One thing that stands out from amongst all of the 4+ years since DJT took office is the "weaknesses" that exist within our form of government. I, for one, would like to see some strengthening and clarifications in the laws/rules/amendments that ensure our Republic to survive DJT and other future Executives in all parties and branches of government. I am still amazed that DJT is even allowed to run for the Office of Presidency when he openly participated in a coup attempt. The world watches...
Sufficiently many corrupt or apathetic people will corrupt any set of rules we might produce. The challenge is to improve the entire nation's sense of civics.
And EDUCATE them! Unfortunately many don’t want to be bothered. Their lives are too busy.
My niece said this is her time to relax and doesn’t want to get angry or depressed. “ I’m not investing my time in inundating myself with politics. I read/watch here and there but I don’t want to become obsessed with it where it makes me mad or puts me in a bad mood. Not worth it for my own personal mental health and those around me.”
Her remark angers me. I feel it is not only shallow, but dangerous, particularly if everyone thought that way. Luckily she is for Biden but her husband is for Trump. I feel she should educate herself so she can educate others.
I reminded her during WWII how everyone came together to fight the dictator Hitler on one side & the Japanese on the other. I told her we are in a similar fight today; we are fighting a dictator.
I can’t see that happening with the current lawmakers in power right now. It doesn’t appear that there would be anything in it for them to change the rules. And why should they? They can stay as long as they want and gather more and more power and more and more money. It is very disheartening.
Well reasoned and well stated. I hope that you are right. If there is a holdout on the Supreme Court, I estimate it will be Clarence Thomas. His wife was in the thick of it.
May I invite you to “My Little Corner of the World” at I think you’ll find that many of us agree with you. Keep the faith and keep hope alive. are the first I have read that spins this appalling saga of TFG against the USA into what I agree is a true reality. Although I am not sure about Thomas or Alito .. how could the others Supremes want to unleash the concept that a person running for President can have 91 indictments out on him and actually be presidential material? They would be encouraging presidents to be criminals because there would be no pay back. While they are at it they also should take care of the ability for a person to run from jail for the presidency.
AND wahduhbout the 14 Amendment of the Constitution ... how can they possibly deny ,as you clearly wrote , that TFG was not inciting an insurrection...the Supreme Court has the ability now to protect our country for the future so that sociopaths like TFG can be stopped in their tracks from destroying America.
One other comment ... ever since TFG came on the scene I have realized how needy we are as a country to make the Constitution more Democratic... and realized it’s been over 50 years since we had a new Amendment to the document ...So many issues...
How can we be a true functioning Democracy if the document we rely on is not updated periodically and corrected to reflect Democracy and equality in our nation?
I disagree with term-limit legislation! We already have term limits, which are you and me, the voters. If you think someone has been in office too long, live up to your constitutional responsibility to get involved in the electoral process and vote them out! That's your duty to the country.
The work of a member of Congress is not a simple job. There is much a new member has to learn about navigating the “swamp.” If a member is to become a good legislator, it takes time to be at their best. Why FORCE them out when they're at their prime as an effective legislator?
If you want a constitutional amendment to improve our federal government, let's extend the House’s term from two years to at least four! With the complexity and cost of today's election, their re-election is constantly a priority, INSTEAD OF LEGISLATING OUR COUNTRY! This current House has well demonstrated this, as they've been the worst as far as passing meaningful legislation, instead being almost completely consumed with “investigation” to appease their voting base instead of doing what they are dispose to for the good of the country, like passing a bipartisan bill to fund this country!
Any human being can be corrupted. Some easier than others, some nearly impossible. But the path exists no matter who you are. Proximity to that level of power combined with the constant onslaught by the rich, corporations, lobbies, and even your own coworkers will affect any member of Congress over time.
A term limit system is an option to reduce this danger.
And age limits as well. But direct public oversight is another thing that is needed, with the power to start the process of removal if needed. The voters need a more direct system to monitor and expel members of government, in all 3 branches. The concept of self oversight does not work. Look at what it took to get rid of Santos. And we have those like Menendez, MTG, Boebert, etc.
I was thinking of 2 or 3 six year terms instead of the two. If someone can’t analyze issues and find practical solutions in 12 to 18 years then they probably shouldn’t be in that position. I agree that the two year term is too short where all that seems to get done is fundraising before the next election. But I don’t think it’s healthy for our government to have “career” politicians. They get way too comfortable and complacent, both sides of the aisle, and the voters don’t take the time to discern track records, so tend to vote on name recognition because that’s easier.
FYI, I have voted in every primary and general election since I was 20. I’m now 72 and follow politics both local and national very closely. Always have. But, unfortunately, many do not; that’s part of the problem. It seemed you were implying that I didn’t vote often, or was I just misreading part of your post. I take the responsibility and privilege of voting seriously and something that should be prized and protected.
We keep getting many of these big legal questions because both the Constitution and the Congress have not been updated for current times. Congressional
Ethics are a joke in my book and the seniority power structure encourages Congress people to stick around even on life support. The average age of European politicians is around 60. US closer to 70 and quite a few are closer to 80!
Thanks so much for this, as I was fearing the opposite. But your perspective on it make sense. I certainly hope you are correct.
On a somewhat comical side-note, I had to laugh when you explained the derivation of the term "Watergate"... I was a sophomore in high school at the time, so the term was widely used and very familiar to everyone back then, even high school kids... now I REALLY feel old!
I believe that. Similarly, I wonder if people have any idea why the "-gate" suffix is attached to a word to signify any type of public scandal. (Sorry to be off-topic here)
I hope that you are right, Adam, but I fear that you might not be. The Supreme Court of today is not a mighty bulwark protecting our laws and Constitution, but rather is a somewhat fractured Court, weakened by the appearance of corruption in some members and led by a less than forceful Chief Justice. They have already cooperated with those who sought to overturn Roe v Wade, they seem to have a willingness to ignore precedent, and a couple of them may see personal advantage in a Trump
imperial presidency. They are all brilliant legal scholars, let’s hope that they hold the view that no one is above the law.
I believe if the supreme court rules in DT favor they are being very short sighted. I say this because if he has immunity then it will be the end if them as well as democracy.
Trump will just erase any significance and power they have now. And they should just end this and step up and rule that the 14th amendment does apply to him because he did 100% incite an insurrection and that he cannot run for any office of any kind ever ever again
I hope you are correct on this issue. I believe America has faced the unprecedented fact that a person, no matter how diabolical and horrible, can actually sit in the White House for 4 years. This has opened up a whole new examination of tightening the rules and laws as to who is eligible to run for President. I hope in the next decade “We The People” will amend our laws so that we are not faced with another “trump” no matter Republican or Democrat. The integrity of the office of the President and our Democracy must be preserved.
We had a party when Nixon resigned, back then we didn’t need a huge reason to throw a party. 🤣We were very in tune with politics of that time. Living thru the turbulent 60’s was a wake up call to the youth of that time.
Thank you for this but also THANK YOU for baiting Donald with your tweet about the horrific stench he omits. I have family in Iowa and this is noted everywhere he goes -- even by his rabid supporters. He smells like BO, dog shit, and rotting meat. Have we found his best nick name? Throw some out there and let's get this trending! #DonaldSmellsLikeDogShit
The real question is why are the higher courts even dignifying this obviously concocted horseshit. Judge Chutkan rejected it out of hand and rightfully so. Can we expect more frivolous motions to be appealed up the chain to run out the clock?
This will not end well if we continue to be blinded by shiny objects.
I think tfg’s lawyers are banking on appealing the heck out of everything under the sun in hopes of making it through the election. Then he plans on pardoning himself and become “emperor”.
Weird as it feels when this is all said and done Trump will likely have done US a favor by making the vast majority of US “woke as hell” to how fragile ever our democracy is and ... as you said ... the guardrails will be stronger for it. Not2mention the impact it’s having on local &familial levels relative to the need to confront &contain, absent counter-aggression, those who take liberty w/the liberties of others in pursuit of power &profits. Sociopaths curb your bad behavior or deal w/the consequences ... b/c 🇺🇸 democracy is stronger than you think ... just watch.
In The World According to Trump he IS still president and therefore immune to everything. His followers are salivating as they play all their cards in the hope of regaining and retaining power. Watergate was a completely different era in which Republicans understood and respected the Constitution and took action. I was in my early 20s at the time and watched the unfolding of events. Your view of the Supreme Court seems overly optimistic to me. Given the debacle of Roe vs Wade, I have grave concerns about how they will vote. After all, a number of them seem to like money and power more than the law.
I agree. The Supreme Court is at its lowest point right now. They have to decide if it is Trump who goes down or them. As much as someone might like Trump, do they really want the destruction of America and all that matters?
No President is perfect. George H Bush hid his activity in the Middle East from the American people for a long time. His hammering of the Taliban gave Osama Bin Laden the determination to stage a terrorist attack on the US.
Even FDR had lots of people against his policies that rebuilt America. They didn't have social media or Faux News to push their displeasure.
I look for many more states to bar Trump from the ballot. I look for the private jet and motorcade, the hate rallys, and the Trump name to go bye-bye.
Thanks for keeping us somewhat optimistic. He’s gotten away with everything so far, I’m still hoping that he will pay - dearly - for the damage he’s done to our democracy so far.
One thing that stands out from amongst all of the 4+ years since DJT took office is the "weaknesses" that exist within our form of government. I, for one, would like to see some strengthening and clarifications in the laws/rules/amendments that ensure our Republic to survive DJT and other future Executives in all parties and branches of government. I am still amazed that DJT is even allowed to run for the Office of Presidency when he openly participated in a coup attempt. The world watches...
I think this makes sense
Sufficiently many corrupt or apathetic people will corrupt any set of rules we might produce. The challenge is to improve the entire nation's sense of civics.
And EDUCATE them! Unfortunately many don’t want to be bothered. Their lives are too busy.
My niece said this is her time to relax and doesn’t want to get angry or depressed. “ I’m not investing my time in inundating myself with politics. I read/watch here and there but I don’t want to become obsessed with it where it makes me mad or puts me in a bad mood. Not worth it for my own personal mental health and those around me.”
Her remark angers me. I feel it is not only shallow, but dangerous, particularly if everyone thought that way. Luckily she is for Biden but her husband is for Trump. I feel she should educate herself so she can educate others.
I reminded her during WWII how everyone came together to fight the dictator Hitler on one side & the Japanese on the other. I told her we are in a similar fight today; we are fighting a dictator.
I can’t see that happening with the current lawmakers in power right now. It doesn’t appear that there would be anything in it for them to change the rules. And why should they? They can stay as long as they want and gather more and more power and more and more money. It is very disheartening.
Well reasoned and well stated. I hope that you are right. If there is a holdout on the Supreme Court, I estimate it will be Clarence Thomas. His wife was in the thick of it.
Ya will be interesting. But will have historic impact
Thomas really ought to recuse himself.
Thomas needs to be impeached! They are impeaching the wrong person.
Great piece, Mr. Kinzinger, and I thank you for reminding me that there is hope for our country. I hope and pray that you are right.
You’re too kind. It’s a team effort but thank you
May I invite you to “My Little Corner of the World” at I think you’ll find that many of us agree with you. Keep the faith and keep hope alive.
Irma... you need to change sunstack to Substack so people don’t get sent to an ad.
I did correct it. My apologies.
Agree.... are the first I have read that spins this appalling saga of TFG against the USA into what I agree is a true reality. Although I am not sure about Thomas or Alito .. how could the others Supremes want to unleash the concept that a person running for President can have 91 indictments out on him and actually be presidential material? They would be encouraging presidents to be criminals because there would be no pay back. While they are at it they also should take care of the ability for a person to run from jail for the presidency.
AND wahduhbout the 14 Amendment of the Constitution ... how can they possibly deny ,as you clearly wrote , that TFG was not inciting an insurrection...the Supreme Court has the ability now to protect our country for the future so that sociopaths like TFG can be stopped in their tracks from destroying America.
One other comment ... ever since TFG came on the scene I have realized how needy we are as a country to make the Constitution more Democratic... and realized it’s been over 50 years since we had a new Amendment to the document ...So many issues...
How can we be a true functioning Democracy if the document we rely on is not updated periodically and corrected to reflect Democracy and equality in our nation?
All good questions. First step is to beat Donald
Term limits for Congress is something else to add to the list.
I disagree with term-limit legislation! We already have term limits, which are you and me, the voters. If you think someone has been in office too long, live up to your constitutional responsibility to get involved in the electoral process and vote them out! That's your duty to the country.
The work of a member of Congress is not a simple job. There is much a new member has to learn about navigating the “swamp.” If a member is to become a good legislator, it takes time to be at their best. Why FORCE them out when they're at their prime as an effective legislator?
If you want a constitutional amendment to improve our federal government, let's extend the House’s term from two years to at least four! With the complexity and cost of today's election, their re-election is constantly a priority, INSTEAD OF LEGISLATING OUR COUNTRY! This current House has well demonstrated this, as they've been the worst as far as passing meaningful legislation, instead being almost completely consumed with “investigation” to appease their voting base instead of doing what they are dispose to for the good of the country, like passing a bipartisan bill to fund this country!
Any human being can be corrupted. Some easier than others, some nearly impossible. But the path exists no matter who you are. Proximity to that level of power combined with the constant onslaught by the rich, corporations, lobbies, and even your own coworkers will affect any member of Congress over time.
A term limit system is an option to reduce this danger.
And age limits as well. But direct public oversight is another thing that is needed, with the power to start the process of removal if needed. The voters need a more direct system to monitor and expel members of government, in all 3 branches. The concept of self oversight does not work. Look at what it took to get rid of Santos. And we have those like Menendez, MTG, Boebert, etc.
I was thinking of 2 or 3 six year terms instead of the two. If someone can’t analyze issues and find practical solutions in 12 to 18 years then they probably shouldn’t be in that position. I agree that the two year term is too short where all that seems to get done is fundraising before the next election. But I don’t think it’s healthy for our government to have “career” politicians. They get way too comfortable and complacent, both sides of the aisle, and the voters don’t take the time to discern track records, so tend to vote on name recognition because that’s easier.
FYI, I have voted in every primary and general election since I was 20. I’m now 72 and follow politics both local and national very closely. Always have. But, unfortunately, many do not; that’s part of the problem. It seemed you were implying that I didn’t vote often, or was I just misreading part of your post. I take the responsibility and privilege of voting seriously and something that should be prized and protected.
We keep getting many of these big legal questions because both the Constitution and the Congress have not been updated for current times. Congressional
Ethics are a joke in my book and the seniority power structure encourages Congress people to stick around even on life support. The average age of European politicians is around 60. US closer to 70 and quite a few are closer to 80!
Thanks so much for this, as I was fearing the opposite. But your perspective on it make sense. I certainly hope you are correct.
On a somewhat comical side-note, I had to laugh when you explained the derivation of the term "Watergate"... I was a sophomore in high school at the time, so the term was widely used and very familiar to everyone back then, even high school kids... now I REALLY feel old!
You’d be amazed at who doesn’t know!
I believe that. Similarly, I wonder if people have any idea why the "-gate" suffix is attached to a word to signify any type of public scandal. (Sorry to be off-topic here)
I hope that you are right, Adam, but I fear that you might not be. The Supreme Court of today is not a mighty bulwark protecting our laws and Constitution, but rather is a somewhat fractured Court, weakened by the appearance of corruption in some members and led by a less than forceful Chief Justice. They have already cooperated with those who sought to overturn Roe v Wade, they seem to have a willingness to ignore precedent, and a couple of them may see personal advantage in a Trump
imperial presidency. They are all brilliant legal scholars, let’s hope that they hold the view that no one is above the law.
Let’s just hope i am
I believe if the supreme court rules in DT favor they are being very short sighted. I say this because if he has immunity then it will be the end if them as well as democracy.
Trump will just erase any significance and power they have now. And they should just end this and step up and rule that the 14th amendment does apply to him because he did 100% incite an insurrection and that he cannot run for any office of any kind ever ever again
Just my opinion
I hope that they see it your way!!!!
Me too!!!!
I hope you are correct on this issue. I believe America has faced the unprecedented fact that a person, no matter how diabolical and horrible, can actually sit in the White House for 4 years. This has opened up a whole new examination of tightening the rules and laws as to who is eligible to run for President. I hope in the next decade “We The People” will amend our laws so that we are not faced with another “trump” no matter Republican or Democrat. The integrity of the office of the President and our Democracy must be preserved.
That would be smart.
We had a party when Nixon resigned, back then we didn’t need a huge reason to throw a party. 🤣We were very in tune with politics of that time. Living thru the turbulent 60’s was a wake up call to the youth of that time.
You said it all!!!!!
Thank you for this but also THANK YOU for baiting Donald with your tweet about the horrific stench he omits. I have family in Iowa and this is noted everywhere he goes -- even by his rabid supporters. He smells like BO, dog shit, and rotting meat. Have we found his best nick name? Throw some out there and let's get this trending! #DonaldSmellsLikeDogShit
Smelly don? Simple!
Perfect!! Let's get it out there people!!!
The real question is why are the higher courts even dignifying this obviously concocted horseshit. Judge Chutkan rejected it out of hand and rightfully so. Can we expect more frivolous motions to be appealed up the chain to run out the clock?
This will not end well if we continue to be blinded by shiny objects.
I think tfg’s lawyers are banking on appealing the heck out of everything under the sun in hopes of making it through the election. Then he plans on pardoning himself and become “emperor”.
Thank you so much for this article-it gives me great hope going into 2024!
Thank you for this! It gives me hope.
Well it’s going to be a rough 2024 but we can get through it stronger
Already applying for my ohio absentee ballot. Gearing up!
Thank you for this, Adam. I sure hope that this is correct, our country needs this to protect democracy.
Yes we really do
Weird as it feels when this is all said and done Trump will likely have done US a favor by making the vast majority of US “woke as hell” to how fragile ever our democracy is and ... as you said ... the guardrails will be stronger for it. Not2mention the impact it’s having on local &familial levels relative to the need to confront &contain, absent counter-aggression, those who take liberty w/the liberties of others in pursuit of power &profits. Sociopaths curb your bad behavior or deal w/the consequences ... b/c 🇺🇸 democracy is stronger than you think ... just watch.
In The World According to Trump he IS still president and therefore immune to everything. His followers are salivating as they play all their cards in the hope of regaining and retaining power. Watergate was a completely different era in which Republicans understood and respected the Constitution and took action. I was in my early 20s at the time and watched the unfolding of events. Your view of the Supreme Court seems overly optimistic to me. Given the debacle of Roe vs Wade, I have grave concerns about how they will vote. After all, a number of them seem to like money and power more than the law.
Surely the decisions they've already made regarding the 2020 election are a better indicator on presidential immunity than Dobbs.
I agree. The Supreme Court is at its lowest point right now. They have to decide if it is Trump who goes down or them. As much as someone might like Trump, do they really want the destruction of America and all that matters?
No President is perfect. George H Bush hid his activity in the Middle East from the American people for a long time. His hammering of the Taliban gave Osama Bin Laden the determination to stage a terrorist attack on the US.
Even FDR had lots of people against his policies that rebuilt America. They didn't have social media or Faux News to push their displeasure.
I look for many more states to bar Trump from the ballot. I look for the private jet and motorcade, the hate rallys, and the Trump name to go bye-bye.
Thanks for keeping us somewhat optimistic. He’s gotten away with everything so far, I’m still hoping that he will pay - dearly - for the damage he’s done to our democracy so far.