Can you please submit this to the major newspapers for the front page? Billboards? I don't know... throwing darts here BUT it shouldn't be just New York that knows Trump stiffed 4200 people for not paying his bills... so rich of him to suggest NATO doesn't pay, etc. to infinity.

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Love it!

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I have a friend, lived all his life in NY. He worked for the city in Building inspections and permits. He couldn't even talk about Trump because he hated him so much. He said Trump would routinely hire contractors for his projects, pay them half up front, and then stiff them for rest. When they complained he said,"so sue me" knowing would cost time and money to sue and still probably wouldn't pay them. This is why only 1 out of every 10 people in NYC voted for him.

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He has done the same with everyone he's involved in his businesses. The latest appears to be his attempts to stiff minority shareholders (but also founders) of "Truth" Social out of buckets of money. His many bankruptcies have routinely screwed over his different partners. Aside from his absolute lack of ethics, his many financial betrayals leave me appalled that anyone is still willing to go into business with him.

Glad to hear he appears to be having so much trouble getting anyone to cover him so he can appeal the decisions in both the E. Jean Carroll and the fraud cases. (And now the guy wants a do-over with the Carroll case.)

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What a scum bag.

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As a former New Yorker, I have heard this from people stiffed by Trump many times.

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Anyone who has bothered to take a close look at Donald knows what a farce he is, BUT, he's a very successful one.

He learned the basics from his father and continued with a relationship with Roy Cohn, a sleazy lawyer , who lived on the fringes of "high society" and was kept around mostly for entertainment, much like Donald, was never really "IN". Cohn never paid for anything in his life and Donald learned that lesson well. Also, never give up, never step back, never apologize, never admit you are wrong, and keep moving forward. As much as we bitch about him this "lesson" has served him well. He has just steam rolled over everyone and very well could be elected again. It's horrifying, but it's there.

He sold his name for millions, had his kids go to the sales meetings for developments, lie about the number of units or lots sold to gin up sales. Some of these, like a housing development in Baja, took several peoples money, several hundred thousand dollars each, and went bankrupt before even getting off the ground. Those people never saw a dime back. Donald and his spawn walked away with 35 million dollars.

He went bankrupt twice on a couple of his casinos in Atlantic City. He drained them of their cash and bailed. In the end NO US bank would lend to him anymore. What is interesting is Donald owns shares in a building on California Street in San Francisco (known as Bank of America building) and on on 6th Ave, in NY and both of those were leveraged with note coming due. Verano Real Estate Trust is the majority stake holder and they are run by every creepy name in the book but anyway, they worked a deal with Citi Group, Morgan Stanley Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Bank of Montreal to issue bonds to bail them out and Donald ended up with over 600 million dollars in his bank account. THAT is how he survives, shifting money around. How many of THOSE names ring a bell with you in the real estate crash of 2007-2009, taking OUR tax dollars to save their sorry asses for the bad investment scheme they came up with .

He cheats on his wives, he cheats at golf. He has no capacity for empathy of love. His mentor and "good friend" Roy Cohn was dying of Aids and Donald would not talk to him nor see him. He was not useful anymore.....so bye bye. When his brother Robert died, Donnie buzzed by the hospital for a minute a few days before Robert died. The best thing Donald had to say about Robert was "he was never jealous of MY success".

When Donald started to speak at his father's funeral he began by saying that the morning he was notified of his father's death HE had been reading the paper, and thinking how well HE was doing that year and then went on to outline all HIS achievements that year. As someone who knew him said, it was NOT unexpected but it was indeed stunning. I could fill 20 pages, but just know, a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for this AND so much more.....Steve Bannon, Steven Miller, Roger Stone, Kellyanne Conway, and 3/4 of Congress just for starters.

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The most insecure person whose "beauty" is defined by wealth. He boasts of passing legislation that Obama or Biden passed. He is already repeating the same "rigged election" garbage as in 2020.

Does America really need a "leader" whose sheltered life made him so insecure that he is all a fraud?

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No, we absolutely deserve way better than him. This country, made up of hard working, good people many who’s fathers and grandfathers fought in horrible wars to keep it so, deserve better than a fumbling braggart, with a 5th graders vocabulary and mental capacity, who never has done anything to make this country great.

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Well Said!

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He's had 20 bankruptcies, and even when his own Daddy Dearest bailed him out to the tune of 50 million here, 25 million there, he couldn't escape the fact that all in-the-know New Yorker's knew that the bloviating "billionaire" was always just a foulmouthed lying vulgarian. . So why now doesn't the Mango Messiah ask his daughter Dearest Ivanka for a measly billion dolllar donation for his cause, himself. After all, her husband got 2 billion from the Saudis, and another billion from Qatar, What For!?

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The 2 billion dollars was for "investment" and had nothing whatsoever to do with the lack of reprissals for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

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How in the world do you know that. Jared Kushner is a notoriously bad businessman. He bankrupted his media misadventure, The Observer, and who in their right mind buys a building 666.Daddy in law Dearest always speaks boastfully of making America "great" again, while presenting a completely negative picture of Christ. He deceives all, just as the ancient prophets warned us that he would.

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So true. Than why would anyone invest with him.

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I have read all 92 pages of the Judge's verdict in the New York Civil Fraud case. It's a very interesting and enlightening read -if you have the patience. It fully explains how the Trump's and the Trump Organization mislead financial institutions by exaggerating their wealth through falsely prepared documents. In most cases the financial institutions only provided the loans upon receiving a signed personal guarantee of repayment from Donald Trump himself. Without those signed written guarentees he likeky would not have gotten the loans -and certainly not at such favorable interest rates. Which only confirms that his falsely over-inflated self-worth has been used to his personal benefit for many years -likely his entire life.

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I read it as well and see no basis for an appeal. In fact, any appeal will simply be a delay tactic, as Trump really didn’t put on a defense. The strategy appeared to be inflame and insult the judge so much that he may be forced into a judicial error. Engoron didn’t bite. But it took some real chutzpah on Trump’s part to try to negotiate paying a smaller amount. That just shows how much he really still doesn’t understand how the world works.

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I too see no basis for an appeal. He is currently negotiating for a reduced bond payment so he doesn't have to pay the full disgorgement before filing his appeal, which is what I understand he will be doing.

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His “negotiations” are about 3 years too late. It takes a special kind of arrogance to try to negotiate with a trier of fact after a judgement, especially when the plaintiff is essentially the government and has no problem waiting it out while the interest accrues.

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the sad thing is there are real estate and investment moguls like Kevin O'Leary(Shark Tank) who are complaining about the judgement saying that's how real estate business is done and no one will want to do business in NY anymore. Says no one was harmed. So I guess fraud is not illegal according to him.

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Therin lies the rub...If that is truly acceptable real estate practice, then we are headed towards another real estate meltdown similar to the one that happened in 2008-9 -unless, of course, that Kevin O'Leary is only saying that to shore up support for Trump. I tend to suspect that he's an ardent Trump supporter.

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I’m surprised he hasn’t claimed can spin straw into gold. On second thought...

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Maybe that's where the shoestrings in his golden sneakers came from?

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Oh after the kind of day I had

I needed to read this

Thank you everyone!!!

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Will you Please publicly state who you will vote for in the general election. I will be voting for Nikki in the Illinois Primary but Joe Biden in the general . As far as Donald Trump he is a good snake oil salesman and I am so glad things are finally coming out. Proof of his dealings with Epstein need to come out. He owned pageants for a reason.

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This is what I hope all registered "real" Republicans will be doing. It's the best way to defeat Trump!

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Thank you Adam for another thoughtful and well written piece providing us with some past history and background knowledge of less than sub par financial exploits of trump. He really is “the emperor has no clothes”. Pathetic.

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Let’s not forget the small businesses he bankrupted by refusing to pay them what he owed. Local businesses in Atlantic City went out business because he wouldn’t pay for services related to the construction of his casinos. Which by the way went bankrupt. Very rare for a casino.

In Westchester, NY, just north of New York City named a state park after him. The State took his name off it.

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I hope he shinks into oblivion!

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If I remember correctly, trump inherited most of his wealth from his father. He's not a self-made millionaire/billionaire.

What is really disgusting is how many times he has not paid for work done and what he has cost others for court proceedings.

That's why I can't believe this man-child can win this year.

Thanks, Adam

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Seinfeld 30 years ago captured the 'trump effect' (go to 1:00 mark).


'Shrinkage! I was in the pool!'

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Trump is the swamp, the pond scum that needs to be drained so that this planet will survive, He is the wanna-be global elites that he pretends to scorn.

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Excellent article! I think Jayne Evert is correct this needs wider distribution maybe through a large paper (WSJ?!).

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New Yorkers knew all this before 2016. He got away with it for years for whatever reason: greedy developers, gov officials letting him get away with things because at the time NYC was in a bad way and building splashy projects was enticing. Even back then he was a con- he got the rights to rebuild the historic Bonwit Teller building keeping the design of the building and artworks intact and promising them to the MET. Instead, he tore it down to build trump tower and destroyed the artworks , along with a venerable building that had played an important role in American art history.

He's been doing this all his life and yet people still continue to let him slide. My concern is that he is so good at finding the loopholes and vulnerabilities in our laws that he may get back in power. Yes the CEO pled guilty but trump will just say he knew nothing about it. Yes he has been ordered to pay millions in damages with 2 court cases but slick trump plans to argue the 8th amendment! He's also secretly moved 2 of his LLC's to a FLA address even while the monitor is in place!

Hopefully SCOTUS will do the right think regarding immunity soon enough for the trial to be held b4 the election and maybe even the documents case. Hopefully too, voters will wake up to the danger we are facing- if we don't make the right choice it may be the last time we vote.

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I wouldn't hold my breath for the SCOTUS to do the right thing and TOTALLY deny him immunity. They've already tipped their hand by declining to accept Jack Smith's request for expedited consideration on the issue back in January. This delayed the outcome while the Appellate Court took the case. The Appellate Court found against Trump in late February with what is widely considered to be a sound decision. Trump appealed to SCOTUS. They could have refused to take the case and let the Appellate Court decision stand. They did not. The instead took the case (which they could have done in January) and set arguments for late April. It's unlikely they will issue a decision until June. From where I stand they ar playing Trumps tune... DELAY DELAY DELAY! I'll be totally amazed if they do the right thing and deny immunity. If they do, it will likely be too late to have a trial outcome before the election. As I have said elsewhere in this substack, I strongly believe that Lady Justice has had her blindfold removed,!

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I have heard the legal eagle pundits say that if the ruling comes in June/July, the trial can start right away-Smith can speed it up. And that whole do nothing within 60 days of election is not a law. So fingers crossed!

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I sure hope they are right! Maybe there's hope for our democracy yet! Still, a lot depends on what SCOTUS rules.

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Update: I saw a political cartoon this morning entitled "The current SCOTUS standing". It showed only their robes from about the knees down. All were wearing Trumps Golden Sneakers and holding the typical judge's mallet. I couldn't quickly count how many judges were depicted because it was on tv and went away too fast. We'll see, based on how they rule, if it's an accurate depiction or not.

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Totally agree along with some very distinguished people such as Luttig and Tribe who would know better than just about anyone.

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I wish he would become the incredibly shrinking presidential nominee and just go away!

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