Innocent lives are always a tragedy and unfortunate result of any conflict. It is never confined to the soldiers/fighters of just those involved. Everyone around suffers as a result.
What concerns me about Adam’s report is that once again a minority portion of our country will attempt and perhaps be able to affect an election in such a wa…
Innocent lives are always a tragedy and unfortunate result of any conflict. It is never confined to the soldiers/fighters of just those involved. Everyone around suffers as a result.
What concerns me about Adam’s report is that once again a minority portion of our country will attempt and perhaps be able to affect an election in such a way as to transform our government into something that the MAJORITY of Americans don’t want or agree with. The path that might be taken because of this can have lasting implications far down the road. I agree with Judith Hubbard that “how America once was is gone forever “. In some ways this can be a positive thing. Nothing stays the same, always evolving. But we need to be vigilant to keep the best parts of us, while striving for “that more perfect union” as our Constitution states.
We need not confuse the fact that the Palestinians civilians are not Hamas and vice versa. The terrorist group Hamas, who the Palestinians voted as their governing body, began the attacks on private individuals. Israel has every right to fight back and defend themselves.
Innocent lives are always a tragedy and unfortunate result of any conflict. It is never confined to the soldiers/fighters of just those involved. Everyone around suffers as a result.
What concerns me about Adam’s report is that once again a minority portion of our country will attempt and perhaps be able to affect an election in such a way as to transform our government into something that the MAJORITY of Americans don’t want or agree with. The path that might be taken because of this can have lasting implications far down the road. I agree with Judith Hubbard that “how America once was is gone forever “. In some ways this can be a positive thing. Nothing stays the same, always evolving. But we need to be vigilant to keep the best parts of us, while striving for “that more perfect union” as our Constitution states.
We need not confuse the fact that the Palestinians civilians are not Hamas and vice versa. The terrorist group Hamas, who the Palestinians voted as their governing body, began the attacks on private individuals. Israel has every right to fight back and defend themselves.