I will never understand the pass the media has given him on his age. When Joe Biden was running, his age was brought up continually. Why not the same with Trump, especially with his incoherent ramblings and weird onstage "dancing?"

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I agree. And I hate that the late night comics STILL do the cheap laugh jokes about Joe' age, when he did a hard and noble thing. Not only is it counter-productive, IT'S JUST PLAIN WRONG!!!!!!!

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The media is a coward and a bully. They want to bully Biden because the suits behind the conglomerates know Biden will not lay a finger on them, whereas Trump can harm their business so like any cowards, they back down.

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The most legitimate criticism of the media, is that they cover Trump's rallies and absurd statements, but do not offer correction or comment. This translates into free publicity sucked up by the cult. Now Musk is receiving the same coverage. Come on people, lets forget the clicks and ratings numbers and do your duty on behalf of the country.

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Love this ☝🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Because there are so many other challenges that Trump has! Too many to focus on any one thing! Mentally challenged is #1.

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They give him a pass because the spectacle he provides helps their ratings through viewership. It’s kind of a “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” mentality.

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Media is making money but undermining our democracy. Oh well.

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A conflict of interests in any other setting.

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I just got finished reading our local paper, with reports of all the "sane washing" that the press has increasingly been doing - makes me a little nauseous. Billionaires putting millions of dollars into the campaign. They are working on the nuance of the word and definition of Fascism (he might only be 85% Fascist - not enough to be alarmed). We are a democracy, so if the voters vote for Trump, then we will have to go through the process of the takeover. Will Americans say they didn't know? The Germans did, even over the odor of the burning bodies, and the ashes falling out of the sky.

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General Eisenhower directed his commanders to force the German civilians to help bury the Holocaust dead and to care for the survivors. When confronted with the horrors that happened in their literal backyards, many said, we didn't know. To which the Allies replied,

bullshit. We smelled this place before we laid eyes on it.

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It is really discouraging that so many people want to vote for him. I do have to say that when I just typed the word "discouraging" I realized that it was made up of "dis" and "courage" so, actually, I realized that we need to not give up on our courage or let him steal that from us.

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Is it possible that the plan is to get through the election, then find a way to get 45 out and let Vance take over. Heaven forbid! Something has to be going on behind the scenes with his handlers, 45 clearly can't plan or make decisions on his own. As for the media, just look at the LA with the billionaire owner who blocked the endorsement of Kamala Harris. Big money wants big and unending power. I'm afraid those who don't know better or who actually think that MAGAland bigshots give a hoot in hello about the average American. Scary times.

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Yes! Kamala needs to go out there and remind people they are actually voting for Vance, not Trump! He will be gone right after being sworn in and pardons everyone including himself and then will resign.

That's what their plan is.

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Vance becoming president IS their plan. They also know that Trump has lost his marbles. Vance would install Project 2025.

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The JD Vance take over has ALWAYS BEEN THE PLAN! All they need is get the unhinged, demented Trump through the finish line and the 25th amendment comes into action. That prospect is the end of our country as we know it know it.

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How anybody with eyes, ears and a brain, watch and hear tfg at one of his rallies or at an interview, can deny what they see and hear is beyond me. It’s similar to family members pretending their bonkers, weird uncle who has too much the drink at a family gathering, didn’t really say that most inappropriate thing, chalking it up to his usual craziness. By not calling it out and staying silent, the crazy in the room will be the only one heard. This a dangerous position the media is taking, one that could come back to bite them. Tfg has already demanded that certain networks lose their broadcasting licenses because he doesn’t like what they say. What do they think will happen if he does win? Most of them will cease to exist, only to be replaced with “state run” media. Sound familiar anyone (Russia, North Korea)? You get the picture.

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I would like to refer everyone to the DSM V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders) and read the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder. It describes the Donald perfectly which we can all see before our eyes including his malignant narcissism and sociopathy. In addition to this his cognitive decline has been rapid and progressive. He’s just the person you want to represent our values and have access to nuclear codes and Hitler’s generals.

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Not enough of media coverage on his statements. I'm not talking about gaffes.

I speak of policy, statements and genuine wants and goals from this wanna-be dictator.

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Yet there are those who still believe that the Emperor is wearing his new clothes. Hard to fathom that, but that is the sad state in which we find ourselves. I'll have to re-read how that story ends.... maybe it will offer some hope.

Your piece is right on target. Your final sentence says it all.

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Let’s do our duty, then. A whole country and a whole generation fought against fascism, Nazi and Soviet. Honor them. They don’t ask for wreaths and parades. They ask for duty and respect. Don’t waste what they fought for.

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I am afraid, folks, that this generation has forgotten how our parent gave their lives to save the world for us! We seem to have forgotten how evil Fascism really is! Shame on us!

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Well said and, in my opinion, completely accurate. When we gain full control over our own government once more, I feel that we should assemble a committee to reform our government, get rid of the electoral college, and so much more. Better checks and balances, and true civilian oversight of all parts of government.

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We need to win control of both the house and Senate to make a real impact of change. Otherwise, we'll just be spinning our wheels and going no where again.

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So true, The MAGA Republicans will never negotiate anything. To them, it's their way or the highway. Their entire goal is to block anything and everything that isn't 100% in line with their views. Heaven forbid they would ever consider negotiating on anything! So, in this election it's essential for everyone who loves democracy to VOTE BLUE FOR EVERY CANDIDATE UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT! Let's win the House, Senate and Presidency so we can get something done! Hopefully in the future we can return to bipartisan negotiated solutions after MAGA is gone!

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I like your idea of more civilian oversight but how do we make it’s not the maga cultists on the committee?

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And…….the Washington Post won’t endorse a candidate for the Presidency. Even though one of them is a fascist. America dies in silence.

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Amen to that! Wearing my certify the vote tee today- thanks!

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What if he wins? What will America be like in 4 years. What a nightmare.

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This election is about more than the cost of a loaf of bread or a gallon of gas, it's about this country and its future. Yes the mainstream media better start showing DT true self. Anyone and I mean ANYONE voting for him as president is not only trampling on the graves of all those who fought for the values we hold dear and are traitors to this country.

To any DT supporters the red flags are flying about how sick and demented he is.

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But Trump has marketed his campaign effectively. The border, inflation, immigrants, crime and racism are the chestnuts that have been used on and off for years. With the added absence of facts and truths, the cult is hearing the songs they love.

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All this is quite true. But I have to say,WHY DIDN'T KELLY (OR FOR THAT MATER, BEYONCE) do this three weeks ago before early voting. Wouldn't that have been more effective? Ya' Think?

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Look, two months ago, even Tim Walz had never heard of Tim Walz. This battle is fresh and still developing.

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I can only hope you are right and it isn't too late. Our generation and Gen X and Gen Z really don't know what our parents went through. We barely do. We've had a "Disneyland" life. Almost literally. Let's hope that Allan Lichtman is right. He was before, in 2016......unfortunately. Let's hope for the best!!

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