At a time of uncertainty with elections, Why aren't we highlighting those fake electors and lawyers that have pled guilty to following trumps plans to overturn the election? Why isn't CNN having them on?
President Biden swore the oath to protect and preserve the Constitution. His first responsibility is to defend America from "enemies, foreign and domestic". At what point does Donald Trump and his violent, anti-American MAGA movement prove to be a "clear and present danger" to the survival of the United States? Unlike some others in the political world, Joe takes his oath seriously.
I cannot believe in the last two weeks he allegedly has pulled ahead in polls - nothing he has said is productive or inspiring or helpful. Frightening!
Junk polls. Please check out the latest "Elephant in the Room" podcast from Rick Wilson & The Lincoln Project. The entire point of those polls is to demoralize you. Don't fall for it. They used the same racket to create the 2022 "Red Wave" that was actually a red trickle. Stay strong, keep working, and vote blue!
What's going on in the minds and hearts of those Americans who have led Trump to new heights? What has triggered their hatred, hidden from view previously? It's as though half of America has marinated in the worst of humankind and is now being cooked by Chef Trump.
I know, right? It’s beyond frightening, and I hate to think what the next year (or more) holds in store, and I just need to believe the polls are not indicative of the vote.
When Kamala was on Fox and BB asked her that question my hope was that her answer would have been something like: Well Bret, because Fox, OAN, Newsmax, X, etc, have been lying to your audiences for years and your $787.7 million loss didn't even slow you down!
Don't believe it. R-paid polling deliberately screwing (polite term) with the avgs. Do. Not. Fall. For. It. Keep doing the work -- phone bank, Indivisible's Neighbor2Neighbor canvassing, emailing/texting EVERY SINGLE CONTACT you have. GOTV BLUE FULL BALLOT.
Yes and how so-called millions got excited by the rambling, bizarre Joe Rogan interview. Three hours! I only dipped in and out, listened for a minute and thought “yep, he’s still crazy” and dipped out. I would be interested to know how many people lasted through the entire three hours; this is the generation that grew up on channel surfing.
I tried to get a read on what Rogan thought but since I couldn’t bear to listen to Trump’s whine for longer than a few minutes here and there (popped in when he was discussing the JFK files????) I didn’t understand what Rogan might have been up to. I don’t listen to him regularly either so all I know of him is that he seems to be anti govt?
Don't believe the polls Joan. At the last minute before many of the undecided while in the voting booth all alone without being surrounded by idiots will make the honorable choice. The mob mentality only works when your surrounded. Have faith. Democracy will prevail.
🤞hope you’re right, Chris. I heard David Brooks on PBS Newshour Fri night talking about Kamala having peaked early and list her momentum. He made no reference to polls being unreliable. I know so many on Substack think otherwise. 🤞🤞🤞
Early voting in Arkansas started this past Monday and I was there when they opened. I recommend everyone vote in early voting. If the whiny third grader and his gang decide to throw a fit on November 5th, let them be the only ones there. Joe Biden is still POTUS and he has every resource to put down another coup attempt or widespread attacks on voters or poll workers at polling places. The American people are not going to let the whiny third grader get away with it again.
My entire career focused on third graders (and elementary school students.) Outside of whining every once and a while, third graders are delightful! Trump is not a whiny third grader. He's a dangerous Nazi bully who knows how to draw the worst bullies to him, and--like Hitler----stir up violence through hatred, the Big Lie, etc;
I am sure that there are third graders that are more mature and intelligent than he is. He is a schoolyard bully that can't take the truth about his failings.
Unbeliveble, frightening, horrible, so many words being written, yet that rhetoric continues to come from 45. His handlers are doing a good job of keeping him going. When he crashes and burns, then Vance will be there. That's an even worse thought. Many of the national media seem to go blithely down the rabbit holes allowing that gaslighting windbag the opportunity to vent his nastiness. Today I cancelled my subscription to The Washington Post. If Democracy Dies In Darkness, they certainly are helping to turn off the lights.
It’s too bad about the WaPo because they had a new (I read it for free, anonymously off X, which I don’t pay for either) article today about Elon Musk working illegally without citizenship. It’s SO clear that Trump’s gov’t will be lawless, amoral, where you only get to participate if you are a billionaire.
People like Bazos, Musk, the owner of the LA Times and other billionaires/millionaires are all in on supporting Trump by spending millions on ads attacking Harris, blocking editorial board endorsements for Harris (a violation of Free Speech and Free Press IMHO), and giving 1 M$ cash prizes to 'winners' of a daily drawing because they are greedy bas**rds who don't want to pay their fair share of taxes! My question to them is "Just how much money do you need to make?" Their actions demonstrate why there needs to be a determined effort to remove big money from politics.
My parents, who came of age in first the Roaring 20s and then the Dirty 30s, would have asked me, had I been describing these people, “But are they happy?” Yeah, probably in today’s definition of “happy” but they’re not joyful. Because they need so very much to keep going—the mega yachts, the sycophant wives and girlfriends, 6000 square foot houses they’ve probably not seen all of and couldn’t describe. I grew up with my mom and I singing that old song “I’ve Got the Sun in the Morning”—I’ve seen a lot of the world on the cheap and I think I’ve probably had just about as much happiness—and certainly more joy—than any of them.
And then today O’Connell and Johnson come out saying Kamala Harris is at fault for calling Trump a fascist. What a crock! Adam, I am so glad you left the party of hate. You definitely don’t fit the Maga mold. And thank you for standing up for our Constitution rather than following along with the other lemmings in the GOP!
Hahaha well that's funny since Trump calls Kamala a fascist and a communist almost every day. And has called both Biden and Kamala a "threat to democracy" - the very thing he accused Democrats of leading to his assasination attempt.
While we must hope and pray for the best, we must also prepare for the worst. Being nuclear educated and nuclear trained, that was more than our motto. It was the rule we lived by every single day.
Trump is just as much a danger as a nuclear accident, if not more. The best method that I can see for dealing with it is also the same. Contain/limit damage, repair damage, recover, evaluate, establish safeties to prevent/minimize future risks.
Time to check myself and remember to thank the likes of you Liz Chaney and all who are speaking out, it takes much courage. I ran across a quote from Teddy Roosevelt and it prompted me to share it with you and if you see the "others" share with them. “It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”
—Theodore Roosevelt
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910
There is really not much I can do to express the gratitude so many American's feel for you stepping into the "arena" while we sit back in the comfort of our homes, risking little. Kid you are amazing!
No, Mark Cuban is not "weak and pathetic". Bill Barr is not a "gutless pig". Paul Ryan is not a dog. Jack Smith is not deranged. Brad Raffenserger is not an "enemy of the people". Brian Kemp is not a clown. Mike Pence is not a coward. John Kelly is not a "total degenerate". What is wrong with this guy? And why would anyone want this to be a role model for their kids?
His rhetoric is violent but believe me he is trying to scare people into voting for him over Harris. Fear is the point. The 24/7 fearful language about immigrants and crime is getting him more votes. I was at a Drinking Liberally event when one attendee who said she was a Democrat told me she is voting for Trump because he will stop immigration. She said she didn't care about any other issue (e.g. abortion), just that the border needs to be closed and she agreed with Trump's plan to deport immigrants. I asked her did she know the history of Mussolini and she said, no, I don't need to read history. She also told me she didn't think Harris could stand up to world leaders because she was a woman and weak. How many other white women feel this way about a female President? I thought it was only the "Bros", but we still apparently have a lot of women in this country who do not feel empowered.
Drinking Liberally? Sounds like this woman does this daily—drinking to blank out any kind of knowledge, any kind of actual accountability on her part. She doesn’t think, she doesn’t think…. Yeah, she doesn’t think.
The more he talks the scarier he gets and hid followers are drinking the koolaid. Thanks for all you are doing. I’m hoping to see if any other republicans are coming out. Unfortunately, the record turnouts leave less people that can hear the message.
Is there a strategy for making another plea… there’s still time to share the truth they know. Also, I think Kamala should also share more of what the bipartisan group will be doing..
By the way, Adam. You indicate you’ve been compared with Tom Cruse. You’re better looking but more important, you’re a man of substance. You care about our country and democracy. You’re not self centered. I’m not putting you in the Tom category as I don’t regard him well. I regard you with respect.
Thanks for today’s post Adam!!!!!!TRUMPIE continues his angry rhetoric!!He loves Hitler,Putin and anyone else who’s a dictator-people are too blind to see it!My own family follow this narcissistic creature! Keep up the great work you’re doing Adam!We can’t let the MAGA cult win!
Good analysis Adam. Hate is one of the strongest emotions and Trump has learned how to use it. His supporters are not al bad people. Some are relatives and friends Trump has convinced them the 2020 election was stolen and only he can fix all the problems. Reasoning with them does not work. Some things coming out against Trump are also pure hate. The one thing we need to remember is we can not stoop to his level with the hate. It will take a long time to fix the damage Trump has done. It will be difficult time. We need to set an example for the country to move forward.
Well please help me understand how someone can support the lunacy and buy the lies and be a good person. Sorry, we tried the "empathize with them", early. It has not worked. Sorry, former friends or existing relatives, they are not good people.
Some are pure evil, no doubt. but many of them bought into his con game. Not all would participate in any violent act to support Trump. Trump is a master at manipulation. Some are supporting him because of their religious beliefs, they follow the evangelicals who have been conned into believing that Trump will somehow support their agenda. Trump did tell them at one point that if they vote for him this time they will never have to vote again. I believe some are just gullible and/or foolish.
The thing is, Adam, I have never once in my life been 'moved to violence' by anyone's speech or action regardless of what it's about, including 9/11. There is a difference between a peaceful protest or just giving support by standing with people than reacting violently and going all Rambo. I think we're onto the Trump Cult, seeing what they did prior to Jan 6th and afterward. We are not going to tolerate the violence, or their attempts to break laws and interfere/disrupt at local voting locations. Luckily for us, those people are not nearly as smart or clever as they think they are. I'm glad so many of us have already taken advantage of early and absentee voting. I wouldn't live in a state that only allowed voting on election day (Alabama, Mississippi or New Hampshire). Everyone should really try to vote early if at all possible. I voted weeks ago for Harris/Walz and will be at a fundraiser next weekend for my Congresswoman Joyce Beatty & Senator Sherrod Brown. I cannot stand Trump's guy, Bernie Moreno. LOL
Yes, ALL he can do is hate. This is his only power. It offends me that it is a power, but sadly, I am afraid it is. A power that turns people against each other. He speaks of the "enemy within". Perhaps he should hold up a mirror!
Vote. Vote. Make sure that your friends and family vote. If a neighbor needs help getting to the polls, get them there. Call your local Democratic headquarters and see what last minute help they need. Ours is phone banking likely Democratic voters and securing rides to the polls for those who need them. Let’s do this thing and keep America Free! Make Abominable Trump Eat Remorse!! MATER!!!!!
At a time of uncertainty with elections, Why aren't we highlighting those fake electors and lawyers that have pled guilty to following trumps plans to overturn the election? Why isn't CNN having them on?
President Biden swore the oath to protect and preserve the Constitution. His first responsibility is to defend America from "enemies, foreign and domestic". At what point does Donald Trump and his violent, anti-American MAGA movement prove to be a "clear and present danger" to the survival of the United States? Unlike some others in the political world, Joe takes his oath seriously.
I cannot believe in the last two weeks he allegedly has pulled ahead in polls - nothing he has said is productive or inspiring or helpful. Frightening!
Junk polls. Please check out the latest "Elephant in the Room" podcast from Rick Wilson & The Lincoln Project. The entire point of those polls is to demoralize you. Don't fall for it. They used the same racket to create the 2022 "Red Wave" that was actually a red trickle. Stay strong, keep working, and vote blue!
What's going on in the minds and hearts of those Americans who have led Trump to new heights? What has triggered their hatred, hidden from view previously? It's as though half of America has marinated in the worst of humankind and is now being cooked by Chef Trump.
I know, right? It’s beyond frightening, and I hate to think what the next year (or more) holds in store, and I just need to believe the polls are not indicative of the vote.
When Kamala was on Fox and BB asked her that question my hope was that her answer would have been something like: Well Bret, because Fox, OAN, Newsmax, X, etc, have been lying to your audiences for years and your $787.7 million loss didn't even slow you down!
They are boiled frogs.
What bothers me most is how easy it was to get to this point. My fear is that trump will prove to be the least of our problems.
Don't believe it. R-paid polling deliberately screwing (polite term) with the avgs. Do. Not. Fall. For. It. Keep doing the work -- phone bank, Indivisible's Neighbor2Neighbor canvassing, emailing/texting EVERY SINGLE CONTACT you have. GOTV BLUE FULL BALLOT.
Yes and how so-called millions got excited by the rambling, bizarre Joe Rogan interview. Three hours! I only dipped in and out, listened for a minute and thought “yep, he’s still crazy” and dipped out. I would be interested to know how many people lasted through the entire three hours; this is the generation that grew up on channel surfing.
I think even Rogan thought he was nuts
I tried to get a read on what Rogan thought but since I couldn’t bear to listen to Trump’s whine for longer than a few minutes here and there (popped in when he was discussing the JFK files????) I didn’t understand what Rogan might have been up to. I don’t listen to him regularly either so all I know of him is that he seems to be anti govt?
Don't believe the polls Joan. At the last minute before many of the undecided while in the voting booth all alone without being surrounded by idiots will make the honorable choice. The mob mentality only works when your surrounded. Have faith. Democracy will prevail.
🤞hope you’re right, Chris. I heard David Brooks on PBS Newshour Fri night talking about Kamala having peaked early and list her momentum. He made no reference to polls being unreliable. I know so many on Substack think otherwise. 🤞🤞🤞
We'll know soon enough as soon as trumps lawyers stop being paid for fucking up the results.
Early voting in Arkansas started this past Monday and I was there when they opened. I recommend everyone vote in early voting. If the whiny third grader and his gang decide to throw a fit on November 5th, let them be the only ones there. Joe Biden is still POTUS and he has every resource to put down another coup attempt or widespread attacks on voters or poll workers at polling places. The American people are not going to let the whiny third grader get away with it again.
AND, Joe Biden has a degree of Presidential Immunity, courtesy of Trump and his biased Supreme Court!
My entire career focused on third graders (and elementary school students.) Outside of whining every once and a while, third graders are delightful! Trump is not a whiny third grader. He's a dangerous Nazi bully who knows how to draw the worst bullies to him, and--like Hitler----stir up violence through hatred, the Big Lie, etc;
I am sure that there are third graders that are more mature and intelligent than he is. He is a schoolyard bully that can't take the truth about his failings.
Unbeliveble, frightening, horrible, so many words being written, yet that rhetoric continues to come from 45. His handlers are doing a good job of keeping him going. When he crashes and burns, then Vance will be there. That's an even worse thought. Many of the national media seem to go blithely down the rabbit holes allowing that gaslighting windbag the opportunity to vent his nastiness. Today I cancelled my subscription to The Washington Post. If Democracy Dies In Darkness, they certainly are helping to turn off the lights.
It’s too bad about the WaPo because they had a new (I read it for free, anonymously off X, which I don’t pay for either) article today about Elon Musk working illegally without citizenship. It’s SO clear that Trump’s gov’t will be lawless, amoral, where you only get to participate if you are a billionaire.
People like Bazos, Musk, the owner of the LA Times and other billionaires/millionaires are all in on supporting Trump by spending millions on ads attacking Harris, blocking editorial board endorsements for Harris (a violation of Free Speech and Free Press IMHO), and giving 1 M$ cash prizes to 'winners' of a daily drawing because they are greedy bas**rds who don't want to pay their fair share of taxes! My question to them is "Just how much money do you need to make?" Their actions demonstrate why there needs to be a determined effort to remove big money from politics.
My parents, who came of age in first the Roaring 20s and then the Dirty 30s, would have asked me, had I been describing these people, “But are they happy?” Yeah, probably in today’s definition of “happy” but they’re not joyful. Because they need so very much to keep going—the mega yachts, the sycophant wives and girlfriends, 6000 square foot houses they’ve probably not seen all of and couldn’t describe. I grew up with my mom and I singing that old song “I’ve Got the Sun in the Morning”—I’ve seen a lot of the world on the cheap and I think I’ve probably had just about as much happiness—and certainly more joy—than any of them.
Linda - They are obeying in advance; hedging their bets. Professor Timothy Snyder has a <4 minute video about this:
And then today O’Connell and Johnson come out saying Kamala Harris is at fault for calling Trump a fascist. What a crock! Adam, I am so glad you left the party of hate. You definitely don’t fit the Maga mold. And thank you for standing up for our Constitution rather than following along with the other lemmings in the GOP!
Hahaha well that's funny since Trump calls Kamala a fascist and a communist almost every day. And has called both Biden and Kamala a "threat to democracy" - the very thing he accused Democrats of leading to his assasination attempt.
Exactly!!! Amazing hypocrisy!
Jake Tapper had a great short video response to the O'Connell/Johnson letter. Got the point across as to just who has used the word fascist.
While we must hope and pray for the best, we must also prepare for the worst. Being nuclear educated and nuclear trained, that was more than our motto. It was the rule we lived by every single day.
Trump is just as much a danger as a nuclear accident, if not more. The best method that I can see for dealing with it is also the same. Contain/limit damage, repair damage, recover, evaluate, establish safeties to prevent/minimize future risks.
Time to check myself and remember to thank the likes of you Liz Chaney and all who are speaking out, it takes much courage. I ran across a quote from Teddy Roosevelt and it prompted me to share it with you and if you see the "others" share with them. “It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”
—Theodore Roosevelt
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910
There is really not much I can do to express the gratitude so many American's feel for you stepping into the "arena" while we sit back in the comfort of our homes, risking little. Kid you are amazing!
No, Mark Cuban is not "weak and pathetic". Bill Barr is not a "gutless pig". Paul Ryan is not a dog. Jack Smith is not deranged. Brad Raffenserger is not an "enemy of the people". Brian Kemp is not a clown. Mike Pence is not a coward. John Kelly is not a "total degenerate". What is wrong with this guy? And why would anyone want this to be a role model for their kids?
Ask any Magat who they would want to have raise their kids assuming they could not: trump or Harris
His rhetoric is violent but believe me he is trying to scare people into voting for him over Harris. Fear is the point. The 24/7 fearful language about immigrants and crime is getting him more votes. I was at a Drinking Liberally event when one attendee who said she was a Democrat told me she is voting for Trump because he will stop immigration. She said she didn't care about any other issue (e.g. abortion), just that the border needs to be closed and she agreed with Trump's plan to deport immigrants. I asked her did she know the history of Mussolini and she said, no, I don't need to read history. She also told me she didn't think Harris could stand up to world leaders because she was a woman and weak. How many other white women feel this way about a female President? I thought it was only the "Bros", but we still apparently have a lot of women in this country who do not feel empowered.
Drinking Liberally? Sounds like this woman does this daily—drinking to blank out any kind of knowledge, any kind of actual accountability on her part. She doesn’t think, she doesn’t think…. Yeah, she doesn’t think.
Yeah, drinking koolaid!
The more he talks the scarier he gets and hid followers are drinking the koolaid. Thanks for all you are doing. I’m hoping to see if any other republicans are coming out. Unfortunately, the record turnouts leave less people that can hear the message.
Is there a strategy for making another plea… there’s still time to share the truth they know. Also, I think Kamala should also share more of what the bipartisan group will be doing..
Rod Williams Indiana Blue Spot
I have hope that when they say lots of Republicans are voting early they are ALL Never Trumpers.
Count me as one of them! I voted Blue up and down the ballot (by mail) weeks ago!
By the way, Adam. You indicate you’ve been compared with Tom Cruse. You’re better looking but more important, you’re a man of substance. You care about our country and democracy. You’re not self centered. I’m not putting you in the Tom category as I don’t regard him well. I regard you with respect.
Thanks for today’s post Adam!!!!!!TRUMPIE continues his angry rhetoric!!He loves Hitler,Putin and anyone else who’s a dictator-people are too blind to see it!My own family follow this narcissistic creature! Keep up the great work you’re doing Adam!We can’t let the MAGA cult win!
Good analysis Adam. Hate is one of the strongest emotions and Trump has learned how to use it. His supporters are not al bad people. Some are relatives and friends Trump has convinced them the 2020 election was stolen and only he can fix all the problems. Reasoning with them does not work. Some things coming out against Trump are also pure hate. The one thing we need to remember is we can not stoop to his level with the hate. It will take a long time to fix the damage Trump has done. It will be difficult time. We need to set an example for the country to move forward.
Well please help me understand how someone can support the lunacy and buy the lies and be a good person. Sorry, we tried the "empathize with them", early. It has not worked. Sorry, former friends or existing relatives, they are not good people.
Some are pure evil, no doubt. but many of them bought into his con game. Not all would participate in any violent act to support Trump. Trump is a master at manipulation. Some are supporting him because of their religious beliefs, they follow the evangelicals who have been conned into believing that Trump will somehow support their agenda. Trump did tell them at one point that if they vote for him this time they will never have to vote again. I believe some are just gullible and/or foolish.
The thing is, Adam, I have never once in my life been 'moved to violence' by anyone's speech or action regardless of what it's about, including 9/11. There is a difference between a peaceful protest or just giving support by standing with people than reacting violently and going all Rambo. I think we're onto the Trump Cult, seeing what they did prior to Jan 6th and afterward. We are not going to tolerate the violence, or their attempts to break laws and interfere/disrupt at local voting locations. Luckily for us, those people are not nearly as smart or clever as they think they are. I'm glad so many of us have already taken advantage of early and absentee voting. I wouldn't live in a state that only allowed voting on election day (Alabama, Mississippi or New Hampshire). Everyone should really try to vote early if at all possible. I voted weeks ago for Harris/Walz and will be at a fundraiser next weekend for my Congresswoman Joyce Beatty & Senator Sherrod Brown. I cannot stand Trump's guy, Bernie Moreno. LOL
Yes, ALL he can do is hate. This is his only power. It offends me that it is a power, but sadly, I am afraid it is. A power that turns people against each other. He speaks of the "enemy within". Perhaps he should hold up a mirror!
Vote. Vote. Make sure that your friends and family vote. If a neighbor needs help getting to the polls, get them there. Call your local Democratic headquarters and see what last minute help they need. Ours is phone banking likely Democratic voters and securing rides to the polls for those who need them. Let’s do this thing and keep America Free! Make Abominable Trump Eat Remorse!! MATER!!!!!