If the fight is lost, we all are lost. Those people at the "convention" were drinking orange kool aid and bowing down to a cult leader who thinks he's a god. And these are good Christians????? The Democratics must get themselves together with who will run and do it NOW! I would vote for a fork and spoon rather than 45. When I was young, people with differing views went to Canada. I couldn't understand why. Now I do.

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My take on this is, we MUST not let him win!! Because you are correct, Trump wins and that’s it for America. We will never be the same again. People just don’t see it. I have friends here in texas that will vote for him and it is solely out of ignorance. They know nothing about facts and do not comprehend the danger he represents. It’s terrifying!!!

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If the felon wins it’s not only it for America but for the world as well. He’s said it himself many times. He loves dictators; will be one too and will let his buddies run roughshod over Europe and Taiwan. The tech bros will rule along with the mega billionaires for a while but history has seen many such people getting poisoned or taking mysterious falls from high windows. Stability will be only a remembered dream.

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The tech bros are the modern day equivalent of the slave-owning plantation owners of the pre-civil war south circa Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Warn your friends. If elected Trump will fail America while he fleeces America. If elected Trump will bring sham to them. Get ready to say I TOLD YOU SO.

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But why don’t they care about the facts? Do you know? It is a real puzzle to me why people want to remain in the dark during this pivotal point in our country. Are these the same people who would sign a contract for a car loan or a mortgage and not read it and understand it thoroughly? I’m sure they’d know what the contract means. But not make the same examination of the leader of our country? Why not? At least you’re educating yourself on the issues in front of our country.

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I believe Adam when he says they have joined a cult! They lap up everything DT says & they believe it. They don’t listen to anything contrary. They don’t consider knowing things that might contradict what they’ve been told is true. They have blind allegiance towards their cult leader.

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It is like a self-imposed propaganda. I see my mom doing it. She will not read anything that doesn’t adhere to what she wants to believe. Everything contrary to what she wants to be true gets dismissed as coming from an “untrustworthy” source that she won’t heed. Even though she knows better. Nor does evidence matter. If I ask her to show me some evidence that the election was rigged I am met with silence. When I ask her, if Article II gives powers to the vice president to refuse to count votes presented as certified by the states, I am met with silence. Silence and deflection qualify as legitimate forms of argument for MAGA. It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever witnessed. And these people claim to love America. What they love is a culture that was going away.

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Therin lies the rub! It takes effort, common sense and an open mind to separate facts from fiction. There are too many people in America who will not make the effort to determine for themselves what is fact and what is fiction. It's easy to see this. Just think about all of the "stuff" (and I am being kind using that word) being advertised to the public. At least 50% of the "stuff" I see advertised is, in my opinion, worthless or nearly so. Yet these ads run repeatedly and with increasing "product" variations. Clearly there is money being made selling this "stuff". Clearly there is a large number of people who won't make the effort to apply common sense or research in order to decide for themselves what is worth their investment and what is not. These people prefer to have someone else tell them what is good for them (or what to buy). Trump, the master salesman, knows this and targets his rally speeches to them by telling them what they want to hear whether it is based in reality or not. His ready-and-willing audience believes his every word.

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Yes, I totally see your point. But these are the same people who would get mad as hell if, for example, a used car salesman or a realtor used deceptive tactics to somehow cheat them, or sell them a bill of goods. I would think that same indignation would surface in the maga world too. But alas, it does not.

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They first have to realize that they have been sold a bill of goods or been taken advantage of. The MAGA crowd hasn't realized this yet but I bet they will be mad as hell when they do. This will hopefully speed up the process of weeding out the rest of Trump's sycophants.

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The fact that people can call themselves Christian and support such a lewd, self-obsessed creep is beyond me. The Bible warns of false prophets, so Christians should be the first to see 45’s true motives. So much ignorance! So much saying that isn’t backed up by doing.

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Claiming to be a Christian means NOTHING. The BTK killer was a leader in his church. The catholic priesthood is filled with child molesters. In Trumps first term "trump's evangelical cabinet" had 20 leaders from Evangelical Christianity who glorified and blessed his every move.

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I have to shamely admit I can no longer read anything about biden or trump and anything related to the 2024 election. I have reached my emotional limit.

I will vote democrat, whomever that will be. And live my life believing everyone is created equal, helping others who are in need, and try to do the right thing.

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Please stay engaged. I think the Democrats will make a historic decision regarding Biden and it will be important to re-energize our belief in democracy.

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Karen thank you for saying this because iam very close to this as well

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I'm taking a break myself. I deserve it because I've busted it writing letters, writing the President, writing my Congressperson, Judge Cannon. At the moment it seems a bit of a waste, but I will not go there because every word, deed and though effects the universe, often in ways we don't understand. I'm ignoring the polls and the blather - waste of time; limiting my time watching news strictly, enjoying the outdoors and my friends. Nothing much is going to happen until Joe steps down and the new nominee happens at the Democratic Convention in Aug. Take a break! Do what makes you happy, whatever that is and come back to the battle refreshed! And If it's Joe, I go with Liz Cheney, "Let's be clear, if you don't want to live the next 20 years under the rule of the redneck SS being led by an insecure junkyard hog, you're going to have to vote for the older guy!

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Writing baby judge Eileen "loose" Cannon is a waste of effort - she's totally corrupt. BUT DON'T GIVE UP! We're still waiting for Biden to step aside so someone electable can become the nominee. I've called Chuck Schumer twice now to ask him to pressure Biden. (and folks here, please call as well.) The respect Biden has earned is turning to anger. If he won't step aside, many Democrats will be too disgusted to want to vote at all in November. That will hurt Democrats running for downballot offices - Congress, governors. (And judges are sometimes elected, too.) Pls visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money nationwide - and we can also email our friends around the country to let them know. WE CANNOT GIVE UP!

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Joe stepping down is not the problem. His party has been compromised by donors pulling the plug on down ballot races, threatening the House and Senate. He came out on Morning Joe today as did others and said he’s in it to win it. He will not go quietly into the night after working so hard for the people.

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Judith, with all due respect, I know he’s in it to win it, but I truly believe by watching him he doesn’t know how badly he’s coming off in interviews etc. He’s a good man and a smart man, but T will continue to attack, his clarity will diminish further and he will look like a punch drunk fighter. I’m not trying to be cruel, I’m trying to be real. Donors are pulling the plug because they don’t believe he can win either and they are doing what they can to get him to step aside. Washington is all about power and leverage. I know that be because I was a Legislative Assistant to a Congressman and spent another 11 years working for Federal agencies dealing with energy issues, including the US Department of Energy from it’s inception.

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Hi Bob; I knew he pushed too hard before the debate and was sick as well. Wondered if he had been rehearsing too much. The work of being president and campaigning for the rerun is a huge load, no matter the age. I have observed how much he wants to bring closure to what he started. He is really pushing hard to finish but at 77 myself, I understand the mind works that way especially when the work is so very important. What he doesn’t feel yet is diminished. He keeps a rigid schedule usually but had not before the awful debate that brought the house down. My own thinking is that getting over the finish line is the goal. Once inaugurated, he would have the option of passing the torch to Kamala Harris if advisors were on board. The work of the presidency is not the problem. It’s the optics. The speeches I have observed since his comeback are much like the Joe we elected and know. I also appreciate the opinion of Heather Cox Richardson that a change in the ticket at this late date has NEVER RESULTED IN A WIN for the party in the entirety of American politics. While this situation is unprecedented; so were several others that Heather has described. In addition, I don’t believe a Trump/ Vance ticket will win especially if Joe sticks to his routine of self care. His published extensive physical was fine for an elderly man including neurologic specialists and others.

There is also Trumps DOCUMENTED DEMENTIA that has been diagnosed in observable behaviors as his acceptance speech verified. From Dr. John T Gartner and DUTY TO WARN and the writings of psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X Lee, 2 books on Trump and a Substack with some articles; the Democrats should focus on Trumps UNFIT TO GOVERN. It’s a difficult situation and that is vast understatement. Biden has a dedicated following and extraordinary staff and cabinet. He has been an excellent president overall with a few missteps that are human. His sense of urgency is compelling him forward, as do interactions with voters. He is stubborn and competitive which will serve him well in coming days. The more he is challenged the more he will fight to complete his agenda; he will come to the realization at some point perhaps during his term that there is truly no end to what one wishes to do; and he will have an experienced vice president to step in and take the mantle. My own opinion is that we NOT focus on four more years but as many as are productive. In this way the accumulated war chest can be used ; with a new ticket, it cannot. And we will have pushed back Trump and project 2025 while grooming new blood who are completely vetted, energized and experienced to continue fighting Trumpism which will not go away without a protracted battle for our Democracy and freedoms. We cannot possibly be ready with a new ticket in the days left. But we can get to the other side and block the dictator on day one. That’s my observation and humble opinion from as far back as prior to the 2020 election when I typed my fingers to the bone advocating for MY CHOICES, JOE AND KAMALA. I believe the chaos that will ensue if we try to do a reset is beyond the imagination of those who are demanding change and will defeat us. United we can do this. Divided we cannot. I will appreciate your feedback assuming I can find it in these threads. They are difficult to follow at times. I appreciate your comment.

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Bob, you definitely deserve a break! You've already done so much! Thank you!

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I did not watch any of the Republican Convention, didn’t want to ruin my day. I’m not so sure I’ll watch any of the Democratic Convention either. I know I’m voting Democrat whomever is the candidate. So anything that goes on there, I don’t need to witness.

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Precisely. I will NEVER vote for another republican (although I call them “repugnican” now). Not after the coronation and beatification of trump. So there’s no reason for me to watch a debate or convention, read the news, check out TV, etc.

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Taking care of yourself is an important and worthy undertaking. Good for you for creating healthy boundaries.

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Adam, I am so sorry for you. You must feeI abandoned. Although, you and I probably would never have agreed on many policy issues, we both love our country. That's good enough for me. You are right, this election is no longer about policy. The time for wringing hands is over. All true American patriots, D, R, I or other, need to band together with a new unity - to protect the America we love and cherish. Keep pointing us in that direction. I wish my party would get its damn act together.

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Trump has one thing going for him that those against him do not; unity. His "cult" does not care about facts nor do they care that he lies and uses them every day. If Trump is to be defeated and our nation is to be restored, then all of those not part of Trump's cult must unify.

It does not matter if it is unify behind Biden or some other Democrat. If Biden stays in the race, then we must unify behind him. Unity is strength. We must stand together, vote as one, speak as one. Together, Trump cannot win.

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Let's show Trump and MAGA what real Unity is!

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With JD Vance as his running mate you can kiss a hell of a lot of female voters goodbye. The fact that Ohio JD Vance's home turf humiliated the Republican party when they tried to outlaw health care for women and treat abortion as a crime should have spoken volumes but it fell on deaf ears. No pun intended. I'm an independent voter. I'm also a woman and I can tell you we don't want that kind of leadership in this country and we will do everything in our power to make sure it doesn't happen. And once you give a woman a task they take care of it. They make sure their checklist is complete.

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One should fear large groups of angry women.

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I believe this would fall under the phrase. Don't call on the devil and expect her to behave. Lol

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At age 82, I realize I have no control of the future. The MAGA is truly scary. I cannot understand the quantity of people who think that his personality cult/movement is democracy. I think most of those people are self centered sycophants but they have their opinion on those of us who love others and care about humanity and democracy. The liar and chief and his VP of lies and hate (a hate to rage) have a following of DEI disablers. The other ticket, democrats, don’t have a clear nominee but hold our constitution, our history, our country and democracy as hope. The democrats, as once did the grand old part, care about others and an inclusive future. It’s a mess…maybe Democracy is supposed to be messy but this is not normal “mess.” I pray, I write, I donate, I vote, I pray. But I won’t allow the hate to consume me. There are 3.5 months before the election. A lot may happen. Hope can’t die. Can our country have more voters of MAGA worshippers than constitution, country democracy caring voters? My hope is not. There must be more truthful people than MAGA sycophants or I’m living in an alternate universe. Adam…hold hope and democracy as you do as you inspire many. Thank you.

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EVERYONE vote in November! Vote as If your freedom depends on it (it does)! Vote a straight Democratic Ticket. Don't be discouraged, never give up, never give in!

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Biden needs to quit this weekend! Hand the torch. As for the Maga party (I won’t call it the GOP anymore), we have got to crush this nonsense. I cannot believe this is happening in our country. 😥

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You’re right it’s not the Republican Party any longer. The MAGA maggots and Trump have seen to that. A friend who is a lifelong Republican told me she could never vote for Trump after all this. I never thought I would hear that-so it gives me hope more and more people will be turning away from him. If he had chosen Nikki Haley as VP it might have gotten more votes from independents or the old GOP support but the extremism of Vance negates that, hopefully. Voting all Blue and trying to convince others to do the same. We are in the fight of our lives!

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Well Said!

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Imagine Republicans looking at a changing America and taking a "cancel DEI" position instead of trying to appeal to a diverse nation. Imagine them nominating a candidate convicted of 34 counts of election interference in the form of illegal payments to a porn star, and who has been found liable for sexual assault and then defamation of his victim. And whose business organization has been found guilty of criminal fraud in a court of law. Imagine the GOP deciding that they no longer needed to even pretend to embrace family values, law and order, fiscal responsibility, NATO, or democracy itself. And yet they rally behind a pathological liar and a dystopian vision where oligarchs finance an authoritarian regime with the aid of an obviously corrupt Supreme Court that will allow a malignant narcissist to do whatever his warped mind can conjure.

If Republicans can sell THAT vision of an American future, surely Democrats can persuade voters with a vision of truth, integrity, stability, dignity for all Americans, an actual plan for governing, and a track record of delivering for the American people. We should not, and we must not give up.

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Well stated. But let's not forget that evil SOB who enabled so much of this--that Turkey Wattle Bitch McConnell. He could have ended so much of it. He's a total traitor.

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Yeah... As McConnell said defending his 'no' vote on impeachment in 2021 (I'm paraphrasing) 'we don't need to impeach the president because he'll be out of office soon. Besides, the courts are the proper place to hold him accountable.' YEAH, HOW HAS THAT WORKED OUT?

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The Republicans could have avoided this all if they had only voted yes to impeach the orange man-baby the second time (they really should have done it the first time) but McConnell took the easy way out thinking the courts would handle it. Not.

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I would love to know why TRUMPIE is so fascinated by Hannibal Lecter-Silence Of The Lambs!Watch last night’s RNC speech he made!He and his crazy cult klan are nuts!Vote 💙💙💙!!!!

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Lynette, it's obvious to me. Hannibal Lecter was a powerful secretive killer and Trump adores only power, so of course he identifies with Hannibal, similar to how he identifies with Putin and Orban. Power without accountability, raw power without limits, without consequences - very very sicko!

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He might also be jealous of HL’s exaggerated erudition… you know, the way he’s jealous of Putin’s grip on Russia etc.

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I agree with you!👍He’s a sicko!

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You nailed it Bob!

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Trump even scared some in the media last night - Amazing! They were reporting on people in the audience checking how long Trump was rambling on. He was showing his disorders last night. Today it’s finally being discussed.

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I agree with you Adam!The Republican Party as we knew it no longer exists!It is now the MAGA cult klan!Vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸!!!!!!!!

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This piece is short, direct, and simple. May it be widely read.

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With the Biden prospects of winning seeming to be getting lower every day, should the focus switch to keep the Senate and flipping the House to Democrat so there will be a real check of Trump's power if he gets elected?

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This November vote Blue Down-ballot Too!

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The arguments we must make are the same regardless of those goals: Representative government is what we value.

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I voted Republican all my life until Donald came down that escalator. I was also thinking back on the REPUBLICAN Party and Everett Dirksen popped into my brain for some reason. I had not thought about him for years!!!!! Then Howard Baker. I was in my mid 20's and watched every minute of the Watergate hearings and had a huge crush on him. Those REPUBLICAN men who were smart, and thoughtful, and loved American, saw wrong, and put party over country. What we see is MAGA and do not be fooled into calling them Republicans, they are NOT and they shame the name.

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Adam - I am a life long centrist Democrat and I also grieve for the old Republican party where if my candidate lost, the Republican president became my president - - because he was always an American first. Not anymore!

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