IMHO, Donald Trump did terrible damage to our standing in the world. He's out of office NOW, and Biden has tried to reassure our commitment to our allies (or what USED to be our allies?), but now Donald is trying to reclaim the White House and more, dumping democracy, and we simply are not trusted. Agreements that had been made and survived through several different administrations of both parties were dumped by Donald. No one knows where we are, where we are going, and what we stand for anymore. We are NOT in a good place. I can't think of any election, at least in my lifetime that is as important as the one coming. I think the entire free world is holding their breath.

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quite true on all of this

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Why do Republicans think that it's just fine to back a traitor as he attacks our sitting president? How weak does that make us appear to the world, especially China, Iran & Russia? Our congress is a disgrace & it ain't the democrats. How gleeful pootin must be, after pushing for donald's election then & now, to see republicans turn their backs on Ukraine, the Sudan, Syria, et al? This is again, not the time to vote third party to give the office of president back to the criminal conman/traitor. None of gop candidates have any sort of platform, besides more of the sick trump agenda. He is their only platform. Beyond terrifying. Glad my career military father isn't alive to see the garbage that his old party has turned into. Praising tyrants while attempting to elect one again.

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We need Biden to be at his very best in Foreign relations and making statements of resolve to dispute the chaos abounding everywhere. However, he is struggling if you believe the MSM who belittle his achievements at home. Ordinary citizens will still pay more attention to the price of gas or really small ticket items because they are easier to embrace and be critical. Facing the real threats globally takes enormous individual courage and action takes more. I fear many are stuck in a “heads in the sand” mentality coupled with “me first” compromising action by citizens and groups that could come together for the benefit of the country and the world simultaneously. We are at a tipping point as a nation with so much negativity to address (border issues, climate) that it seems overwhelming. For Biden to proceed on course for Democracy he needs citizens to understand the urgency of these times and put away petty grievances. Our lives will never return to pre Covid norms. Past consumerism, gluttony, power, greed do not serve us now. Neither does the work of dark money influence peddlers including Russians in our electoral processes. Support the thriving Biden; excuse flaws that were unexpected and irreversible thanks to the prior administration. There is much to be done and little time to curb the course of history.

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The fact that 60% approved of the statement that we should "pay less attention to problems overseas..." is quite scary. I remember years ago hearing something to the effect of "It's not the duty of the USA to police the world, since we have so many problems here." Despite all of our domestic issues, we are -- and need to be -- interconnected with the majority of other countries (especially the "super-powers"). To put it very simply, it is almost like a chess game (although certainly not in the sense of it being any fun)... and if you aren't paying attention, or are simply afraid to make a move, it will be "Checkmate" before you know it. And then you are asking, "How did that happen?"

Thanks, Adam, for providing a plan for addressing our very serious current global issues.

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amen. We are the victims of our own success paid in much blood

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That one sentence says so much. Truth be told, I've never really stepped back and thought about it that way. Thanks for bringing it to light.

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​All excellent points Adam. Perhaps a bit off point, perhaps not but my friends who are not American share with me their concerns regarding how one person can hold up and threaten our National Security as Sen. Tuberville is doing.

They ask how this can be allowed to continue, why it's allowed, and why President Biden can't fix it. Aren't there Senatorial Rules to override someone who is in fact harming our reputation and security?

Many of them, and yes they are 'just' citizens but their concern is as real as many of us here in the US who are also 'just' citizens. We also are wondering if, in fact, this is yet another sabotage move from DJT who is promising Sen. Tuberville who knows what to hold his position.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

So well said!

I would add, how can one Texas judge shut down legal abortion for a nation?

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That is an excellent point also. One judge should not be allowed to do that, or make decisions that impacts an entire nation. Silly me, I thought only the Supreme Court could do that.

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Very well said, Adam. Chaos is the the cause & effect but not the solution. We all do not have to agree on policy, as my late father said, that is why we have chocolate and vanilla. Our thoughts, ideas, policies may be different but our main goal should be to do what is best for our country. We all have strengths and weaknesses, relying on others to support us and help us navigate through difficult situations. Trump saying the world was laughing at us before he came on the scene???? What???? The world laughed at us with him at the helm. It should not be America First and screw our allies. We are playing with fire and democracy is at stake but the world should know what we stand for, who we are. Our allies should know that we have their backs and will be there to assist in anyway we can. Always. No wavering.

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"But some Republicans want to retreat"

Just as the Chinese, Russians and Iranians want us to do.

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I always enjoy your perspective, but I would like to offer a slightly different perspective regarding one of your statements. “

Although President Biden has reassured allies who were concerned about America’s commitments and he is gradually restoring the State Department budget, I don’t see much evidence that he has developed a strategy to address the chaos and confusion that predominate in world affairs today.”

Given the enormity of government chaos created by Trump and his minions,what has been accomplished by the current administration still stands out. As you state, defunding the State Dept. has yet to be fully corrected. The choking off of any cooperative governing is still going on, and I suspect that many countries are holding their breath until the next election make even minimal confidence a bit shaken to say the least.

What you write usually hits the statesmanship target, but pointing to Biden alone as the issue is not up to your standards. We need to see the enormity of what the radicals have done to governing and you do that beautifully. Exposing the fifth column work they have engaged in needs to be in front of all eyes.

Thank you.

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I just watched a interview with Margorie Taylor Greene about a meeting some of the Republicans had about trying to pick a speaker and it doesn't sound like it went all that well. If one can part the BS it sounds like they aren't very close to getting a vote to the floor.

So here we are in crisis mode, no Speaker Of The House so THEY are out of business and we still do not have positions filled in our military because of an ex football coach that fooled people into thinking he could translate that into governing. Then he and Marge have the gall to say they want to protect the country. The Republican "big wigs" of both parties have NO criticism for this behavior. They shrug their shoulder a lot.

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A well stated summary of core areas that US foreign policy must vigously support. Aside from the military services, we have tended - since the Obama presidency - to be foreign policy stumblebums. We need a State Department led by people of the stature of James Baker and George Shultz. Unless we do what you suggest, the threats will get closer to our front door. Only American strength, smartly deployed, will avert this type of consequence.

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To those I would add Condoleezza Rice. Although she had previously refused appeals to run for President, when Biden announced that his running mate would be a black woman (and that he promised to “bring Americans together—

ha!), I thought, who could be a better choice to accomplish that than Condoleezza Rice?

As it turned out, I wrote her name in for President, and probably would have done so even if she had been a serious candidate. I subsequently heard that George Bush did the same thing.

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Obama and Biden dealing with Iran is part of this tragedy. If this comes out in the Press, which it won't, it will cost Biden the next Presidency.

Be informed:

Honestly with Bari Weiss https://open.spotify.com/episode/5BMqF3h9UnUjZIWyxPT4yI

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Precisely. Bravo, Adam.

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