Thanks! Below is a message I sent to my two Texas senators...

You and many other Texas (mostly Republican) politicians have been screaming about open borders and an invasion of lawless immigrants pouring into the country. The blame is conveniently laid at the president's feet, even though immigration reform legislation is the responsibility of Congress.

So now, there is a bipartisan immigration bill nearing completion in the Senate. According to news reports, the GOP gets nearly everything it's been demanding. Enter Donald Trump, who tells Republicans to kill the bill so that he can use immigration as a weapon against President Biden in the upcoming election.

Enough is enough! I agree with Senator Lankford that senators "have an oath to the Constitution and we have a commitment to say we're going to do whatever we can to be able to secure the border."

Bottom line... you need to do your Constitutional duty, put country over party, and vote to pass this bill! Donald Trump is NOT the president and GOP politicians owe their allegiance to the Constitution - NOT one of the party's presidential candidates

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Republicans: "Constitution? We don't need no stinking Constitution!"

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Well done Aletha!

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Thanks! I figure it's important to let our senators know what we think. They are supposed to represent everyone in the state, not just the Republicans and certainly not Donald Trump!

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AND our Representatives. Their the ones who are likely to trash this bill.

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Hard to imagine Ted Cruz caring about the constitution. Everything he says or does shows his contempt for the document.

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I know. Pretty ironic given that he clerked for Judge Luttig on the U.S. Court of Appeals and Justice Rehnquist on the Supreme Court. Seems like caring about the Constitution would be important.

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Great Aletha, this is exactly what we need to do - keep shining the mirror in their faces and holding their feet to the fire. Sooner or later they will wake up or scream "why are my feet burning?" :)

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From the border crisis to Ukraine, from funding veterans' continuing healthcare to strengthening America's relationship with its allies, from women's reproductive rights to voting rights, from ensuring functional healthcare for all citizens of the Republic to the national debt--you name any necessary function of a responsible government, and you'll find Republicans have proven over and over again they cannot be trusted to negotiate in good faith on anything of importance to the nation. They are, as you correctly term them, a party of disaffected, disingenuous and disturbed children and as such, *must* be repudiated at every turn until they finally get it: the party is fucking over for them. The GOP in its entirety needs to be sent home for a "time out," hopefully to contemplate its interminable, egregiously awful treatment of its hosts, ordinary American people.

Throw the bums out. Vote Blue and save America from these willfully ignorant, mean and malignantly selfish little brats who want to break democracy, the only reason they were allowed to attend the party in the first place.

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Or at least, if you are going to vote for a Red candidate at any level of government, vote for one that is able to not only identify the issues but also willing to negotiate and compromise in order to get to a mutually acceptable solution. The same holds true for any Blue candidate that you vote for.

Country over Party.

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I agree except on the federal level right now- Blue is the only one that will save democracy on the federal level for 2024

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I wonder if they actually know that by breaking the country they are enabling an authoritarian dictator. I think many of them do. But I also think that they don’t realize if we can get one dictator we can get another who is NOT their friend. The pendulum swings. There may not be a lot of folks on the left who would be willing to play Trump’s game, but there may be enough. Then what will these weak, small minded people do? They will have unleashed a monster and be unable to control it. I don’t wish that much power on any group, as it only results in the oppression of many, and someday it may be them.

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I SO agree with this. It's all about " Oh it won't be me so I don't have to worry" mentality. Which amazes me because we see over amd over how anything associated with trump DIES.

He just leaves them out to dry out and die.

And many of the supporters are dependent on federal assistance. I know this because many people in my area are on just that and they think this weak clown is gonna fight for them. Gimme a break !

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They are betting they can seize and hold power forever, just as Putin has in Russia.

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Trump is 77, obese and consumes nothing but junk food and Diet Coke (26 per day at last count). He can’t live much longer. Not to mention the fact that he is bat crap crazy and likely has dementia. That wouldn’t be sustainable for any dictator, and nobody else in the party is even remotely likable, no matter how hard they try to become his successor (I’m looking at you Josh Hawley and Ron DeSantis). No. They will blow it up and leave it to the rest of us to clean up the mess. And with so many Americans no longer having confidence in our institutions, how does that get done? Either a leftist dictator/police state or foreign invasion. Both concepts terrify me.

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I have and have read John Bolton's book. He couldn't get a Russian collaborator imbecile to take National Security seriously no matter how hard he tried. Sadly, the GOP has shot past Greed Over People into a giant bunch of toddlers lead by the Toddler King.

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well said

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I read that book too. It is full of interesting stuff. But regarding Bolton’s refusal to testify during the hearings for the first impeachment, it is often said he was holding out to sell his story in book form. There may be truth to that, but I got the sense that it had as much to do with his utter contempt for Democrats as it did with any profit motive. Pretty disappointing.

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Thank you, Adam. It’s utterly disgraceful to put power & money over country. It’s utterly disgraceful to make this a political pawn. The GOP kissing the ring, instead of legislating, is utterly disgraceful as well. I can not wrap my head around how bad this all is, never imagined that these are our political leaders.

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why even get into politics if its not to make a real difference

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They get into politics because it is an easy way to gain power and money through various lobbies, and the revolving door of lucrative jobs after their terms are finished. How many millions of rubles were washed through the NRA and ended up on Republican pockets?

I suspect, Adam, that you got into politics to help your fellow citizens as their elected rep, and to uphold the Constitution. Your military service, and your service on the J6 committee, shows this commitment. That your fellow Republicans (in name only) vilify you for hewing to your oath to serve is abysmal.

More power to you, Adam. I've got your back, even though I'm a pacifist Democrat.

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Because they didn’t get any of the jobs they interviewed for, so politics was/is their plan B or C.

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No one could have said it better!

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Thanks for sharing your view on this, and explaining the situation so well -- definitely makes sense. The illustration of the crowd of bozos certainly helps to make your point! Quite an accurate portrayal.

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sadly, thanks

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Thank you Adam for bringing all of this up!!As a former Republican I agree with you 100 percent!!!The Republican Party needs to stop following Trumps lead! I don’t understand why they are so afraid of doing the right thing!!We need to help the Ukraine!!I remember when Russia was the enemy on both sides-Republican and democratic and it needs to stay that way!!!

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Oh i remember...wish we were there. I think it will return the question is how much damage in the mean time. At least i hope

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I really loved this article I shared it to all my people!!!!! Thank you for posting it

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The article you shared on Twitter/X I had meant the one where the woman escaped the Qanon cult

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The GOP has been kissing the ring of power without doing a damn thing to earn it for years, if not decades. Just examine the economic history of the country using the party in power as a reference. GOP years are years of satisfying the richest of the rich and for too many years the Dems were "GOP lite", doing the same thing with a bit less enthusiasm. G.W. Bush left us with massive budget deficits through tax cuts for the rich and two unnecessary wars and, of course, the Great Recession, when millions of Americans lost their homes, jobs, and savings. It took Obama basically his whole first term to straighten the country out again. Then we got the tRump who left us the mess of Covid, many thousands of unnecessary deaths, an economy in ruins and to top it all off, an insurrection such the country had never suffered before. Why aren't these folks in solitary confinement? Joe Biden has been the first President in 40+ years to change the record so we aren't listening to the same old BS. The Republicans are facing the same catastrophe that they did in 1932 when Hoover won 6 of the then 48 states. Their fealty to Donald's Cult is a disaster of their own making. The US now has the strongest economy in the world and we got it partially from Joe's hard work. It is now our responsibility to do our best to support Ukraine in its struggle with Putin's hordes, another unnecessary war. Let's get on with it.

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And James Lankford, the republican senator who worked to get a bipartisan border deal together was CENSURED. By his own party back on Oklahoma. For working with the democrats to get a deal. This is insanity. This is hypocrisy. This is the new MAGA GOP. I really hope voters who actually care about the border (and about Ukraine) are paying attention.

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I just sent an email in support to Senator Lankford and thanked him.

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Not so new. The Indiana senator Richard Lugar lost a primary to an extremist in 2012 after a prestigious career because he was accused of “compromising” too much.

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Adam excellent summary. What I don’t understand is why so many veterans support Trump. He is an insult to everything they put their lives on the line for.

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They too are vulnerable to disinformation, lies, and theatrics. Not unlike billionaires, attorneys general, Supreme Court justices, or anyone else.

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You are correct sir. Lindsey graham and Tom Cotton are hawks - but only when there is a Democratic President.

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So true, and what IF the president did that? They'll turn on a dime and say he's trying to start WW3. The clowns have been talking about that the last couple of years.

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Or not forceful enough by not changing the Iranian regime.

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good point- I never noticed this

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Now that so much hay is being made over the Republicans back-peddling and motivation regarding the border deal, do you think they will be forced to go along with it? Despite Trump wanting it to be an election issue (I mean, if we all know what they're doing, the plan loses its power doesn't it?)

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It depends. If the dems can message this well and put them on the defense yes. Or, i johnson can be forced to agree to let it come to the floor for a vote...you know, how a republic is supposed to work

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Dems are bad at messaging so I am not holding my breath. But I hope I am wrong.

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Then they need to find someone who is good at messaging for some help real soon. Time is a-tickin’.

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It is a lot easier to “message” when you’re oblivious to or simply willing to bulldoze any semblance of truth or nuance in any issue.

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They also have the advantage of having the right-winged media ecosystem who repeats the same lies over and over again. The Dems does not have the same apparatchiks.

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This will take a lot for attention in the press for it to persuade congress to act. Fortunately, Trump isn’t getting smacked by the courts right now, so he doesn’t have the MSM’s attention.

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Thank you Adam for never putting party over country!

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I let my moderate-ish US Representative, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, know about the urgency needed for finding a solution for the situation at the border, along with the need to resume help to Ukraine. I also expressed my support for humanitarian aid to folks in Gaza, and also my sincere support to call for a cease-fire. I feel that Republicans need to take a refresher course on what it means to work on a bi-partisan basis on ALL issues, not just particular issues. I am a lifelong Democrat, but I fondly remember the days of yore, where Republicans and Democrats alike believed in protecting our democracy, over party goals.

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" Joe Biden has agreed in principle to real legislative changes to get a grip on the problem. I believe the President has an opportunity to blunt a real advantage to the GOP…border security.He should be out there constantly discussing his willingness to compromise to protect this country, and point out the lack of GOP willingness to solve the issue" You are so right Adam! You need to be one of Biden campaign advisors! And you're right- these maga members are experts at moving goal posts.

On the issue of Iran- I am not a 'hawk' but I do agree that we have to be out there protecting democracy wherever that may be. I don't agree with making up reasons to attack a country like we did in Iraq. Afghanistan made sense as that was the base for 9/11. Attacking Iran- would be like what we did in Iraq. We should respond to every attack on our military but in a targeted way to the groups that are directly responsible. The country of Iran did not attack us officially, even though they may support those who did, it was a terrorist group.

I emailed my Representative to encourage him to sign the bipartisan immigration bill instead of playing politics and spending money on impeaching everyone!

PS- Send in the Clowns- don't bother, they're here!

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Thanks Adam! This episode reveals the Freedom Caucus is scrambling to follow the Republican Party's stated platform: whatever Don wants, whenever he wants it. This is the classic demand of blind, unthinking loyalty of the Confidence Man.

The Freedom Caucus members are front line victims of Donald's ongoing con game. It's a con game that has been well described by Bannon and Stone and many other Trump World insiders. They know he's an Impostor politician. No knowledge. No experience. No ability to do the job. Just like many fraudulent conman impostors before him. Don the Con is challenging the Press, and all of us, to stop him.

Trump barely won the 2016 election by using a childish con artist trick: “heads I win, tails you lose.” "The election will be/was rigged." The Press treated this trick as a legit claim. When it was bullshit! He tried it again in the 2020 campaign. And he used it again to try to justify stealing the election from Biden, after he lost. And he’s trying the same old, tired con trick again now, in 2024, to return to his role of Impostor President again! And the legit Press, and almost everyone else, is falling for it again!

Trump vs Clinton Campaign - 2016

Trump: October 25, 2016: "Help me stop Crooked Hillary from rigging this election."

Trump: October, 2016: "You have 1.8 million people who are dead. Some of them definitely vote. There are 2.5 million people registered to vote in two states. That means they are voting twice."

Roger Stone: October, 2016: Forms the non-profit company "Stop the Steal" and begs for money. Stone claims Hillary supporters will "stuff the ballot boxes" and "hack into the voting machines."

Trump: November 8, 2016: Victory speech: "We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict." And "Thank you to Mike Pence."

The Press reaction after Trump’s 2016 win? Not a peep about Trump's "rigged election" or "Stop the Steal" claims. The Press deemed the election was fair because Trump won! They fell for the “heads I win, tails you lose” trick. “If you win, it’s because you cheated. If I win, it was a fair election.”

Trump vs Biden Campaign-2020

Mike Wallace: July 19, 2020: "Are you suggesting that you might not accept the results of the election?" Trump: "No. I have to see."

Trump: Aug 24, 2020: "The only way they can take this away from us is if this is a rigged election."

Bannon: Oct 31, 2020: "What Trump's gonna do is just declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's a winner."

Fox News: Nov 7, 2020: "Biden wins Presidency."

Trump: Nov 7 to Jan 6, 2021. "The election was rigged. Stop the Steal!"

Trump: Jan 6, 2021: “Fight like hell.” “We love you, you’re very special.”

Trump vs Biden Campaign-2024

The Federalist: Aug 12, 2022: "The FBI raid is rigging the election for Biden."

Trump: Dec 31, 2023: “As the New Year approaches, I would like to wish an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits and Thugs on their never ending attempt to DESTROY OUR NATION through Lawfare, invasion, and Rigging Elections.”

We don't like to admit we have been fooled by a fraud trick or con game. It hurts our feelings. Especially for the full-on cult member suckers. But the grownups have to stop this childish mess. The Press. The rational Republicans. The DNC political game players. The Supreme Court. All have to tell the truth and shut this con game down.

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This is both infuriating and heartbreaking. I use to believe in the people we elected to lead us, and I keep waiting to see something from somebody that shows hope. I can’t find it.

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