The scary thing is that people still believe the election lies and even stick to the crazy story that most of the rioters were BLM and ANTIFA. How are they so brainwashed? I’m getting increasingly scared about the November election. He must be defeated…by a landslide!
David Corn of Mother Jones in his newsletter said that he subscribes to a lot of trump’s favorite outlets in order to stay abreast of what is being put out to trump’s fans. According to him, it is a literal firehose of constant, right wing propaganda designed to incite the very responses we witnessed on Jan 6. So it should be no surprise to anyone that a steady diet of such garbage will only continue to feed such violence. Toss in the willing corporate media and you have the perfect storm that can overtake even a country as large as the US.
Another solid reason. Elon Musk notwithstanding, why social media content must be screened and regulated. Free speech absolutism does not outweigh social justice and security.
Murray, I have to respectfully, but totally, disagree with this. If you try to ban anything, you’ll just drive it underground - and unchallenged - where it’ll grow into ridiculous crap like Qanon. It will also be much more difficult to monitor. I’d far prefer it to be within easy reach of the FBI, David Cornell, Mother Jones, etc. In fact, I want it as visible as possible so it can be counteracted on. If it’s on Musk’s platform, so much the better.
The right is DESPERATE to elect trump. They’ll (obviously) do almost anything. Better that we know about it. To me, the most surprising thing about 1/6 was the total lack of preparedness. Let’s not get caught flatfooted again.
Well Lou, thank you for your comment. Please note that I did not say censor, I said regulate. Pre-Musk posts were identified where the content was false. Someone had to fact check or determine false identities but at least there was an attempt at legitimacy. A tag was placed saying that the information basically was false or suspect opposite legitimate sources. The question of banning someone is deeper, but continuous abuse should be addressed.
If people want to amuse themselves by posting silliness, that is their business. However, when they intentionally misstate or falsify information, it is fair to identify that. It can be harmful to our well being. There is also AI and fictitious sourcing, along with image creation to recognize.
As to anyone going underground, at least they lose the power of open social media outlets. If they are plotting an activity then they will have to try to recruit their compatriots in a less effective manner. No more, "come to Washington January 6. It will be wild." I truly believe that a method of identifying malicious and false communication is essential. Too many people seem to be malleable and Trump circulating the material creates credibility to that group. If you have an alternative to resolve this, I would be pleased to understand it.
Lou, there were laws in place that allowed freedom but it’s freedom of facts. In short, if a untruth was placed on the air, there was a responsibility to provide the same amount of air time on that broadcast at the same time-slot which they had to inform the viewers that it was not true. Then provide the truth of the matter. (It would be too long to name these laws and specifics). In short, fox was not aired until these laws were removed. Clinton administration allowed the removal btw from pressure from the republican party. Then fox spew was born. Before that time if they had been on the airways they would have lost their right to provide any broadcast that specified the word “news”, a news outlet could not continue a lie on the air with impunity. Thus the industry held themselves in check. This is not restriction of free speech. It’s accountability of those whom are allowed to provide “news”. fox spew has won defamation lawsuits by saying they are an entertainment organization. Stating that their commentaries share an entertainment opinion, so the fact that they lie is meaningless entertainment (paraphrasing). fox, max and the like have not made this known to their cult viewers. The emails that show that fox commentaries knew the election was secure and correct yet repeatedly told their viewers that the election was invalid, a fraud are not shared with their customers. These are facts that their viewers don’t know. And those who have read or heard from other sources, don’t believe that it is true. Airways no matter the way it’s presented are the same. A corporate entity should be bound by law to provide facts on their forum which is public. Individual spew of bs has been around for a long time. But those who use the airways on the premise of providing “news” must be held accountable. Look up the definition of “free speech”. Not a quick blip on some obscure website that first comes up. But the complete breakdown of “free speech in a Democracy.
Tim, you’re right. Fox defended themselves by basically claiming nobody should believe the people on their shows actually believe what they say, that those shows are “entertainment”. And not a single viewer got the message.
There is nothing in the First Amendment that states only facts are protected. You can lie all you want. The Founding Fathers assumed that the listener would be intelligent enough to know lies from the truth or at least be able to know how to discern lies from the truth.
Unfortunately, a lot of people have forgotten that it is their responsibility to discern those lies from truth by informing themselves.
As you say, Murray, pre-Musk twitter was partially legitimate because it had SOME gatekeepers. Or at least they hired people who tried to be gatekeepers. Now it’s just a tool for Musk’s ego, and as such a total cesspool. “Free speech” isn’t, and shouldn’t be, absolute. And I love that Musk’s idea of free speech is “whatever I like”. I know this - I’ll never put a nickel in his pocket if I can possibly help it.
But I don’t know how you can regulate it. When you have “news” channels spinning lies, where do you start?
Hi again Lou. I am with you completely on the difficulty of achieving the balance in trying to reduce the bad content. If you can open the above article from today, this kind of thing should be easy to identify.
Of course Musk would have some comeback to the effect that only stupid people would not see this as a joke. (learned that from Trump),.
I just think we have to start a process of figuring this all out. Brazil simply bans hate or similar content. Our fixation on incorrectly allowing anything as free speech is simplistically wrong.
The problem with social media is that we expect it to be like newspapers where you have reporters that are required to provide facts and evidence to an editor who then makes sure that the article being submitted is factual and accurate.
People forget that there are people behind those social media posts and that some of those people are not being genuine in their information and just want to sew chaos. Readers then take that information as accurate because of the first comment and it just snowballs from there.
If people just took the time and checked things out we'd probably be doing a bit better. But in our hectic lives, we repost the garbage. And as someone once famously said, we prefer dirt over truth because dirt is so much more interesting.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act must be changed. The internet is too skilled at, deceiving people for it to continue to have immunity while making billions from it's its manipulation of people.
I agree with you, Murray. There need to be regulations that catch up with level of indoctrination based upon massive falsehood ("The election was stolen" and the QAonon satanic pedophile fantasy, for example) that is being consumed by millions on the internet. Democratic rule by the radically misinformed cannot become the norm.
Indeed. That is exactly the problem. Corporate “news” medias (all except PBS yet they follow the trends set by corporate) they are setting a norm by means of daily/hourly ratings which is motivated only by ratings, clicks and meaningless likes.
To really root cause the disinformation firehose, look into Thiel's MAGA3X operations from 2015 that hired hackers and operatives who came up with pizzagate and other ops, that threw the election. The same crew came up with Q that led to numerous rabbit holes and radicalization of millions of people. The accounts driving these false narratives are amplified and coopted by people like Flynn and Posobiac on fascist owned social media sites via his copywrited, ISIS-modelled, "Digital Soldiers".
Russia recognizes these wedging and division operations and also amplifies them.
Literally when Trump said "Russia, if you're listening....", and the next day Podesta's email was hacked which led to WikiLeaks dropping emails and wherever the term "pizza" appeared, suddenly this meant Democrats were devil worshipping pedos sacrificing children in the non-existent basement of a pizza restaurant. You might then recall a radicalized white male then showed up to the restaurant with a rifle and shot a round into the floor.
That was just ONE operation that led to violence.
Adam needs to go back even further to identify who are actually behind these operations and use his voice to properly call them out and bring them to justice. It's not enough to say 40 something white males feel disenfranchised. We need to look at actual causes of the disinformation that led to radicalization and years later, J6.
A month ago, a family in Florida were sent by "God" to kill their neighbors, whom they claimed were pedophiles, shot two police officers, killing one, before turning the guns on themselves. The surviving family member has no remorse. " Investigators found a stockpile of weapons and other supplies inside the Sulpizios' home, along with 'anti-government propaganda and conspiracy theory related material.'"
Adam has stepped up the most, and good for Geoff Duncan, Olivia Troye, and the rest of the Republicans Against Trump. But it is still disappointing that more of the large stature
Rs like Bush, Liz Cheney, Romney, have not come out strongly for Kamala. If the danger trump poses doesn't get them off their asses, what will?!
I agree, Joan. Liz Cheney said she will do everything she can to insure Donald trump never sits in the oval office again. Endorsing Harris fits into doing everything she can...: So where is her voice now?
And that’s the very mentality that got this country in its precarious situation to begin with. If we could all stop thinking it’s “us vs. them” maybe we could actually make changes and improve lives.
I’ve concluded that the meaning of life is to attempt to shape the world order into your vision of it. Unfortunately, some of us are not potters so prefer to sling mud as opposed to shape it.
I don’t know why the big guns from the last years are being silent right now. Maybe they think they have made their facts and stands clear and think they shouldn’t have to repeat and repeat themselves. Maybe they needed to rest or get some therapy or take care of family for a while. Liz Cheney said she’s going to be active in the last part of the campaign. Maybe these big guns are waiting until after the debate and VP Harris’ big chance to demonstrate her leadership and specific plans separate from President Biden. Meanwhile, the rest of us billions of people (this election is an Earth-wide issue) need to step up and shout that we do not choose an undisciplined, unpresidential, unpatriotic bully who will not submit to the rule of law as the head of our U.S. government! I look forward to hearing what President Harris will do on January 21-22, 2025, to implement plans for the economy, climate control, border control, national security, and a code of ethics for all federal judges.
Adam, you describe the Trumplicans as 40ish white male etc etc. I have told my wife many times, the Trump followers that I cross paths with seem to be the typical assholes of society. They are the guys that people shy away from because they're arrogant, self centered, loudmouth pricks. I think Trump has made them believe that it is now socially acceptable to be a jerk!
I put him in his own shitty category. A more intelligent (supposedly) one than the bulk of the MAGAs, who came from a disadvantaged background but somehow turned his back on his own roots by being an ultraconservative, and worst of all, a MAGA, and one would think, someone who really should know better.
let us not forget the white female "arrogant, self centered, loudmouth pricks" who seemed to be coming out of the woodwork...brainwashed just like all those white men mentioned here.
"According to a study of the rioters done by Seton Hall University, they are overwhelmingly white men, around 40 years old. Many had been convicted of prior crimes, and roughly 20 percent had significant financial problems, including bankruptcy and evictions. In other words, a significant number of the attackers came from a group of middle-aged white men who have struggled in the modern economy and believe they have lost opportunities as the world passed them by." Their ringleader had four years to improve the economic lot of these rioters. Instead he gave them false promises. Why would they believe he'll do better the second time around?
It is not enough to trial and convict those that breached the Capitol. Those that were hidden participants (Senators, Representatives ect) in the insurrection that are complicit must face the justice system as well. That would send the message that none are above the law and ALL will be held accountable. Not just the pawns should be punished.
Ideas will always remain a threat. MAGA is an anti-Obama backlash, cold civil war, started by self-disenfranchised, middle-aged, white Christian Nationalists. They can’t see the bitter irony that it was most likely their forebears who disenfranchised African slaves during the building of our country’s economy in the 1800’s. I’m beginning to prefer Karma over justice since the latter has become so politicized.
Not prosecuting the Representatives and Senators involved was a MAJOR FAILURE in the follow up to the insurrection. The thugs are followers. We saw that on 1/6 when Trump told them to “Go Home” and they did.
Putin kills the head of the snake to maintain control. Trump studied dictators.
“When living among wolves, you must act like a wolf”
Nikita Khrushchev
I don’t advocate murder - but the SCOTUS gave President Biden enormous power. If necessary - use it.
Let the American people know what that kind of power means.
What happened to my beloved America? Just like all of you, my heart breaks when I see the awfulness.
How is it possible that there are still Americans who do not cringe in embarrassment and shame every time they look at Trump? His followers find excuses and overlook every abhorrent, cringeworthy thing he says and does. How scary (no, terrifying) the catastrophe that could await us after the election!
If ever there was a time to reread Thomas Paine's book, Crisis in America, this is it. Written 250 years ago, and here we are, right back in it.
I fear that the "awfulness" we are seeing has to a large extent always been under the surface. The lost integrity, dignity and the increased self centered attitudes have simply elevated and accepted openness. Power hungry "leaders", have encouraged it.
I agree that it simply went underground and became more insidious over its long metamorphosis into MAGA. Those power hungry leaders of which you speak now have a cult following who will gladly do their bidding.
All of my whole entire life I just ASSUMED that if I broke a window on the Capitol and stuck my head inside it would be blown off my shoulders immediately. I'm still a little surprised that didn't happen to him.
One hopes that President Biden and his team have detailed plans in place for security, protection and response on Election Day, the day the election results are certified in Congress, and January 20, when President Harris is given her oath of office. There is no doubt in my mind that the fascists will resort to violence again. They must be put down speedily and overwhelmingly by all legal means when, not if, they do.
The legal framework to counter the inevitable lawsuits to voting irregularities, (60 of which T💩p lost after he lost,) is well in place. Look up Democracy Docket and donate if you can.
Of that I have no doubt, though my faith that the judiciary will do the right thing this time is minimal, given the present SCOTUS. I fear this one will have to be defended in the streets first and foremost, starting with voting booths, certification bodies, and the Capitol. The law means nothing to the MAGAts unless it advances their agenda.
When I was a boy my dad taught me the coin flip game. He had a quarter and showed me what the heads side looked like and what the tails side looked like. Then he said, "Heads I win, tails you lose." He flipped the quarter and it landed with the tails side up. He said, "I win." Then he flipped the coin again and it came up heads. He said, "I win." With a little smile. I learned that the "rules" of the game was a cheat in advance.
Donald says, "The only way I can lose is if you cheat." He says, "The election will be rigged." This is the same game. Cheating in advance. If he wins the election, it was fair. If he loses, it was unfair. He described the same game in the Mark Levin interview this past weekend. "I had every right to interfere in the election."
This is the same game played by Maduro in Venezuela, Lukashenko in Belarus, Putin in Russia, Orban in Hungary. And many other countries with cheating politicians.
Our main stream media news has never played the coin flip game or they would be aware that Donald's game is a cheat. Or maybe they are aware and are going along with the cheat because they are paid to look the other way.
Adam, you might bring this up next time you are doing an interview with a major news network. Take a quarter and teach them the coin flip game.
That right there is Trump acting much like his BFFs - we all know who that is. And, he badly wants to emulate them. If this ever happens, with him strutting around like a peacock with Orange tail feathers, thinking he can throw his weight around with these men, it won't be pretty. Trump is too much of a coward to try and "out-strut" his pals. Putin won't hesitate to put the likes of the Bratva after him. It's well-known they have already poked fun at the buffoon; their use for him would eventually wear off. He is TOO arrogant to think he can pull this off. If nothing else, we, in America, won't allow that.
Do the coin flip game/story on MSM, Mr. Kinzinger Simple illustration of DT. All but his flunkies are aware of it already, but that is a brief, crisp example of DT, in a nutshell. Good dad teaching you that, Burke.
I'm sure if those who side with Trump came up against honorable military soldiers and veterans - I include myself - they'd be there to give them a thumping. A reality check. I DO NOT condone violence, but neither will I condone their traitorous behaviors aa they attempt to vilify the buildings, such as Capitol Hill, symbolic of our democracy. "Don't boo! VOTE!" ~~Former President Barak Obama
It’s a shame Trump isn’t in jail for this and all the other crimes he’s committed and yet again is running for President-what this says about our country I have no words.
The fruits of trump's labors -- SCOTUS! They allowed him to be on the ballot for president despite CO Supreme Court ruling him ineligible due to leading an insurrection 🤯
SCOTUS and many Federal judges courtesy of Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society. To all those voters in 2016 who thought, "I don't like Hillary, and he's a businessman and was on that show, so let's give him a chance" I reserve my most forceful FUCK YOU
Trump is not smart enough to produce fruits of labor this significantly disingenuous. Credit Don McGahn, Trump’s White House counsel for the first 21 months into his term, for personally selecting and pushing the nominations of Brett Kavanagh and Neil Gorsuch while in the role of WH Counsel. After he resigned, he and the Federalist Society also pushed Barrett’s name for nomination. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader at the time, gladly pushed through her nomination with less than a month to go before the election. This is the same McConnell who also killed Obama’s nomination to SCOTUS, Merrick Garland, when an election was 11 months out. Draw your own conclusions.
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"Never was there a greater need for the punishment and deterrence that the justice system can deliver."
Truer words were never written.
There is an 'Achilles Heel', however, and it's called the Supreme Court of the United States. They've already demonstrated their willingness to let political bias guide their decisions (think Dobbs decision and Presidential Immunity for starters). Six of them should be ashamed of themselves! Our courts and their decisions are supposed to be free from political bias.
Equal Justice for All!
Who knows how they'll decide if any one of these convictions comes before them?
Let's pray that their 'better angels' allow them to ignore political bias and do the right thing!
😂 Better angels were last seen fleeing the Supreme Court to get some much needed R & R in hell, where things aren’t nearly as complicated or depressing.
I can understand why some 40-something white males could feel left out, especially if those feelings are given an outlet to express them through violence. Job retraining is certainly one helpful solution. But that won't change their sense of entitlement to a job by virtue of their whiteness. Trump fans those flames as well.
As a 74 year old white woman who has gone through a tremendous amount of patriarchal BS for more that 50 years, I have zero sympathy for these violent 40-something white male losers who had way more privilege that most women and feel so sorry for themselves but probably never tried to find a way to to better themselves and roll with societal changes. No one felt sorry for me as I struggled as a single mom. They can all go #$%& themselves. Sorry but I guess I just got triggered.
And then there's the metaphor, "You can't bring Mohammad to the mountain..." This is NOT a riposte to the people of Islam. I want to make that CLEAR. But, just a thought.
I feel like until all the MAGA extremists that are serving in the House and Senate are gone, defeating Trump is only step one. We have to follow through this time and I don’t know what the next step is. Do you Adam?
The MAGA movement has done a particularly good job of creating confusion between the words cowardice and courage, cult following and loyalty, shame and honor and sedition and patriotism.
On Jan 6 we were all shocked and unprepared for the events of that day. I hope that all at the Capitol Building and many other government buildings will be prepared this year. I do not expect it will be the same event, however, I do expect it will be violent and focused upon disruption of our government.
At least this time Joe Biden will be the President and will be able to authorize proper action.
Perhaps this day and Inauguration Day should be thought of and promoted as days of reverence towards our governments continued promise to uphold the constitution. Perhaps having this might help people not take our government for granted.
Expect more violence if Donald loses. He has nothing to lose (as evidenced by our weak legal system) by using deadly violence. The next time our capital is breached, the police need to use deadly force.
It's highly likely that LE/SWAT/Secret Service will be fully armed and allowed to use full police power. The seditionist will more than likely come armed and kitted up. I'd like to believe that the abovementioned LE has former combat-hardened veterans giving them the experience to confront the crowds. I'm jumping the gun here - pun intended - but it will be interesting to see IF, when and from which side the first shot will come from. Don't fire unless fired upon will hopefully be LE's MO? I'm not religious, but this is when the power of praying will help. Heaven help us all. It's a darn shame that if this idjt <sic> was jailed as he was supposed to be - given the number of indictments he has - this wouldn't be a concern. But, on the flipside, were he to be jailed, preventing him from running, this would be the trigger for MAGA to erupt in violence. Meh, these clowns don't need an excuse. They WANT the violence to happen. No rule of law nor checks and balances for them. I'm only surmising, choosing to remain optimistic that this type of scenario will not develop. We simply must not allow it. Trump needs to be muzzled.
This time, beginning on November 5, I hope the people and buildings where election results are collected, tabulated, and sent to the next collection level, are heavily observed and protected, from local polling places to Congress. Instead of one big insurrection, it’s more likely that there may be disruptions everywhere along the ballot path.
After re-reading my post above, and now yours, coming up with two viable possibilities, it feels like the calm before the storm, yes? If LE (FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, <~~~a stab in the dark on that one) at the federal level is, or has been, monitoring the many who would disrupt our election process, they're keeping it close to the vest; hence, the calm. Praying here to the Viking gods in Valhalla. Send me a battle-axe and Odin's ravens. **snicker**
Great summary Adam. This time, if Trump tries for a repeat he should be immediately arrested so he can be held accountable. He has done serious damage to this country, and it will be very difficult to correct it.
If he repeats, he absolutely should be arrested because this time he’s just a PRIVATE citizen and not the sitting president. Until transfer of power Biden is holding all the chips, so to speak.
Thank you. It’s important that we realize January 6 was a whole new level of insurrection and that it is bigger than any argument we might have over policy disagreements.
The scary thing is that people still believe the election lies and even stick to the crazy story that most of the rioters were BLM and ANTIFA. How are they so brainwashed? I’m getting increasingly scared about the November election. He must be defeated…by a landslide!
David Corn of Mother Jones in his newsletter said that he subscribes to a lot of trump’s favorite outlets in order to stay abreast of what is being put out to trump’s fans. According to him, it is a literal firehose of constant, right wing propaganda designed to incite the very responses we witnessed on Jan 6. So it should be no surprise to anyone that a steady diet of such garbage will only continue to feed such violence. Toss in the willing corporate media and you have the perfect storm that can overtake even a country as large as the US.
Another solid reason. Elon Musk notwithstanding, why social media content must be screened and regulated. Free speech absolutism does not outweigh social justice and security.
Murray, I have to respectfully, but totally, disagree with this. If you try to ban anything, you’ll just drive it underground - and unchallenged - where it’ll grow into ridiculous crap like Qanon. It will also be much more difficult to monitor. I’d far prefer it to be within easy reach of the FBI, David Cornell, Mother Jones, etc. In fact, I want it as visible as possible so it can be counteracted on. If it’s on Musk’s platform, so much the better.
The right is DESPERATE to elect trump. They’ll (obviously) do almost anything. Better that we know about it. To me, the most surprising thing about 1/6 was the total lack of preparedness. Let’s not get caught flatfooted again.
Well Lou, thank you for your comment. Please note that I did not say censor, I said regulate. Pre-Musk posts were identified where the content was false. Someone had to fact check or determine false identities but at least there was an attempt at legitimacy. A tag was placed saying that the information basically was false or suspect opposite legitimate sources. The question of banning someone is deeper, but continuous abuse should be addressed.
If people want to amuse themselves by posting silliness, that is their business. However, when they intentionally misstate or falsify information, it is fair to identify that. It can be harmful to our well being. There is also AI and fictitious sourcing, along with image creation to recognize.
As to anyone going underground, at least they lose the power of open social media outlets. If they are plotting an activity then they will have to try to recruit their compatriots in a less effective manner. No more, "come to Washington January 6. It will be wild." I truly believe that a method of identifying malicious and false communication is essential. Too many people seem to be malleable and Trump circulating the material creates credibility to that group. If you have an alternative to resolve this, I would be pleased to understand it.
Lou, there were laws in place that allowed freedom but it’s freedom of facts. In short, if a untruth was placed on the air, there was a responsibility to provide the same amount of air time on that broadcast at the same time-slot which they had to inform the viewers that it was not true. Then provide the truth of the matter. (It would be too long to name these laws and specifics). In short, fox was not aired until these laws were removed. Clinton administration allowed the removal btw from pressure from the republican party. Then fox spew was born. Before that time if they had been on the airways they would have lost their right to provide any broadcast that specified the word “news”, a news outlet could not continue a lie on the air with impunity. Thus the industry held themselves in check. This is not restriction of free speech. It’s accountability of those whom are allowed to provide “news”. fox spew has won defamation lawsuits by saying they are an entertainment organization. Stating that their commentaries share an entertainment opinion, so the fact that they lie is meaningless entertainment (paraphrasing). fox, max and the like have not made this known to their cult viewers. The emails that show that fox commentaries knew the election was secure and correct yet repeatedly told their viewers that the election was invalid, a fraud are not shared with their customers. These are facts that their viewers don’t know. And those who have read or heard from other sources, don’t believe that it is true. Airways no matter the way it’s presented are the same. A corporate entity should be bound by law to provide facts on their forum which is public. Individual spew of bs has been around for a long time. But those who use the airways on the premise of providing “news” must be held accountable. Look up the definition of “free speech”. Not a quick blip on some obscure website that first comes up. But the complete breakdown of “free speech in a Democracy.
It is Not a freedom to repeatedly lie. Cheers 🥂
Thank you Tim. The term free speech has always had boundaries. I appreciate your informative perspective.
Tim, you’re right. Fox defended themselves by basically claiming nobody should believe the people on their shows actually believe what they say, that those shows are “entertainment”. And not a single viewer got the message.
There is nothing in the First Amendment that states only facts are protected. You can lie all you want. The Founding Fathers assumed that the listener would be intelligent enough to know lies from the truth or at least be able to know how to discern lies from the truth.
Unfortunately, a lot of people have forgotten that it is their responsibility to discern those lies from truth by informing themselves.
As you say, Murray, pre-Musk twitter was partially legitimate because it had SOME gatekeepers. Or at least they hired people who tried to be gatekeepers. Now it’s just a tool for Musk’s ego, and as such a total cesspool. “Free speech” isn’t, and shouldn’t be, absolute. And I love that Musk’s idea of free speech is “whatever I like”. I know this - I’ll never put a nickel in his pocket if I can possibly help it.
But I don’t know how you can regulate it. When you have “news” channels spinning lies, where do you start?
Hi again Lou. I am with you completely on the difficulty of achieving the balance in trying to reduce the bad content. If you can open the above article from today, this kind of thing should be easy to identify.
Of course Musk would have some comeback to the effect that only stupid people would not see this as a joke. (learned that from Trump),.
I just think we have to start a process of figuring this all out. Brazil simply bans hate or similar content. Our fixation on incorrectly allowing anything as free speech is simplistically wrong.
The problem with social media is that we expect it to be like newspapers where you have reporters that are required to provide facts and evidence to an editor who then makes sure that the article being submitted is factual and accurate.
People forget that there are people behind those social media posts and that some of those people are not being genuine in their information and just want to sew chaos. Readers then take that information as accurate because of the first comment and it just snowballs from there.
If people just took the time and checked things out we'd probably be doing a bit better. But in our hectic lives, we repost the garbage. And as someone once famously said, we prefer dirt over truth because dirt is so much more interesting.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act must be changed. The internet is too skilled at, deceiving people for it to continue to have immunity while making billions from it's its manipulation of people.
I agree with you, Murray. There need to be regulations that catch up with level of indoctrination based upon massive falsehood ("The election was stolen" and the QAonon satanic pedophile fantasy, for example) that is being consumed by millions on the internet. Democratic rule by the radically misinformed cannot become the norm.
Agree completely. Thank you.
Indeed. That is exactly the problem. Corporate “news” medias (all except PBS yet they follow the trends set by corporate) they are setting a norm by means of daily/hourly ratings which is motivated only by ratings, clicks and meaningless likes.
I've always loved watching David Corn and what he has to say and write about. "Mother Jones" is a great periodical, too.
To really root cause the disinformation firehose, look into Thiel's MAGA3X operations from 2015 that hired hackers and operatives who came up with pizzagate and other ops, that threw the election. The same crew came up with Q that led to numerous rabbit holes and radicalization of millions of people. The accounts driving these false narratives are amplified and coopted by people like Flynn and Posobiac on fascist owned social media sites via his copywrited, ISIS-modelled, "Digital Soldiers".
Russia recognizes these wedging and division operations and also amplifies them.
Literally when Trump said "Russia, if you're listening....", and the next day Podesta's email was hacked which led to WikiLeaks dropping emails and wherever the term "pizza" appeared, suddenly this meant Democrats were devil worshipping pedos sacrificing children in the non-existent basement of a pizza restaurant. You might then recall a radicalized white male then showed up to the restaurant with a rifle and shot a round into the floor.
That was just ONE operation that led to violence.
Adam needs to go back even further to identify who are actually behind these operations and use his voice to properly call them out and bring them to justice. It's not enough to say 40 something white males feel disenfranchised. We need to look at actual causes of the disinformation that led to radicalization and years later, J6.
A month ago, a family in Florida were sent by "God" to kill their neighbors, whom they claimed were pedophiles, shot two police officers, killing one, before turning the guns on themselves. The surviving family member has no remorse. " Investigators found a stockpile of weapons and other supplies inside the Sulpizios' home, along with 'anti-government propaganda and conspiracy theory related material.'"
sad but true
That's very frightening to hear.
If we all, who do not buy into orange man-baby’s BS, work together, we can protect our democracy, just as Adam has exemplified to the nation.
Adam has stepped up the most, and good for Geoff Duncan, Olivia Troye, and the rest of the Republicans Against Trump. But it is still disappointing that more of the large stature
Rs like Bush, Liz Cheney, Romney, have not come out strongly for Kamala. If the danger trump poses doesn't get them off their asses, what will?!
Yeah, I’m a little disappointed in Liz Cheney especially staying, for the most part, fairly quiet this close to the election.
I agree, Joan. Liz Cheney said she will do everything she can to insure Donald trump never sits in the oval office again. Endorsing Harris fits into doing everything she can...: So where is her voice now?
I can envision Daddy Cheney telling Liz “You’ve done your part to save your party. Let’s not throw in with the enemy.”
And that’s the very mentality that got this country in its precarious situation to begin with. If we could all stop thinking it’s “us vs. them” maybe we could actually make changes and improve lives.
I’ve concluded that the meaning of life is to attempt to shape the world order into your vision of it. Unfortunately, some of us are not potters so prefer to sling mud as opposed to shape it.
I don’t know why the big guns from the last years are being silent right now. Maybe they think they have made their facts and stands clear and think they shouldn’t have to repeat and repeat themselves. Maybe they needed to rest or get some therapy or take care of family for a while. Liz Cheney said she’s going to be active in the last part of the campaign. Maybe these big guns are waiting until after the debate and VP Harris’ big chance to demonstrate her leadership and specific plans separate from President Biden. Meanwhile, the rest of us billions of people (this election is an Earth-wide issue) need to step up and shout that we do not choose an undisciplined, unpresidential, unpatriotic bully who will not submit to the rule of law as the head of our U.S. government! I look forward to hearing what President Harris will do on January 21-22, 2025, to implement plans for the economy, climate control, border control, national security, and a code of ethics for all federal judges.
may the force be within us
Well said Joan!
It's just sick I have people in my family and dear friends that still wholeheartedly believe this sick deranged lie.
Adam, you describe the Trumplicans as 40ish white male etc etc. I have told my wife many times, the Trump followers that I cross paths with seem to be the typical assholes of society. They are the guys that people shy away from because they're arrogant, self centered, loudmouth pricks. I think Trump has made them believe that it is now socially acceptable to be a jerk!
JD Vance is this prototype.
I put him in his own shitty category. A more intelligent (supposedly) one than the bulk of the MAGAs, who came from a disadvantaged background but somehow turned his back on his own roots by being an ultraconservative, and worst of all, a MAGA, and one would think, someone who really should know better.
let us not forget the white female "arrogant, self centered, loudmouth pricks" who seemed to be coming out of the woodwork...brainwashed just like all those white men mentioned here.
Yeah, I was going to include the Karen's, but I was hoping they would be brought in to the comments by someone else. Thank you
"According to a study of the rioters done by Seton Hall University, they are overwhelmingly white men, around 40 years old. Many had been convicted of prior crimes, and roughly 20 percent had significant financial problems, including bankruptcy and evictions. In other words, a significant number of the attackers came from a group of middle-aged white men who have struggled in the modern economy and believe they have lost opportunities as the world passed them by." Their ringleader had four years to improve the economic lot of these rioters. Instead he gave them false promises. Why would they believe he'll do better the second time around?
Why do they believe anything he says? Everything out of his mouth is a lie!
You are on target. Add in aggressive as another defining characteristic.
It is not enough to trial and convict those that breached the Capitol. Those that were hidden participants (Senators, Representatives ect) in the insurrection that are complicit must face the justice system as well. That would send the message that none are above the law and ALL will be held accountable. Not just the pawns should be punished.
Vote Blue up and down the ticket until maga is no longer a threat. Our freedoms and our country depend on us.💙🇺🇸
Ideas will always remain a threat. MAGA is an anti-Obama backlash, cold civil war, started by self-disenfranchised, middle-aged, white Christian Nationalists. They can’t see the bitter irony that it was most likely their forebears who disenfranchised African slaves during the building of our country’s economy in the 1800’s. I’m beginning to prefer Karma over justice since the latter has become so politicized.
Not prosecuting the Representatives and Senators involved was a MAJOR FAILURE in the follow up to the insurrection. The thugs are followers. We saw that on 1/6 when Trump told them to “Go Home” and they did.
Putin kills the head of the snake to maintain control. Trump studied dictators.
“When living among wolves, you must act like a wolf”
Nikita Khrushchev
I don’t advocate murder - but the SCOTUS gave President Biden enormous power. If necessary - use it.
Let the American people know what that kind of power means.
What happened to my beloved America? Just like all of you, my heart breaks when I see the awfulness.
How is it possible that there are still Americans who do not cringe in embarrassment and shame every time they look at Trump? His followers find excuses and overlook every abhorrent, cringeworthy thing he says and does. How scary (no, terrifying) the catastrophe that could await us after the election!
If ever there was a time to reread Thomas Paine's book, Crisis in America, this is it. Written 250 years ago, and here we are, right back in it.
I fear that the "awfulness" we are seeing has to a large extent always been under the surface. The lost integrity, dignity and the increased self centered attitudes have simply elevated and accepted openness. Power hungry "leaders", have encouraged it.
I agree that it simply went underground and became more insidious over its long metamorphosis into MAGA. Those power hungry leaders of which you speak now have a cult following who will gladly do their bidding.
All of my whole entire life I just ASSUMED that if I broke a window on the Capitol and stuck my head inside it would be blown off my shoulders immediately. I'm still a little surprised that didn't happen to him.
If you were black, definitely.
If those violent shitbags had been people of color, they would not have been allowed to pass those idiotic bicycle fences
If I broke a window anywhere, my parents would have punished me.
It shoulda
One hopes that President Biden and his team have detailed plans in place for security, protection and response on Election Day, the day the election results are certified in Congress, and January 20, when President Harris is given her oath of office. There is no doubt in my mind that the fascists will resort to violence again. They must be put down speedily and overwhelmingly by all legal means when, not if, they do.
The legal framework to counter the inevitable lawsuits to voting irregularities, (60 of which T💩p lost after he lost,) is well in place. Look up Democracy Docket and donate if you can.
Of that I have no doubt, though my faith that the judiciary will do the right thing this time is minimal, given the present SCOTUS. I fear this one will have to be defended in the streets first and foremost, starting with voting booths, certification bodies, and the Capitol. The law means nothing to the MAGAts unless it advances their agenda.
Thanks Adam!
When I was a boy my dad taught me the coin flip game. He had a quarter and showed me what the heads side looked like and what the tails side looked like. Then he said, "Heads I win, tails you lose." He flipped the quarter and it landed with the tails side up. He said, "I win." Then he flipped the coin again and it came up heads. He said, "I win." With a little smile. I learned that the "rules" of the game was a cheat in advance.
Donald says, "The only way I can lose is if you cheat." He says, "The election will be rigged." This is the same game. Cheating in advance. If he wins the election, it was fair. If he loses, it was unfair. He described the same game in the Mark Levin interview this past weekend. "I had every right to interfere in the election."
This is the same game played by Maduro in Venezuela, Lukashenko in Belarus, Putin in Russia, Orban in Hungary. And many other countries with cheating politicians.
Our main stream media news has never played the coin flip game or they would be aware that Donald's game is a cheat. Or maybe they are aware and are going along with the cheat because they are paid to look the other way.
Adam, you might bring this up next time you are doing an interview with a major news network. Take a quarter and teach them the coin flip game.
"I had every right to interfere in the election."
That right there is Trump acting much like his BFFs - we all know who that is. And, he badly wants to emulate them. If this ever happens, with him strutting around like a peacock with Orange tail feathers, thinking he can throw his weight around with these men, it won't be pretty. Trump is too much of a coward to try and "out-strut" his pals. Putin won't hesitate to put the likes of the Bratva after him. It's well-known they have already poked fun at the buffoon; their use for him would eventually wear off. He is TOO arrogant to think he can pull this off. If nothing else, we, in America, won't allow that.
Good one. Agreed.
Do the coin flip game/story on MSM, Mr. Kinzinger Simple illustration of DT. All but his flunkies are aware of it already, but that is a brief, crisp example of DT, in a nutshell. Good dad teaching you that, Burke.
I hope the military is being vetted adequately of right wing extremists.
I'm sure if those who side with Trump came up against honorable military soldiers and veterans - I include myself - they'd be there to give them a thumping. A reality check. I DO NOT condone violence, but neither will I condone their traitorous behaviors aa they attempt to vilify the buildings, such as Capitol Hill, symbolic of our democracy. "Don't boo! VOTE!" ~~Former President Barak Obama
Thank you for your honor and service.
It’s a shame Trump isn’t in jail for this and all the other crimes he’s committed and yet again is running for President-what this says about our country I have no words.
The fruits of trump's labors -- SCOTUS! They allowed him to be on the ballot for president despite CO Supreme Court ruling him ineligible due to leading an insurrection 🤯
SCOTUS and many Federal judges courtesy of Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society. To all those voters in 2016 who thought, "I don't like Hillary, and he's a businessman and was on that show, so let's give him a chance" I reserve my most forceful FUCK YOU
Trump is not smart enough to produce fruits of labor this significantly disingenuous. Credit Don McGahn, Trump’s White House counsel for the first 21 months into his term, for personally selecting and pushing the nominations of Brett Kavanagh and Neil Gorsuch while in the role of WH Counsel. After he resigned, he and the Federalist Society also pushed Barrett’s name for nomination. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader at the time, gladly pushed through her nomination with less than a month to go before the election. This is the same McConnell who also killed Obama’s nomination to SCOTUS, Merrick Garland, when an election was 11 months out. Draw your own conclusions.
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"Never was there a greater need for the punishment and deterrence that the justice system can deliver."
Truer words were never written.
There is an 'Achilles Heel', however, and it's called the Supreme Court of the United States. They've already demonstrated their willingness to let political bias guide their decisions (think Dobbs decision and Presidential Immunity for starters). Six of them should be ashamed of themselves! Our courts and their decisions are supposed to be free from political bias.
Equal Justice for All!
Who knows how they'll decide if any one of these convictions comes before them?
Let's pray that their 'better angels' allow them to ignore political bias and do the right thing!
Better angels?! Thomas & Alito? I’m not going to hold my breath.
😂 Better angels were last seen fleeing the Supreme Court to get some much needed R & R in hell, where things aren’t nearly as complicated or depressing.
Me either!
I can understand why some 40-something white males could feel left out, especially if those feelings are given an outlet to express them through violence. Job retraining is certainly one helpful solution. But that won't change their sense of entitlement to a job by virtue of their whiteness. Trump fans those flames as well.
As a 74 year old white woman who has gone through a tremendous amount of patriarchal BS for more that 50 years, I have zero sympathy for these violent 40-something white male losers who had way more privilege that most women and feel so sorry for themselves but probably never tried to find a way to to better themselves and roll with societal changes. No one felt sorry for me as I struggled as a single mom. They can all go #$%& themselves. Sorry but I guess I just got triggered.
Your being triggered is certainly understandable, RZ. Most women would agree.
And then there's the metaphor, "You can't bring Mohammad to the mountain..." This is NOT a riposte to the people of Islam. I want to make that CLEAR. But, just a thought.
Thank you for saying it Outloud! We all must be prepared for what’s ahead, as the Election nears.
I feel like until all the MAGA extremists that are serving in the House and Senate are gone, defeating Trump is only step one. We have to follow through this time and I don’t know what the next step is. Do you Adam?
The MAGA movement has done a particularly good job of creating confusion between the words cowardice and courage, cult following and loyalty, shame and honor and sedition and patriotism.
On Jan 6 we were all shocked and unprepared for the events of that day. I hope that all at the Capitol Building and many other government buildings will be prepared this year. I do not expect it will be the same event, however, I do expect it will be violent and focused upon disruption of our government.
At least this time Joe Biden will be the President and will be able to authorize proper action.
Perhaps this day and Inauguration Day should be thought of and promoted as days of reverence towards our governments continued promise to uphold the constitution. Perhaps having this might help people not take our government for granted.
Expect more violence if Donald loses. He has nothing to lose (as evidenced by our weak legal system) by using deadly violence. The next time our capital is breached, the police need to use deadly force.
It's highly likely that LE/SWAT/Secret Service will be fully armed and allowed to use full police power. The seditionist will more than likely come armed and kitted up. I'd like to believe that the abovementioned LE has former combat-hardened veterans giving them the experience to confront the crowds. I'm jumping the gun here - pun intended - but it will be interesting to see IF, when and from which side the first shot will come from. Don't fire unless fired upon will hopefully be LE's MO? I'm not religious, but this is when the power of praying will help. Heaven help us all. It's a darn shame that if this idjt <sic> was jailed as he was supposed to be - given the number of indictments he has - this wouldn't be a concern. But, on the flipside, were he to be jailed, preventing him from running, this would be the trigger for MAGA to erupt in violence. Meh, these clowns don't need an excuse. They WANT the violence to happen. No rule of law nor checks and balances for them. I'm only surmising, choosing to remain optimistic that this type of scenario will not develop. We simply must not allow it. Trump needs to be muzzled.
Maga wants to burn our government all down.
Absolutely! Place signs like those around Area 51 in Nevada. "Beyond This Point the Use of Deadly Force is Authorized."
This time, beginning on November 5, I hope the people and buildings where election results are collected, tabulated, and sent to the next collection level, are heavily observed and protected, from local polling places to Congress. Instead of one big insurrection, it’s more likely that there may be disruptions everywhere along the ballot path.
After re-reading my post above, and now yours, coming up with two viable possibilities, it feels like the calm before the storm, yes? If LE (FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, <~~~a stab in the dark on that one) at the federal level is, or has been, monitoring the many who would disrupt our election process, they're keeping it close to the vest; hence, the calm. Praying here to the Viking gods in Valhalla. Send me a battle-axe and Odin's ravens. **snicker**
Great summary Adam. This time, if Trump tries for a repeat he should be immediately arrested so he can be held accountable. He has done serious damage to this country, and it will be very difficult to correct it.
If he repeats, he absolutely should be arrested because this time he’s just a PRIVATE citizen and not the sitting president. Until transfer of power Biden is holding all the chips, so to speak.
Thank you. It’s important that we realize January 6 was a whole new level of insurrection and that it is bigger than any argument we might have over policy disagreements.