I really hate to say this but "WE NEED TO HELP THE TYRANTS RUIN THE ECONOMY"!!! And their off to a good start without us.
We need to slow our spending and start saving. The protest crowds need to get much much larger in order to have a impact. This should do it! It's going to be painful for us but "Freedom Isn't Free"
MARCH 7-14: AMAZON BLACKOUT – No Amazon purchases, no Whole Foods, no Prime orders.
John, We need to unite movements, not create more. I am with Country First and Adam is a part of that. We need to get all these movements together to unite. That would make We the People more powerful.
I agree but I think we can do both. I am with Country First and Political Revolution https://pol-rev.com/ I'm not suggesting to have a new movement, I'm suggesting to take a action on your own. We are all on the same team.
I like calling them seals..slick, voiceless, inarticulate beings waiting for their dose of "I'm so great, greatest ever, never saw anything like it!" No, we have not ever seen anything like it!
Yeah, the 2nd grade vocabulary, toddler humor and tantrums, hyperbole like you’ve never seen before, benevolent leader, smug smirking and treating men like Zelensky and Green like naughty children, it’s getting old. Can we have some people who are in touch with reality, please? Can we have a few democrats who aren’t curled up in the corner, sucking their thumbs? Well, a few more. There are some firebrands doing their best who need backing up.
Exactly why I didn't watch. I knew pretty much what he would say, and I don't need to get so angry that I 'pop a vein' or have a stroke (btw, I'm in good health, but want to keep it that way!)
That's why I refused to. I knew it would be the predictable manbaby blathering bullshit prevaricating cesspool of garbage spewing out of his insane brain via his spray tanned piehole.
Yes, we have seen something like it......try 1930s Germany. What is happening is not a joke. It's real and it's dangerous. Wake up people. Wake up Democrats! Actually do something for a change before it's too late.
Millions of Dems ARE doing so much, from the ground up: accurate information, calls to government representatives, funding for lawsuits, postcards, boycotts, protests and more....and the Dem leadership is taking notice and finally doing something.
It's about time. If the Democrats had chosen a viable candidate we might not be in this situation now. It was so wrong that President Biden didn't withdraw earlier. Those around him knew of his mental decline yet they encouraged him to stay in the race until it became so obvious that he was in no condition to run. By then it was too late to have a convention and the only option was VP Harris who was not even popular with Dems. Personally, I think she ran a good campaign given the short time available to her to organize. There are a good number of Democrats who could have given Trump a run for his money but it was too late for them to be considered. So, we end up with this dope in the White House.
hindsight is 2020. it's also true that more people voted for trump from different demographics than b4. they bought the razzle dazzle. we can only move forward from here and stop the destruction.
I saw Randy Rainbow's latest vid. A classic analogy, too. Do you know he designs his own costumes, does his own choreography and writes his own songs. He's very talented and has been on Broadway, too. I love when he makes Trump sound like one of the Munchkins from Wizard of Oz. I find it to be very demeaning for Trump. Oh, and when he also does it to Marjorie Taylor Gangrene.
Did you notice Mike Johnson? He sat there nodding the whole time in response to trump's every word. Reminds me of one those small 'bobblehead' dolls that people used to place on the rear deck, in front of the rear window! Meanwhile JD Vance kept staring to his right, which is in the general direction of where the Democrats sit. I'm sure nothing good was traversing his maga-poisoned skull!
I wish the Democrats had COLLECTIVELY come up with something other than fuchsia pantsuits and holding up little signs like they were bidding at an antiques sale. If we're going to win against dumb demagogues and drooling seals that bark in unison on command, we've got to come up with something better than that.
The Dems response is truly pathetic, beyond pathetic with their little signs.They should have all been doing what Al Green did, or better yet,as you suggested, all boycotted it. I will keep repeating it: a new Freedom and Responsibility party with best leaders of former Republicans, Dems and Independents. A moderate party with common sense platform. My best sad guess is that by summer or before the economy tanks, more people take to the streets, people like Adam and Liz are prosecuted as traitors, and the anti-sedition law is invoked to arrest any protester they choose. Very dystopian, but last night was a preview. Have to organize and coordinate groups of protestors now! United we stand. Divided we fall🫶🏼🤺
I agree. Not being present at his speech before Congress may not be 'decorum', but is certainly justified. Watch the speech later on videotape to stay informed, bu send a CLEAR message by not attending while the 'seals' feed on their sewage-infected fish!
Yes! What was that about, anyway? What color should we wear?? I KNOW! Let’s go back to the eighties, where our politics are, and wear neon pink! *polite applause*
Although I didn’t watch last night seeing & hearing clips today, the speech was as expected. Like the Thompson Twins song—Lies, Lies, Lies. Blames Biden for all that is wrong and that he will magically repair. Does he really think so little of us?? You are correct Adam—Republicans are trained seals and asskissers. What’s next for us? He cuts off intelligence sharing w/Ukraine. Why not just co-president w/Putin? What a pathetic display for the world to witness!
We weren’t going to watch but after listening to Adam describe what we might possibly hear, we felt we should witness it in realtime without editing . We’re glad we did because except for Adam I haven’t seen anything from the media that is anything like the atrocious display last night
That is the point. Bankrupt the farms so his large cooperate farms (and China) can swoop in and scoop up all of the farmland. And don't think that the large farm enterprises don't receive the subsidies too.
or the Russian Oligarchs can buy up the farms using the $5M "Gold Card" investment visas. Russia and China owning our food and Elon owning all our technology sounds like a catastrophe waiting to happen.
That's what the plan is. Crash the economy, gut the government then let the Oligarchs buy up everything. This guy explains it all. Long but worth the read.
I just do not understand the Republican Senators and Congressmen. They have abandoned their constituents to whatever trump and musk plan to do to them.
And this is why those republicans were told to no longer hold town hall meetings with their constituents. The administration doesn’t want the shouting matches that will surely occur to be broadcast nationwide. It might suggest some unrest among the citizenry. Ya think?
I didn’t watch it. I couldn’t. I just can’t hear his voice of lies and bravado when so many people around the world will suffer the consequences of his disgusting stupidity.
I will say this:
He did not win this election all by himself.
He will not bring prices down. As with President Biden, the government does not control prices, but it is obvious that his tariffs will only send prices up. He lied his way into the presidency, clearly. We all know this.
He is clearly doing Putin’s job on Ukraine
Trans people would not even be news worthy had he not used it as a weapon of hate to round up his bigots. Using Social issues to distract has been republicans modus operandi ( MO) for decades.
How many times does the public need to hear Tariffs RAISE prices, before they believe it. Google is a wonderful thing if you believe what it tells you. I told a MAGAt to “ google it” and she said, “ ya, well who owns Google?” So, they don’t trust any info unless it comes straight out of his mouth.
It is a tragic day in America and there is only more to come.
Stalin gave a speech. A great speech! Standing ovation! It went on for FIVE MINUTES! Every one was afraid to stop clapping. Finally, an older Communist with bad knees sat down. FIVE YEARS IN THE GULAG FOR HIM!
And the Reichstag (German Congress) met as the Supreme legislative body during WWII
“The Reichstag convened for the last time in the Kroll Opera House on 26 April 1942. It unanimously passed a decree proclaiming Hitler "Supreme Judge of the German People", officially allowing him to override the judiciary and administration in all matters.” Saved the best for last!
The German public quietly referred to them as the "teuerste Gesangsverein Deutschlands" (the most expensive singing club in Germany) as they sang the National Anthem at the beginning of each session. Everyone sang loudly!
Actually I don't think we're becoming another Nazi Germany. I think we're being forced into becoming a duplicate of modern Russia (which has many similarities to Nazi Germany). Modern Russia has a strong dictator, rubber stamp legislature and judiciary, and oligarchs that do the actual running of the country (different from Nazi Germany). If the oligarchs do the dictators bidding, they get and stay wealthy. If not, they go out 10th floor windows.
Oh, the signs….the little highly ineffective signs….so ridiculous. Each of those Democrats should have stood and shouted and forced their own expulsion from the Chamber. THAT would have been an appropriate response. But instead….lots of cute little signs.
If the Dems stood and shouted, then the news would still be taking about Dem reactions instead of the Trump tariffs and Ukraine and his idiotic speech!
Trump was trying to goad the Dems into reacting for that very purpose and they did not take the bait. If they had, then the news would still be taking about the Dem reactions instead of the Trump tariffs and Ukraine.
Trump was trying to goad them into reacting for that very purpose and they did not take the bait.
He wanted clips of angry Dems for right-wing media so this base could say we are "owing the libs" and would quit caring about all of the damage Trump and Musk are doing.
The Dems did EXACTLY what they needed to do!
Maybe no signs at all would have been better though, because it was 1/2 ass. Either ignore his goading or go all in.
In fact, you blaming Dems for this, instead of blaming Trump and the GOP for the damage THEY are responsible for, plays into the GOP hands, and their playbook, as well.
The Dems could make more noise - but then they become the headline and without the numbers in congress, they can't do squat and people would still blame them - can't win - so why take the bait?
Remember when marge green what’s her face stood up and shouted during Biden’s speeches. I think her and bobert did several times. I despise these two but at least they had the kahonas to be loud and noticed.
While the orange flim-flam man distracts, Donny and Elon are setting in motion the biggest con game scam in history. They will use our Treasury money to buy invisible, worthless, digital tokens. And manipulate the crypto market in their favor. Big news this Friday!
Donny has rigged the justice system to block criminal prosecutions and investigations. If the securities and business fraud laws are broken, who will prosecute them? Donald and Elon have a franchise for crime. Donny controls the FBI, the Attorney General, the SEC and FTC and CFPB. And he's fired the Inspector General whistleblowers. There was always a reason to appoint his lackeys to run the Justice Department.
And Donny is immune from prosecution. Setting up a US Crypto Reserve using Treasury money is Official Presidential Business! This crypto scam has been in the works for a while.
Do you think Donny asking Congress to raise the debt limit has anything to do with this crypto con game?
(For readers who are new to the world of crypto coins, it's a scam. A very big scam.)
Trump put on this show last night to try to give the GOP cover to pass his tax cut plan which will add trillions more to deficits and debt over a decade.
The clapping seals become part of the grift.
Trump went back to his false claim that the economy in his last term was "the best ever."
His economy was simply average, even pre-pandemic, at about 2.8% averaged, and even pre-pandemic he had already nearly doubled the deficit mostly with his tax cuts, and it went from 559 billion when Obama left (cut in half from when Obama took office see below*) to 1.015 trillion under Trump before the pandemic even hit our shores.
This can be found in the CBO reports that come out in Jan for those years, CBO: The Budget and Economic Outlook 2017-2027 and the one that came out in Jan for 2020, The Budget and economic outlook 202-2030 before the pandemic hit.
In fact, average GDP was higher under Biden and even much higher under Clinton, before the Bush and Trump tax cuts. Tax cuts at the top tend to do little to boost GDP.
Then, Trump claimed that "the farmers will have a field day" when he had to bail them out to the tune of tens of billions, because of his tariffs last time, as well.
When you have to bail people out and the economy shrinks due to less spending from higher prices, which is certain to happen this time, then there is also less tax revenue which means deficits rise.
The idea that his tariffs will generate added revenue, is rather nonsensical.
As far as the supposed companies who have agreed to move here, many had already made this decision under Biden.
Then he claims he will create a balanced budget when everything he is doing will take us in the opposite direction to the tune of trillions of added dollars to deficits and debt over 10 years.
There is no place to get that money since discretionary spending, what congress votes on, is the same size as the deficit, which means they would have to cut all of it (and 1/2 of discretionary spending is our defense budget) in order to balance the budget with the budget process.
This means we would have no defense spending.
Even if he cuts all but defense, our deficit would still be close to a trillion dollars.
So in order to balance the budget he would need to find another trillion, and then likely add on hundreds of billions more per year to cover things like his tax cuts and military deportations.
The only place left to cuts is Mandatory spending = SS and Medicare and Medicaid and Veterans benefits, and even if one could find 10% fraud, and that would be high, he would still be a trillion short (at least and far more if the economy tanks and tax revenue plumets with it).
The bottom line is that there is no more room for more tax cuts, and there never was.
If we had the same revenue to GDP that we had under Clinton, 2.9% more that would be 870 billion less in our deficit.
That is how much damage the Bush and Trump tax cuts have done to our deficits and debt per year. Then add on the added interest on the debt caused largely by all those tax cuts causing us to need to borrow more for decades and crisis that always happen under GOP leadership (financial crisis, S&: Crisis, Great Depression, and covid)
Then you see that the wealthy few, with support from the GOP have been robbing us blind with tax cuts and added risk when they cut regulations leading to an economic collapse.
It seems Trump is no different - buckle up.
* source for above CBO the Budget and economic outlook 2009-2019 that came out 2 weeks before Obama took the oath of office already showed a 1.186 trillion deficit. Page 15.
This is very good information with facts to back it up. Thank you for the details as it highlights the general knowledge of the orange man-baby’s and previous republicans devastating policies of tax cuts for the rich. Yes this is called the gilded age when the wealthy got way wealthier at the expense of the lower and middle classes. That’s what he envisions for America going forward. Your info needs to be broadcast far and wide to the masses.
I also wrote more at length about this on Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American substack on Feb 15th in the comments section, but I often write about it.
Maybe I should put this stuff on my own substack (which I have not yet created) in case people want an easy reference place where they can debunk GOP lies about deficits and debt, etc. in an easy way.
I was an economics and business major when Reagan took office. So, if you are a Reagan fan you may not like all I have to say, but in his defense, he had a recession to deal with.
However being this old, I am not as computer literate as I would like to be when it comes to publishing something - oh well - you have to start someplace.
You definitely should publish your own Substack. I was a Reagan supporter of some of his policies but did not think of his trickle down economics would work. IMHO, it’s
Relying on the wealthy to “trickle “ down their profits. It only made them greedier. They were not inclined to share and made it their goal to grow their coffers larger. It’s the same concept as communism (which is an economic system). Everyone having all in common, sharing the fruits of hard work. That looks good on paper but everyone has to buy into the vision including those at the TOP. Human nature doesn’t work that way. That’s why those systems don’t work.
Yes, the only reason for a wealthy individual to spend the added after tax income on expanding a business, is if they see more demand from consumers. Businesses do not throw money away by hiring people they do not need or producing things people can't or do not want to buy.
Then add to this that business expenses are not taxed anyway, and removed prior to establishing income or profit for tax purposes and it is all a myth that tax cuts at the top create much in the way of growth or jobs.
There is no trickle down. The economy is driven bottom up from consumers.
Thus, if the tax cuts are aimed mostly at the top, the reaction typically is for them to invest it in an existing asset like stocks or buy an existing home if there is not more demand for a product they sell.
Since buying existing assets is not new production, and does not create much in the way of jobs, it is not counted in GDP.
What you get with tax cuts at the top is mostly ballooning asset prices. (someone needs to tell Musk this is the real Ponzi scheme).
I think Trump and the GOP are desperate to cut taxes to keep the bubble ballooning for their wealthy donors, so it is not just about what they save on taxes, borrowing to give to the rich with more tax cuts seems kind of a bit like a pyramid scheme to me. Borrow and add to debt to drive up stocks, etc.
Sadly, when a bubble pops, if it does, and I have zero evidence it will, since people simply need someplace to stash all that cash, everyone gets hurt.
After the Bush tax cuts, we saw a bubble in home prices and this was also aided by deregulation and a lack of new regulations for shadow banking, etc.
That bubble popped and it was the banks fault for not doing due diligence with lending (get rich quick schemes- no doc loans - phony appraisals). The lack of due diligence caused NY to pass laws against fraud in banking punishable even before someone gets hurt (why the Trump fraud case).
In fact, CRA loans to help the poor were the least likely to default according to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission's Report (still online). Probably because they required paperwork and due diligence to qualify for the loan.
But of course the GOP lied and blamed it on programs for the poor and Dems.
The lies keep the scheme going, but people are not dumb, the GOP have simply gotten better and better at building on lies and myths over decades, keeping the ones that seem logical to people and adding to those, but as lies go it is a house of cards built on lies (well more like a house of bricks because the lies are so entrenched in people's thinking)
Personally I believe there is plenty of evidence that we could be heading into another recession
- relatively soon . Personal savings rates are low,
corporate debt & government debt are high .
Banks have been dying to reduce capital requirements and the general oversight of the banking system has been reduced under the new administration. And , as Professor Galbraith pointed out , recessions seem to reoccur when sufficient time has passed to forget about the hangover experienced the last time and the party is on again- - and thus the inevitable collapse- AGAIN.
The watchdogs placed on the system after the Great Depression were not designed to be socialism - they were designed to prevent unchecked capitalism from imploding upon
More excellent explanations. You definitely need to start your own Substack. So many people know scant information about the economy just enough to be fooled by phony concepts that sound logical. I think many people need to read about your explanation of how the economy really works.
Yes - very disappointed that the Democrats couldn't do better. The emphasis has to be on Trump siding with Russia and abandoning and punishing our allies. This is our greatest danger. All that other stuff, tariffs, economy tanking, woke, DEI, DOGE - it's all a distraction and a plan to help weaken us more so Trump can hand us over to Russia. His first plan - already in place by allowing Russia into our cyberspace - is to make sure we don't have a fair election in 2026 so he can keep power. Then on with building his Trump empire and enriching himself across the globe as he ruins America.
Trained seals is exactly what they were. I had to hold my dinner down as I watched this clown pat himself on the back. The two idiots behind him didn’t help. I had to turn it off as I was raging so bad my husband got scared. We both were in shock that this man was able to lie and not bite off his tongue. The shame is overwhelming what he is doing to other countries that we have worked together with for many many years.
Great one, Adam…Seems those GOP/MAGA seals bark a lot too!!!
I really hate to say this but "WE NEED TO HELP THE TYRANTS RUIN THE ECONOMY"!!! And their off to a good start without us.
We need to slow our spending and start saving. The protest crowds need to get much much larger in order to have a impact. This should do it! It's going to be painful for us but "Freedom Isn't Free"
MARCH 7-14: AMAZON BLACKOUT – No Amazon purchases, no Whole Foods, no Prime orders.
John, We need to unite movements, not create more. I am with Country First and Adam is a part of that. We need to get all these movements together to unite. That would make We the People more powerful.
I agree. I'm still blacking out on Amazon and all of it's platforms. A simple thing to do.
We need to be powerful and vocal, which is hard to do in a very red state. We need big big marches, marches that will rival the woman's march of 2016.
You're absolutely correct. All of the various anti-MAGAt groups need to come together. United We Stand...
I agree but I think we can do both. I am with Country First and Political Revolution https://pol-rev.com/ I'm not suggesting to have a new movement, I'm suggesting to take a action on your own. We are all on the same team.
Will do! I don't shop at Whole Foods anyway. WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!
That's why we call it "Whole Paycheck", Kandy. 😩
I like calling them seals..slick, voiceless, inarticulate beings waiting for their dose of "I'm so great, greatest ever, never saw anything like it!" No, we have not ever seen anything like it!
More like frat boys singing “ na na na na - kiss him goodbye “ when they kicked Rep. Al Green
out of the joint session .
Cheering T-rump bragging about tariffs, taking over the Panama Canal, Greenland, and
terminating federal employees- was sickening to
watch .
Nauseating for certain!
Yeah, the 2nd grade vocabulary, toddler humor and tantrums, hyperbole like you’ve never seen before, benevolent leader, smug smirking and treating men like Zelensky and Green like naughty children, it’s getting old. Can we have some people who are in touch with reality, please? Can we have a few democrats who aren’t curled up in the corner, sucking their thumbs? Well, a few more. There are some firebrands doing their best who need backing up.
Exactly why I didn't watch. I knew pretty much what he would say, and I don't need to get so angry that I 'pop a vein' or have a stroke (btw, I'm in good health, but want to keep it that way!)
That's why I refused to. I knew it would be the predictable manbaby blathering bullshit prevaricating cesspool of garbage spewing out of his insane brain via his spray tanned piehole.
Yes, we have seen something like it......try 1930s Germany. What is happening is not a joke. It's real and it's dangerous. Wake up people. Wake up Democrats! Actually do something for a change before it's too late.
Kae, you are right. The wirkd HAS seen it..DO SOMETHING DEMS, come out of your coma!!!
Get the cardio paddles out & revive the Dems, fir goodness sakes!!!!
Millions of Dems ARE doing so much, from the ground up: accurate information, calls to government representatives, funding for lawsuits, postcards, boycotts, protests and more....and the Dem leadership is taking notice and finally doing something.
It's about time. If the Democrats had chosen a viable candidate we might not be in this situation now. It was so wrong that President Biden didn't withdraw earlier. Those around him knew of his mental decline yet they encouraged him to stay in the race until it became so obvious that he was in no condition to run. By then it was too late to have a convention and the only option was VP Harris who was not even popular with Dems. Personally, I think she ran a good campaign given the short time available to her to organize. There are a good number of Democrats who could have given Trump a run for his money but it was too late for them to be considered. So, we end up with this dope in the White House.
hindsight is 2020. it's also true that more people voted for trump from different demographics than b4. they bought the razzle dazzle. we can only move forward from here and stop the destruction.
That might be the only truth he told all night.
The seal analogy is perfect. They barked even though they were being fed rotten, stinking fish!
Elphaba Tears Trump a New One....courtesy of Randy Rainbow.
I saw Randy Rainbow's latest vid. A classic analogy, too. Do you know he designs his own costumes, does his own choreography and writes his own songs. He's very talented and has been on Broadway, too. I love when he makes Trump sound like one of the Munchkins from Wizard of Oz. I find it to be very demeaning for Trump. Oh, and when he also does it to Marjorie Taylor Gangrene.
thanks for the truthful laughs!
Did you notice Mike Johnson? He sat there nodding the whole time in response to trump's every word. Reminds me of one those small 'bobblehead' dolls that people used to place on the rear deck, in front of the rear window! Meanwhile JD Vance kept staring to his right, which is in the general direction of where the Democrats sit. I'm sure nothing good was traversing his maga-poisoned skull!
I wish the Democrats had COLLECTIVELY come up with something other than fuchsia pantsuits and holding up little signs like they were bidding at an antiques sale. If we're going to win against dumb demagogues and drooling seals that bark in unison on command, we've got to come up with something better than that.
I wanted them all to boycott this address which wasn't even a SOTU.
They should not have shown up. Look who we are dealing with, he's a tyrant!
The Dems response is truly pathetic, beyond pathetic with their little signs.They should have all been doing what Al Green did, or better yet,as you suggested, all boycotted it. I will keep repeating it: a new Freedom and Responsibility party with best leaders of former Republicans, Dems and Independents. A moderate party with common sense platform. My best sad guess is that by summer or before the economy tanks, more people take to the streets, people like Adam and Liz are prosecuted as traitors, and the anti-sedition law is invoked to arrest any protester they choose. Very dystopian, but last night was a preview. Have to organize and coordinate groups of protestors now! United we stand. Divided we fall🫶🏼🤺
I agree. Not being present at his speech before Congress may not be 'decorum', but is certainly justified. Watch the speech later on videotape to stay informed, bu send a CLEAR message by not attending while the 'seals' feed on their sewage-infected fish!
Yes! What was that about, anyway? What color should we wear?? I KNOW! Let’s go back to the eighties, where our politics are, and wear neon pink! *polite applause*
Although I didn’t watch last night seeing & hearing clips today, the speech was as expected. Like the Thompson Twins song—Lies, Lies, Lies. Blames Biden for all that is wrong and that he will magically repair. Does he really think so little of us?? You are correct Adam—Republicans are trained seals and asskissers. What’s next for us? He cuts off intelligence sharing w/Ukraine. Why not just co-president w/Putin? What a pathetic display for the world to witness!
We weren’t going to watch but after listening to Adam describe what we might possibly hear, we felt we should witness it in realtime without editing . We’re glad we did because except for Adam I haven’t seen anything from the media that is anything like the atrocious display last night
Living on a farm is a very hard life. When you don’t get a loan you were Promised it death for the farm.
That is the point. Bankrupt the farms so his large cooperate farms (and China) can swoop in and scoop up all of the farmland. And don't think that the large farm enterprises don't receive the subsidies too.
or the Russian Oligarchs can buy up the farms using the $5M "Gold Card" investment visas. Russia and China owning our food and Elon owning all our technology sounds like a catastrophe waiting to happen.
That's what the plan is. Crash the economy, gut the government then let the Oligarchs buy up everything. This guy explains it all. Long but worth the read.
I have lived on a farm I know from experience.
And he did not mention holding up farm payments!! Hope you can keep going!
I don’t live on farm now, that was years ago.
Mark my words: Trump has every intention of ending our democracy between now and the midterms.
Agree 100%.
Midterms will be left in the dust at the end of this calendar year.
I just do not understand the Republican Senators and Congressmen. They have abandoned their constituents to whatever trump and musk plan to do to them.
And this is why those republicans were told to no longer hold town hall meetings with their constituents. The administration doesn’t want the shouting matches that will surely occur to be broadcast nationwide. It might suggest some unrest among the citizenry. Ya think?
Some very good writing there, Adam! Thank you!
I didn’t watch it. I couldn’t. I just can’t hear his voice of lies and bravado when so many people around the world will suffer the consequences of his disgusting stupidity.
I will say this:
He did not win this election all by himself.
He will not bring prices down. As with President Biden, the government does not control prices, but it is obvious that his tariffs will only send prices up. He lied his way into the presidency, clearly. We all know this.
He is clearly doing Putin’s job on Ukraine
Trans people would not even be news worthy had he not used it as a weapon of hate to round up his bigots. Using Social issues to distract has been republicans modus operandi ( MO) for decades.
How many times does the public need to hear Tariffs RAISE prices, before they believe it. Google is a wonderful thing if you believe what it tells you. I told a MAGAt to “ google it” and she said, “ ya, well who owns Google?” So, they don’t trust any info unless it comes straight out of his mouth.
It is a tragic day in America and there is only more to come.
What I find amazing is this clown thinks we are stupid and unaware of his stupidity. He just keeps on bragging no brain cells
Because many of our citizens believe it.
Stalin gave a speech. A great speech! Standing ovation! It went on for FIVE MINUTES! Every one was afraid to stop clapping. Finally, an older Communist with bad knees sat down. FIVE YEARS IN THE GULAG FOR HIM!
And the Reichstag (German Congress) met as the Supreme legislative body during WWII
“The Reichstag convened for the last time in the Kroll Opera House on 26 April 1942. It unanimously passed a decree proclaiming Hitler "Supreme Judge of the German People", officially allowing him to override the judiciary and administration in all matters.” Saved the best for last!
The German public quietly referred to them as the "teuerste Gesangsverein Deutschlands" (the most expensive singing club in Germany) as they sang the National Anthem at the beginning of each session. Everyone sang loudly!
No surprises, class.
Because I believe we’re reliving Germany 1930, your historical reminder is chilling
Actually I don't think we're becoming another Nazi Germany. I think we're being forced into becoming a duplicate of modern Russia (which has many similarities to Nazi Germany). Modern Russia has a strong dictator, rubber stamp legislature and judiciary, and oligarchs that do the actual running of the country (different from Nazi Germany). If the oligarchs do the dictators bidding, they get and stay wealthy. If not, they go out 10th floor windows.
Oh, the signs….the little highly ineffective signs….so ridiculous. Each of those Democrats should have stood and shouted and forced their own expulsion from the Chamber. THAT would have been an appropriate response. But instead….lots of cute little signs.
If the Dems stood and shouted, then the news would still be taking about Dem reactions instead of the Trump tariffs and Ukraine and his idiotic speech!
Trump was trying to goad the Dems into reacting for that very purpose and they did not take the bait. If they had, then the news would still be taking about the Dem reactions instead of the Trump tariffs and Ukraine.
Trump was trying to goad them into reacting for that very purpose and they did not take the bait.
He wanted clips of angry Dems for right-wing media so this base could say we are "owing the libs" and would quit caring about all of the damage Trump and Musk are doing.
The Dems did EXACTLY what they needed to do!
Maybe no signs at all would have been better though, because it was 1/2 ass. Either ignore his goading or go all in.
In fact, you blaming Dems for this, instead of blaming Trump and the GOP for the damage THEY are responsible for, plays into the GOP hands, and their playbook, as well.
The Dems could make more noise - but then they become the headline and without the numbers in congress, they can't do squat and people would still blame them - can't win - so why take the bait?
Our democratic response was pathetic
Remember when marge green what’s her face stood up and shouted during Biden’s speeches. I think her and bobert did several times. I despise these two but at least they had the kahonas to be loud and noticed.
Precisely, sooooo weak
While the orange flim-flam man distracts, Donny and Elon are setting in motion the biggest con game scam in history. They will use our Treasury money to buy invisible, worthless, digital tokens. And manipulate the crypto market in their favor. Big news this Friday!
Donny has rigged the justice system to block criminal prosecutions and investigations. If the securities and business fraud laws are broken, who will prosecute them? Donald and Elon have a franchise for crime. Donny controls the FBI, the Attorney General, the SEC and FTC and CFPB. And he's fired the Inspector General whistleblowers. There was always a reason to appoint his lackeys to run the Justice Department.
And Donny is immune from prosecution. Setting up a US Crypto Reserve using Treasury money is Official Presidential Business! This crypto scam has been in the works for a while.
Do you think Donny asking Congress to raise the debt limit has anything to do with this crypto con game?
(For readers who are new to the world of crypto coins, it's a scam. A very big scam.)
Yes and the plan is to crash the economy so they can buy all the assets cheap. Crypto is a part of that.
Totally agree. He droned on, … and on, seemingly interminably, in a style of mixed ignorance and boredom. And every claim was a lie.
The seal analogy is priceless!
Trump put on this show last night to try to give the GOP cover to pass his tax cut plan which will add trillions more to deficits and debt over a decade.
The clapping seals become part of the grift.
Trump went back to his false claim that the economy in his last term was "the best ever."
His economy was simply average, even pre-pandemic, at about 2.8% averaged, and even pre-pandemic he had already nearly doubled the deficit mostly with his tax cuts, and it went from 559 billion when Obama left (cut in half from when Obama took office see below*) to 1.015 trillion under Trump before the pandemic even hit our shores.
This can be found in the CBO reports that come out in Jan for those years, CBO: The Budget and Economic Outlook 2017-2027 and the one that came out in Jan for 2020, The Budget and economic outlook 202-2030 before the pandemic hit.
In fact, average GDP was higher under Biden and even much higher under Clinton, before the Bush and Trump tax cuts. Tax cuts at the top tend to do little to boost GDP.
Then, Trump claimed that "the farmers will have a field day" when he had to bail them out to the tune of tens of billions, because of his tariffs last time, as well.
When you have to bail people out and the economy shrinks due to less spending from higher prices, which is certain to happen this time, then there is also less tax revenue which means deficits rise.
The idea that his tariffs will generate added revenue, is rather nonsensical.
As far as the supposed companies who have agreed to move here, many had already made this decision under Biden.
Then he claims he will create a balanced budget when everything he is doing will take us in the opposite direction to the tune of trillions of added dollars to deficits and debt over 10 years.
There is no place to get that money since discretionary spending, what congress votes on, is the same size as the deficit, which means they would have to cut all of it (and 1/2 of discretionary spending is our defense budget) in order to balance the budget with the budget process.
This means we would have no defense spending.
Even if he cuts all but defense, our deficit would still be close to a trillion dollars.
So in order to balance the budget he would need to find another trillion, and then likely add on hundreds of billions more per year to cover things like his tax cuts and military deportations.
The only place left to cuts is Mandatory spending = SS and Medicare and Medicaid and Veterans benefits, and even if one could find 10% fraud, and that would be high, he would still be a trillion short (at least and far more if the economy tanks and tax revenue plumets with it).
The bottom line is that there is no more room for more tax cuts, and there never was.
If we had the same revenue to GDP that we had under Clinton, 2.9% more that would be 870 billion less in our deficit.
That is how much damage the Bush and Trump tax cuts have done to our deficits and debt per year. Then add on the added interest on the debt caused largely by all those tax cuts causing us to need to borrow more for decades and crisis that always happen under GOP leadership (financial crisis, S&: Crisis, Great Depression, and covid)
Then you see that the wealthy few, with support from the GOP have been robbing us blind with tax cuts and added risk when they cut regulations leading to an economic collapse.
It seems Trump is no different - buckle up.
* source for above CBO the Budget and economic outlook 2009-2019 that came out 2 weeks before Obama took the oath of office already showed a 1.186 trillion deficit. Page 15.
This is very good information with facts to back it up. Thank you for the details as it highlights the general knowledge of the orange man-baby’s and previous republicans devastating policies of tax cuts for the rich. Yes this is called the gilded age when the wealthy got way wealthier at the expense of the lower and middle classes. That’s what he envisions for America going forward. Your info needs to be broadcast far and wide to the masses.
Thanks! That is encouraging.
I also wrote more at length about this on Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American substack on Feb 15th in the comments section, but I often write about it.
Maybe I should put this stuff on my own substack (which I have not yet created) in case people want an easy reference place where they can debunk GOP lies about deficits and debt, etc. in an easy way.
I was an economics and business major when Reagan took office. So, if you are a Reagan fan you may not like all I have to say, but in his defense, he had a recession to deal with.
However being this old, I am not as computer literate as I would like to be when it comes to publishing something - oh well - you have to start someplace.
You definitely should publish your own Substack. I was a Reagan supporter of some of his policies but did not think of his trickle down economics would work. IMHO, it’s
Relying on the wealthy to “trickle “ down their profits. It only made them greedier. They were not inclined to share and made it their goal to grow their coffers larger. It’s the same concept as communism (which is an economic system). Everyone having all in common, sharing the fruits of hard work. That looks good on paper but everyone has to buy into the vision including those at the TOP. Human nature doesn’t work that way. That’s why those systems don’t work.
Yes, the only reason for a wealthy individual to spend the added after tax income on expanding a business, is if they see more demand from consumers. Businesses do not throw money away by hiring people they do not need or producing things people can't or do not want to buy.
Then add to this that business expenses are not taxed anyway, and removed prior to establishing income or profit for tax purposes and it is all a myth that tax cuts at the top create much in the way of growth or jobs.
There is no trickle down. The economy is driven bottom up from consumers.
Thus, if the tax cuts are aimed mostly at the top, the reaction typically is for them to invest it in an existing asset like stocks or buy an existing home if there is not more demand for a product they sell.
Since buying existing assets is not new production, and does not create much in the way of jobs, it is not counted in GDP.
What you get with tax cuts at the top is mostly ballooning asset prices. (someone needs to tell Musk this is the real Ponzi scheme).
I think Trump and the GOP are desperate to cut taxes to keep the bubble ballooning for their wealthy donors, so it is not just about what they save on taxes, borrowing to give to the rich with more tax cuts seems kind of a bit like a pyramid scheme to me. Borrow and add to debt to drive up stocks, etc.
Sadly, when a bubble pops, if it does, and I have zero evidence it will, since people simply need someplace to stash all that cash, everyone gets hurt.
After the Bush tax cuts, we saw a bubble in home prices and this was also aided by deregulation and a lack of new regulations for shadow banking, etc.
That bubble popped and it was the banks fault for not doing due diligence with lending (get rich quick schemes- no doc loans - phony appraisals). The lack of due diligence caused NY to pass laws against fraud in banking punishable even before someone gets hurt (why the Trump fraud case).
In fact, CRA loans to help the poor were the least likely to default according to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission's Report (still online). Probably because they required paperwork and due diligence to qualify for the loan.
But of course the GOP lied and blamed it on programs for the poor and Dems.
The lies keep the scheme going, but people are not dumb, the GOP have simply gotten better and better at building on lies and myths over decades, keeping the ones that seem logical to people and adding to those, but as lies go it is a house of cards built on lies (well more like a house of bricks because the lies are so entrenched in people's thinking)
Personally I believe there is plenty of evidence that we could be heading into another recession
- relatively soon . Personal savings rates are low,
corporate debt & government debt are high .
Banks have been dying to reduce capital requirements and the general oversight of the banking system has been reduced under the new administration. And , as Professor Galbraith pointed out , recessions seem to reoccur when sufficient time has passed to forget about the hangover experienced the last time and the party is on again- - and thus the inevitable collapse- AGAIN.
The watchdogs placed on the system after the Great Depression were not designed to be socialism - they were designed to prevent unchecked capitalism from imploding upon
More excellent explanations. You definitely need to start your own Substack. So many people know scant information about the economy just enough to be fooled by phony concepts that sound logical. I think many people need to read about your explanation of how the economy really works.
Yes - very disappointed that the Democrats couldn't do better. The emphasis has to be on Trump siding with Russia and abandoning and punishing our allies. This is our greatest danger. All that other stuff, tariffs, economy tanking, woke, DEI, DOGE - it's all a distraction and a plan to help weaken us more so Trump can hand us over to Russia. His first plan - already in place by allowing Russia into our cyberspace - is to make sure we don't have a fair election in 2026 so he can keep power. Then on with building his Trump empire and enriching himself across the globe as he ruins America.
Trained seals is exactly what they were. I had to hold my dinner down as I watched this clown pat himself on the back. The two idiots behind him didn’t help. I had to turn it off as I was raging so bad my husband got scared. We both were in shock that this man was able to lie and not bite off his tongue. The shame is overwhelming what he is doing to other countries that we have worked together with for many many years.
Repulsive, Repugnant, Ridiculous they are....and out to get our nation...YOU SHALL NOT HAVE IT!
We will never kiss the ring!!!
Not gonna happen!