This is tump controlled trying to shut down the government because he thinks it will halt investigations and trials. But it won’t!!! There is a special appropriation that will continue funding!

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Thanks for such a well-written and insightful piece. Seems like we just went through this a month ago. I know it's been longer, but it sure feels that way.

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Two of the defining characteristics of these extremist is that they fail to learn from history, and that they do not care about the harm that they cause.

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Why don’t the real republicans put MaCArthy on the clock.

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Trump has succeeded in making a mockery of Ronald Regan, whom I didn‘t often agree with but I always respected. Sadly, our collective memories are short, due in part to poorly funded schools and little interest in some communities to actually understand what our flag stands for. Waving it around doesn‘t make you a patriot—doing the hard work and making the tough choices does. This is what the 20 idiots in the GOP congress are counting on—no critical thinking, no reflection on whether a decision is morally right, no compassion for the people whose lives will be far worse as a result of „owning the libs“ by shutting down the government. The only good thing about a government shutdown may be that it WILL cost the GOP seats—let‘s hope that those seats include Good, Gaetz, Boebert and Green.

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The cult thinks that flying a flag with Donald's face imposed on it or replacing the stars with AR15's, or making a jock strap, a bikini, hats, purses, and other items that deface it, shows what patriot's they are.

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Wonder why Reagan is featured in this one. Many of us in Country First are not Reagan fans. Just thinking we should be looking forward, not backward, for leadership inspiration. And personally, Reagan's legacy has been very toxic to my family and others who have mental illness in their family.

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Mental illness increased after Reagan slashed the budget addressing this problem. I wonder if we took care of this problem first, we would begin to have a country with mindful citizens. Not some rich get richer and poor get poorer state.

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Adam, you are one of our National treasures. Thank you.

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Thank you for this insightful article and the truth of what a small group of republicans from extremely safe political districts do to our country. As a former presidentially appointed, Senate confirmed United States Attorney (2010-2015) I experienced first hand what it is like going through a government shutdown orchestrated by some republicans. It was awful gathering your career staff and prosecutors and telling them who is " essential and can remain on duty and who is non-essential and has to stay home" ! Do you know how humiliating that message is to your colleagues. And it happened in every US Attorneys Office !

It hampered criminal investigations and prosecutions and delayed our affirmative civil proceedings to recover monies owed the USA!

Senseless mean spirited reckless conduct by individuals who likely , as you point out , could not earn the same salary and benefits they enjoy in their petty political positions!

I just hope no tragedy strikes while this merry band of misfits make a mockery of governance.

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Reagan may have not be the "greatest" President, and after reading AMERICAN PSYCHOSIS by David Corn, Reagan certainly ass kissed a lot. But hey, I'm a DEM. But the party of Reagan was ok. With the extreme exception of handling of THE AIDS Epidemic. But, I stray. Considering today's gop, I'd take Ron/Nancy back in a heartbeat.

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