I'm not really sure that people are really voting based on policies presented by either candidates. If people were truly worried about inflations then people would have been driven away by Trump's tariff proposal which I doubt he's going to implement because EVERY economist agrees that's a surefire way to make the inflation worse.

I really feel like people made their decisions based on social issues which baffles my mind. The reality is that most American(s) chose a convicted felon over a female candidate and I think Harris could have supported any policies even those supported by Trump and Americans still would not have voted for her.

This is the society that we live in and I hate to say it but we have really ignorant people in America and unfortunately based on this election, they are the majority. Not sure if I'm coining a new term but we are ruled by an "ignorant majority".

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I completely agree with you, Parker. This election has less to do with the price of Cheerios and eggs, and much more to do with America’s deep-seated misogyny and racism. It also didn’t help that Kamala Harris only had about three months to introduce herself to the American public. With all these things working against her, she did an incredible job. She addressed the cost of living in every interview and at every single rally. In all her speeches, she detailed the economic incentives she hoped to implement, especially if they gave her a Democratic Congress. She spoke to people from the heart. She did not degrade MAGA supporters and said she would be a president for all people. I don’t know that this woman could have done much more to make her agenda clear.

Many white middle-class Americans live in a right-wing media echo chamber that feeds them hate, lies, and nonsense day in and day out. It is very difficult to combat something like that, and Russia has a big hand in this. Democrats need to stop beating themselves up because they had a huge hill to climb, and it turns out that this election was very close anyway.

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As a male, this election gave me a very clear and real example on what toxic alpha male behavior is. Also notice that on this very post most of the people who commented are women. I'm one of those people who try to understand people's different perspectives but I don't think that's the case with most males. They'd much rather shun the subject altogether. It's like we live in two different worlds.. much like maga and non-maga people. I'm lost as to how we can bridge this gap between the two groups.

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Thank you Parker, for trying to understand people's different perspectives. I think that's the key to solve the divide in America!

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Just my own opinion here, but I worry that many men saw the Harris campaign as ultra female-centered, which alienated them.

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Wow, poor men, give the poor babies a pacifier. 1st 200 years of country been pretty much,,,,ultra male-centered. DT is such an obvious, sexist clown. If ALL groups of women voters would have voted majority Harris, DT would have definitely been defeated. Use your voting power, ladies. U DO have the power.

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I'm so very disappointed in the women who voted for DJT. I wonder if they even held their noses? I've said it before and I'll say again, lots of "daddy" issues going around.

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I agree with your disappointment. Disgusting, is a more apt word, for the 20% black men that voted for DT. Not a huge %, but disgusting none the less. Those men need to listen to their wise mothers. Less than 10% of all black women voted trump.

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I accidentally deleted my initial comment, but I agree with you that men may have seen it as a woman’s campaign, trying to appeal to women. I was hoping that the selection of Tim Walz as VP would have offset that.

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It was indeed. He barely squeaked by. The ONLY consolation I take from this is that we won't have to put up with a rigged election. And the fear of another January 6th. But we're still not out of the woods. He's a deeply irrational lunatic; everything is fair game. I just hope those in Congress and the Justice System will have the guts to stand up to him. We all know that virtually everything he will attempt to accomplish will be considered unconstitutional. Unfortunately, John Kelly won't be there advising him of this.

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Yes, based on the people he’s nominating so far, this is going to be a rogues gallery cabinet. I really hope the remaining traditional Republicans in Congress have a way to block some of these insane appointments.

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The echo chamber is going to get a nasty head-slap very soon. The midterms are coming, and I see opportunity!

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Thank you , Janet. I agree completely. The economy played a part, but misogyny and racism were the biggest factors. Lots of people who couldn't vote for a woman and lots who wouldn't vote for a Black woman. Add in the right-wing media that spewed out lies and disinformation 24/7. The low information voters never heard anything Kamala said. And I am beyond tired of all the Kamala bashing. She had a terrific campaign. What she was able to do in the short weeks she had to campaign was simply incredible.

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Adam, you're spot on! We Dems need new messaging, new dreams and goals. New ways of communicating our ideas to the American people, and remove those invested in keeping us stuck.

I too want to move beyond identity politics, which seems to separate and divide. to something universal, that more people can get behind.

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I so agree. Harris could have been the proverbial Jesus Christ on a piece of toast but because far too many have made soon-to-be president Rerun their god here on earth, they would have voted for his misogyny, his racism, his promises of Nirvana for all straight, white men over yet another highly qualified woman. Such women scare the living crap out of small minded people. Same goes for women who vote against their own interests and for all who just couldn’t go to the trouble of voting hoping that someone who did vote would pull their nuts out of the impending fire.

So if it makes everyone feel better, by all means slice and dice the mistakes that you feel were made by the Harris/Walz ticket, the DNC or whomever you wish to aim your ire. Just remember the two things that Rerun said, “We have all the votes we need. You won’t have to vote again”.

If such a thing comes to pass, all the finger pointing and analyzing in the world won’t matter one whit. Voters effed around thinking a dictatorship couldn’t happen here IN SPITE OF ALL THE WARNINGS so on Jan 20, 2025 they’re going to begin the find out phase. As for grocery prices, once there are too few immigrants to work in all the jobs that put food on the table, you’ll wish for those good old days of the Biden administration I fear.

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I agree with you 100%. More and more People don't want to take 5 minutes or 1 minute to read but just watch a video- even if it's AI driven and false.

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I think this Tiktok (yes, I know) video from a Canadian citizen that was reposted on Twittler/X really gets down to the real issue: https://x.com/maddenifico/status/1856492696518737941

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That was freaking powerful. But she's right. During the Orange Nutjob's first occupation in the WH, I heard and read what they liked about him. He's not afraid to speak his mind. He says what he thinks. He doesn't care about people's feelings. Ironically, if anyone speaks ill of him, he freaks and goes into drama queen syndrome. His followers have developed the mindset that it's okay to mistreat people. It's okay to create chaos. I'm really curious to see just how much LE will get involved when the followers break numerous laws.

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When he left the first term, we were left with a record debt that our great,great,great grandchildren will be paying. Groceries were high, if you could be lucky enough to find any in stores. Covid was mishandled, doctors and hospitals started being hard to get and care and hospitals all started going downhill.the only people that came out ahead were that famous one percent. Housing market got taken over by the wealthy corporations and they bought them up at high prices and then rented them to people for thousands above what rent. Should have been. Making it impossible for young couples to stand a chance at buying a home. There is so much more that was done under Trump that I could continue going for a long time. I am surprised by the number of people that think that Trump did a damn thing for them.

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Thank you for posing this. I watched it all the way through even though I dislike TikTok intensely and even more dislike watching people who are not trained speakers go on and on. But yes, this was powerful. She really nailed it. Trump gave his cult permission to speak their hate out loud. And that is who we are now. That is what the rest of the civilized world thinks of us.

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Chilling, Jens. Thank you for posting the link (I think!)

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OK this nails it perfectly. Everyone here should take the five minutes to watch.

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Sorry to repeat this obvious fact:

In 2020 Joe Biden received 81 million votes. In 2024 Kamala Harris received 73 million votes. Therefore at least 8 million Biden voters did not show up for Harris. (Maybe more since a lot of R's voted for Harris.)

In 2020 Trump received 74 million votes. In 2024 Trump received 76 million votes.

If the 8 million missing Biden voters had voted for Harris she would have won the 2024 election. We can parse all the elements but this is the bottom line: Dems gave the election to Trump.

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Without resorting to labels or party designation, I think the question to ask is who are these people who didn't show up to vote and why didn't they show up? I'm really not a fan of Republicans vs. Democrats paradigm cause this kind of picking teams is what caused politics to get this way in the first place.

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Parker, spot on. Willful ignorance is bliss to them.

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Well, when I lived in Canada, we never thought Americans were very deep thinkers. We liked them, don’t get me wrong, but they were so very naive about everything! I met a gal in Europe back in the 1970s, she was from California. She was just so thrilled with everything, it was great to see. On her way back to California she decided to stop in Montreal to “say hi”. In December. I told her it would be cold but she still turned up at the airport in a peasant skirt and top, shawl and clogs. Not even any socks! I had to cobble together warm winter clothes for her and take them out to the airport so we could get the bus back. She just didn’t believe me when I told her that it would be cold 🙄

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Yes, Americans are stupid. You can blame our dumbed down education system.

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'Trump's disdain for the elite'??? Adam, Trump is an elite! I do hope you meant, his feigned disdain for the elite!

One of his biggest lies is that he gives one ounce of a patootie for people who are living paycheck to paycheck and living on less than $20,000/year. He bamboozled the low information and no information voters. I do think Americans, all but the ultra rich, have to put their hands on the stove and get burned.

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All of this!! And then we have despicable people like Sean Hannity, an East Coast elite living in a mansion on Long Island, telling his viewers to distain the elites. It’s an upside down world, and low-information voters just eat this stuff up whole.

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So right Cathy! I think though, the term “elite” is used to describe the ivory tower far-left, full of social theory but out of tune with actual living. But ya, the Donald and his ultra rich CEO friends, elon and the gang are as “elite” as it gets.

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Anne, you are probably right. I was thinking in terms of $$ but the ivory tower far left is a good call. In that respect, I can see the crass, pugilistic, bully persona of Trump resonating with some of his followers in that if he's 'in their corner', they will be better off. Again though, I think its another con.

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TFGs followers don't realize that what they are doing is a case of "The pot calling the kettle black!"

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To those at the low end of the economic ladder, an “elite” is someone with a college education and who therefore a better chance of making more money than those who did well to graduate high school. If having a college education didn’t do that much for you, then an elite is someone who makes more money than you.

The thing is, our language has been so weaponized that some words are literal killers. Rerun has so badly abused our normal ways of communication, that we almost have to dumb ourselves down to be understood anymore. That Rerun communicates on a third grade level is devilishly genius. He knows his base. He keeps it simple for them and for himself. Thus we see the culmination of a 30-40 year war on public education and where our rush for the next almighty dollar has gotten us.

There was a great article by Jack Shafer that was featured in Politico in August of 2015 titled, Donald Trump Talks Like a Third Grader. I would normally supply a link here but for some reason the article I’ve saved is failing to launch 🥴. I’ll try to find another way for anyone interested in reading it.

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I agree words have developed new meaning over the last few years. Elite would be one, but also fascist, nazi, genocide, and even strategic. I read a good article by a Ukrainian expert mocking how MSM used the words “strategic” to describe every scrabbling russian advance into tiny Ukrainian hamlets. Another example of the russian bot system working on our news.

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FINALLY! Here’s the Politico article I referred to in my comment. Had to go around Robin Hood’s barn to get it here though. “A” for effort?

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Can’t open but if I also read it, it compared Marc Rubio’s very detailed and solid plan for his presidency with Trump’s 4-7 word sentences when addressing voters. And repeating words, words that incite strong emotions.

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I've heard that word tossed around left and right so, while I had an idea of what it meant, I finally looked it up. I found that my understanding of it's meaning was correct, but maga uses it to disparage well-to-do Democrats while ignoring that it also applies to trump, musk, bezos and a whole host of maga loyalists as well. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!! 🙄🙄🙄

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Every single time grocery's or gas goes up , media needs to address it, the media was not our friend, they contribute to the overall election of Trump!

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And it's only going to get worse. That's why I will be very selective about what I read or watch. I'm subscribing to several people here. I will also watch Maddow's show, dependent on the topic at hand. Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, Adam, over here, some Bill Kristol, and a few others of which they report the FACTS.

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BBC America.... and German sources

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I am a lifetime Democrat. The American people have always suffered when a Republican was in the White House during my 73 years. I liked Ike. He was not responsible for any suffering. But Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, and the ringer of forever Trump all put the American people last and the rich or big business or megalomania or a perceived military need first.

Keeping to form, I voted for Harris. I had to retire early at 62 to become a full time caregiver for my last wife who was dying from cancer. I have to pay my Medicare Part B premium. So I get $591 a month in Social Security. $7,000 a year. I took home roughly the same amount on the jobs I had here 50 years ago in 1974.

I don't buy Cheerios. Consumer prices are at a 40 year high. Corporate profits are at a 70 year high. I sure didn't blame Joe or Kamala for anything. I am plainly not "rich as hell" so I don't look for Trump to do anything for me. I don't look for him to do anything for any of the other Americans that aren't rich enough to be in his "gang".

Trump will be his own worst enemy. He always has been. The Democrats do need to emphasize that they work for the people. Not the very rich and big business. The Republican Party needs to work for small businesses like those thousands that have sprung up across America. We need two parties that try to come together to figure out ways to help the American people.

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Thank you for the historical context.

With the widening income gap and a shrinking middle class, the working class needs more to bring home than just a sense of gratitude that they still have a job today and fear of not having the job tomorrow.

I went through that at one employer every day for six years, hoping that retirement would’ve kicked in before I was laid off. I lost that gamble, about 15 years short of retirement age. That was 10 years ago. I’m back in the saddle I got bucked off of for 2 years now. And I am truly grateful. But that 8-year period took a lot out of me.

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I felt so much empathy and passion in this post. Thank you.

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Speaking of relating to.... I can't relate to one person that he's nominated to his cabinet.

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Believe it or not, I was working in DC when J Carter became President. Don't get me wrong, he's a wonderful human and a great statesman, but he never got hold of the Presidency. I was with the new Department of Energy and it took him 6 months to get a transition team there and they didn't know squat - loyal campaigners. Reminds me of Trump's Cabinet picks - most very unqualified except for guess what - LOYALTY. This is going to be an interesting Sh-- Show to watch my friends, but not good for the country. We have lessons to learn and I hope we learn them fast! Sometimes it just takes pain to gain

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Mind boggling preview of what is to come! 😱😱😱

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I told family members who voted for Trump because of "economic reasons," that I'm saving money this year by not being at Thanksgiving or buying gifts at Christmas. I also won't have to buy gas to drive across the state. Problem solved.

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Me too!

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Adam, first time I’ve disagreed. I did not and do not perceive the Democratic Party as elitist. If others do, then it’s a Fox talking point I missed. What I hear and see is the old ‘too many hand outs and freebies’ for those who didn’t earn it. Too many programs we fund with our tax dollars for people who don’t ‘deserve’ it.

This is just one opinion and POV. But, the Magas I know have harped on this since Obama and I would even say longer than that.

They want immigrants not to get handed phones, free health insurance and a hotel room. They would like welfare and food stamps to have more conditions and an endpoint. Fox has done a brilliant job of highlighting these things and saying but look at you just toiling away at a job while these people are handed everything that you have to earn. Add in the cost of things now and it’s a fire storm.


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I agree with you. I think people want things to be like they were in the 1950's with more strict family and social boundaries. Dad worked, mom stayed at home, 2 straight kids, people listened to authority and followed rules....but we've gotten far beyond that and where does it stop? I don't know the answer but one guess is realizing that all people weren't that happy then either and wanted to be true to themselves as we all should. And so many bureaucracies are broken such immigration, public education, etc for decades. How can these finally be fixed to some degree- or can they? And where was Pence in all this?? Did he just want to stay mum even though he almost was killed- to stay in good graces with the religious zealots?

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It's just a gut feeling, and don't get me wrong on this, but I think Pence was pretty much made persona non grata. The Orange Nutjob wanted the limelight all to himself. He wanted Pence to have a very low profile. I believe, too, that he didn't want Melania as involved because, again, her accomplishments would take the limelight away from him. How many times did we see FL Michelle Obama and FL Laura Bush make an appearance in whatever programs of their choosing did they make? And Melania? Zip? She just smiled and looked pretty standing next o him. I never cared about Pence, but what he did on 01/06/2021 in his duty as Veep, he has my respect. He always will.

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I think you nailed it Megan.

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I will always see you as a Hero and will look forward to your substack. While I can agree on many points, I'd like to point out three things (1) if Democrats are perceived as a party of elites, it is a perception that I don't think Democrats impart ... unless it is by speaking intelligently. Trump braggs about $, sells gold sneakers, has the richest man in the world on his cabinet, has a multi-millionaire VP (v. Walz) ... what is pushing this perception except rabbit hole conservative media. (2) Ditto on transgender. Democrats weren't talking about transgender and Harris said responded to accusations that they were. Again, it was rabbit hold conservative media and advertisements talking about transgender (40% of Trump's advertising budget). (3) I think Harris did the best she could considering she is female and not 100% caucasian. Trump "canned" a bipartisan immigration bill. I will agree with you, Adam, Democrats generally were late to the party on this. But they ultimately tried, and Republicans rejected for political reasons.

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This election was about truth versus a con man's lies.

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Great points! Don’t forget selling autographed Bibles and profiting on God’s Word.

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We also need to critique the idea known as neo liberal economics that became ascendant in Reagan’s time as president. Thats been the way the country has done things up until Joe Biden changed course, but, unfortunately not in time to change the narrative. During that time we have hollowed out the middle class and the national debt has exploded. Also, income inequality has created the toxic politics that brought us Trump posing as the fix it guy. If and when the country gets through this, will we keep this same economic approach and pretend that this time will be different? I’m not confident we have learned this lesson.

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Agree. Is there a podcast with you Adam and Heather Cox Richardson out there? If not, can there be? You two would be great to listen to together.

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Thank you for staying with us and putting forth a vision of how to move forward.

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Those of us who exist anywhere left of center (or even center right) have somehow allowed ourselves to be defined and defiled by those on the right/far right, and then very vocally reviled with statements about what we want that is largely inaccurate and incredibly difficult to combat. Being grossly misunderstood has led to a silencing, and the muddled feeling of struggling to swim upstream.

We can walk and chew gum.

Complex things can be addressed coherently.

Anyone remember the West Wing episode with the debate, where the team keeps trying to find the perfect 10 word answer, but then by the end they are embracing complexity? Part of what we need to do is find a way to embrace the complexity of the problems and issues we are confronting, and speak about them in a way that brings people along as active problem-solvers instead of passive finger-pointers.

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I don't think Democrats are any more elitist than their Republican counterparts but I do think we Democrats have forgotten how to talk to people.

Trump and the Republican Party simplify problems and come up with magic bullets. People like that! They have too much going on in their lives to spend the time it takes to really understand the complexities of the economy, foreign relations, health care, government operations, taxation.... You get my drift!

I am a college-educated person who worked in government. The County Supervisors who I worked for constantly told me to bring issues down to 6th grade level. I didn't like that because I thought it was condescending. But I've learned through experience that speaking at college-level was perceived as condescending by most people.

This is where Trump excelled and Harris fell down. If you listen to Democrats elected in States Harris lost, they tell you how they were able to address their constituencies where they live.

But ultimately Harris' refusal to accept the failures of the Biden administration proved she was disconnected from every day issues and it ended up tanking her potential success.

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Thank you Adam for giving me/us hope and advise to move forward. I was shocked that Harris didn't win and was troubled by what the people voted for but I am gaining clarity. I agree with everything in this article except for one part- what did Trump say to the middle class as far as policy to help them vote for him? I know he said he wants to make America better, it's terrible, the economy is bad...but how was he going to fix that? I heard Kamala say she is speaking to the middle class many times and gave her ideas but I think people chose not to hear that. (I honestly chose not to listen to Trump often so I get it!) And although I know many people said it was the economy, for the people I know, they were still vacationing, still spending money, etc so it was a dent- but not like in the recessions we've had in the past! I think for some, they blame the economy when other factors were truly present such as religion, being angry about masking during the pandemic (like you mentioned) and comparing this somehow to reproductive rights, being uninformed with a touch of bigotry and racism. Let's move ahead though with fairness, equity, justice for ALL and honesty because we don't have to lie!

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There was a report out on MSNBC just the other day about how inflation has slightly cooled but Americans are spending at a record pace. I know that food prices are high and it is a stretch to for some to put meals on the table as they’ve done in the past. Yet planes are full of customers and Swift concerts are sold out. (I don’t have that kind of money that I could do either of those.) But people have to understand that the executive branch does NOT run our economy. Yes, there are things the president does that can have an effect on it, like tariffs. But the president does not control prices of gas, or food prices or the cost of clothing or appliances or anything else. We have free enterprise in this country. Anyone telling the American people they can get prices reduced isn’t telling the whole truth. If the president controlled prices we would be living in a dictatorship, authoritarian rule. That might be where we’re headed, but right now it’s free enterprise.

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I’m glad you brought up how planes stay full of travelers and there was still the summer crowd jamming airports. If the economy was so bad, then why?

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Good question... For the first time in ten years they are building new single-family homes in my subdivision. They've been doing that for about a year now. I know because I have to put up with a parade of dump truck semis and cement mixers going past my house every 5 minutes from 7 AM to 3PM! While grocery prices are too high, is the economy really that bad? With trump being president, it WILL be soon!

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Money talks, bullshit walks. A decent % have the resources most do not. With inflation and no pay raises over the past 6 year (for me), you just fall back faster.

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Adam, Once again you have your finger on all of the key issues. Your analysis is excellent. I wish there was a way to get you into the Oval Office.

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Adam, interesting article. As I have been with all 3 parties in my life, I have always voted for the person with the most integrity and driven by a calling higher than themselves. That's why I was a fan of yours even when I was leaning Democrat!

I'm afraid we haven't hit bottom and will need to touch the stove.

That is why I am offering all our new members if they would like to join many of us at 3pmEST daily for a short prayer for Adam, his family and democracy 🙏. As devastated as I am after last week, this time brings me some peace and hope!

Thanks Adam for this opportunity to bring us together!

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New members of what? I feel as though I should understand your comment but don't. I did not join a prayer circle; is that what this is? That makes me very nervous.

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Relax - there are prayerful people in the room. We’re not all out to get you. Check out some of my comments & references, and you might be surprised I pray at all, but I do. And I’m perfectly content to tolerate you if you don’t.

Just this morning, posted a reference to a podcast of an ardent, almost evangelical atheist.

He also happened to write the best Socio-political commentary I’ve read yet. Minus a couple of his F-bombs and one A-hole - I couldn’t agree with him much more completely.

So let’s all just breathe in and out and talk to each other.

BTW, Sam’s podcast is “Making Sense” and the episode I referenced is “The Reckoning” — look it up. He has a transcript available for non subscribers.

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Thank you, Dan!

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Sorry this was confusing Corinne! Trust me, you did not join a prayer circle!! This is for whoever feels like participating. I just offered it again as I heard the Substack membership has increased. Also, this is anonymous unless you offer to comment. Hope this answers your concerns!

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I agree with absolutely everything you said, except I have to wonder what constitutes a west coast elite? I have lived on the west coast all my life, and believe me, I am far from elite and feel just as unheard and ignored as most others in this country. I worked a job-and-a-half my entire life, couldn't afford to go to college until I was 58, and paid off my student loans when I was 72, two years into retirement. Furthermore, the better job that degree was supposed to result in never materialized -- which is also happening for thousands of young people today. Everyone I know is in a similar condition. Reading about how the economy is strong while everything we need just keeps getting more expensive is offensive, to say the least. Somehow, this country must find a way to get back to two responsive and reasonable political parties that can work together effectively. In the meantime, I will remain an Independent voter and hope for the best.

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This might be the most sensible and logical explanation I've read thus far explaining why Harris lost and Trump won.

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