Nov 12, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

I am so glad I subscribed to your Substack, Adam. Thank Christian for his message. And thank you for your service.

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Thank you!

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

Thank you for your service, Adam. Thank you for your commitment to our great country, the United States of America. 🇺🇸 A big thank you to Christian, what a nice message. You remind me of my son, when he was about your age. We recently found out we will be first time grandparents and excited to have a little one again. Adam, they grow up so fast, enjoy every minute of it.

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Congratulations! That is awesome. Im doing my best to enjoy every moment

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It goes fast. My little niece. My sweet little gumdrop just turned 19. Could have sworn she was just a baby last week.

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There is Christian, adorable, happy and ready to learn. He and many others are the hope and promise of our country and our democracy. In diverse families, communities and religions may they grow into adulthood valuing the differences that help make us a vibrant country.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

He‘s gotten so big! And yes, thank you again for your service. In this time of darkness, every little piece of light gives me hope. God bless you and yours.

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Thank you!

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

You & Christian make me smile with my heart. Many thanks for today's message from your handsome son - & for your continuing service, Adam.

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Thanks buddy!

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

We could all take a lesson from Christian! So many things I have learned in my life have been from my children and grandchildren! Thank you for your service in the past and NOW!

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Thanks so much!

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Not sure Adam, but he might be sending you an early message about Infantry or Marines? You never know though he might settle into a cockpit just fine by 10 or 12 :)

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hahahahahah! Snake eaters!

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Thanks Christian.....

Thank you for your service Adam and keep up the great work you are doing!!

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

Practicing overcoming obstacles!

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👏🏼❤️⚖️ What an adorable little guy!

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Takes after his mom!

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

He is SO precious!!!!!!

Happy Veterans Day Adam!!!

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I must agree! Thanks!

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What an adorable little guy, thanks for sharing 🥰Christian is going to grow up to be just like his daddy; determined, strong and an asset to this country.

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Thank you for your service and for defending our Constitution. You are a man of honesty and integrity, and I am thankful for your insight and courage. I hope more people follow your lead. Thanks to your family also!

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Adam and all service women and men whether retired or active duty, I have a huge debt of gratitude and thankfulness for your dedication to our Constitution and country. I imagine it wasn’t/isn’t easy for you and your families but really important things usually aren’t. Thank you. Ditto on they grow up so fast.

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Ya im trying to not miss many moments because they grow up toooo fast

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Christian is adorable! Thanks for sharing!

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What a champ! They grow up fast. Thank you for your Service!

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