Could it be that Putin has Trump in his pocket, thus Trump is adamant about not giving aid to Ukraine? I think that is highly likely, and very scary for the future of democracy.

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Or is he still pissed that Zelenskyy didn’t agree to his demands on that “perfect call.”

After all, is there anyone more petty and vindictive than Trump?

Probably, a bit of both: Trump’s a Russian asset being led on a leash, but also his usual petty vindictive self..:)

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GOP mentality seems to be “ I vote with trump so me and my family don’t get death threats. If he wins in November I’ll be OK. IF he looses in November I’ll be OK because I supported him.”

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What they fail to take into account is that sooner or later they will do something he perceives as crossing him, and then under the bus they go. Just look at Ronna (formerly know as Romney) McDaniel and the MAGA outrage now going her way.

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Michael Cohen observed yesterday that because 45* now has to come up with the $88M got E. Jean Carroll as well as the almost half-a-billion for his fraud judgment in New York, he is now an even greater risk for being bought by other global powers with willing checkbooks. He was already dangerous. He now becomes even more so.

Let us not forget that he has promoted a second presidency as a term dedicated to "vindication" and "retribution". He means against any of us who oppose or even criticize him.

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If you read accounts of former Soviet spy “Viktor Suvorov” (Vladimir Rezhun), who detailed recruiting Western high-influence targets with vulnerabilities, who could be recruited, he mostly described Trump in the 1980’s to a tee. I used to think Trump was an agent of some sort when he went to Russia for projects. You know, when the Soviet Union fell, the KGB never felt a hiccup.

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Terrified of that too

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A distinct lack of maturity runs through the Republican Party and American society. The immature follow the most immature person, who calls the shots. He idolizes Putin, Kim, Xi, and wants people to move when he says move. So many in the House move because he said to.

I have been here since Truman and when there was a threat in any part of the world, the American military made a move. This is the first and only time that much of the Congress and a disgraced former President are on the side of America's enemies.

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Vote the cowards and the rascals out or throw them out, or stop paying the Congress for not doing their job! I just wrote Taylor Swift thanking her for her efforts at encouraging people to register to vote and asked to please continue!

Thinking outside the box, working outside the box, we gotta break this damn box open!!!

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“Back in the fall, the GOP made an unholy alliance with the Pro-Putin caucus to reject Ukraine funding to tie it to border security. I knew immediately what this was, because I’ve seen it so many times…it was an obvious ruse that would kill Ukraine. Everytime the far right pretends to be willing to accept something they don’t like in exchange for something they do, they move goalposts when the deal is reached. I’m not exaggerating…EVERY TIME.”

Yup, please tell us something we don’t already know….:)

Your headline is apt: “The betrayal of Ukraine by the cowards in Congress?”

Although, I’d posit their cowardness is more a symptom of their fear of Trump and the MAGA mafia, more than their fear of Putin!

When you elect a bunch of spineless water boys, who collapse faster than a cheap lounge chair, when the MAGA mob derails you Facebook or threatens you family, then you know this country has a major leadership void and bigger issues at hand.

As for moving the goalposts is it really a surprise? This is about Trump; plain and simple! As well as the FreeDumb caucuses quest for power.

Apparently, their oath’s to the constitution are trumped (no pun intended) by their fealty to the mango moron.

Bottom line: they will not pass the immigration bill in the house even if the senate manages to get it through. Apparently, the threat to the border is only an election year issue.

Trump betrayed our Kurdish allies in Syria, our Afghan allies in Afghanistan, and now our Ukrainian allies in Eastern Europe. So give these guys credit; at least they’re consistent!

Yet, in the end, they are destroying our global reputation, as our allies around the world, can no longer trust us!

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You are definitely right!!They play follow the leader with Trump instead of doing what’s right!!I wonder what John McCain would say and do if he was still alive !I’m pretty sure he would back the Ukrainian people and their leader!!!!!

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Thank you, Adam, for your continued zeal to aid Ukraine 🇺🇦 in their fight for Democracy that in turn protects ours. Thank you for your ongoing service to your country. We appreciate you. ❤️🇺🇸🌎🕊️

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These Republicans who cower at their own shadow and even more so at trump’s shadow should really think more long term. I’ve stated this before but they seem to not be able to take past and existing actions and situations and extrapolate that to fairly future events. What these spineless, ball-less scared little men and women don’t realize is that if Ukraine falls to Putin, he will absolutely go after Poland, Baltic countries, even Finland and WE will sending troops to fight once again on European soil. How will they defend their indecision to their constituents then? At what cost, monetary and American lives, are these a**holes willing to pay to hang on to their jobs or future prospects of employment when they are out of office? We could have avoided all this if they just had the balls to impeach trump after J6. But no, McConnell et al wanted the courts to handle it. Same shortsightedness here. Ukraine is willing to take the risk and fight against Putins aggression they just need weapons. We all need to let our representatives the utter contempt we hold for them for this behavior and call them out on the lack of respect they seem to have towards the people who put them there. Start emailing them every day until they do what their constituents want.

Adam, I so appreciate your honesty and integrity. I know it breaks your heart, as it does mine, to see grown men and women act like jerks. I hate it. I pray we can weather the storm until saner people take office.

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If Putin goes after Poland etc with Donald back in office, we (or he, rather) will simply abandon our commitment to NATO, and the “scared little men and women” will remain as inconsequential as ever.

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If 45* were to win, let's not forget that he would try to pull us out of NATO, thereby trying to cancel our obligation to support our allies in Europe. What scares the bejeebers out of me is the number of Republicans in Congress who seem to think it's a good thing to support Putin and Orbán. How is this even possible?

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All of this is "Exhibit A" as to why I have given up hope on the Republican Party, especially its members in the House. They are craven cowards or opportunists (or a combination of the two), and their abject fear of Fox News and their Orange leader is their prime motivating factor. I keep hearing about how the "normal Republicans" are still the majority in Congress. Really? Where are they????

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Trying to remember where they put their spines?

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Excellent explanation. Thanks for speaking the truth. And your last sentence, sadly, offers the reason that apathy permeates the younger generations.

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May those guilty of sins of sanity enjoy a black celebration when the unserious sooner or later become the totally disregarded.

Everyone, Adam was born February 27. I don't know where he is in Texas, but may I suggest a celebratory donation to his Country First group (Country1st.com)?

Country First

P.O. Box 2385

Ottawa IL 61350

I am not a paid spokesperson for him. I happen to share many of his views and I like his style! He has more class in his pinky finger than...

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“I have no business ties in Russia!”

Anyone remember that one?

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Trump lied? I’m shocked.

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Not so shocking, of course. But I want to remind people that the reason hundreds of thousands of people are being killed in Ukraine is that that man wants to

1) Repeal the Magnitsky Act

2) Build Trump Tower Moscow

3) Run additional Miss Universe pageants.

Is it really that shallow? You bet it is.

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We are at a crossroad, either keep defeating the GOP until it disintegrates and has to reconstitute, or hand them the keys and let them become our overlord forever. I much prefer the first option and hope others to join.

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The first option is the ONLY option!

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

I can barely bring myself to read about this, even from Adam K. These people who support Trump and especially leaders who mislead and abuse their power—cowardly kittens who think themselves lions—are disquieting to my soul. I try to find my own ways to influence people for truth, one person at a time.

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We allow Ukraine to fall at our own peril. Courage is in short supply amongst Republicans

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"only 3 or so members of the GOP need to commit to voting against EVERY rule (which governs debate on the floor) or bill to come to the floor, no exception, unless and until the funding bill for Ukraine is presented for an up or down vote." Those 3 or so members could redeem themselves and earn an honorable place in our nation's history. I would commit to buying their books, contributing to crowdfunding for a personal security fund for them an their family members or scholarship funds for their kids, whatever it takes... Just show some courage and DO IT!

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I would second that idea of contributing to funds for those 3. Defending democracy is going to cost us all either way. I would prefer it would cost me to preserve it.

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This is not about Ukraine. This is about castrating Biden and ultimately driving Democrats out of government. Ukraine is just a side piece. Abbott in Texas has declared civil war In mobilizing National Guard and state police to seize control of the border from federal agents. This in violation of a Supreme Court order. Republican governors from all across the country are standing with him. I don't know if Biden has the power to seize back control of National Guard from state governors. Or if he has the appetite to do so.

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