"I have been in the Oval Office with him; he doesn’t have the presence that other Presidents have had." This is important for people to read and know. Thank you for sharing.

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Its hard to explain but its so true

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I sincerely would like to know why you don't believe he would try to stay in office longer than one term, if elected. Who is going to stop him? He's already shown us that he's willing to overthrow an election, and he is gathering a strange, but vast, following who appear to be willing to do anything he asks of them.

Project 2025 began before he even clinched the nomination. For a brief video primer (for anyone who hasn't heard of it), here is a link to a Katie Couric interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ_AG6irJ_g. The New York Times also published an extensive piece about this last July: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/17/us/politics/trump-plans-2025.html?searchResultPosition=3

A new trump administration will not have the same constraints, or honorable people who served last time. In fact, a new administration will be populated by those who have sworn an oath of fealty to him. Additionally, if they get rid of career staff, as outlined in P2025, there will be thousands of new, inexperienced people in those positions who see their first, and maybe only, duty to him. Any number of thoughtful, intelligent experts have been pointing this out. If you look at his VP "choices," they are all yes-men. So, truly interested -- who will stop him?

There were those in his first administration who were urging him to use the Insurrection Act to muzzle protests (Lafayette Square, for instance). I doubt there would be any compunction this time around -- and it's already been floated by Stephen Miller. Do you see the military stopping him?

I unfortunately think we have to take him at his word (remember he's willing to "get rid" of certain parts of the Constitution he doesn't like). But perhaps more importantly, we have to take a look at the thugs, minions and authoritarian-learning people who will be working in a new administration.

We often overlook or underestimate what has been right in front of us, much to our detriment. Since 2000, our first big failure of imagination was 9/11, even though there were warnings. Our second biggest failure of imagination was 1/06, although Trump and Bannon were upfront with their planning. I hope we don't continue to make the same mistakes.

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A room is uncomfortable, if a person in it is dishonest, or there is the bad energy of a couple fighting, right before you arrive. God’s gift of intuition, or just hairs on the back of your neck. Grandma was right- you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Thanks Adam, for all you do.

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We all saw the real leaders “ roll their eyes”- live, on TV. Just like we all saw January 6, live on TV( except Fox). Somebody start dropping TRUTH pamphlets over MAGA land, now until Election Day! Billboards along their road ways. SOMEBODY find the worser (sic) dirt on him please. Not Fox News, should have 24-7 guests, telling the truth about Trump. Especially, Republicans who worked for him. I don’t wanna hear MAGA rebuttal anymore. He accuses msm of being biased— well, please just actually be biased, until Election Day 2024. Trump is NOT Normal News. Save Democracy!

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deletedMay 20
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I think Mitt Romney summed it up best - He's a fraud.

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Still waiting for Mitt to say he’ll vote for Biden.

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Supposedly 40 people that served with him in the White House or close to him say he has no business ever being there again...Personally I'm not sure he could find his backside with both hands. He is a fraud...doing the same thing with these cases that he did to good 2nd & 3rd generation trade people/families in NY for years. Just a bad guy....He's brilliant?? :( My wife just told me he had his grades sealed so no one can see them?? Jeez...

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Donald Trump is polling ahead of President Biden because people are remembering Trump as a more effective leader. That stunning mirage is not based on actual performance or positive results for real people. It is the illusion born of the macho persona. While Trump was largely ineffective as a president (Wall on Mexico’s peso, Infrastructure non-bill, ill advised healthcare reform which fortunately didn’t happen, promising that Covid would never take hold on American shores, destabilizing our international alliances, yada, yada, yada) the memory for many is of tremendous accomplishment because of his brash, in your face, take credit for everything approach. That is an indictment on the American electorate. Are we that shallow? Do we believe he accomplished something he didn’t simply because he convincingly lies about it? Apparently we do. Yes we do.

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Too true. What does it say about our voting populace when they do not look deeply and closely enough to see through swagger, braggadocio, image, and empty machismo?

Trump is what happens. A reality TV personality with no real abilities, only gargantuan pathos. Self governance demands we do better, or we get what we deserve

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Been reading material from the founding fathers and it’s amazing how committed they were to the fundamentals of wisdom and virtue as pillars of the entire government structure. It wasn’t a one off comment but a continuous theme. Those pillars are being eroded from the bottom up here. They are even mocked and looked at with derision by Trump and Maga. If you’re too smart you’re probably a liberal and virtue is for the weak. The semi literate bad boy (or girl) is big business now.

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Despite the Founding Fathers’ myopia on gender and race, the pillars you cite were postulated in response to the tyranny of a king, and they were loathe to repeat those mistakes in our experiment of self determination and eventual egalitarianism

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May 20·edited May 20Liked by Adam Kinzinger

I think he won’t live out his term if elected either, and believe over time there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from even his most ardent supporters. This man is dangerous and only out for himself and would not be surprised if more assassination attempts will happen as well. My greatest hope is that he will not win and something happens to prevent that between now and November.

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I agree with Adam!!!We need to make sure Don the whining Orange 🍊 Con stays out of the White House!!He wants to be a dictator-he would never leave!!!

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Agree with you could not have stated it better. I have never been anywhere near trump but certainly have noted his penchant for whining, quite annoying frankly. Thanks

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SO annoying

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And juvenile. Real presidents don’t whine, especially when their problems of their own making. They go to work even earlier with determination to serve this country and its people.

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This was so welll written I read it twice. With the continuous bombardment of negative news I always look forward to your grounded thoughts.

Thank you

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tRumPutin is really just a sad puppet of the billionaires who want complete control. They are using him as the figurehead for their Project 2025. In his first term he managed to get their pick of corrupt judges into most of the important courts, not just the Supreme Court. Thankfully Covid put the rest of their plans on hold, but when Biden won it almost put their hopes down the drain...hence the Big Lie...and gods only know how much has been done and paid for to keep that lie going, and the mass media campaign to continue the brainwashing of MAGA going strong. They must be panicked over tRump's increasingly obvious mental decline -- once useful in controlling him, but now gone too far. I'm curious about who they will pick for his running mate, because that will be who is actually being backed for the POTUS. I'm counting on tRump's dementia to cost them this election, but they will not give up trying. As long as they have Citizens United and free reign in the press, they will have the power to run the country to a certain degree.

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Trump has clearly had a minor stroke, at some point ,Cmon— get the word out. Yes, Biden has old age( and what my parents had at age 80)- totally expected. Biden has an excellent Cabinet of Advisors. Trump has ass kissers, with no experience, just like him.

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I agree with everything you wrote, with one exception. By his actions and poor decisions, he has earned all the flack and criminal charges he gets, plus more. The amount he has done to damage American society, our political system, and the chaos he has caused overseas, is incalculable. I do not pity him. And I hope he serves prison time, in an actual prison. Leavenworth, maybe, where a single cell is constructed in an area away from the main cell blocks, with a facility for rotating SS staff to stay. No phone, no iPad. We will never have to listen to him again.

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No Diet Coke, no hairspray, and no little windows, either.

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Prison time, or at least somehow losing his ability to speak

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Please Judge Merchan, Give him a harsh sentence, as the law allows. Let the promised protests begin- now, way before Election Day. We need to correct his course.

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I've suggested a Hannibal Lecter-like cell (complete with mouth guard) in some of my previous posts. Not sure if it was such a good idea considering Trump's statement at a NJ rally earlier this month saying "The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man”.

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There’s just one problem, Adam: to his morbidly rich puppet masters, and his deplorable cultists, his flaws are not flaws, but useful and heroic. Useful to the morbidly rich, as they seen in the transaction Alito that is the totality of his “code” a vulnerable abandon controllable creature (the morbidly rich of Germany thought the same of Hitler, of course). Heroic to his cultists, because it makes him like them, the epitome of all that is worst in them, able to claim the highest office in the land, giving them the ultimate instrument with which to “own the libruls”—along with racial, ethnic and religious minorities, those pesky and annoying disabled and special needs folks, uppity women, and those despicable LBGTQ+ people.

Taking the high road will not work for those of us who are real Americans, as the supporters of tfg hate what the high road represents. Taking the low road just poors gasoline on the dumpster fire that is the deplorables’ worship of him. So what I am I suggesting? Only an unprecedented, overwhelming, bullet-proof (!) blue tsunami in November can save us. And given the circular firing squad that is the collective of leftists, “undecideds”, independents, ideological purists and the petulantly impatient, that is not going to happen. Get ready for Orwell’s 1984, just 40 years later.

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West Virginia has a large rural population. West Virginia was the worst-hit state for opioid addiction. West Virginia is a rural state full of Trump addicts. Like opioids, Trump's lies make them feel better, but they will ruin their lives in the long run. Trump addiction is a rural phenomenon, and it will continue until they hit bottom. If elected, Trump will be a drug(lies) dealer making money while the country declines.

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Adam, I agree with your assessment that we get in the “mud” on occasion whilst trying to take the high road. I read something the other day in HuffPost, an article by Josephine Harvey dated 5/13/24 where she cited a post on X by Dutchy Patrick who was responding to Eric Trump’s comment, “We’re a good family. Never have done anything wrong.” Dutchy had a bullet point list of 21 actions taken by the orange man-baby of violations, court judgments/sanctions and outright fraud. Some examples are: 1998 - $447K money laundering violations, 2015 - $799K defamation of Trump University student, 2015 - $10M money laundering violation, 2017 - $25M Trump University fraud, 2021 - $122M trump campaign forced to refund donors, 2022 - $750K funneling Inaugural funds to his business. The full list is mind blowing when you see them all listed. I think we forget about them as time goes by. These egregious and corrupt shenanigans should be spelled out for all Americans to see. I know it won’t change the maga cultists minds but the saner independents and undecided center Republicans need to be reminded of man-baby’s lack of any desirable qualities that the leader of our country should possess.

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Bootstraps and Challenging Victim Mindsets !!! I love it Adam - Thanks for being honest , smart , direct . Stay strong 💪 bud . I look forward to your video’s !

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Just curious: Who's going to stop him? All of those honest and stand-up members of the GOP? There is basically no one left in congress that resembles anything like the GOP of even 8 years ago. And who will be serving as his AG? Homeland Security Secty? Defense Secty? VP? You have read the Project 2025 report, correct? So, you are aware of who is behind the scenes laying the foundation now.

Since he won't be able to get the folks he wants in these positions past any Democrat, or what's left of normal GOP members, they will all be in an acting capacity. Do you think the military is going to oust him? Do you honestly think any member of the Republican Party will tell him to go? If so, where on earth are they now?

I'm pretty much w/Cheney on this one; if Trump wins, we may well lose our democracy. Can you really see any GOP member of congress behaving honestly during any subsequent counting of electoral college votes? And do you not think that there will be "alternate slates," i.e., fake electors? How is that going to shake out?

Not trying to be a smartass or a contrarian, but I am honestly nonplussed at your statement and would love to know, given who he will have in an acting capacity at every top position, just who is going to stop him? Even more to the point, we appear to have a SC that is willing to look the other way.

You've already seen what he has done and what he is getting away with. My biggest fear is that we underestimate not just him, but those behind him.

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Yeah... What the Supreme Court is doing by sitting on his claims of "absolute immunity" is a travesty of justice! Does anyone honestly think that they will do anything to protect our democracy? WE are the only ones that can protect our democracy by ensuring that EVERYONE each of us knows is aware of the threat he presents and will, like us, vote for Biden in November -regardless of political party. A landslide defeat of Trump in November is the best defense of our democracy.

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Never thought I would see SCOTUS as a travesty. Corrupt, unprincipled, devoid of common sense and decency, wildly divergent from our national ideals that laws are supposed to apply equally to everyone for a just society. The MAGA Justices will go down in history as the worst ever on the court, but seem willing to trade their legacy for fealty to Trump and the Federalist Society.

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Yes- we totally underestimated, how angry and disenfranchised the heartland was. They are really angry now ! The 60’s( black rights),70(woman’s rights)80’s gay rights, was just too much to accept.

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Thanks Adam, for reminding everyone to keep Trump's failings front and center in their minds.

We need the mainstream media to adopt this mind-set as well. They need to keep Trump encased in negative narratives, using his own statements.

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We can certainly be aggressive and polite while calling out the many deficiencies of Donald J Trump. A convicted sexual predator, a serial liar, a philanderer, a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic anti-semite, and a failed one-term president multiply indicted on several counts. The vote count for President Biden must be decisive. Please cast a vote FOR Biden, and AGAINST Trump.

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Brilliant column, Adam. Bravo.

That said, I offer one tiny tweak. Your final paragraph says "...Let’s also not shy away from calling Trump what he really is: emotionally, physically, and mentally weak." Add 'morally' to your list of failings.

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There will be no more elections if Trump wins in 2024. Trump is the “face” of the billionaire class backing Project 2025. If they are allowed to obtain power and control of our military they will control the elections as Putin controls the “elections” in Russia. Opposition candidates will be jailed on “trumped up charges”and put into re-education facilities for “counseling” Christian Nationalism will provide plenty of fodder. The very fact that a SUPREME COURT JUSTICE has publicly thrown in with them ( then cowardly blamed his wife) shows how deeply this plan to remake America into a “theocracy” favoring the rich has spread. I don’t know about others but I agree with Robert DeNiro - I am too old to put up with this. I won’t live under a Trump regime. Deal with that Republicans. We aren’t Russia. We have the Second Amendment.

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