I find an enormous amount of comfort in your statement, "History has shown us that no leader is immune to accountability". We just have to hang in there and not become discouraged and/or apathetic until that time comes!
I agree as well with your comment Randy: "History has shown us that no leader is immune to accountability"
Tramp and his cronies think it was a mandate ---- there was NO mandate (with the popular vote).
I just want America to get down the road for 2 years. Hopefully more American's will see what they voted in, and have a change of heart, and vote some of these clown's off the clown car.
I have been Republican all my life; most people call me a RINO. Not sure that fits anymore ;-(
Good read, thanks Adam. I sure wish the Republican party was not hijacked by Maga. Sensible leaders like you is what this country needs . Thanks for standing with the constitution. I haven't been able to turn on the news in the last month so I have retreated here for discussion and understanding .
I still turn on the news, but only for 1-2 hours per day. Sometimes I get upset about some of the things I hear, but it's my way of staying informed (alert and vigilant). That being said, I don't watch Fox or any other extremist right wing media. There's a limit to what I can take!
Thank you for mentioning Liz and Adam. They gave up so much due to Trump and remained calm and astute throughout the Jan 6 hearings. True leadership! I hung on every word that they and that committee said. It was truly a tour de force. I have been a lifelong Democrat, but at the last election I thought if Adam or Liz or John McCain were running, I’d be a very happy voter. Or Mitt Romney! Real republicans. Every time Adam posts here, I think “thank you for your service” and I mean it.
I have rejected corporate media and relied almost entirely upon independent journalism, such as the many wonderful and smart writers I follow on Substack. I highly recommend it! I’m still in touch with what is going on, but benefit from a more in-depth analysis, minus the histrionics.
Minus the histrionics for sure. I stay close to this substack to stay grounded. I have also found good info via Tangle. It’s a non partisan news source with some independent thoughts. It’s helped me stay sane, keep calm and carry on.
I've done the same. I've been picking and choosing who I will watch and listen to in the MSM. Otherwise, I'm listening to Robert Reich, HRC, Adam, and a few others on Youtube. Any more and it gets to be too much. I call it Sensory Overload.
Let's not forget over 165 million people over the age of 18 did not vote for Trump!!! The reason he won is because most people vote party and they couldn't careless what their nominee did in the past. This is the sad reality!!! Convincing some Independents makes the difference.
Yes, it is less than 50 % but they keep saying it was a mandate and a landslide, the more they repeat that the more his people believe, they have never told the truth, yet his people don’t care!
I’m very curious why the MAGA legislators don’t seem to have a very rational fear for their own safety and that of their families, with the utterly incompetent cabinet heads in critical positions. Do they think they won’t be victims of the next deadly pandemic which is looming (H5N1)? Do they think a terrorist attack won’t affect them? Would they move to a town where the police force was a group of fifth graders and the hospital was staffed by dropouts? I am completely baffled at their lack of self preservation, or maybe it’s a severely off-kilter threat assessment that their precious jobs (many are millionaires) under threat by MAGA, are more vital than their lives and the lives of their loved ones?
"They" are so busy "sucking up" to trump that "they" haven't given any thought to the possibilities that you point out. They'll be "burned by the stove" soon enough though.
My favorite "Word of the Month" has been, "distinction." As in, the Orange Menace makes no distinction between anyone once he gets what he wants. In this case, he got his votes. That out of the way, he's done listening to the little people. Those who have nothing more to offer. His focus is strictly on the pandering to the rich with tax cuts in exchange for...MONEY. You can bet there's been a lot of dark money being exchanged for favors. More than anything, even though I know WE will be as badly affected by it, I want to see those who voted for him to really, really feel the burn from the proverbial stove. Buyer's remorse? No. They'll blame anyone else but Dear Leader. But, it will still be painful.
Exactly Joelle. It's amazing to me how Trump supporters/voters have so quickly forgotten (or were never aware) about Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon created the We Build the Wall GoFundMe to collect money, supposedly, to pay for Trump's border wall. Millions were donated by, obviously, Trump supporters. I would go out on a limb & bet that only Trump supporters contributed to that fund. I can't imagine an anti Trumper giving a single penny to pay for the wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.
Well, of course, the money didn't go towards building the wall. The money went into Bannon's & associates' pockets. When the fraud was discovered, Bannon was arrested while aboard his new yacht..
So, one would think that with Trump promising to drain the swamp & hold all the crooks who steal money from hard working Americans accountable, that he really stuck it to Steve Bannon. He promised his voters that he is their justice, their warrior, & to all those who have been wronged, he is their retribution.
Well, I can't think of anyone in power who has more directly wronged the specific group of people Trump made this promise to than Steve Bannon by asking them to send him money directly under false pretenses. This seemed like a perfect example of the kind of corruption Trump alleged was happening so, one would think that he would make a show of retribution against Bannon on behalf of his supporters.
Or, if I were a Trump supporter that's what I'd be expecting. Considering the fact that I am not, I'm not the least supprised that Trump pardoned Bannon for stealing millions of dollars from those who naively believes they were coming together to help Trump accomplish a goal they obviously believed in.
If Trump possessed even a shred of empathy or compassion, he might've been appreciative & heartened by the American people giving what they could afford & probably some of what they couldn't in order to help pay for something that, even if Mexico didn't pay a dime, the American people had no business paying for directly out of pocket. They were never going to raise the billions needed to build that wall but gosh darn it they sure gave it their best effort. And while I think the cause was ridiculous, I would still think that someone in Trump's position would've found it endearing; & subsequently would've been angry at anyone who took advantage of the faith & support his voters have in him for their own personal gain.
So, I admit I was just a little surprised when Trump issued Bannon a pardon for this scam he ran solely against the people who support Trump. Or rather, I'm not so much surprised that Trump pardoned Bannon, I know he doesn't really give a damn about his supporters. It's more that I was a little surprised that it didn't even seem to cause a ripple in the support of his base. I'm aware he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave & not lose a single vote. I just wasn't aware that he could (metaphorically) shoot THEM & still not lose votes. Shooting "someone" is fine but shooting his own supporters, I thought, would've crossed the line. Apparently not.
You give them way too much credit in their ability to even ask questions such as these. Pretty sure most truly believe they are completely safe and that 'Trump will protect them' from anything.
And they demand that schools don’t teach critical thinking as well; it’s a threat to their power, which is obvious in the results of our last election.
In the area where I am now living, the vocal majority are Animal Farm-esque four legs good two legs bad pro-Trump MAGA to such an extent it is impossible to get any factual information into or out of them. It is all spewing forth of his talking points and quips. I’m afraid it really will take failings of a truly catastrophic nature to make them begin to think, and I’ll bet at that point it will still be Biden’s fault, and the radical left liberals who want to destroy our country… 😳 It seems like the only thing that will help here is a strong Republican candidate who is compelling enough to drag them into reasonable thinking, and the Republicans in leadership around here are not that sort.
At this point I’d go for any type of thinking, and work our way up to critical thinking!
I’m on the SE North Carolina coast… these people griping and hand-wringing about overdevelopment of the area, clear-cutting wooded areas in service of rapidly expanding building, complaining about problems with water quality, and so on. Do Trump and the MAGA crew seem likely to pass any kind of legislation that would limit development and enforce environmental controls? Improve water quality??
Or even our own NC legislature. States have the power to do that, but Phil Berger and previously Thom Tillis and Chuck Edwards, we’re sure to let development happen and not talk about climate change. I live in Helene impacted Asheville area and our legislature is now passing a bill that will shift power from the governor to the auditor and have chosen not to fund any specific disaster help at this time, they are more interested 8n their power grab than helping their constituents . We will see if the WNC reps override this veto as the senate did.
I’m in Brunswick County, where Potential Tropical Cyclone #8 dumped all that rain and washed out roads, bridges, and destroyed homes a few weeks before Helene hit your area. A total mess. And the focus on red v blue power grabs instead of factual experienced reality just blows my mind. People, step away from the power politics and the blame game, and look at what can be done proactively to care for our environmental home! I couldn’t care less which colored side comes up with a rational reasonable plan, as long as it is rational, reasonable, and equitable. 🙏🏻
Great points! My other concern is a third party or just non-maga Republican candidate will split votes with the Democrat and Maga slides in again despite unhappiness. Why? Because when we say cult, we mean cult. There is zero reasoning to change a high % of their minds. They’re in way too deep and just gone.
I think there will have to be a combination of a critical mass of problems with the dysfunctional MAGA agenda along with a breakthrough non-MAGA Republican candidate that can stand up to the crap and de-program the cult. As it stands now, that seems quite out of reach, when Republicans senators are saying Trump won so he deserves whatever cabinet he wants. Just tossing their authority in the wood-chipper. They weren’t saying that when they opposed Biden’s nominees. If that’s what’s happening in the Senate, how are these local cultists supposed to break free in their thinking?
Yep! All they care about is having a seat at the Ruler’s table, and the promised piece of the pie in their home States when the Ruler takes control of the country.
I think Trump’s popularity is mostly tied to economic growth and inflation. However, he does have an extremely robust propaganda network that can cause voters to have suspension of disbelief even their own economic circumstances are not improving. I wish Americans care about these awful cabinet nominees, but I reckon more than half are not paying attention.
I think his approval rating isn’t based on facts or accomplishments. It’s a popularity contest. He’s the sitcom character that MAGA’s like. The beloved Archie Bunker. He sells merchandise like a 2cent actor. He’s a performer who’s always in character.
Exactly. And I hope and believe when he's out of the picture, his posse of Project 25-er's won't have the star power to maintain the momentum of MAGA. They know it too, and that's why they're pushing their agenda to control all the institutions asap.
Adam after reading this your post, I find comfort and horror mixed! Comfort in the fact that maybe just maybe the next 4 years won’t be as bad as I have imagined! Horror that is could be even worse than I imagined!😢🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️💙
Oh, I believe it. With as radical an agenda he's got in the works, we Americans are simply NOT ready or even willing to accept it as par for the course. It's not who we are. I also cannot nor will not stop thinking about our Fallen military who made the ultimate sacrifice so our country continues to remain strong and free. I've not lost anyone in the military, but as a veteran, I align myself with and fight for those who have. Their sacrifice must NEVER be forgotten.
Cheryl, I'm sorry to say it, but I'm quite sure worse. When you only have "Yes" people following a psychopath it's going to be like Putin or Xi - hard to imagine. It will take Country First, Democrats and many other organizations and individuals to keep up the fight. The ugliness of dictators is that a majority of the subjects may hate your war (Putin) or your economy (Xi), but nobody is going to speak up because they know the consequences. Trump is already threatening to change the press briefings by credentialing more podcasters and independents. I have no problem with that on the surface, but if he starts trying to cut out the NY Times, Washington Post, and other mainstream media BEWARE!
Good luck with trying to quash the press. This action will scream UNCONSTITUTIONAL! <~~~emphasis; not yelling What the Orange Menace and his ilk want is to pick and choose out of the Bill of Rights whatever suits their agenda. And he will attempt it. He mentioned it during his previous occupation of the WH. As for the MAGAs who will go with it, they'll have a wakeup call, and a very rude one at that. MAGAs, be careful what you wish for!
A large segment of Americans seem to have forgotten the debacle that was 2016 to 2020. Then they had four years of improvement and prosperity under President Biden and even that didn’t make them happy. And the press continues to hammer away at President Biden for insignificant things. This has given me some doubt about the seriousness and the intelligence of the American public.
Honeymoon? Really? This has disaster stamped all over it from January 20th, 2025 and we aren’t even there yet. When polio, measles, mumps and every other disease we’ve eradicated returns, the naked emperor could actually be revealed. Although, as we have seen, this pathetic excuse of a man evades accountability.
Which days - trump or Python? or both? I try to push bad thoughts out of memory. That's why I have the entire Python series/movies. Now, for something completely different. Confuse a Cat Limited may be needed to bring magats back to the fold of us in reality!
I think my biggest challenge is - having to question EVERYTHING in the wake of the election. For example, you said, "Americans care deeply about the military." Do they? Do they really? They voted for Trump after some very prominent military leaders said he would be disastrous for national security.
"Americans are patient, to a point." But is patience truly what we are talking about here? People who were outraged by Trump's antics are still outraged today. They are not being patient - they are bowing before the process, having been told that this is how democracy works. And people who worship him still worship him. They are not being patient - they are being gleeful. And when things start to unravel after January 20th, when Trump supporters lose benefits, when their special needs kids won't be able to go to school anymore, when cheaper gas never materializes - they'll just find a way to blame someone else. Obama, Biden, Hillary, Kamala... they have a whole list.
Historians, political and constitutional scholars keep saying, "Oh, but we have safeguards for that." No, we don't. Safeguards only work when people they are applied to actually follow the law - and these people don't. For example, isn't it true that Trump has yet to disassociate himself from his businesses and sign the paperwork for his medical and tax releases? He probably won't do any of it - AGAIN. But where are the consequences? It's not as if there is going to be a regiment of soldiers barring his way into the White House until he signs. He'll just walk in. And that illustrates the entire Trump phenomenon - I have yet to see a single thing he hadn't gotten away with. Including his 34 felony convictions. Sure, they exist - but where are the consequences?
Some truly hideous people have gotten away with some truly hideous things without any consequences at all. Yes, we remember dictators who fell, because we want to believe in good triumphing over evil. But let's not forget: Mary Tudor, Alexander III of Russia, Stalin all died in their beds.
Maria, I totally agree with you! So many (not all) Americans are asleep at the wheel. We have been so coddled and are so comfortable we are a perfect target for a dictatorship in my opinion. Read Kim Whele’s Simple Politics on Substack and you will see how much Trump weakened the Constitution his first go around, and now he’s got the Supreme Court lined up. Anyone who does’t believe we are under dire threat is, in my opinion, incredible naive and ill informed!
We're going to have to be like Navalny. Read Alexei Navalny, Patriot, recently published Memoir, which he wrote while he was in prison after the FSB poisoned him, nearly to death, and he returned to Russia to fight on until his death.
The problem with Navalny was not many people followed him. You can't do it alone. That was Russia and this is the USA. I still have faith in this country. When push comes to shove we'll be there.
Actually, a lot of people followed him. Many of his candidates in Siberia were elected, which drew Putin’s attention and ire, which is why he was poisoned just before his plane took off to return to Moscow. We have about as good real news coverage from Russia as we do China - they don’t call it “State media”for no reason. Nonetheless, there is a strong underground of “real news” in dictatorships. I experienced that first hand when I visited Hungary in 1973 with my Hungarian-American friend.
We were at a social gathering last evening. We live in a county that went 65/35 Trump. When we got home, my husband told me that he was in a conversation with some of the other men (all of whom are GOP). They are deeply worried about what they are seeing. Biggest issues are economy and the military. All of these people had served and one is a retired Admiral. Some green shoots maybe?
I've remained very optimistic that a very large majority of our military and veterans will not be siding with the rabid MAGA malitias. I'm part of that majority; I strongly feel there will be no successful attempt to another insurrection. Too many of us have taken our oath way too seriously, even post-military, to continue to uphold it. It's about values, integrity, respect. This never goes away.
I'm barely now back to reading the news. I know it can only get worse before it gets any better. My fear is not tRump, it's the foundations that are looking like they're in charge?(Project 2025?)
"Take his cabinet picks, for example. While they might not initially register as earth-shattering to voters, their cumulative effect on the American psyche will be profound. They reveal a man less interested in governance and more fixated on settling scores and indulging in image-driven theatrics."
I have no faith that Maga cares about such things. I believe they will relish them.
Adam, I think many Trump voters are furious at how broken and unfair our country has become. The voted to “burn it down” not on policies. He may get a longer honeymoon because of the chaos, many of his voters believe they have nothing to lose.
Not all, but many in MAGA have already been burned. They are poor, middle class jobs are gone, they lack education, have awful healthcare, were deliberately addicted to opioids by Pharma and are rightfully furious. MAGA movement is them giving the middle finger to our system. Democrats are seen as the establishment, offering incremental solutions like tax credits. Trump is seen as a rescuer as he robs America blind. We are in crazy times of gaslighting and misinformation. America was ripe for this because of the massive inequality and unfairness. If it wasn’t Trump, somebody else would have come along. Destruction comes to any society where 1% has 30% of wealth and the bottom 50% has 3% of wealth.
The greedheads among the 1%'ers and their their "think tank" factotems are using Donald and his cronies as distractions from their behind the scene machinations. (See Leonard Leo and the Supreme Court alongside the Heritage Foundation's "2025"). A strong Country First can alert regular folks to their ruses.
Maga's problems are never their fault. It's always someone else that keeps them where they are at in life. Most people's problems are self-inflicted, as Gramps told me. Me included.
My 94 year old mom has voted republican most of her life. She struggles with dementia but had the clarity of thought to understand why Trump would be appointing unqualified people for his cabinet. They can’t look or act smarter than he.
The parents and grand parents of baby boomers had a term to describe MAGA it was brain washed. His people are puppets, if they fight the strings he will just replace them with a more compliant puppet. He dose not want his puppets to become real people, no Pinocchios in his cabinet. Your mom knows a puppet show when she sees it.
A new take on the old adage "you get what you pay for, "you knew what you were getting when you voted for him." I put the blame on the citizens who voted for him. After thr first term they knew what they were voting for (shakes head).
I've watched quite a few post election voter interviews and my impression is many have little idea what they were voting for other than they didn't like Harris and Trump has promised to fix it and lower inflation. Most have never heard of Project 2025 or have no idea what's in it.
I find an enormous amount of comfort in your statement, "History has shown us that no leader is immune to accountability". We just have to hang in there and not become discouraged and/or apathetic until that time comes!
Exactly. They want you to get tired
Do you still believe this to be true, a month + out?
4 years! I have been discouraged since Nov 6 th. But trying hard to not be apathetic.
Thanks Adam for giving me (us) hope!
I agree as well with your comment Randy: "History has shown us that no leader is immune to accountability"
Tramp and his cronies think it was a mandate ---- there was NO mandate (with the popular vote).
I just want America to get down the road for 2 years. Hopefully more American's will see what they voted in, and have a change of heart, and vote some of these clown's off the clown car.
I have been Republican all my life; most people call me a RINO. Not sure that fits anymore ;-(
Good read, thanks Adam. I sure wish the Republican party was not hijacked by Maga. Sensible leaders like you is what this country needs . Thanks for standing with the constitution. I haven't been able to turn on the news in the last month so I have retreated here for discussion and understanding .
I still turn on the news, but only for 1-2 hours per day. Sometimes I get upset about some of the things I hear, but it's my way of staying informed (alert and vigilant). That being said, I don't watch Fox or any other extremist right wing media. There's a limit to what I can take!
I agree with your comment about the news. I'm retired and have time to read and watch the news, but pulled away for the last 30 days.
I deleted my Fox News app 3 years ago. If my news feed has an article posted by Fox, I never read it!
Fox slogan years and years ago -- "Fair and balanced".
Fox slogan today-- "Fiction and Fake News"
RINO -- Ed
Yep, me too
But out of all the Republican reps there were only 2 sensible ones, Adam and Liz. And not just sensible, but putting country first!!!
Thank you for mentioning Liz and Adam. They gave up so much due to Trump and remained calm and astute throughout the Jan 6 hearings. True leadership! I hung on every word that they and that committee said. It was truly a tour de force. I have been a lifelong Democrat, but at the last election I thought if Adam or Liz or John McCain were running, I’d be a very happy voter. Or Mitt Romney! Real republicans. Every time Adam posts here, I think “thank you for your service” and I mean it.
Absolutely agree! Two true Patriots that believe on our Constitution and democracy!
So proud of Adam and Liz!
Same here
I have rejected corporate media and relied almost entirely upon independent journalism, such as the many wonderful and smart writers I follow on Substack. I highly recommend it! I’m still in touch with what is going on, but benefit from a more in-depth analysis, minus the histrionics.
Minus the histrionics for sure. I stay close to this substack to stay grounded. I have also found good info via Tangle. It’s a non partisan news source with some independent thoughts. It’s helped me stay sane, keep calm and carry on.
Substack is wonderful. I have several paid subscriptions on SS (Substack).
Its worth the money -- just less trips to Starbucks to pay for "Good News"
RINO -- Ed
I've done the same. I've been picking and choosing who I will watch and listen to in the MSM. Otherwise, I'm listening to Robert Reich, HRC, Adam, and a few others on Youtube. Any more and it gets to be too much. I call it Sensory Overload.
I go to the BBC and The Guardian to supplement. I tell this to Foxers who claim to be open-minded and want an outside perspective.
very good callout! thanks for the reminder
Me too.
Has anyone pointed out that his margin of victory in the popular vote is disintegrating? The latest I read 96% of votes had been counted.
Yes! This is an important fact! The margin of his victory is tiny. There is no big mandate. We need to remember and remind everyone.
Which makes it easier to grow our numbers enough in the next few elections and win!
Assuming there are any to win.
Possible but not probable!
I didn't think roughly 50% of Americans were this (to be kind) ignorant
It wasn't 50% it actually was 22.3% of Americans. 77 million MORONS of 330 million citizens. I share your sentiment!!!
Indeed..."push'em back, push 'em back... Way back." Change the channel. Mute the volume. 🙈🙉
Let's not forget over 165 million people over the age of 18 did not vote for Trump!!! The reason he won is because most people vote party and they couldn't careless what their nominee did in the past. This is the sad reality!!! Convincing some Independents makes the difference.
And around 250,000 votes in the 7 critical swing states.
Yes, it is less than 50 % but they keep saying it was a mandate and a landslide, the more they repeat that the more his people believe, they have never told the truth, yet his people don’t care!
Drunk with power....
Last number I saw was 1.5%.
It has taken me 30 days to re-set!
I decided to watch from the hillside onto the train track below me, and watch the train wreck over the next 2 years!
I pray (and hope), we see a voter revolt in 2026!
RINO -- Ed
I’m very curious why the MAGA legislators don’t seem to have a very rational fear for their own safety and that of their families, with the utterly incompetent cabinet heads in critical positions. Do they think they won’t be victims of the next deadly pandemic which is looming (H5N1)? Do they think a terrorist attack won’t affect them? Would they move to a town where the police force was a group of fifth graders and the hospital was staffed by dropouts? I am completely baffled at their lack of self preservation, or maybe it’s a severely off-kilter threat assessment that their precious jobs (many are millionaires) under threat by MAGA, are more vital than their lives and the lives of their loved ones?
Please! Do not insult 5th graders. Any one of them is a better match for president.
I could be rather crass here but...
"They" are so busy "sucking up" to trump that "they" haven't given any thought to the possibilities that you point out. They'll be "burned by the stove" soon enough though.
My favorite "Word of the Month" has been, "distinction." As in, the Orange Menace makes no distinction between anyone once he gets what he wants. In this case, he got his votes. That out of the way, he's done listening to the little people. Those who have nothing more to offer. His focus is strictly on the pandering to the rich with tax cuts in exchange for...MONEY. You can bet there's been a lot of dark money being exchanged for favors. More than anything, even though I know WE will be as badly affected by it, I want to see those who voted for him to really, really feel the burn from the proverbial stove. Buyer's remorse? No. They'll blame anyone else but Dear Leader. But, it will still be painful.
Exactly Joelle. It's amazing to me how Trump supporters/voters have so quickly forgotten (or were never aware) about Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon created the We Build the Wall GoFundMe to collect money, supposedly, to pay for Trump's border wall. Millions were donated by, obviously, Trump supporters. I would go out on a limb & bet that only Trump supporters contributed to that fund. I can't imagine an anti Trumper giving a single penny to pay for the wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.
Well, of course, the money didn't go towards building the wall. The money went into Bannon's & associates' pockets. When the fraud was discovered, Bannon was arrested while aboard his new yacht..
So, one would think that with Trump promising to drain the swamp & hold all the crooks who steal money from hard working Americans accountable, that he really stuck it to Steve Bannon. He promised his voters that he is their justice, their warrior, & to all those who have been wronged, he is their retribution.
Well, I can't think of anyone in power who has more directly wronged the specific group of people Trump made this promise to than Steve Bannon by asking them to send him money directly under false pretenses. This seemed like a perfect example of the kind of corruption Trump alleged was happening so, one would think that he would make a show of retribution against Bannon on behalf of his supporters.
Or, if I were a Trump supporter that's what I'd be expecting. Considering the fact that I am not, I'm not the least supprised that Trump pardoned Bannon for stealing millions of dollars from those who naively believes they were coming together to help Trump accomplish a goal they obviously believed in.
If Trump possessed even a shred of empathy or compassion, he might've been appreciative & heartened by the American people giving what they could afford & probably some of what they couldn't in order to help pay for something that, even if Mexico didn't pay a dime, the American people had no business paying for directly out of pocket. They were never going to raise the billions needed to build that wall but gosh darn it they sure gave it their best effort. And while I think the cause was ridiculous, I would still think that someone in Trump's position would've found it endearing; & subsequently would've been angry at anyone who took advantage of the faith & support his voters have in him for their own personal gain.
So, I admit I was just a little surprised when Trump issued Bannon a pardon for this scam he ran solely against the people who support Trump. Or rather, I'm not so much surprised that Trump pardoned Bannon, I know he doesn't really give a damn about his supporters. It's more that I was a little surprised that it didn't even seem to cause a ripple in the support of his base. I'm aware he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave & not lose a single vote. I just wasn't aware that he could (metaphorically) shoot THEM & still not lose votes. Shooting "someone" is fine but shooting his own supporters, I thought, would've crossed the line. Apparently not.
You give them way too much credit in their ability to even ask questions such as these. Pretty sure most truly believe they are completely safe and that 'Trump will protect them' from anything.
Or, as he campaigned on "trump will fix it."
That is critical thinking, they don’t do that
And they demand that schools don’t teach critical thinking as well; it’s a threat to their power, which is obvious in the results of our last election.
Power and money blind the soul I suppose
It's a new form of "mental Illness".
From your fingers on the keyboard to God’s ears…
In the area where I am now living, the vocal majority are Animal Farm-esque four legs good two legs bad pro-Trump MAGA to such an extent it is impossible to get any factual information into or out of them. It is all spewing forth of his talking points and quips. I’m afraid it really will take failings of a truly catastrophic nature to make them begin to think, and I’ll bet at that point it will still be Biden’s fault, and the radical left liberals who want to destroy our country… 😳 It seems like the only thing that will help here is a strong Republican candidate who is compelling enough to drag them into reasonable thinking, and the Republicans in leadership around here are not that sort.
It’s a mess.
That’s what worries me about the maga types: they are impervious to real information and truth. “Critical thinking”? What’s that?
At this point I’d go for any type of thinking, and work our way up to critical thinking!
I’m on the SE North Carolina coast… these people griping and hand-wringing about overdevelopment of the area, clear-cutting wooded areas in service of rapidly expanding building, complaining about problems with water quality, and so on. Do Trump and the MAGA crew seem likely to pass any kind of legislation that would limit development and enforce environmental controls? Improve water quality??
Or even our own NC legislature. States have the power to do that, but Phil Berger and previously Thom Tillis and Chuck Edwards, we’re sure to let development happen and not talk about climate change. I live in Helene impacted Asheville area and our legislature is now passing a bill that will shift power from the governor to the auditor and have chosen not to fund any specific disaster help at this time, they are more interested 8n their power grab than helping their constituents . We will see if the WNC reps override this veto as the senate did.
I’m in Brunswick County, where Potential Tropical Cyclone #8 dumped all that rain and washed out roads, bridges, and destroyed homes a few weeks before Helene hit your area. A total mess. And the focus on red v blue power grabs instead of factual experienced reality just blows my mind. People, step away from the power politics and the blame game, and look at what can be done proactively to care for our environmental home! I couldn’t care less which colored side comes up with a rational reasonable plan, as long as it is rational, reasonable, and equitable. 🙏🏻
I agree it’s you! Well said!
Great points! My other concern is a third party or just non-maga Republican candidate will split votes with the Democrat and Maga slides in again despite unhappiness. Why? Because when we say cult, we mean cult. There is zero reasoning to change a high % of their minds. They’re in way too deep and just gone.
I think there will have to be a combination of a critical mass of problems with the dysfunctional MAGA agenda along with a breakthrough non-MAGA Republican candidate that can stand up to the crap and de-program the cult. As it stands now, that seems quite out of reach, when Republicans senators are saying Trump won so he deserves whatever cabinet he wants. Just tossing their authority in the wood-chipper. They weren’t saying that when they opposed Biden’s nominees. If that’s what’s happening in the Senate, how are these local cultists supposed to break free in their thinking?
So so so true! It’s because they saw what happened to Liz Cheney and they don’t want voted out by maga since they’re the party right now.
Yep! All they care about is having a seat at the Ruler’s table, and the promised piece of the pie in their home States when the Ruler takes control of the country.
I think Trump’s popularity is mostly tied to economic growth and inflation. However, he does have an extremely robust propaganda network that can cause voters to have suspension of disbelief even their own economic circumstances are not improving. I wish Americans care about these awful cabinet nominees, but I reckon more than half are not paying attention.
Don't worry they will be paying attention real soon!!
I share your lack of confidence in republican voters. Trump still had a 41% approval rate in 2020 right up to the election.
I think his approval rating isn’t based on facts or accomplishments. It’s a popularity contest. He’s the sitcom character that MAGA’s like. The beloved Archie Bunker. He sells merchandise like a 2cent actor. He’s a performer who’s always in character.
Exactly. And I hope and believe when he's out of the picture, his posse of Project 25-er's won't have the star power to maintain the momentum of MAGA. They know it too, and that's why they're pushing their agenda to control all the institutions asap.
Adam after reading this your post, I find comfort and horror mixed! Comfort in the fact that maybe just maybe the next 4 years won’t be as bad as I have imagined! Horror that is could be even worse than I imagined!😢🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️💙
I think that there is a suggestion that trump and his cronies won't last 4 years.
That would mean jd vance would become president and that could be so much worse!
Yes, that would be much worse, but please remember that Vance is one of trump's cronies too
Oh, I believe it. With as radical an agenda he's got in the works, we Americans are simply NOT ready or even willing to accept it as par for the course. It's not who we are. I also cannot nor will not stop thinking about our Fallen military who made the ultimate sacrifice so our country continues to remain strong and free. I've not lost anyone in the military, but as a veteran, I align myself with and fight for those who have. Their sacrifice must NEVER be forgotten.
Cheryl, I'm sorry to say it, but I'm quite sure worse. When you only have "Yes" people following a psychopath it's going to be like Putin or Xi - hard to imagine. It will take Country First, Democrats and many other organizations and individuals to keep up the fight. The ugliness of dictators is that a majority of the subjects may hate your war (Putin) or your economy (Xi), but nobody is going to speak up because they know the consequences. Trump is already threatening to change the press briefings by credentialing more podcasters and independents. I have no problem with that on the surface, but if he starts trying to cut out the NY Times, Washington Post, and other mainstream media BEWARE!
For all you Veterans out there, here is two websites you may be interested in: https://www.taskforcebutler.org and https://commondefense.us/
Good luck with trying to quash the press. This action will scream UNCONSTITUTIONAL! <~~~emphasis; not yelling What the Orange Menace and his ilk want is to pick and choose out of the Bill of Rights whatever suits their agenda. And he will attempt it. He mentioned it during his previous occupation of the WH. As for the MAGAs who will go with it, they'll have a wakeup call, and a very rude one at that. MAGAs, be careful what you wish for!
A large segment of Americans seem to have forgotten the debacle that was 2016 to 2020. Then they had four years of improvement and prosperity under President Biden and even that didn’t make them happy. And the press continues to hammer away at President Biden for insignificant things. This has given me some doubt about the seriousness and the intelligence of the American public.
I have no doubt.
Honeymoon? Really? This has disaster stamped all over it from January 20th, 2025 and we aren’t even there yet. When polio, measles, mumps and every other disease we’ve eradicated returns, the naked emperor could actually be revealed. Although, as we have seen, this pathetic excuse of a man evades accountability.
trump has already had his honeymoon, his 1st clown show. Barnum & Bailey couldn't match it.
I'd much rather have Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Surprisingly, I remember those days! 🤗🤗🤗
Which days - trump or Python? or both? I try to push bad thoughts out of memory. That's why I have the entire Python series/movies. Now, for something completely different. Confuse a Cat Limited may be needed to bring magats back to the fold of us in reality!
Monty Python's Flying Circus of course! I was often watching it "in the right frame of mind" which is why I am surprised that I remember those days! 😜
Me too! Lol!
I think my biggest challenge is - having to question EVERYTHING in the wake of the election. For example, you said, "Americans care deeply about the military." Do they? Do they really? They voted for Trump after some very prominent military leaders said he would be disastrous for national security.
"Americans are patient, to a point." But is patience truly what we are talking about here? People who were outraged by Trump's antics are still outraged today. They are not being patient - they are bowing before the process, having been told that this is how democracy works. And people who worship him still worship him. They are not being patient - they are being gleeful. And when things start to unravel after January 20th, when Trump supporters lose benefits, when their special needs kids won't be able to go to school anymore, when cheaper gas never materializes - they'll just find a way to blame someone else. Obama, Biden, Hillary, Kamala... they have a whole list.
Historians, political and constitutional scholars keep saying, "Oh, but we have safeguards for that." No, we don't. Safeguards only work when people they are applied to actually follow the law - and these people don't. For example, isn't it true that Trump has yet to disassociate himself from his businesses and sign the paperwork for his medical and tax releases? He probably won't do any of it - AGAIN. But where are the consequences? It's not as if there is going to be a regiment of soldiers barring his way into the White House until he signs. He'll just walk in. And that illustrates the entire Trump phenomenon - I have yet to see a single thing he hadn't gotten away with. Including his 34 felony convictions. Sure, they exist - but where are the consequences?
Some truly hideous people have gotten away with some truly hideous things without any consequences at all. Yes, we remember dictators who fell, because we want to believe in good triumphing over evil. But let's not forget: Mary Tudor, Alexander III of Russia, Stalin all died in their beds.
Maria, I totally agree with you! So many (not all) Americans are asleep at the wheel. We have been so coddled and are so comfortable we are a perfect target for a dictatorship in my opinion. Read Kim Whele’s Simple Politics on Substack and you will see how much Trump weakened the Constitution his first go around, and now he’s got the Supreme Court lined up. Anyone who does’t believe we are under dire threat is, in my opinion, incredible naive and ill informed!
Maria - I'm in your camp 100%. No repercussions for trump will just open the flood gates completely. Where's the little Dutch boy when you need him?
We're going to have to be like Navalny. Read Alexei Navalny, Patriot, recently published Memoir, which he wrote while he was in prison after the FSB poisoned him, nearly to death, and he returned to Russia to fight on until his death.
The problem with Navalny was not many people followed him. You can't do it alone. That was Russia and this is the USA. I still have faith in this country. When push comes to shove we'll be there.
Actually, a lot of people followed him. Many of his candidates in Siberia were elected, which drew Putin’s attention and ire, which is why he was poisoned just before his plane took off to return to Moscow. We have about as good real news coverage from Russia as we do China - they don’t call it “State media”for no reason. Nonetheless, there is a strong underground of “real news” in dictatorships. I experienced that first hand when I visited Hungary in 1973 with my Hungarian-American friend.
We were at a social gathering last evening. We live in a county that went 65/35 Trump. When we got home, my husband told me that he was in a conversation with some of the other men (all of whom are GOP). They are deeply worried about what they are seeing. Biggest issues are economy and the military. All of these people had served and one is a retired Admiral. Some green shoots maybe?
I've remained very optimistic that a very large majority of our military and veterans will not be siding with the rabid MAGA malitias. I'm part of that majority; I strongly feel there will be no successful attempt to another insurrection. Too many of us have taken our oath way too seriously, even post-military, to continue to uphold it. It's about values, integrity, respect. This never goes away.
Thanks Paula for sharing this! Gives me hope!
I'm barely now back to reading the news. I know it can only get worse before it gets any better. My fear is not tRump, it's the foundations that are looking like they're in charge?(Project 2025?)
Exactly !
"Take his cabinet picks, for example. While they might not initially register as earth-shattering to voters, their cumulative effect on the American psyche will be profound. They reveal a man less interested in governance and more fixated on settling scores and indulging in image-driven theatrics."
I have no faith that Maga cares about such things. I believe they will relish them.
Adam, I think many Trump voters are furious at how broken and unfair our country has become. The voted to “burn it down” not on policies. He may get a longer honeymoon because of the chaos, many of his voters believe they have nothing to lose.
Not all, but many in MAGA have already been burned. They are poor, middle class jobs are gone, they lack education, have awful healthcare, were deliberately addicted to opioids by Pharma and are rightfully furious. MAGA movement is them giving the middle finger to our system. Democrats are seen as the establishment, offering incremental solutions like tax credits. Trump is seen as a rescuer as he robs America blind. We are in crazy times of gaslighting and misinformation. America was ripe for this because of the massive inequality and unfairness. If it wasn’t Trump, somebody else would have come along. Destruction comes to any society where 1% has 30% of wealth and the bottom 50% has 3% of wealth.
The greedheads among the 1%'ers and their their "think tank" factotems are using Donald and his cronies as distractions from their behind the scene machinations. (See Leonard Leo and the Supreme Court alongside the Heritage Foundation's "2025"). A strong Country First can alert regular folks to their ruses.
Maga's problems are never their fault. It's always someone else that keeps them where they are at in life. Most people's problems are self-inflicted, as Gramps told me. Me included.
I'm surprised they didn't blame ANTIFA on Martin Luther King.
I, too, am worried about this
And "they" will hold fast to their belief until "they" get personally burned
they have a lot to lose in the form of the higher prices that are sure to come our way.
When you start to hit people in their pocketbooks is when they start to pay attention.
His picks are all about fulfilling the two most important things in his life. They are 1. put money in my pocket. 2. put kisses on my butt.
My 94 year old mom has voted republican most of her life. She struggles with dementia but had the clarity of thought to understand why Trump would be appointing unqualified people for his cabinet. They can’t look or act smarter than he.
The parents and grand parents of baby boomers had a term to describe MAGA it was brain washed. His people are puppets, if they fight the strings he will just replace them with a more compliant puppet. He dose not want his puppets to become real people, no Pinocchios in his cabinet. Your mom knows a puppet show when she sees it.
A new take on the old adage "you get what you pay for, "you knew what you were getting when you voted for him." I put the blame on the citizens who voted for him. After thr first term they knew what they were voting for (shakes head).
I've watched quite a few post election voter interviews and my impression is many have little idea what they were voting for other than they didn't like Harris and Trump has promised to fix it and lower inflation. Most have never heard of Project 2025 or have no idea what's in it.
77 million morons!
And let's not forget the immigration/illegals situation.
Exactly how I feel ! Amnesia