Thank you Adam! Now we just need other conservatives like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney to follow suit- you are a true leader!

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…and all of the people Trump’s administration who know the truth. …and George W. Bush, Paul Ryan. …and others. I’m not holding my breath. Look at all the people running for VP. To a person, they once denounced him but now they see a shot at power and sell out.

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Still waiting for Bush or anyone in that family to endorse Biden. Apparently love of America and courage like Adam are not common in conservatives.

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Absolutely. C'mon, Mitt, Mr. "I'm going to write my wife's name in for president."

Seriously? You cannot go the next step? Grow a spine

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Country over party. Always.

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What a great man and patriot who knows the stakes. He is undaunted in his commitment to democracy and the constitution.

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Well put and well done. So much gratitude for all you are doing to show DT off the stage once and for all. Thank you.

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What a demonstration of true patriotism. Your time is coming!

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Thank you for standing strong for Democracy! Though I am a strong Democrat, I have always voted and always will vote for the candidate that supports Democracy and represents all the people! I truly believe that President Biden supports woman's rights and that is very important to me as a mother of two daughters and grandmother to two granddaughters. Thank you!

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Thank you Adam for endorsing President Biden. I always knew that you were a great guy.

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Thank you, Adam! Even as a long-time registered Democrat, I don't agree with every Biden policy. However at this critical point in time, he and VP Harris are the only choice until we are finally rid of Captain Crazy to move toward getting the Republican party majority back to sanity. Because that is how government functions best - balance and bipartisanship.

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Spot On Adam!! Was talking last week with another AF/ANG retiree (and fellow ex-republican) about the oath of office we took. Now, the oath of office is totally ignored by those in the GOP/MAGA/DT cult. They routinely place their heinous agendas over those of our nation.

Without a doubt, they are the greatest threat to democracy we have ever encountered and must soundly defeated in every aspect.

Country First!!

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My father who supported Goldwater and fought in 2, Korea and Berlin in AF/ANG is Disgusted at the cowardice and power avarice of GOP and their followers. As a national security voter, its amazing that dt’s threat to the world order my dad fought for is so at risk. AND its not even in the top three issues at risk - Democracy, constitutional right to privacy, rule of law

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Just like, in the past, I voted for Regan. Just as you I voted for who I thought was the best for our Democracy instead of not voting because I did not agree with the Democrat.

What you are doing is brave! Not many Republicans politicians will vote cross party lines and state it publicly. You are demonstrating leadership! Thank you for all you are doing.

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Great video. Great message. Great man. Thank you for being our light in the dark.

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So very glad to see this. Thank you for being a voice for democracy. Your leadership is needed in this world!

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As a former Republican elected official I absolutely agree. Healthy debate is the essence of democracy. There is no room for “revenge politics”. It’s time to get on with the business of governing.

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Thank you Adam for caring deeply for our country and not only talking the talk but walking the walk. I too am a conservative Republican who, for the first time ever, voted for Biden. I could see what a circus the orange man-baby was turning our nation into. At least with Biden we know our democracy and freedom remains intact. Thank you for your integrity and leadership. I look to you as the truth bearer.

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Thank you Adam

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