Excellent synopsis of the ongoing events in the Trump trial. It is about time that he not only must face his criminal charges but do so just as any of us would. No one is above the law. Thank you for your words.
Yep. I'm a Dem but I'd vote for Adam. I appreciate his openness and honesty. I may lean a bit more to the left in social issues but when it comes to foreign policy, immigration, and budget, I'm with you.
I cannot WAIT for Stormy AND Michael. Both have been through the ringer before and both know what to expect. I love MAGA people calling Stormy a bimbo. Depending on your sense of morality, real or phony, you can call her a lot of things BUT she is far from being a bimbo.
When they classify Michael as a liar and someone who committed perjury they forget to add that HE went to jail. HE admitted his part in the attempted coverup and that he lied to Congress. He paid for that and those around Donald should take heed. Let them go back to 2015 and then look at today. Look at who is still around him and who is not and what had happened to the "nots". Donald is poison. He destroys everything he touches. I'm going to be watching as much of this trial as I can.
Thanks for your great commentary Adam. I'm crossing my fingers that this WILL start to take Donald down. I laugh when MAGA says this is just to take Donald down. Well, yes, finally a true statement from MAGA but the part they have wrong is this is NOT a witch hunt.
I agree about Michael Cohen. This reminds me of a mob trial. Trump tries to act like a mob boss. Threatening everyone. Well Michael Cohen, his fixer, got sent to jail. Then was re-sent to Rykers and put in solitary because Cohen was going to write a book and refused to not have it released. Trump’s dictator tendencies were in full play. Cohen was finally released and got his book out. The paper trail is all there and the prosecutor has it. So why not listen to the “mob boss’s” attorney tell his story under oath if the evidence is already out in public?
As the walls continue to close in on him, he'll absolutely implode. This won't end well, but he should be given no quarter since he alone is responsible for what is happening.
Refusing to accept responsibility for his actions will lead to his end...
It's more likely he will explode like a gas-filled corpse. The stories out of the courtroom imply this might not be far off.
I read that one PA rally only had nine people show up. If all the news about him shows his candidacy is history and his life has been a pile of BS there is the distinct possibility that he might just decide to check out on his own rather than face the reality and responsibility of it all.
The fact that he’s going to have to sit there, and listen as all of these witnesses say things about him, and the way he does things (allegedly) without being able to say anything back, or get up, and leave brings me great joy
The incredible shrinking Trump makes my heart sing. He’s nothing more than an expensive, ill fitting suit. Maybe this case will be the one that finally does him in and show him to be the slimeball he truly is. Thank you Adam.
Great summary of what is going on with trump. It will be interesting as his brain never fully developed to handle consequences because he didn't have to as a child. He will probably implode. You can tell because he is using his campaign time to cry about how unfair this is! He's so desperate, he was complaining about the cold inside. Instead, he should be thanking the court for keeping him awake!!
Thanks Adam! Trump World is a leaky bucket. Donald and his enablers/media spinners/liars/Putin cyber propagandists keep adding to the "Trump World Con Game Bucket" with deceptions, while Donald is drilling holes in the bottom, with lie countering facts. And self destruction. Just as soon as they (Hannity-Carlson-Watters-Newsmax-OANN-Russia Today TV) get a little traction, Donnie says something really stupid and the con bucket leaks again. Got to be maddening for his loyal liars. They just can't keep up.
All true Adam. But as recent history has shown us, this is more campaigning for him. His woe is me tour continues and it is disgusting. Given the title of your post I thought you were also going to mention the rumor that Trump is using Ozempic! With or without a semiglutide drug, he is a very small man. Small in action, thought, and small in the eyes of every sane human on the planet.
Adam, please put in a significant part of your effort on determining and encouraging the politically most-possible, long-term, best-for-the-country changes in addition to being anti-Trump . Trump is "only" a partial, current symptom of the country's poor political condition. The workings of the current political setup generally causes two extreme candidates to be presented for voting, rather than allowing coalescence towards the center, shaded left or right as the majority wishes. Becoming a representative of the people is currently something many (most?) people of leadership competence look on with disdain, with a great many who run for office saying and doing whatever will get them elected in order for them to enjoy the associated money and power. Those in office most representative of the majority, those most needed, are leaving office, discouraged. Determining what got us here, how best to fix it, and then working to achieve that fix will be a largely thankless and difficult job, but a most important one for our country.
A conman all his life... a guy who along with his father put a letter "C" on leasing apps years ago. This to signal "Colored" as in no room in the inn/no rental to anyone in the black race. Great people huh???? No very bad people...no one that ever deserved to be President and should never be near any office again...People that are voting for him do not have any clue who this guy is... hopefully the truth prevails...in this longtime charade he has called a life...
Excellent synopsis of the ongoing events in the Trump trial. It is about time that he not only must face his criminal charges but do so just as any of us would. No one is above the law. Thank you for your words.
Great information!! Please run for President!! Honest.. Intelligent.. Strong leader..run on either side.. slam dunk!! ms
Yep. I'm a Dem but I'd vote for Adam. I appreciate his openness and honesty. I may lean a bit more to the left in social issues but when it comes to foreign policy, immigration, and budget, I'm with you.
Me too!! I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. Speaking as a former Republican. Love this man. ❤️🇺🇸💙
Got to get more active with Country First. The R tribe and the D tribe are both broken.
2020 election:
81.2 million votes for Biden
74.2 million votes for Trump
Total: 155.4 million
2020 Census:
There were 258.3 million adults in the US
Which means 102.9 million adults didn't vote. 39.8%. This is more people than voted for either Biden or Trump.
Is there room for a common sense, smart, honest, candidate who isn't beholden to either Rs or Ds?
I think lincoln project advice is vote for bidrn to save democracy then look for fresh faces.
Yes. Saving democracy is first. Donald wore out his WH welcome. He shouldn't even be invited for a visit. Ever. Period.
I cannot WAIT for Stormy AND Michael. Both have been through the ringer before and both know what to expect. I love MAGA people calling Stormy a bimbo. Depending on your sense of morality, real or phony, you can call her a lot of things BUT she is far from being a bimbo.
When they classify Michael as a liar and someone who committed perjury they forget to add that HE went to jail. HE admitted his part in the attempted coverup and that he lied to Congress. He paid for that and those around Donald should take heed. Let them go back to 2015 and then look at today. Look at who is still around him and who is not and what had happened to the "nots". Donald is poison. He destroys everything he touches. I'm going to be watching as much of this trial as I can.
Thanks for your great commentary Adam. I'm crossing my fingers that this WILL start to take Donald down. I laugh when MAGA says this is just to take Donald down. Well, yes, finally a true statement from MAGA but the part they have wrong is this is NOT a witch hunt.
I would say he has taken himself down— it’s hopefully catching up to him now!
I agree about Michael Cohen. This reminds me of a mob trial. Trump tries to act like a mob boss. Threatening everyone. Well Michael Cohen, his fixer, got sent to jail. Then was re-sent to Rykers and put in solitary because Cohen was going to write a book and refused to not have it released. Trump’s dictator tendencies were in full play. Cohen was finally released and got his book out. The paper trail is all there and the prosecutor has it. So why not listen to the “mob boss’s” attorney tell his story under oath if the evidence is already out in public?
As the walls continue to close in on him, he'll absolutely implode. This won't end well, but he should be given no quarter since he alone is responsible for what is happening.
Refusing to accept responsibility for his actions will lead to his end...
Indeed. In more ways to one (whew & PU) the air is *finally* leaking out of the overblown balloon. Can't wait for Implosion Day!
It's more likely he will explode like a gas-filled corpse. The stories out of the courtroom imply this might not be far off.
I read that one PA rally only had nine people show up. If all the news about him shows his candidacy is history and his life has been a pile of BS there is the distinct possibility that he might just decide to check out on his own rather than face the reality and responsibility of it all.
I look forward to the day when we can have a news cycle that isn't dominated by Donald Slump.
Good one😁!
Mr. Kinzinger, you are the type of person and politician this country needs. Please run again for office.
The fact that he’s going to have to sit there, and listen as all of these witnesses say things about him, and the way he does things (allegedly) without being able to say anything back, or get up, and leave brings me great joy
Adam it’s your messages like this that give me a smile and hope for our future.
And hopefully the front gate to the Emerald City has been barricaded and locked.
The incredible shrinking Trump makes my heart sing. He’s nothing more than an expensive, ill fitting suit. Maybe this case will be the one that finally does him in and show him to be the slimeball he truly is. Thank you Adam.
Great summary of what is going on with trump. It will be interesting as his brain never fully developed to handle consequences because he didn't have to as a child. He will probably implode. You can tell because he is using his campaign time to cry about how unfair this is! He's so desperate, he was complaining about the cold inside. Instead, he should be thanking the court for keeping him awake!!
His hideous farting must be warming the courtroom up!
Thanks Adam! Trump World is a leaky bucket. Donald and his enablers/media spinners/liars/Putin cyber propagandists keep adding to the "Trump World Con Game Bucket" with deceptions, while Donald is drilling holes in the bottom, with lie countering facts. And self destruction. Just as soon as they (Hannity-Carlson-Watters-Newsmax-OANN-Russia Today TV) get a little traction, Donnie says something really stupid and the con bucket leaks again. Got to be maddening for his loyal liars. They just can't keep up.
“loyal liars”…wow, that’s outstanding. I love it.
All true Adam. But as recent history has shown us, this is more campaigning for him. His woe is me tour continues and it is disgusting. Given the title of your post I thought you were also going to mention the rumor that Trump is using Ozempic! With or without a semiglutide drug, he is a very small man. Small in action, thought, and small in the eyes of every sane human on the planet.
Adam, please put in a significant part of your effort on determining and encouraging the politically most-possible, long-term, best-for-the-country changes in addition to being anti-Trump . Trump is "only" a partial, current symptom of the country's poor political condition. The workings of the current political setup generally causes two extreme candidates to be presented for voting, rather than allowing coalescence towards the center, shaded left or right as the majority wishes. Becoming a representative of the people is currently something many (most?) people of leadership competence look on with disdain, with a great many who run for office saying and doing whatever will get them elected in order for them to enjoy the associated money and power. Those in office most representative of the majority, those most needed, are leaving office, discouraged. Determining what got us here, how best to fix it, and then working to achieve that fix will be a largely thankless and difficult job, but a most important one for our country.
A conman all his life... a guy who along with his father put a letter "C" on leasing apps years ago. This to signal "Colored" as in no room in the inn/no rental to anyone in the black race. Great people huh???? No very bad people...no one that ever deserved to be President and should never be near any office again...People that are voting for him do not have any clue who this guy is... hopefully the truth prevails...in this longtime charade he has called a life...