Once again, I’m with you Adam!!! I’m praying for a Biden landslide this November.

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Same. Keep praying

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I’m scared that this will end badly even with a Biden landslide. None of these people are going to go quietly.💔

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Kate, I have the same fear! It may actually be worse (civil war!) with a Biden win.

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Or the violence will start in November instead of after a January inauguration. It’s terrifying.

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Oh I 100% agree. Election Day is going to be very ugly. Very concerned as well.

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We need not only a Biden win we need a Blue Landslide. If we do not have the House and the Senate it will be the same chaos of today, and he will have a power base to mess any reasonable bills.

Vote down ballot!

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Nancy, you’re right. We need to vote blue for the leaders in our STATES as well. This is just as important!!

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I am disgusted by this as well Adam. Trump has to be taken down in November to save our democracy. I wish I wasn’t so worried about.

I’m curious, how would you go about convincing those people out there that don’t want to vote for Trump but don’t really want to vote for Biden either?

For me, it’s not really a choice about the candidates. For me, the election is about whether you want to continue our democracy and freedoms or you want to throw that away to become a dictatorship. I don’t understand why Trump voters don’t realize what’s at stake and how voting for Trump is very often voting against their own self interests.

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I see it as a binary choice. Democracy or no. That said, Id rather someone, who just cant stomach voting biden, leave the line blank. If your country doesnt give you choices, you can sit it out. Vote down ballot. Its not the best option but its better than begrudgingly voting Trump

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Adam, I have the greatest respect for you but on this point I respectfully disagree. I do so because what you suggest is exactly what I did in 2016 (actually I entered a write-in candidate "None of the above") in the Presidential race. Look what we got. As a lifelong Republican (and one of your former constituents) I feel strongly that we have to convince EVERYONE that a vote for democracy is far better than a vote for Autocracy or Dictatorship. Even if someone would like to have a different candidate or party every reasonable voter must vote for Biden this November if we are to get the Landslide victory over Trump (and minimize the court's involvement) in the 2024 election. A Biden Landslide will give us 4 years to begin "righting the ship". Nevertheless, keep up the fantastic work you are doing my friend!

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Here’s a different way to look at the ballot in November: what if you imagine that the ballot didn’t have names on it? What if you replaced the names Biden and Trump with the words Democracy and Dictatorship? So you are not voting for a person but a political theology. Would that change people’s minds?

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I like that idea!

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I also like it. And while we're at it, let's get rid of the Electoral College.

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And Gerrymandering.

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May 28·edited May 29

On the Bulwark, this is what Sarah always says, we are not voting for Biden, but, to get rid of Trump

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You are right. Every vote that is not for Biden is essentially a vote against democracy.

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Mr. Benning, in 2016 there was a third party candidate who qualified to be on the ballot, Gary Johnson (Libertarian...😏). He campaigned well, and I voted for him. Didn't like Hillary, never will. He was a spoiler. Without him, Hillary probably would have won. Still better than what we ultimately ended up with. I'm terrified of the future, of the babbling demon and his minions. He might make it.

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I don't recall if Gary Johnson was on the Illinois ballot in 2016. Third Party candidates have always had a difficult time in American Politics and that year I was a loyal Republican who absolutely would not vote for Trump (or Hillary). That being said, I share your opinion about Gary Johnson's effect on the 2016 election. I am also concerned about Robert Kennedy's possible effect on the 2024 election. 2024 is NOT the year to vote for a Third Party candidate in my opinion. EVERY reasonable voter should vote for Biden in 2024 to preserve American democracy.

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2016 was also a low turnout election- many Sanders supporters stayed home.

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I’ve voted republican for 40+ years till frump. I’m being respectful in saying that you are incorrect. I feel that your statement is actually a soft sell used by closet supporters of the donald. We will be just fine with 4 more years of Biden. The bigger the win, the better off the republican party will be. If that doesn’t happen, you’ll have to run in 28 as an independent. It would just make you work harder to win. Not really kidding, not voting against frump, is a vote for him. Being honest, Biden has accomplished more than I could have imagined in the midst of complete republican dysfunction. It took me a while to realize that truth. 🥂

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May I ask how you came to "realize that truth"? I have a hard time even convincing Democrats of this.

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Sorry I hadn’t answered. Been away from all social media for many years. Didn’t see your question. I got off it after seeing it being overrun with trolls bs.

Answer to your question. I don’t place weight on corporate media with the word news attached. I research to a source. Look up the ownership of such. Like the Benghazi hearings. I recorded all three (rediculous hearings), read transcripts. In short, studied the facts pertaining… not the bs. This bit you may not know is the idiot heading the hearings was warned of charges if he lied to the public about the results. They all were. So that is why after the third hearing all the republicans simply stated: “read the results “ in a disgusting tone (knowing that most all would never read a f ing word) Anyway, I was taught by my Mom and Dad on how to read and spot manipulating concepts in media. That was when I started to question the republican party. When idiot came along I already knew he was a pos. Never could understand how the campaign would say “a never trumper” as a positive. It was based on his record and whom he had dealings with, like russian oligarchs and russian based bank loans… etc.. that is when I concluded he was a creamy pile of cold poo. That was all known and out there however not reported in any detail. I also read the original affidavit of the charges from the woman living in Australia, whom Trump raped when she was a 14 year-old child. She described his deformed looking mushroom small dick before other women had made that known. Found the records that he flew to the airport which Epstein’s helicopter took him to the island on the same day she had said was the day he raped her. Too many coincidence were ignored by everyone. She (the lady) he raped as a girl was threatened and she gave up trying to warn the public. She is married to a wealthy man and lives in Australia. So money was not a motive. That is when I conclude that if I was able to ascertain this factual information and see the flight ledgers, his jet flight lines and witnesses that gave statements collaborating her story, etc… I concluded that the gop, those in power of such must know this as well. That my friend is when I realized that I could not be a part of the republican party long any longer. I read the muller report. Studied his history and know why they (those in power of the R party) let him do the investigation on frump. They knew he would not recommend charges because that is how he operated in dealing with politics. He presents the facts and hands the info to those in politics to decide. Barr then redacted the fuck out of it and gave a fault statement. There is more f up crap that turned my head to being an independent and against the orange 3x bankrupted idiot with 1 being a Casino. That there is the gist of why I turned away from the most corrupt, russian friendly R party now known as mega. Adam and Liz providing what they found in the house solidified everything.

Before knowing their findings, I voted for Hillary and gave contributions to the democratic party. What I just shared with you are not Internet conspiracies. They are all facts. The problem is the fact that most of the largest corporations of every spectrum/industry are Only motivated by money. There is zero concern for the well being of democracy. So the small number of 7-8 owners of most all news outlets which approx. 20 CEO’s that dictate what is news and hit the airways control

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Everything that is reported in media with the word news. So the core of the reason why around 40% of R’s lick frumps balls is because of the repeated lies and constant hate symbolism of fox spew is to make more money than the average shmuck on the street could possibly comprehend. They don’t advertise, it’s simply procedurally implemented. Such as the donald. He’s easy to play Their desires of laws, procedures, such as gutting out and totally destroying federal institutions which protect the population. The R party is their puppets. They pretty much own the un-supreme court… all in the pudding. fox spew is their instrument to achieve their objectives. Oh, few know this as well. fox media in Hungary which elected a putin friendly president was the main and only reason the mostly uneducated Hungarian populous voted for him. They used the same tactics they are using here in the states. In short, fox’s forum/media tactics are far more evolved than the remaining real media that is available in Hungary.

These are facts. Why doesn’t the remaining US medias report this repeatedly on a daily basis? Like my Mom and Dad taught me, you look at who and why of those whom benefit. Then you have the answer. All of the corporate media are feeding off each other as one. The profits are astronomical. The only televised news media that is not is PBS. And as you may know, the R party is doing everything they can to eliminate it by cutting their tiny budget more and more. Not authorizing increases in their tiny budget to coincide with inflation, etc. well, that’s how the cookie crumbles. Cheers 🥂

Really long I know. I was bored and thought wtf….

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we need more voices like yours being interviewed by the media, instead of their 'focus groups'. The only good one I saw recently was the head of the Haley Voters Working Group.

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For me it's pretty simple. Citizens have three choices.

1. Vote for an old man who has a 50 year record of honorable public service.

2. Vote for an old man who has a 50 year record of dishonorable and criminal behavior, including rape and stealing.

3. Don't vote. Which is an indirect vote FOR the criminal rapist.

Tell your friends that if they care about America continuing as it has for 250 years, voting FOR BIDEN is the only choice.

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Burke, you said it far better than I did (and with far fewer words 😉)!

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The lesser of two terribles

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Not even close. Read Bill Browder's books and the Magnitsky Act. Putin and his oligarchs own Trump. Comparing Biden to Trump is like comparing Truman to Stalin.

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Biddn isn’t terrible. Quite the opposite successful. Not charismatic, but good.

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A second Trump term will allow Alito and Thomas to comfortably retire. If he's elected, Trump will have selected 5/9ths of the Supreme Court and ensure a MAGAfied SCOTUS until the the 2050s or 2060s. I'm running on this argument by itself.

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wow- that alone is a reason to vote for Biden

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I know. It literally blows my mind. I can’t even pretend with people anymore. I can’t even pretend like I haven’t heard stupid garbage that comes out of some people’s mouths supporting that utter pathetic individual.

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I'm with you guys. Vote against Trump. If it is Biden, vote Biden. If he can't or if he steps aside and there is an open convention, vote for whomever comes out on top. I have my doubts about Biden surviving 4 more years, but I will vote for him if he is the choice. I'm a moderate conservative but I will not vote Republican again until the Traitor and Maga are gone. If there is a heroic way for Biden to step aside in the ultimate service to his country and it is the consensus that that would give best chance of winning, I'm for it. Never the Traitor.

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Timothy, I am encouraged by your statement. Being a moderate conservative and voting Biden means you aren’t voting GOP no matter what. You voting on what’s best for America and future generations. This election is not about policies. This is an election to save our democracy so that policies may have an opportunity to be debated in the future.

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I'm OK with voting for down-ballot Republicans AS LONG AS I have thoroughly studied the candidate AND am certain that they are NOT MAGA!

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yes- that's important- I am in one of the 18 Biden won districts that went Repub in 2022. My new Repub Representative who claims to be someone who is willing to work across the aisle, just came out and enthusiastically endorsed trump. I quickly emailed him to let him know my displeasure and that he has now shown his true colors.

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Another maga sycophant that needs to be voted out of office next time. Unless,of course, being maga, he violates the law before then.

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Richard, I’m with you and Adam. It’s about saving our democracy!! I also can’t understand why these Trump supporters don’t see what’s at stake!!!!

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I certainly can relate to all you have noted. If anyone is interested The commencement speech by Ken Burns is a masterpiece it is posted on YouTube, Brandeis University. I just listened to it and he hits on all points We must vote Thanks Adam

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It was really good

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Thanks for bringing up K Burns commencement speech. Just watched it. Excellent graduation address. Never missed voting in 50+ years. To me, it's one of the most precious, important powers that we possess.

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Oh it was so poignant and so true

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Was very good indeed.

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Thanks for the info. My husband went to Brandeis! He would love to watch this commencement speech.

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Spot on Adam. As an old veteran I'm really saddened by Trump and his enablers. The enemy within.

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What surprises me most, Chris, is the number of veterans who dont see it like we do. What did you fight for??

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I'm aware of the many retired career vets and current and past vets who support Trump. It's a very real problem. I'm sorry to say that I'm ashamed of them. Many were close to me at one time. I fought for my country and took an oath to fight both foreign and domestic enemies of the United States. Where do we go from here? They are confused and have become a danger to the country they swore to protect.

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So agreed I just can't understand it

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I am extremely disappointed in those veterans and police officers who seem to believe trump is a saviour for America. Did my Gramps in WWII fight for this crap? He is turning over in his grave.

The only saviour trump is for is the dark side.

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My father too ww2 it’s strange

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I agree with you Adam!!!Thank you for your post today!If anyone is HUMAN GARBAGE it would be DON THE ORANGE 🍊 CON!!He doesn’t understand what it means to serve your country and defend it!How dare he put down the ones who sacrificed their lives to defend our country and democracy 🇺🇸!

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We literally elected the worst of us

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Hey man, I so so so get what you are saying and why you feel that way. I hate feeling this way about anyone. It’s not you. It’s Not unnatural to feel so f ing repulsive by the pathetic brat child’s profound …. Sick twisted… I can’t even think of anything less than pathetic. And man, I never used the word pathetic before this turd. You are not alone in feeling… sane and normal for a decent human being. Btw, I love how you communicate your thoughts. You are an awesome good Man.

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Thanks Buddy. I am not good enough at words-ing to be articulate, but I suspect many feel like this. So, we just have to try to channel that into defeating him. We are each one in a million, and one of a million.

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I think you are an effective wordsmith! don't sell yourself short Adam :)

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I saw that to Adam. Eric Trump you gave up what??? Probably referring to the privacy your family enjoyed while you plundered America all these years...Don Sr? Just a complete loon ... you never met the woman? I have seen pictures with her standing two steps from you. Course you met her/knew her. The Roy Cohn way and what he taught lard ass lie lie lie... He learned his lessons well and like Cohn he Donald John Trump possesses no soul. The almighty dollar is his God...

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Lies lies lies times infinity

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:) I concur... :)

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Anyone with even an ounce of intellect, decency, and knowledge, knows Donald Trump is a sad excuse for a human being. He's a bottom feeder and, unfortunately, he's good at it. What's particularly discouraging is the size of his receptive audience. It has certainly changed my perception of my fellow citizens, and not for the better.

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Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

George Carlin

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

George Carlin

Some people have no idea what they're doing, and a lot of them are really good at it.

George Carlin

Don’t just teach your children to read… Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything.

George Carlin

If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders.

George Carlin

If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain

George Carlin

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How I miss George Carlin

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And Trump gave them the confidence to flaunt their ignorance. It’s hard to watch.

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I thought American ignorance was bad, but not this bad.

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Oh so hard it is Iam so there with you. It's sickening

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gotta love George Carlin!

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Yes! Thank you again, Adam. Spread the word. Get everyone who is eligible to vote. Personally, I pray that the good leaders such as Adam and many others I have mentioned before, will get together, cross party lines, energize the good, persuade those who are leaning, educate and put out a relentless message from now to election day and beyond. Silence will not defeat the evil. Lowering ourselves to their level will not defeat them. What wins is taking the high and strong road every day.

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Yes, take the high road, but call out the insanity with righteous outrage. Its a fine line between righteous and unrighteous outrage, I fail at it often, but we need to keep trying

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I totally agree with your comments in the article, and I was not implying that you were on the low road. The insanity has to be called out. I was referring to the personal comments coming from dolts like MTG and the Traitor. That juvenile stuff is ruinous. We need to refocus people on solving our problems and showing them who can actually govern. We aren't going to convince the hardliners. I can't even talk to some family members about politics because they are so deep into the cult and their own stories. We have to reach everyone else and overwhelm in November and begin again to unify our country through good policy and bringing everyone into the tent.

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Yes w/ regard to family and thought to be life long friends. It’s difficult to keep a composed mind in that unfortunate regard. I do not shun them, they show hate and anger and are incapable of staying civil with regard to facts. A debate is impossible for them. I think and also feel that many of the cult are buried in a muck they are ashamed of and weak. Unable to face intelligent dialog because truth has 1 meaning. Not just a word. I too got to a point of wtf which brought anger for a minute earlier today. Truth didn’t do that to me. I let it scare me a little too much.

Sorry, went on too much. Cheers. 🥂

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We are all human

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Christianity has become Trumpianity. In the past, they were fond of posing the question, "What would Jesus do?" That was open for debate. Now they can get a quick answer to the new question, "What would Donald do?". Then they follow the word of the new savior. Christian Nationalism is slang for Trumpian Nationalism.  MAGA is a religious cult. The republican party is gone  the  republicans who aren't running again know it is a lost cause.

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the crazy thing is christians outside the US See this. There are good christians here, like Russell moore, david french etc that see the real jesus

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Is Russell Moore still a Southern Baptist? When faced with the choice, They chose Donald Trump and discarded Russell.

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Trump is not part of true Christianity and true Christianity is not part of Trumpism. Trump is not a Christian and he is not the second coming of Christ or the messenger of Christ! It is not about Love.

Trump’s message is the antithesis of Jesus’ message! The image of him holding a Bible upside down to support himself was a parable of the Antichrist. Love your neighbour, as yourself.

“If it’s not about Love, it’s not about God” PB Michael B Curry

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You are 100% correct about Donald John Trump.

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Adam, I agree with your abhorrence of the orange man-baby’s lack of consideration of the men and women who fought, some died, to guarantee his freedom to say whatever he wants, regardless of the truthfulness of the statement. Just as I think his and his family’s statements couldn’t get more bizarre, his whiny son Eric posted his ridiculous picture and comments that is beyond bizarre. I just watched a short excerpt (2 minutes) of the commencement speech of famed documentary filmmaker Ken Burns at Brandeis University in defense of democracy. It was on Joe Scarborough’s show. Like your inspirational words, Adam, he spoke of the choice that lays in front of all Americans this November and how the choice of the orange man-baby will destroy us. I urge everyone to listen to it. Keep sounding the alarm and I pray that enough Americans will wake up before it’s too late.

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same. He was very good. I hope people watch

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I sent his commencement speech everywhere

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Vile doesn’t begin to describe these people. Those of us who follow and subscribe to your Substack know this. What is unclear to me is how we get those who don’t understand what is about to happen in this country, to see the truth. The frightening fact is that many, including all the hard working people Trump truly doesn’t care about, are now even louder, stronger followers of his. I am baffled by a growing number of black and brown people who have now decided he’s their man. This is beyond comprehension.

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I agree, I think it will be tough in 5 months without a trump implosion. We just need to try to get more votes for biden/against trump, then when he loses, watch the war in the GOP consume itself

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And likewise the older generation many, many of them veterans who think he’s the answer. The answer to what? When the orange man-baby says at one of his rallies that “they” are coming after him and “they’re” coming after you. Two questions: who are the “they”? Not one of the maga cultists can a single person who is the “they”. And why would these supposed “they” come after ordinary citizens, even maga cultists, if no crime has been committed. The only orange man-baby is indicted

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This shocks me more than almost anything. Following weakness

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I agree with you, Adam. I feel your pain. There is always a 'new low' for Captain Crazy and his Minions. Not sure why we would expect otherwise. We have to be rid of him for good by voting accordingly in November. The diehard Cult following doesn't care what he says or does - so we're not going to change their minds. Convincing the sane and somewhat sane voters to the polls and casting their votes for Biden is our only hope. I believe the Trump bootlicking politicians may fall in line once it's clear he's out & there is nothing in it for them to keep up the charade.

P.S. I sent an email and left a voicemail message with the National Democratic Committee & Biden/Harris Campaign asking why they have not reached out to Republicans such as yourself & others to rally support against Trump. Thanks again for all you do!

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You are so right. And it all gets so disheartening, to put it mildly. Then anger takes over, coupled with frustration. It's a jumble of emotions that can wear a person down. But we've each got to try to not let that happen and have power over us.

My wish is that Biden would have you as his running mate -- but of course, that is not going to happen. So what is the next best thing? Each of us trying to keep working hard and spread the word to those willing to listen. And enlighten those who seem ambivalent and proclaim to be "non-political".

And I'm also hoping that the force of the "suburban womens' vote" will have a profound effect on the outcome of the November election.

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I hope so too Randy. This is beyond any election ive seen in my life, in terms of the consequences

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Eric Trump claims their family gave up everything for America? Are they still living in their rich homes? Eating good food? Save us? No thank you. Go away, far far away. Two choices for our president. We know them both having served. The choice is between good and evil. Choose well for democracy and freedom. VOTE because you CAN.

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They made america give up everything for them

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Adam, you really need to post your twitter post to Trump about his family saving America. It is perfect, it’s awesome! 👏

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ya i forgot to put it in!

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