a domestic political audience (MAGA) which is completely believable. These people just think a scene like that out of the Jerry Springer Show makes Trump look TOUGH and STRONG, and they have zero concept of how much damage that did to our strength and security internationally. And Trump and Vance of course, don't care.

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I think that display was less intended for MAGAzoids than it was for Russian State TV, which is already playing it as an unending loop "proving" that America now hates that moocher Zelenskky.

A reminder, also, that for Trump the attempted blackmailer and extortionist, everything is a racket. Zelensky was "stealing" from us "like candy from a baby," NATO countries are 'ripping us off' --- everybody's making us a chump, so we have to out-chump them. Bribery, blackmail, extortion, intimidation --- everything is simply a racket; the best racketeer wins.

It's the mentality of a criminal, not a statesman. It's exactly how a two-bit grifter sees the world. It's why sending criminals to the White House is a really, really bad idea.

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It was performative but so low grade is my point -- oh God are we not tired of all this -- it feels like solitary confinement -- worse than lock down during the pandemic -- stolen lives -- stolen days -- and stolen futures -- hard to even plan so many unknowns -- which is the definition of war. We are at war. I think we lost too, didn't we?

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We haven't lost the war, but we are suffering some losses through ambushes. We were caught unprepared somehow....even though we knew what tRumPutin is capable of. I was expecting the worst, but just not so fast! Now that we've seen the enemy in action, we can arm ourselves appropriately. I hope I hope I hope.....

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I would personally never negotiate anything with trump or putin. Neither one can be trusted on anything!

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In 2016 -- it was clear to me he was a con man and an abuser. Other than my adult son all around me people saw him as harmless and a source of amusement that was mimicked by comics. While a growing contingent in costumes dragging flags behind trucks were hooked. Both sides were a source of amusement. Then came division as Trump showed no leadership. We were at a loss while he downplayed it; and we kept dying; but it was still not the time to fess up, so he targeted the experts and targeted the masks and targeted vaccines and argued for faux alternatives, which further divided our nation that was deliberately prodded and churned by the media to be fully cemented over the Biden years. We are here because we were divided. A nation divided will not stand.

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.....and the center will not hold! This results in chaos.

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As Michael mentioned about Putin’s party/administration. Crooks and thieves. The same can be said for Trump’s administration and himself.

I’m a skeptic about our entire Congress, with only a few exceptions regardless of party. There is too much money involved - so much so that most of our representatives are creating seperate avenues of income seperate from their actual jobs. How much time do they actually spend doing what they’ve been elected to do. We’re never going to get rid of this until we get our campaign financing rules and laws cemented and enforced and get rid of Citizens United.

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This was a really good interview. The Balkans and Poland are next but Trump doesn’t care. Suckers and losers.

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The reality is that the real "suckers and losers" are the trumplicans (Congressional Republicans and Administration appointees) and maga supporters when they finally realize that there was really "nothing in it for them"!

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They have absolutely been had.

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There are so many who even as Rome burns still play the fiddle as did Nero. I talk to people, and they do not see the destruction. They buy into it is good something that should have been done long ago. A professional social worker late 60's intelligent, well spoken, sophisticated and educated told me today that our "good" economy under Biden was in fact all "smoke and mirrors" and that our economy has been dead in the water for decades. Orwellian is the word to describe it, right?

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Putin does not want a nuclear war. Putin is afraid of NATO. The cheapest and easiest way to end this war in the words of the female Prime Minister from Denmark (I believe) is for Ukraine to be accepted into NATO; but as she said there are members (USA and Hungary certainly) who will not go along with it. If Ukraine joined NATO Putin would never recover from it. He would be finished and soon after Trump would follow. I so much wanted even during Biden's years and most certainly I wanted it before Trump took the oath for Ukraine to be accepted into NATO. They have an army of one million. And Adam said in today's pod cast their army is the largest in Europe. Amazing.

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I think that YOU, Adam Kinzinger could be one of those leaders who pulls us back and reminds Americans of what is right and what is wrong. And through what you have been doing, you have shown us how tough you are and how unafraid you are. You have shown us the courage that you have. You are the tough guy. Not Trump. Trump just barks loud, real courage is what you have. You also served in the military. And I think most people respect that.

Keep going down this path, show us the way . You give me courage.

Thank you for what you do.

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I agree

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Yes! I think Congressman Kinzinger can help Americans realize that when you think about it, Trump IS a Russian asset, whether Trump realizes it or not:

If Trump KNOWS he is a Russian asset, that's EVIL.

If Trump DOESN'T KNOW he is a Russian asset, that's WORSE!

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Putin must have something on Trump. Why else would he be willing to join the axis of evil?

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Because Trump admires Putin. In the interview, Mike Weiss said that a large part of all.” investment.” in Russia went to individuals. That’s exactly what Trump is doing in our country now. They are birds of a feather. I think the whole idea of Putin having information on Trump is just a conspiracy theory. What could really have any effect on Trump now anyway? Look at all the things that we know about him and none of it has affected his popularity.

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I think that there is an echo here! 😜

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Birds of a feather flock together...and poop on the rest of us!!!

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Ego. Love of strongmen. Rubbing elbows with the Strongmen. Financial gain, direct or indirect. Ego & $ sum DT up best.

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Ain't that weird? The entire Russian economy is half as strong as the state of California. It's a weak, backward, repressive country. The US is 20 times stronger. Europe is 10 times stronger. Putin is a brutal dictator, hated by his subjects. Yet, the two leaders of the strongest nation on Earth cowtow to him? Ain't that weird?

Wisdom from Brother Dave Gardner. His comments on Krushchev inform our times.


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Maybe the deal was Putin would interfere with our elections to Trumps benefit. Trump delivers Ukraine, or will not stand in the way as Putin expands.

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Possibly, but I often think the answer to that question is the old adage: "Birds of a feather flock together". Sometimes the most obvious reason is the correct one.

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Sooooo very true!

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I think it is likely not complicated. The draw is riches beyond imagination at the oligarch level. Trump wants to be as rich as a King and intends to have his children and their children inherit the throne. He is relinquishing all of us and our country to gain. That's it. We voted him in, and he sold us like cattle to Putin. I hate to believe it, but the reality is we lost more than an election to Trump, we lost our nation; and right now, our rights such as free speech and the right to vote are all being put thru a shredder. We lost. I don't see any way out of it. And, when I say we voted him in; I am not discounting I did not vote for him or anyone else did not vote for him; but he was voted in, and it was not fixed. He won and he is not governing. He is giving us away as if he bought us. Musk bought the election and got votes with his money -- outbid the Democrats. It is a tragedy. It really is, but it is also very real.

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The fact that Trump and his Mini-Me asswipe both turned the tables on Zelenskyy at the moment when Russia is bleeding resources, manpower, selling off strategic gold reserves, its army at basically a standstill, and when we are unilaterally shutting down our own diplomatic and USAID presence overseas, broadcasts the obvious loud and clear: we have now become agents of Russia.

Whether because of blackmail, his natural affinity for cruel dictators, secret real estate deals, quid pro quos, bank loans, pee-pee tapes, any or all of the above, there can no longer be any doubt that Speaker Pelosi was right when she said to his face in 2019: "all roads with you end in Putin."

A gentle reminder, dear readers, that according to 18 USC Ch. 115, those guilty of treason "shall suffer death" or imprisonment of not less than 5 years and be forever barred from holding public office.

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(Sorry to repeat but it fits here.)

Ain't that weird? The entire Russian economy is half as strong as the state of California. It's a weak, backward, repressive country. The US is 20 times stronger. Europe is 10 times stronger. Putin is a brutal dictator, hated by his subjects. Yet, the two leaders of the strongest nation on Earth cowtow to him? Ain't that weird?

Wisdom from Brother Dave Gardner. His comments on Krushchev inform our times.


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For me, Trump is a Russian operative. Or that word that you used a “chit ti” It’s so big and so obvious, it’s right there hiding in plain sight, and everyone’s just afraid to look at it for what it is. This man is doing everything for Putin. He’s doing it against the interest and security of the of the United States and Europe.

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He might not have been recruited by Russia, but he is in effect a Russian agent by his actions.

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Especially when his actions can endanger the United States and allies in Europe.

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This gives me hope for Ukraine. Thank you for the conversation.

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Country First is working to send a group of medical personnel to Ukraine. Members can contribute financial aid that will be used to equip and fund the effort. I gladly donated today. We all should do what we can.

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Thank you, Adam, Ukraine is indeed one of our most important issues today. Trump has been having Russian ties for decades. He is Putin's puppet as Hillary had summed it up. Other dictators make him more powerful. He wants more political power and more money from supporting Putin. He will gladly support the Saudi crown prince, too.

America loses the world's respect, allies, trade agreements. European countries are already sticking together. They know that Putin is attacking not only Kyiv but the entire West. The entire world will suffer as Putin marches on. Probably his next target will be Poland or the Baltic states. He blackmails Europe with natural gas and oil.

Europe should just freeze Russian oligarchs' assets in European banks and use that money to offer aid to Ukraine and help rebuild it. America should do it, too, provided we have a sane president, not psycho Donald. By the way, if Ukraine, Europe's bread-basket, cannot produce food, grocery prices will go UP. Inflation will go up. Unemployment rates will rise. Thanks, Trump.

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Exactly. That is how it should be done.

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Read Bill Browder's book, Red Notice

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Excellent guest Adam. Very informative.

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Where is the Republican congress

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Drinking vodka.

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Hiding under their desks like I used to do in nuclear war drills on grammar school. And just as effective.

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The men members have no you know what.

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You mean they're dickless fukks?

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Down at the seashore barking, clapping their flippers and swallowing BS infected fish! I have no hope for them. I wouldn't trust any of them even if they suddenly developed something that resembled a spine!

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They moved to Moscow 🤔🤔🤔

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They should!

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Trump opened a crypto meme coin before his inauguration. 1/17: Trump launches meme coin. Anyone can send money directly to Trump, Russia, any oligarchs. Like a secret Venmo

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Loved the interview and the knowledge he has and what he actually reports on…pretty amazing. Thanks for spending some time with us on a Sunday and giving us an inside look on what’s really going on. 💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸✊🏽✊🏽 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦✊🏽

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I am so mad because when Hitler started to get power the Catholic Church supported it because inflation was high and the church thought they would gain power . Now many catholic leaders told people to vote Trump . I have seen this myself.

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Agree, but it's not just the Catholic Church. Protestant churches and many of their members also supported Trump. These are mostly well-intentioned people with strong societal values who have been misled by Trumpism. It's difficult to understand how devoutly religious persons cannot see the hypocrisy of Trump's own actions and transgressions with regard to his statements in favor of some religious values. My grandmother was a devout Methodist who often said, "Beware! The Devil will cite scripture for his purpose."

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Your grandfather was right . My mother said show me who your friends are and I will show you who you are. Well look at Trumps appointee’s.

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Absolutely! It is shocking but I saw this myself. It makes my stomach turn.

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Sadly, it's true. A portion of my family (not MAGA types) voted for him because of a couple of issues. For me, the problem is EVERYTHING ELSE! It's like they tune out the rest, because so far, it has not really touched them. I'm waiting...with so many cuts and variables, something eventually will. Sadly, I expect more of my fellow Christians, because between holding the Bible upside down AND creating his own, stating 2 Corinthians (two, not 2nd), and repeating what others have said about God saving him from that bullet, I feel more like I am looking at a false prophet here. :(

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When u mix religious politics into governance as a way to tug at the hearts of people you end up with convoluted bullshit that's not good or fair or just for anyone. That is why freedom on RELEGION is so important for Democracy. When you have a leader that is only good at the con and the grift and does not understand much anything else and definitely a bully you end up with a wannabe Jesus dictator or sorts that shits his pants!

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And Evangelical Christians were told to vote for Trump because Dems are evil.

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And my sister was told Harris slept her way to the top so she was a hoar and that she was a Marxist. Meaning she was evil. She was so brainwashed that she can’t talk about what Trump is doing because she know she made a mistake.

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I had some friends say that too. In fact if someone told me that I shut them down. I told them that we can have a real discussion about her job performance or her policies but don't give me that old trope and shame on them for using that on another woman. How could someone think she slept her way to be a District Attorney in San Francisco, Attorney General of CA, Senator from CA and US Vice President?

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In my church, there is never a single word spoken about politics during, or after, the service. I'm sure each church member has their individual political views, but those views are never discussed inside the sanctuary. That is as it should be! Separation of Church and State!

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This makes me sick. MAGA gets Faux news view which is the upside version.

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The thing is they could go to good sources just like we are doing, but it is too easy and convenient to follow the lies that you already believe. My question is what is the attraction to 20 something males. I have been attending protests and each time we are met with young males driving HUGE trucks giving us the finger, yelling obscenities, revving their huge engines. Seriously, can someone explain why Trumpism is so attractive to these guys??? It has to be more than just watching things like Joe Rogan...

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Also they have been red pilled. There is a book out about this. Red pilled means turning the meaning the other way around. Covid has something to do with this according to the book. Since we were quarantined young people lived on line. Many got hooked on these web sites convincing them in order to succeed we needed more strong men like Trump and on and on. I think many parents had any idea what was going on. This is why politicians in the know are going to podcasts to reach people. This is the real reason I have heard , Harris did not go n Rogan’s show because the opposition did everything in their power to prevent it.

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In the restructuring of Govt documents, one of the things being eliminated or minimized is Covid, its repercussions, anything associated with it. Literally rewriting history.

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Yes and we will get another virus outbreak. And with this administration we will be less safe.

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And that’s where my grandson “met” Andrew Tate!

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There is an article/study coming out tomorrow that might clarify some of this American sentiment, although it's alarming. 50% of those still identifying themselves as Republicans actually want a government that looks more like Russia or Turkey. This was a spoiler from JVL at The Bulwark.

Either they drink the kool aid Trump and Fox pour them, or they truly are White Nationalists and prefer the kleptocracy and autocratic blueprint. Which while not in practice but in theory is antithetic to what the United States was founded on and purports to be about.

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In 1776 about 40% of the colonial population was loyal to King George. Today, 30% of the adults in America voted for Trump. 70% did not. The 70% will not accept turning the United States into Russia.

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Thank you. I look forward to reading that. Still why particularly 20 something males? Is it because they feel powerless somehow in their lives? Just trying to understand.

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I suspect that many of them are also narcissistic bullys to some degree or another, as demonstrated by their actions (witnessed by Maryann W) at recent rallys. i.e. "HUGE trucks" "revving their huge engines" (ego... wanting attention) and "giving us the finger, yelling obscenities" (bullying). They have more in common with trump than we think! I have some neighbors that are like that. How this nation managed to raise a generation of young men, many of which behave like that, is beyond me! How we can effect their recovery from such behavior is even further beyond my comprehension!

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That one baffles me, too. To my mind we’re protecting these younger men from reality. They’re being purely weaponized by JD, Tucker and others Instead of asking them to be a part of the solution, they’re now the problem of hate, grievance and victimhood. Blaming women, minorities for their so called less privileged lives.

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I won't do twitter and would like more access to Michael Weiss. Great video today Adam.

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