I am a centrist moderate registered independent who has voted D 80% of the time and R about 20% of the time although not for quite some time for reasons probably many of us here share. I don't know if Adam reads these comments or not, but I want to push back on the framing he used in this post and encourage use of a different term than "…
I am a centrist moderate registered independent who has voted D 80% of the time and R about 20% of the time although not for quite some time for reasons probably many of us here share. I don't know if Adam reads these comments or not, but I want to push back on the framing he used in this post and encourage use of a different term than "young super-liberals" - or the use of "liberals" at all to refer to the left. Conservative/liberal are useless overgeneralizations, and what is at stake right now as I see it is the foundation of our country in liberal principles, as in: individual rights, the rule of law, and representative democracy. The problem is that these "young super-liberals" are not liberal - they are illiberal, just like the christian nationalists at the other pole. I am a super liberal (although an older one), as is Adam Kinzinger, I would argue.
I am a centrist moderate registered independent who has voted D 80% of the time and R about 20% of the time although not for quite some time for reasons probably many of us here share. I don't know if Adam reads these comments or not, but I want to push back on the framing he used in this post and encourage use of a different term than "young super-liberals" - or the use of "liberals" at all to refer to the left. Conservative/liberal are useless overgeneralizations, and what is at stake right now as I see it is the foundation of our country in liberal principles, as in: individual rights, the rule of law, and representative democracy. The problem is that these "young super-liberals" are not liberal - they are illiberal, just like the christian nationalists at the other pole. I am a super liberal (although an older one), as is Adam Kinzinger, I would argue.