Thank you for your steadfast faith in our Country and God. I believe you care for all Americans regardless of their religion and I thank you.

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As a person of faith who is often accused of not being “truly” Christian, that is, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, (the “Mormons”), I could not agree more with your observations. A good part of my fellow Latter-day Saints seem still to be drawn to Donald Trump and his misappropriation of Christianity. Although a Democrat, I side with Mitt Romney, who understands the Gospel of Jesus Christ much better than Mr. Trump ever will. Jesus only taught love; love God, love your neighbor, love people different than yourself, love the sinner, love the leper, love the black and the white, the gay and straight, and even the irrational Evangelical who hates you. It’s a tall order, but it’s the only way we are ever going to find peace on earth.

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I'm with you Mark! If you look at the substance of most major religions their tenets are similar: love your neighbor as yourself, treat others the way you would like to be treated, honor your parents/ancestors, don't commit murder etc. The problem is when men interpret the word of God, Spirit, or whatever you choose to call the Creator. There were the crusades, the Salem witch burnings, the Catholic priest pederasts and on and on. Let us not forget Vladamir. He has the Russian Orthodox Church's blessing to apparently slaughter Ukrainian Nazi's. I think that makes him an evangelical Russian Orthodox, although Coummunism is aetheistic. and Zelensksy is a Jew. Go figure. Bottom line for me is there is good and evil in the world and men use whatever religion or philosophy they they choose to do good or evil. I nourish, encourage and attempt to do good and encourage any human of any faith, or non-faith to join me because my Creator is all encompassing. Every person every day makes choices to do good or evil, it just depends on your perspective, but most of the time it's pretty obvious, at least for me.

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At least Mitt Romney wanted to see George Santos kicked out of the White House-Congress!

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I meant the House of Reps

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Thank you for your faith. I share the same trust in God for all things. I praise God daily for the guidance, help, and provision that he blesses me with.

I have been here a long time. There were many who claimed that Bill Clinton was the Antichrist. They did the same with Obama.

In the book of Revelation, the Antichrist is able to reign over the entire world. Trump won't get there no matter how many golden shoes he sells.

Trump does show how much a lie of a life can grow and establish a life of its own. Santos and others with completely fabricated pasts seem to be able to get positions of power in our Government. The Antichrist ruler of the world may not be that far away. Sadly so many went full in with Trump and lost themselves.

My great niece Ashley shares my birthday. She is married to another wonderful woman named Ashley. I have only love for them and their relationship. I don't want anyone to annul their marriage or lock them up because they are against same sex marriage. This is Arkansas and it could happen. So many ways that good people can suffer and are suffering because of Evangelical Right Christian Soldiers who are not working for Jesus but their own selves or Donald Trump.

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I absolutely agree that Donald Trump is not capable enough to be the Antichrist. But what about Beelzebub useful fool.

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That is my point. Half (now 1/3) of America believes in the Toddler King. The one who could pull it all together into World domination may not be far away.

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Can you imagine if we all accepted that love is love. Done and dusted. Nothing else to say but to go on with the day and accomplish beautiful things and spend more time with our loved ones... love is love.

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again, the nazi playbook. hitler hijacked christianity in a like fashion. hitler was the least christian person in world history, until trump lapped hitler.

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Radical religious folks of all stripes do great damage to countries. Look at what's happening here, in Israel, and the Muslim world. Fanatical faith is not godly or good, it's delusional spiritual and societal poison.

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I agree Elizabeth.

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The primary focus of far too many “evangelicals” is that they are looking around at their churches, their communities, their government to rescue them from what they perceive to be “evil”. This is not what the Bible or Jesus teaches. No one here on this earth is going to “save” us. My pastor’s sermon this past Sunday was about how disputes, conflict and vitriol are so prevalent in our society today. We need to replace it with kindness; uncharacteristic, outrageous kindness to others.

Matthew 22:39 “…equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (NLT, my paraphrase).

This is how we are to live within our communities.

Philippians 2:3 “…Be humble, thinking of others better than yourselves.” (NLT, my paraphrase).

Please know that I am not perfect in following this; none of us are. But I don’t understand how hateful rhetoric can be construed to line up with what Christianity teaches.

I would speculate that those who are willing to spout hatred all in the name of Christianity are being misled by many (pastors, social media etc). But we can’t legislate morality or a belief system or kindness. That has to come from within each one of us. It’s a choice, and it starts with our heart condition

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Amen, Joan!

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I’m with you at 3pm.

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I wish that evangelicals would actually look to the words of the Bible, most especially the words of Jesus Christ, for guidance. Much of what they practice is in outright defiance of the very principles of the Christian religion. Hatred, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and antisemitism have no place in the Christian canon.

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Agreed. My beautiful wife is a Christian and she does not think anything like ultra-conservative evangelicals. BTW, I am a practicing Buddhist.

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I think most of them have a difficult time looking inward and being honest with themselves.

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Amen Adam! The Jesus I know loves everyone. Even trumpites.

I know he won't grant me every prayer but will help me through what ever life might bring! I know He has a plan for you and you are fulfilling it! You have given us hope that the hate which is so prevalent can be overcome with the truth you and others are offering!

I continue to invite anyone to say a short prayer 🙏 each day at 3pmEST for you, your family and our democracy. Wherever there are 2 or more gathered in His name....

Thank you and God bless!

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Sounds like a good idea!I will do it today!👍🙏

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Lynette, this is exciting! I know we'll make a big difference and feel peace!🙏 I know I have!!

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I'm in ... ty for the idea Cindy!

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Thank you Lourine!! Awesome!! I KNOW we'll make a difference and feel more peace!!🙂🙏

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Amen. That's a great combination in these troubled days !

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Great post.

1 Corinthians 13:13

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As I often say, 'religious' faith (religion doesn't own the word "faith"), is whatever the believer wants it to be. It's endlessly malleable and the fanatical confuse "faith" with "fact".

Here's the unfortunate truth, religion is the most divisive concept ever created by man. If you read about religion from an historical context (and don't skip the vile parts), it will be obvious that man created the concept of God in HIS image, not the other way around. It should also be obvious that the people that created ancient scripture (over many centuries), had an infantile intellect, as compared to modern humans.

I graduated from a Catholic University and grew up around Catholic nuns, so I don't say these things in a vacuum. I say these things after much historical reading and 60 years of life experiences. Some of the worst people I have known, consider themselves among the Christian faithful.

Christian's owning the moral high ground is a narrative the church has been selling for centuries. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Thanks Dan! I appreciate this perspective!

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

People like Mike Johnson scare me and make me nauseated. He and his ilk are so phony and they use God like a shield to not take responsibility for anything. God ordained it, it' s all God's plan, blah blah blah. I was watching a video of some witch in the Missouri legislature defending the rape of young girls as God's plan. It was during a debate on abortion rights of course and why a 10 year old rape victim can't bet an abortion. Her words, "God doesn't make mistakes". What God allows something so terrible? Nope he has NOTHING to do with that you witch.

Now the popular thing is "my God isn't YOUR God. I follow what MY God tells me to do". Um, isn't there ONE God? So now it's " you get a God, YOU get a God, EVERYONE GETS A GOD", like Oprah's favorite things. IF taking the Lord God's name in vain is truly a sin, there is going to be a log jamb at the Pearly Gates and Mike Johnson and others are going to have some "splainin' " to do. I'm just sick of them all.

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Agreed! I have a close in-law that is 100% “exclusive” to others. If you don’t believe in God and Jesus like he and his fellow parishioners, you are not part of the team. That way of thinking creates division and does not support the proselatations Jesus lived.

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A particularly destructive thing about evangelism is that it can reinforce people’s need to feel superior to others. We are saved. They are damned. Therefore, we are entitled to behave however badly we want!

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I haven’t been to church in a very long time. I grew up Catholic, had to be at Sunday mass along with my classmates. I believe and miss the community of church and the activities of the greater school/church community and maybe we all need to reconnect through church and coffee afterwards with games for the kids and good conversations between adults. Being kind and involved and helpful to the community is spirituality at its best. I have never read the Bible but I live a decent life and try to love my neighbor (even Republicans 😉. We are more alike than we believe. It saddens me to see a church turn into a residence. A reminder of how we’ve lost our sense of God, spirituality and community. I think so much can be fixed just by getting together for coffee or any meal. Our children are missing out on this tradition and spiritual teachings. Break bread together. I don’t want to put in my rose colored glasses for this.

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As an ordained minister, I am mystified at how many evangelicals seem so very unlike Christ, especially those in congress who profess to be Christ followers. The cult mentality is strong with the gop & I wonder if they've ever read the New Testament at all while they are so occupied condemning anyone not like themselves to hell. Thank you for your words & for the work that you do.

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I've wondered the same thing - if they have read the New Testament!

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Very well said!I couldn’t agree with you more!!🙂

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If we mushed the Old Testament & New Testament into a sentence, it would be, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Rodney King said it best. We must learn to get along.

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