I look forward to seeing the film! In my opinion you & Liz Cheney are the Patriots!

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Agreed! Liz also has a spine!

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Michael, I would add, " Along with the other committee members plus the witnesses".

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My thoughts exactly...My "dream", a few years ago was President Liz Cheney and Vice President Adam Kinzinger 2024!

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I look forward to seeing this film! In San Angelo Texas I may be the only one in the audience… blue dot in a Red Sea…

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They may not show it in San Angelo! 🤠

If not, come on down to San Antonio. Someone will show it down here!

Or even if you have to go all the way to Corpus Christi. I may look for it down there anyway.

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Do not have to be a Blue Dot in San Angelo to stand against hate. let's go see this together. at the ICON or tinsel town, I prefer the ICON.

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my dearest friend lives in San Angelo and parted ways with me because I couldn't support Trump over Biden in 2020 :(

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I have the same problem. Their anger when I state facts without any opinions Is shocking.

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There's a lot of that going around. Your not alone Nada.

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When I saw San Angelo, I just had to reply, as it holds a special place in my heart! My late husband and I were married 47 yrs ago today, after meeting in San Angelo! We were both in the Army stationed at Goodfellow! ❤️

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I understand you are a Republican but the trailer seems to imply that democrats are bad? I am a Democrat yet I follow you religiously because I believe you want to expose the MAGAs and perhaps I can learn from you. I would hope the same would be true of you…that you can learn something from us Democrats and maybe in the future we could return to a sane two party government. I think those of us who are opposed to the new fascist regime need to stick together for a while!!

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I think you're missing a couple of things... it's slinging a little friendly s*it at each other. Banter. And they are talking coolly, calmly and respectfully. And with humor and grace.

I think our country would be sooo much better off if we could manage to do this. But you know Sharon, it's called 'divide and conquer' for a reason--it works.

I think you will feel differently after you see it.

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Red/Blue is no longer the distinction. The distincton in 2025 is American/sellout. Adam and Liz exhibited country over party like no one else in DC. They showed their allegiance to truth snd American ideals.. i only hope i can show the same as i face the inevitable tests that will arise over the next few years.

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Well said Sharon. My sentiment exactly.

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How about we strengthen Country First, meanwhile getting along with our focus upon the most important needs, and later each of us choose how to proceed on various bills coming up for votes while remaining stalwart Country Firsters? Is that too much to ask?

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That is incredible news Adam we’re looking forward to the release

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I am the mother of three sons and am always on the lookout for role models for them. Adam is just that, a true American hero!

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I’m definitely going to see it. Maybe it will be up for an Oscar!😎

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Hopefully, I’ll get to see it in New York City. Thank you, Adam, for defending our democracy.

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I look forward to seeing it. I normally voted Republican and I consider myself an Eisenhower Republican. I recall that shortly after I graduated from law school in the 1960’s, I went to work as a lawyer in the law practice of a Republican legislative leader in my state. He advised me that I should vote for the Democratic Congresswoman who represented the district in which I lived. He said that she was the finest legislator with whom he had ever worked. So Dems and Republicans can work together effectively.

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“So Dems and Republicans can work together effectively.” No, unfortunately they COULD WORK TOGETHER EFFECTIVELY…past tense…today they REFUSE TO WORK TOGETHER BECAUSE THAT TAKES “COMPROMISE” and compromise has been downgraded by politicians and is considered WEAK…and only LOSERS compromise….Donald doesn’t allow losers or losing if they expect to bend over and kiss his backside…come one, we all know there’s no ring, it’s always been his backside…and that sucking lemons look on their faces has become stuck now just like Donald’s grumpy face is stuck for life….(my momma always warned us kids to quit making those types of faces because they’d get stuck one day)…Donald thinks his mug shot grumpy face portrays MEAN AND STRONG but we know it actually means, “Ewwwwww my drawers are damp and smelly”…..TRUTH!

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Super excited to watch this documentary! Congrats…well deserved!

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Thanks! It’s actually really goof

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Good lol

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Awesome trailer Adam. I am not a “Last Republican,” but I am definitely a “lost Republican.” Country 1st !!!!!

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Hi everyone. Yep, I am sort of a wanna be Adam K. I am born & raised in Illinois. Republican conservative my entire life until Trump. Spent thousands of hours on John Deer tractors. Worked as a butcher workman in a beef slaughterhouse for six years. Six year Navy veteran. Electronics Engineering degree. Masters in Technology Management. Ex-cybersecurity expert. Ex-entrepreneur/business owner. Currently a SAG/AFTRA Actor. I love our country and put my life on the line in supporting democracy. I am “all in” for Country 1st. Thank you Adam!! U the man.

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I love the line, “a profile in courage”, because I remember you on, I think it was Kimmel, when you said, “I’m not courageous. Everyone else is a coward.”, and that’s the damn truth.

Yeah, it’s easy to be thought of as courageous when you’re surrounded by a bunch of chickenshit people, but it does take a strong spine and fortitude to go against the grain and what everyone else is doing, especially when you know you’re right and everyone else is wrong, and those wrongdoers have support.

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Will absolutely go see this movie, looks terrific! Have been a supporter of yours since seeing you speak out, I think not long after January 6. Your courage and dedication to the preservation of our country makes you the perfect person to lead the Republican Party back to its sane and respectable self. I am a Democratic leaning independent, and would heartily support you for president .

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Because you did it, I’ll view.

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Thank you for your bravery. You, Liz Cheney and others gave up so much to stand against the shameful lawlessness that is happening now. I am very sad and angry about all the cowards and greedy people who threw us under the bus. Please keep going because it keeps us going!

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Sorry Adam🙈🙉I just can't look at him or listen to him any more. I change the channel&/or mute. I feel like we've been sold out. It seems impossible for us to not be on the same page as our Consttution. 🦅🇺🇲🦅

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Cynthia, as a "Cynthia" too, I cannot watch trump. However, this trailer is really safe to watch!

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I hope I will be able to see it! Thank you for trying to save USA!

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