What a joke in regards to Marco Rubio!! eight years ago he warned us about what a criminal Trump is. Gee, I wonder what change his mind? These people have no morals or integrity. I say get rid of them all!!

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Another good factual read. With regard to the frump followers tendency to violence; it’s a real hindrance to what was once part of American politics, debate. Until recently I’d ignore a spatter from one of frump supporters in a group. You know, never saying a viable policy opposition nor a factual meaningful comment. Always a diminishing or angry slander, usually a repeat from fox spew of hate. But now, I do not stay silent. I don’t speak up to change the mind of the useful idiot. I speak out for those who are around with a smile on my face speaking to them. Yes, I have been threatened in that whisper of content manner. Have been told, “fuck you” as well. But what I see now that is different from before is this. When I stayed quiet when a frump lover spewed crazy stuff, I’d see others around shaking their head in agreement. Not only do I not see that like hardly ever, I see people looking back at me hesitantly/fearfully signaling their agreement to me.

Look, I don’t share this to imply I’m special or for attention. I share this in hopes you guys will do the same. Yes it’s sometimes a tad bit scary and not fun. However, it is time to step up and speak up in a group. Don’t waste your time on the individual who’s… cultivated. But step up in a group. You’ll be surprised how many will then step up with you. Not always but it sure “feels” good when they do. It helps my mental health anyways. Those little victories.

Remember, it’s fun playing in un-social medias… but you are singing with the choir 99% of the time.

Cheers 🥂

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Huh. Tim, I subscribe to The Free Press (a kind of off-beat news Substack by Bari Weiss, with a few entertaining writers). I rather like Bari, and I'm not one to run away from viewpoints I disagree with. But damn, her followers (at least if I can judge from the comments section) are MAGA to the point that any intelligent conversation has been stifled. So in a similar situation, are you saying you brave the storm?

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No, saying the truth. Most all supporters of frumpy brat child, as a base use anger, intimidation and whisperer dialect of threat when they speak up in a group. Never sharing a point of reference of facts for a functional debate. There are those few that sway off point to change the narrative when challenged with facts. You know, move the conversation to a completely different focal point. That tactic is usually used in writing on social media. Cheers 🥂

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Was thinking’s more about what and how you wrote your comment. As far as Bari followers. Trolls using Ai hit these medias heavy. Not to bad mouth heavy, but to sway opinions. The Ai helps them communicate for specifically for the objective to sway. These trolls have many profiles supporting their own comments. They target these organizations for the best effect. Bari is pretty consistent with a factual story. Unless that changed recently. Anyway, interesting. Cheers 🥂

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True! For some reason I can usually spot russian trolls, but not necessarily MAGA. I should keep that in mind. Thanks for the responses.

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Trump and his goons are absolutely going to incite violence or weaponize the justice system and law enforcement. In the best case scenario, Biden wins in November, Republican AG’s in half of the countries will file all kinds of lawsuits and lone wolf-crazies create chaos. That’s terrifying enough. Cannot imagine Trump has his thumb on the military, FBI and all other agencies such as SEC, IRS and the Fed. That’s why we must defeat him in November and push back against MAGA Rights and the Far Left every election cycle until the day we die.

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Yeah the right will for sure. With regard to comparing the right threat to the left is not a viable comparison. That’s a corporate news media sell. As a republican voter for years, I understand this bs argument to be invalid. Cheers 🥂

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When it comes to the far left, I am thinking more of the Jill Steins who just want to play spoilers to hurt the Dems. She now wants to get the Dearborn mayor to be her veep candidate. I am sure she just wants to siphon enough voters of Arab descent to tip the scale for Trump.

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I understand. Cheers 🥂

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This s**t’s getting real. Violence seems inevitable and I’m starting to develop a prepper mentality.

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The little corporal was 44 years old when he ran the Bierhalle Putsch. tfg will be 78 and well into his twilight years. He’s under stress and failing.

In military terms, a rabble isn’t a militia, and a militia isn’t an active duty military unit. Fifty guys with an attitude, a hundred rounds and an AR-15 each, can terrify a picnic or shoot up the Democratic Party headquarters. They aren’t organized enough to be even a guerrilla unit, even if they go camping for a few weeks. They can kill peaceful unarmed citizens, which is terrorism, a coward’s job. What would this do to their “prey?” Make them capitulate?

If a terrorist rabble targets Americans at home, they won’t last a fortnight. The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.

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Totally agree. No sympathy for home grown terrorist. Have to not panic, & come down very hard on these type people. Keep your powder dry, boys.

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Well said Steve. "Fifty guys with an attitude"... Love that.

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What year is your Les Paul? Looks perfect!

I had an '89, but I liked Paul Reed Smith guitars better. Never was a Strat guy, although Telecasters sure fit my weak little hands well. Best amp? Mesa Boogie V, but played on the IV channel; it could everything without the hiss of floor pedals. A Wah-wah is cheating, but it was interesting at first: Clapton and Hendrix. Had lots of fun, spent lots of money. Can't play anymore: arthritis, carpal tunnel, etc. So I sold all the stuff or gave it away. Now I write comments here, there, and everywhere.

I'm paranoid, so I always fear the worst. How nutty is MAGA? Some of them are violent and are itching for combat. How many of those exist? I have no idea, but the FBI has a number, I'm sure. Tragic that it's come to this, but we are, after all, still evolving from and out of the jungle where it's kill or be killed. I wonder how it will all shame out. Just stay tuned, eh? In fact, you can't miss it, try as you might if you're on the grid.

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Hang in there. Try to stay positive because the opposite is out there in corporate news media’s on both sides playing it to the extreme. So really listen to Adam, it helps me stay leveled emotionally. Yeah, we all have our times of WTF!… but don’t let them fulfill their objective in consumed negative thoughts. You know. Cheers 🥂

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Thanks James. That was my old 2001 59 reissue which I traded for a new one aged Murphy 59 historic. I also love PRS, have a limited edition Dave Grissom signature which is just superb in every way. I hear you about the arthritis, battling that myself.

Things are getting dicey to be sure. We are in uncharted territory but one thing I know is that the other side is real scared and throwing everything they have but going nowhere. No doubt here that we will win in November but much of the damage will undoubtedly endure, a massive clean up project for the next generation.

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Pearly Gates was a '59, as you no doubt know. I put Pearly Gates pickups in my Paul Reed Smith; loved it. I almost bought my son a Dave Grissom, but he got interested big-time in classical guitar, so it was a no-go.

Scared or angry? I think they think they want a fight; most belligerents think that way: "It'll be short and sweet. Those cowards will soon run and hide." Wrong, but you can't convince them otherwise, as, for instance, William Tecumseh Sherman did in our Civil War. We in the South are still trying to overcome the scorched earth he left us with.

Overall, what a needless waste of time, energy, money, and opportunities!

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There’s so much great music down south. In that sense I’m jealous!

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Yes, we had all the blues giants, who spawned Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Allman Brothers Band, and Tom Petty, all from Florida, my unwoke state.

But NYC and Chicago and even St. Louis had blues and jazz. Not too shabby!

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In one weekend in NYC, Greenwich Village I caught Robben Ford, Pat Martino, Tommy Emmanuel and Johnny A.

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Well said. Smiling…

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Mike what is a prepper mentality?

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Proactively prepare for an emergency.

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Got it, and I'm with you on that.

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Nothing to add, Adam. I expect bloodshed In November and beyond, regardless of the outcome of the election. The only question is how bad it will be. On a more optimistic note, progressive that I imagine myself to be, I am a human first, then a true American, and I say in absolute sincerity that if I am still around in 2027 (my health is poor, and I’ll be 79), and we are still a country having elections, I will happily join your campaign for President, whatever your affiliation then, and despite our clear disagreements on a number of policy issues. Because you are rational, honorable, recognize and accept facts, and will actually do the job with dignity, presence, and a respect for the office and what it represents. I am sure I will not be alone on the left in saying this.

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You are not alone. Adam Kinzinger for president!!

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There are a good number of democrats and a huge number of independents that would vote for him. With the republicans that would vote for him, he could win. The big point is Adam’s ability to communicate. That’s why the mega hates him so much. He’s making a difference already and well known for having integrity.

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"the madman of Mar-a-Lago" great phrase and so true!!

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Thanks as always, Adam, I greatly appreciate it. I just finished listening to a New York Times audio post about a clerk in Nevada dealing with zealots trying to recall her – and she’s a Republican! My first thoughts were a) for the umpteenth time, how did we get here? And b) what an absolutely miserable way to go through life. The scariest part to me is that the MAGA push to replace election clerks seems to be working. That may be the biggest grassroots threat of all

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To me, Trump seems to be a sadist. I think you're absolutely right in your assessment. The fact, as indicated by Ken Silberstein in a recent article, that members of Eric Prince's secret group chat (who range from far-right to literal fascists descended from Nazis of the 3rd Reich) all adore and revere Trump confirms your analysis. There's something dark and violent in Trump that these far right group chat members, who advocate the use of force to solve a range of problems, see in Trump that inspires and energizes them. We must make sure Trump and his adoring radical right-wing fanboys are losers and that Democracy prevails.

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Adam, good post. You have to take any meglomaniac seriously because they believe what they say and they have the fire and the fuel to get followers to do what they say. The only antidote is to stand tall and united against them. I am very worried about our judicial system. I hope that Country First begins a campaign to protest the likes of Aileen Cannon, Alito and others. Cannon has had so many complaints against her in the last month, over 1000, the court is not taking any more. The last standing hope is that the Supreme Court states clearly that a former president does not have immunity against prosecution for potential criminal acts he committed while in office. I'm not holding my breath on that one. I would bet money that they will somehow fudge it in the next few weeks that will insure Trump's insurrection trial doesn't happen before the election. If that happens there should be a hewn cry, march on Washington, and massive protests by "we the people," who are being robbed of a timely trial on the most important issue since the Civil War.

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Absolutely agree with you. There literally will be that need of a serious massive protest that literally makes them seriously concerned for their personal well being. Until that happens, those special gifts of a good life will influence their decisions. Simply a reality. Being honest, I don’t see that extremely needed protest of the masses happening. There have been many serious moments that would have brought a million to the streets 30 years ago. I hope I’ll be there joining the million strong Americans.

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Bob, is that true? 1000 complaints against Cannon? Ok, it's small on a national level but damn, I believe most US citizens aren't dumb. They see what's going on here.

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The New Republic - 1,000 complaints since 5/16. She is totally inept, only 4 criminal trials, and even more likely, a T supporter. Probably thinks she's ready for SCOTUS appt.

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I’ve been taken aback by the media waving-off trump’s felony conviction as « politically motivated » and therefore somehow not important. I followed it pretty closely and what was so shocking to me was the type of person he’s shown himself to be, and the company he keeps. A real mobster mentality. A gang-boss who absolutely will take revenge. I remember years ago, after his first bankruptcy, him stating he would get revenge on certain people he felt had insulted him.

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that's what he's done. he has always done that. NY'ers know this and knew this well before 2016.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

Right? New York knows a mobster when they see one. Wish other states would too. Thinking of you Nevada. We see what you're doing with that honest polster.

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Yup, Manafort, Stone, and General Flynn. Great group of guys - the New Sopranos! Stone goes all the way back to Tricky Dick's Watergate scandal!

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Adam, you hit the nail on the head with that last sentence: "This is in all of our hands now." Your line echoes Thomas Jefferson: "The government you elect is the government you deserve." We know everything we need to know about Biden and Trump to decide who best to put in charge of leading our country. The ironic thing about our election system is that Trump could again lose the popular vote by millions (as he did against Hilary Clinton) and still win the presidency.

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One aspect of Trump’s revenge tour that particularly worries me is intelligence briefings. I don’t think the Office of the Director of National Intelligence starts giving Trump briefings until, after the convention when he becomes the official Republican candidate, but that isn’t far off.

Even more worrisome is the potential for the two newest members of the House Intelligence Committee to toady to Trump by over sharing. I’m speaking of Reps Ronny Jackson and Scott Perry.

Adam, I realize that wasn’t one of your committees but given that you were the ranking member of I think foreign affairs, I assume you have a lot of visibility into the process. What are they likely to learn about that Trump could use as leverage for revenge? Not that he lacks targets already, but given the lengthy list of flip flops we’ve seen from leading contenders in the Veep-stakes as well as many others, I have to assume he or his close cronies have dirt on at least some of them. Dirt he may have gotten from Russia and I have to wonder if Jackson and Perry are vulnerable here. We know Trump has no respect for handling classified information safely so he won’t expect anyone else who is in a position to do so either.

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Thanks Adam for your analysis.

I see your military training, and focus on where we need to go and how to get there.

Too many people don't know how to focus on what to do first, second, third and then still have hope that things will work out. Please continue to offer this in you writing.

Having served two tours in Vietnam and many in Germany during the cold war there were many times when myself as a young officer thought, "This is it!, but hopefully not!" Well the HOPEFULLY NOT turned out to be true in my career.

Keep up the hope and focus on a better future for all of us without such person as Trump who obviously grew up as a spoiled brat and spent his life as such abusing people and particularly women.

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Thank you for your work with the Jan 6th Committee!!You and all the others who were on the committee deserve to be appreciated for your work!You know what it means to stand up for our country and democracy 🇺🇸!!!!Don the orange 🍊 Con and his MAGA cult clan don’t want us to live in a democracy!They want us to live under a dictatorship!!!!!!!

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Adam!!! We need a list of all the people that have and likely will testify against Trump in any an all investigations and trials with their party affiliation. People need to know who’s providing the testimonies to convict him. The right wing media goes after the judicial system to their base. The reality is it’s his owe people that are convicting him. I’ve put a little bit of time into this effort, but it’s piecemeal work and very difficult to find all the witnesses and cases against him.

If we do this, I believe it could gain some traction going forward. When undecided people see that it’s not Democrats, but Republicans, staff, friends, family, I think it will be very eye opening.

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You would think it would’ve dawned on them during the J6 committee hearings. All those who testified were REPUBLICANS, no Democrats. But yet they (maga) convoluted all those revelations as somehow coming from “liberals and the deep state”. They don’t see it because they don’t want to see it.

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You nailed it. But going into the home stretch of the election, getting this out there to the persuadable voters could be a difference maker. In sure the election commercials will be interesting this election.


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This is far from exhaustive but if you haven’t seen the ProPublica report on potential witnesses who received raises and other compensation since Trump’s indictments, this is worth a read:


I believe this article was referenced in the comments of this Substack article few days ago, but in case you missed it.

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it's obvious it's Republicans testifying against him in all the cases. that doesn't matter to maga. they already know that. it's the fact that they had the nerve to do that and when trump targets them, so do they.

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Keep in mind, the MAGA vote is at maximum 44%. You’re right, they won’t budge. We’re after the 4 to 6% he needs to win. In general, these are people that don’t pay attention to day to day politics and are often swayed by what they hear. That’s part of the reason the right keeps pumping out lies about the court being rigged against Trump.

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Donald J Trump is likely to lose the election in 2024. His current approach is certainly not getting him any new supporters, and his felony conviction has alienated many existing ones. That said, his minions will doubtless try to sow chaos in the wake of the election. Luckily, this time, Trump is not president and if a defense needs to be mounted, then it will be. The nation won’t tolerate another January 6.

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"Luckily, this time, Trump is not president..." THANKS BE TO GOD!

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