This should not shock us, regrettably. Trump will do anything to win this election. It is existential for him. If he can’t win, he will be a loser in his own insecure eyes, aside from probably spending the rest of his life in prison. Laura Loomer’s toxic company is a small price to pay to avoid being a loser and a sentenced felon. What has our country come to?

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It’s come to the brink of insanity.

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I long for the days where people like her are buried on the fringes of the dark web and have zero prominence in the real world. I keep saying, what has happened to my Republican friends and family? I will never understand the attraction to this warped way of thinking from people like Trump/Vance and their cult of followers. The young people I know get all their info off the web, instead of actually doing their own research. It is truly the dumbing down of our country.

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Your point is key. "We will never understand the attraction......."

I have been researching and reading every bit of information I can find on, "why."

If you wish to explore it from a sociological or phycological basis, there are myriad comments from the professionals. At this point, it is pointless. Even understanding it academically will not allow understanding it in real world terms. The fringe has grown inward. All we can do is overpower it.

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Those that create and spread conspiracies have always been a part of American culture, however, they were never elevated to the prominence they have since the internet and trump. I believe it is a hatred for our government and the belief that it is the governments fault for what ever negative they have endured in their lives. Just like trump, there are scores of people who do not want to take responsibility for their own choices in life.

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And the "party of personal responsibility" blames ABC and everyone in sight for the fact that their idiot nominee screwed up royally in the debate. Nothing is ever his or their fault. It's the deep state, it's the media, it's the Marxist radical left, wah, wah, wah,..

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That is the raw hypocrisy that has always been part of the republican agenda.

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Scapegoats are easy to come by. The MAGA Grand Poobah, along with his disciples, are extremely skilled at finding, creating and deploying them to their benefit. I resist the urge to fall into this downward spiral of blame. When appropriate, I typically blame sun spots for what is vexing me.

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I am adding to my comment. The Springfield Ohio saga. Every network, newspaper and commentator is identifying the issue as attributable to Trump and Vance. The mayor and governor and city officials have stated that the comments from Trump and Vance are causing the dramatic unrest. There is zero evidence of animals being eaten. Fox news is only reporting that the immigrants in that city have created social unrest and dissatisfaction. Not a word about Trump or Vance or the statements of any officials.

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What just irks the bejeebers

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out of me is that these crazies are the MINORITY in America but yet are driving everything: the media feeds in whatever form, the time it takes to refute and debunk the lies( not for them because they’ll never believe the truth, it’s for us sane ones that the debunking takes place), the time and effort it takes to formulate and present the truth to those undecided voters who we need to digest and understand what will happen if the crazies get elected. It’s exhausting. The minority is running the country? Sure seems like it.

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It's likely that there are sexual sparks between Trump and Loomer, at the very least. "Inside job" reminds me of another type of job, not to be too crass. MTG is not angry that Loomer is a racist. That should be obvious. She's angry that Loomer and Trump are cozy. Jealousy is the word. Steve Schmidt and Seth Abramson are both advancing this hypothesis based on evidence, and it makes sense to me. When it comes to Trump, there's SLEAZE everywhere you look.

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I just posted the same thing. MTG hasn’t found morals all of the sudden. She’s jealous of Loomer. Classic cat fight.

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I thought the very same thing too. Since Melania isn’t traveling with him, I think he feels he needs to have a young attractive woman with him (remember he’s trying to appeal to those young white men 18-25) and probably needs a little feminine attention too. Totally agree the MTG is jealous. So obvious.

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Young? Attractive? I have to disagree. She’s a grotesque plastic surgery botch job. Hideous.

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Well she’s younger and more attractive than tfg.

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Good afternoon all!!! I believe all of your comments are true especially mtg being jealous of this lunatic loomer!!! She is out for fame and money!!! Trump is an old senile man that marks as a meal ticket. In her deranged mind she probably believes she’ll push Melania out the way and possibly become the First Lady. The only sad part about this is that she doesn’t realize that it is fictional!!! Let’s make sure we don’t allow Trump and her with his cult return to the White House!!! We must elect Vice President Harris and Governor Tim Waltz!!! As usual great comments and article!!! Go Country First Go!!! See you guys at the next campfire!!!

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Melania isn’t jealous. Would any normal woman be jealous? Not in a million years. She’s got a separate bedroom, plus a 10 mil amendment to the pre-nup, just to stay married to the loser. At least through 5 November … ;) Aloha, Mike

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Exactly what I was thinking about MTG! I noticed she isn’t following him around anymore, but that is what trump does, uses people then throws them away

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A NEW WAY FORWARD means FLUSHING the little orange turd for a FRESH START of the final 3/4 of the 21st century!

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I agree with every word. If Trump is defeated in the November election—and I pray to god he will— I hope that moderate Republicans will pull the GOP out of that mud. Or maybe it’ll be time for that mythical third-party that everybody keeps talking about…At any rate, you can lay the insanity that we’ve descended into right at the feet of people like Loomer and Vance et al. Right now, it seems hopeless to me, though.

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I feel that way a lot, but as people on here have said to me, take a break, but keep on going, and adam has said we are one of a million likewise thinkers. We are not alone in this.

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Yes we have to keep on with truth and sensible civil discourse. If we don’t, who will?

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And those that voted for Vance , trump , MTG, and the others that just want to stir up things rather than do good

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deletedSep 16
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Well of course. He’s the hub of the wheel.

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Or the knot in the lying rug fringe?

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Of course what we cannot wrap out heads around is that this is positive for Trump. Our minds see it as wrong, disgusting, racist, call it what you will. We do not think like the MAGA members think. It is foreign to us. The Republican Party to which you refer Adam, is gone. Any remnants in office may support Trump for two reasons. First if they do not they will not be reelected. Second, they value some recollection of Republicanism over the liberal policies of Democrats. It is a bit of fantasy thinking. Some of this contingent remains among the electorate as well. We will not ever be able to grasp how far removed from integrity, compassion, truth and reason, MAGA followers truly are. I have many times offered, we cannot connect to their attitudes and behaviors. Quite simply Kamala has to win and win big. That is our only chance of overcoming the absurdity represented by Trump's supporters and followers.

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Several months ago I made the comment that MAGA thinking is to cult thinking is to drug addiction is to alcoholism. The disease of these addictions is fed by a deep-seated self hatred in many instances. This is why those of us who haven’t found ourselves in the cult, the business end of a needle or a line or the bottom of a bottle have such a difficult time trying to understand what drives these behaviors. There is a chemical reaction going on in the brains of the addicted that feeds these feelings of self hatred so that they feel better in the short term. As with the addictions of drugs and alcohol, the user sows the seeds of his or her own destruction. It’s quite possible that the MAGA cult groupthink will do the same.

Take these observations as strictly my own personal ones. I was married to a recovering alcoholic for 41 years so I learned about his disease from, not only him as he worked every day to stay sober, but from the professionals who helped him find his own way back to sanity. Believe me when I say MAGA behavior has a lot of familiar behaviors.

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Fascinating observations, SPW. Thanks for your input. For those of us struggling to make sense out of friends and relatives caught up in the cult, this is one explanation that makes sense.

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I know I struggled for years trying to understand why two drinks could make me sick but he seemed like a bottomless pit when it came to alcohol. Before he finally checked himself into a 28 day inpatient facility, I took advantage of an intensive 40 hr course on alcohol addiction and how it affects some and not others. Lots of great information there.

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Agree with the addiction parallel. I lived with addiction (in my case alcohol) long enough to know those folks are suffering “Trumpism”

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I might add that the people he appeals to have already convinced "...themselves that their situations are terrible and getting worse, blaming all of their troubles on 'others," which "leads them to believe that he alone is their only relief." In essence, he is their voice, he understands their trials and tribulations and tells it like it is - so they believe.

The Nixon campaigners used "America, love it or leave it." Seems they should take a fellow criminal Republican's advice. Just don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Many believe he is their Savior.

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With all the incredibly vile and disgusting rhetoric and the equally vile and disgusting people with whom he associates, he still has 50% of the vote. This is deeply troubling. We need to figure out and remedy this fact. I’m sad that there is a real chance he will be president again.

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Try not to get freaked by numbers. His actual numbers have never gotten into the 50% range of voters. You might be thinking of 30-40% of likely Republican voters and those numbers, while significant, are not telling an accurate story. Democrats historically outnumber republicans and that trend continues today. There will be many things affecting this vote count; gerrymandering, voter suppression efforts, ballot initiatives, major issues like abortion, environment, gun violence just to name a few.

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I’m very freaked out. He is not fit to work anywhere yet alone run the U.S. Republicans basically own the electoral college. Harris will need record turnout and I pray she gets it. This man can never be president again!!

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I hope you’re working for the Harris/Democratic campaign on top of freaking out. Freaking out is a waste of energy that’s better spent in more productive pursuits, don’t you think?

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I’m skeptical that he really has 50%. I think it is closer to 46%. If Democratic turnout is what I think/hope it will be, it will drive his numbers down further and guarantee an electoral college victory for Harris. I’m highly optimistic.

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Like Adam pointed out, Loomer is from well beyond the extreme right wing radicalized cult members including MTG. By the way, never thought it possible I would even be able to say that. After considering the magnet they are drawn to, the madman of Mar-A-Lago, it instantly becomes feasible and plausible .

Hopefully she'll be expended just like the January 6 traitors were. May her services rapidly accelerate his imminent implosion and subsequent meltdown of the entire MAGA/GOP cult...

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Just give him a week or two and he'll ditch her like he does everybody once he no longer perceives them as useful. When's his next golf game by the way?

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I just want to hear from the Xtian Fringes if she gets preggunt.

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Donald is consistent. He reminds us everyday of his impaired reason, bad judgment and willful ignorance. His example should lead the US to revise the qualifications to hold the office of President of the United States. Taking and passing the Naturalized Citizen's history of America course should be first. (Donald would fail.) And a minimum bar should be to qualify for the same licensing requirements of a plumber or barber or real estate agent. (Donald is disqualified from professional licensing in every state due to his conviction for "fraud" "stealing by deceit" and "taking money under false pretenses".) A standard IQ and psych test should also be required. (Donald would fail this one too.)

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So would most real Magats.

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That is spelled wrong. maggots

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In relation to MAGA (ts)

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Marty, that was a joke.

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Donald would fall all over himself failing while at the same time blathering that he was just fine; he was perfectly fine. Nothing to see here.

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No. He would say the tests were rigged.

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I don't think it's an issue of MTG thinking Loomer is too extreme. My thought is that MTG is reacting to the spotlight being on another women in the party with offensive, extreme views. I don't think it's misogynistic for me to state there are some women, who tend to see other women more threatening than they see men. It's just a case that this is an attempt of MTG trying to slay Loomer because MTG want the attention back on her.

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I don’t believe MTG suddenly has morals at all. As a woman, it whiffs she’s just jealous of the attention Loomer’s getting from Trump and she’s feeling outside of the loop now.

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As I posted in another article on this topic:

You really have to work into a deep right ditch to offend Right Red Marjorie. She may not be so much offended as jealous. “Hey! I’m the crazy racist! How’d you get in here?” I’d put money on it.

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I like your take on their spat.

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First, let me state that I oppose violence of any kind, including political violence. Full stop. Having clearly stated my opposition to violence, I will also point out that anyone who spends nearly a decade saying hateful, divisive, denigrating, racist and often untrue things about anyone or anything needs to consider that what they are saying is going to bring out the worst of some people. The current situation is the direct result of the BS that Trump and his supporters spew every day. A REAL Leader brings out the BEST in people. Trump and his supporters are more likely to bring out the WORST in people. Therefore Trump is at least partly to responsible for inciting political violence, even, in two cases, against himself. And now, he continues to blame others (Harris/Walz, Biden and Democrats) for the assassination attempts on his life AND fundraising from it! DISGUSTING!

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I totally agree!! Make enough people angry - threaten their social security, their health care, their food assistance and what do expect? What do these MAGAt’s expect?

The social safety net was created to keep those have nots in good enough shape that they don’t attack the haves.

I live among the have not’s. They aren’t exactly “stable”. But they do have access to firearms - c/o our Supreme Court.

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Violence is one result of letting one's anger determine one's response to a given situation. The reality is violence will backfire and make one's situation worse. Anger can become a way to improve one's situation through a non-violent response -such as voting against EVERY Trump and MAGA candidate in EVERY election until they are ALL out of office. I do understand your point that not everyone can manage their anger in a productive way and might resort to violence, but if they do, the legal system will hold them accountable. Soon Trump will learn this lesson when the legal system FINALLY holds HIM accountable for everything charged in each of his indictments. (He can only delay for so long.)

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Tillis, Green and Graham, are clutching their pearls, for gawd sake! They doth protest too much, methinks. They've all said similar crazy things.

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10 years or so ago I would never have believed Graham would capitulate to trump's lies and (excuse the next word) leadership. I used to think highly of him. No more.

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What does ole Mitch have to say? I think he is the true evil behind so much of this as he plays one against the other by using his power in the Senate. He has pushed through radical right judges who now rule in Trump's favor and will legislate from the bench for years to come. Reforms such as term limits and age requirements are needed. When the constitution was written 35 concerned older than it is now. And certainly those writing the constitution didn't expect people to be into their 70s and 80s and beyond to still be in power. I'd love your thoughts on this.

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