Adam even though I tend to be a Democrat we need you back in office. That message was powerful.

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I agree! What I want to know as does most people is this…

When did TRUMP GIVE ORDERS TO DELETE J6 files and evidence??

Let the people know Adam

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Yes ur was

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You are so spot on with this analysis of tfg and maga. At age 72, I have seen many different administrations come to power, only to be voted out during the next few cycles with the other side taking its place. This is the ebb and flow of life. I didn’t always agree with all the things being done but then new ideas and policies would appear with the next administration and maybe I’d agree with more of them and maybe I wouldn’t. The important thing is we, the people, have to be able to trust that those we send to the capital, whether our nation’s or our state’s, will do their utmost best for the people who sent them there so those very people (constituents) can go about the business of their daily lives unfettered by constant “babysitting” of their legislators. We have busy lives and other things to do. Adam, I love the passion that you express about this country’s future and what you envision for your family and for all of us. I believe the hypocrisy of the Republicans (and there are some Democrats included in there too) is starting to bubble to the surface and will explode soon. With all the drama and chaos and soap opera antics, I’m thinking they all must have ulcers, a lot of stress and sleepless nights. Thank you for so eloquently putting your thoughts and emotions out there for us. Well said. It should be our rallying cry.

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There is a lot of wisdom in your post thank you for sharing

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Sorry Adam, but in my 48 yrs of voting, I have never known the Republican Party to be a Party of Freedom, for all people and religions. Let’s face it, the Democrats had a serious “come to Jesus” time in history during the Slavery and Jim Crow South. They turned the party into an open and free party for everyone with the Civil Rights Amendment in 1965, and they have built on that with the support of Women’s Rights and the L,G,B,T,Q community, support for Native Americans, refugees, and the Hispanic and Black communities. Can more be done? Of course, but we are on the right side of history. Republicans picked up that torch from the Dixiecrats and here we are in 2023 with a pro-Putin, Pro Dictator wannabe, racist, Hitler loving conman leading by over 50% in the primary for Republicans. Now, it needs to be the Republican Party’s “Come to Jesus moment” because they are not worshiping the real Jesus they profess to follow. They are following an Anti-Christ demagogue. I am not a religious person, because I have only seen the damage religion has caused around the world.

I appreciate that fact that you came out to seek and tell the truth about your party’s downfall. I hope to see a more civil Republican Party who actually believes in helping the little guy instead of chasing the money bags by supporting the corporate thieves before I move on from this life. I’m not holding my breath.

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Excellent essay Donna!

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So well stated. Thank you!

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It does make perfect sense. I still think that Trump is a Russian tool. Low intelligence and easy to manipulate. Trump is no mastermind. MAGA is not filled with masterminds, either. As you said, they are sheep.

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He’s Leonard Leo’s puppet and the puppet of Christian nationalists. They tried to move on to Desantis but Trump like all good cult leaders, has his minions minds controlled. Trump didn’t give a rats ass about any ideology. He only cares about being adored, exalted. His narcissistic supply surrounding him.

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Trump is a rabid wolf in wolf's clothing. It is blatantly obvious how evil he is and it is beyond shocking to me how anyone with even one brain cell could possibly believe he should be the President of the USA and leader in our world. The place he should be is in prison, a guilty ruthless, brainless criminal who is an immense danger to our society. Adam, your voice is heard loud and clear. Please consider making a documentary ASAP to be shown in theatres.

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Go Adam, got your back here! So right! Put fear in a box and throw it over a cliff. We’re going to ABOLISH MAGATS at the polls and every day along the way because we can! ❤️🇺🇸💃🏼

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I have read all of the comments. Thank you!

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I’m a Catholic Deacon. What you say is truth. If Christ claimed to be a victim instead of adhering to his sinless, holy principles and the circumstances that would put him on the cross, then he would not be our Savior. The Stoics (i.e., Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus) didn’t whine or feel like victims, they used hardships to build character and integrity. That will never happen with MAGAs.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

You nailed it!

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

As corny as this is to say, you make my heart soar. You give me hope that we can come out of this sickness that is MAGA. I’m an Independent voter who leans left (especially since 2016) but if you and Liz Cheney were on a ballot….

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

I'm over this MAGA attitude too! Good read!

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

One of the best and clearest essays I've seen on what ..tRump and his followers have fully become over the past 8 years. We ALL must make our voices as loud as possible, and keep pummeling the sheep that are the trumpers with the obvious truths, while calling them out on the lies they spew. I know what will happen if tRump is re-elected. We cannot stop working to make sure he is NOT re-elected.

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Loved this. Picturing adam shouting on a hill, shaking his fists, raising his arms and finishing with come join me if you're brave.

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Im sorry i had to giggle, thinking of braveheart, but amen!

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OK. Long time free reader, new paid subscriber. This one installment was so on target that it pushed me over the edge. Love you, man!

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Thanks so much! Your support gives me the ability to keep it up!

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I believe that there are still sensible Republicans; people who believe in a strong economy with strong manufacturing. Functional infrastructure and opportunity for all. I liked Ike. The father of the Interstate. He had guided the Allied Forces to victory in Europe. He knew what the American people were capable of and what they needed.

Whoever returns the GOP to the center can't just talk about it. They have to follow through with action. People will vote for you if try to do things that benefit them. The MAGA bunch seem to want to do everything they can against the American people. They all hide behind an upside down Bible that Trump signed.

We are all on this earth for a purpose. God give us the freedom to make the most of it. This is the hope of most everyone in this world.

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This is the most powerful and real essay I've read in many moons. Thank you for speaking with strength and vitality. Your piece is invigorating!

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Everything about the way the RW operates, screams that these are people who are deeply disappointed that their views aren’t more popular...but they don’t have the humility or gumption to rethink their views and embrace more people. So they take the weak way, trying to bully and cajole people to their way of thinking.

Mentally strong people don’t need to resort to control freakery...they feel comfortable in places where other people have different ideas than them. Trump has assembled a group of people who want to associate with a bully, because in their hearts they know that’s the only way they’ll amount to anything.

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So true

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