The man's not fit. He's not fit emotionally and he's not fit physically. He can't run this country.

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You are correct. How do you explain his election in 2016?

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Hyped up lies

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And yet, Adam, millions adore him, emulate him, envy him, want to be him. Doesn’t say a lot about our country or our species, does it? But that all serves the interests of the morbidly rich, pining for the days of feudalism, with few at the top, a servile group of traders, and a vast horde of serfs little better than slaves. It will take a massive effort to prevent that, if it is even possible at this juncture.

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I unfortunately had to miss much of the news regarding yesterday's courtroom events, but one thing I did hear was that DT's lawyers stressed to the jury to remember that he is a "father and family man, just like any of us" (paraphrased). Hmm.... interesting that not a single family member was in the courtroom with him.

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Ha ha ha I know you are but what am I 😂

Adam, how are you doing?

Could you please run for president soon? 😁

On the subject of projection, he wears too much orange make-up, a Florida tangerine tart that even the grocers can't discount deeply enough. For his crying victim with 34 charges pending, I would add some pink rouge, a healthy topping of blue eye shadow, and a painted-on beauty mark. And a MAGA sweater with a lapel pin with pink flowers to complete his transformation.

You are 😎🇺🇲🙂


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I think it is too late to run for president. But he can campaign against Donito. Maybe even coordinate with the Biden campaign and get an appointment in the defense department in Biden's second term. Then run for something in 2026. 

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Many of us are watching closely to see if the rule of law will prevail. If not we may descend into a swamp inhabited by the worse type of creatures. But those who follow him do not read or educate themselves in order to understand the importance of defeating this black and slimy thing and his many minions. My grandchildren and their grandchildren may still be paying the price if darkness prevails. Thank you, as always, for your insights.

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I've often thought about Trump's claim that he would "drain the swamp", which he did not do. In my opinion he brought the swamp to Washington and American Politics.

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Which is another example of his projection.

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This trial is going to write many campaign ads for the Democrats. Thanks for that Donito!

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David you made my day that much happier!!🤣🤣🤣

Thank you!!

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Janine , Donito is the first name. The full name is Donito Assolini.😎🤣

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Or as I like to think of it: Conito Gasolini after the stink he is making when he nods off 😉

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OMG! SO funny I am at a loss for words!

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Yes, and Trump projects so often; it's like clockwork. Many have pointed out that if you want to know who Trump is and what he does, just listen to the names he calls others. It's so completely obvious; you think he'd learn not to do that, but no one can teach a man who claims to be a "very stable genius" with absolutely no proof of that anywhere, in any field, at any time.

Yet he is a persuasive salesman; he just keeps repeating a claim or counterclaim until his followers believe it: "No collusion!" "Only I can fix it!" "Witch hunt!" "Liars, cheaters, frauds!" "Treason!" "A stolen election!" "Open borders!" "The Jan. 6 patriots are being held hostage." "Mexico will pay for it." "Yes, I'll show my taxes." "I don't even know these women that claim I raped them." "Make America Great Again."

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And he has successfully transformed the Grand Old Party into the Gullible Old Party who totally believe his BS!

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P.T. Barnum made a good living by adhering to the adage "There's a sucker born every minute."

But in all fairness to the racists, sexists, xenophobes, and fascists in the MAGA Republican Party, they are not being fooled; no, they're loving it! Even if they get burned by the same fire. (No, I can't understand it or explain it, either; and I'm 75 with a degree in psychology and a masters in philosophy.)

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True, but I certainly hope that those who hold dearly to those extreme beliefs are the minority of the Gullible Old Party and the rest are just gullible. If they're all as morally deficient as Trump then there's no hope for the GOP.

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This new MAGA Republican Party is beyond the pale. They know who and what Trump is, and they approve; in fact, Trump is partly a figurehead, a nominal leader doing their bidding, specifically owning the Libs and returning America back to the 1950s without Ike, but with Joe McCarthy as president. MAGA is as dark as it gets; it's the new Confederacy.

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You sir, are spot on! 100%. I believe it's important for people to understand the points you identified. This isn't a tiktok fad. It must be addressed sooner than later. How, I don't know. I do know we cannot stoop to their level. They are better at it than we are.

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The whining about "everyone is out to get me" is getting old. Got to be getting old for many of his MAGAs. From their pretzel twisting, the Fox Talkers are getting tired of it. How many are yelling, to themselves of course, "You dumbass. You did all of this to yourself! WE SAW YOU DO ALL OF THIS ON TV! Shut the hell up already!"

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Trump is an idiot. He never learned history or math. He doesn't know how to govern or preside. He does know what Roy Cohn taught him, and that is dirty dealing. Trump knows how to falsify business records. How to run over people then disparage or sue them over it. He knows how to steal and embezzle. He knows how to stiff his workers and contactors so they have no recourse. He knows how to project his criminality onto his detractors. "I'm not a criminal, you are a criminal".

Everything Trump touches dies. Hopefully more and more people will realize this as the trial progresses. The disturbed people in America need help, not a cheerleader.

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You are too kind! They honestly believe trumps's way is the "American Way." Even the self-righteous so call christians.

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Anyone with any critical thinking skills should have known all these superficial details the 1st time around.

Again, it proves Geo. Carlin was right:

*“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

*“I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions.”

*“Some people have no idea what they’re doing, and a lot of them are really good at it.”

*“If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to have selfish, ignorant leaders.”

*“Don’t just teach your children to read…teach them to question everything that they read…teach them to question everything.”

― George Carlin

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I agree a hundred percent but I'm afraid nothing will convince Trump supporters at this point. They know he's flawed, and they like that he's an asshole ("he fights for us"). The fact that he sat in the WH for 187 minutes watching his supporters deface the Capitol and attack police officers without making a single phone call should have been a clue. While Congress had to flee and CP were fighting for their lives, instead of calling for NG backup he then put his own VP in danger based on a lie. If you think that's appropriate behavior for a Commander in Chief I'm afraid you can't be helped.

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From a few of my Magats that I still talk to. trump has done everything "The American Way". In other words, his criminal behavior to reach the position of the extreme wealth they seem to think he has is how the rich achieve the "American Dream".

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The very definition of Gullible!

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I think that the interesting thing about this whole thing Adam is that Don the Orange 🍊 Con has zero morals!!And he’s peddling bibles!!

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True... I would love to be a fly on the wall at the Pearly Gates when his FINAL JUDGEMENT comes!

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It isn't just the rich folks who like him. I look around at the people in which I come in contact. Those who are Trump fans, are socially A..Holes. The were, in the past, forced by society to hide their true colors. They think that Trump has given them license to be their true beings. A..Holes!

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You are too kind! The honestly believe trumps's way is the "American Way." Even the self-righteous so call christians.

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Everyone knows his “tells”. He projects to the world exactly who he is and we all know his MO & shtick. He needs to shut up already and stop playing victim. He did the crimes, now pay the price.

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We so far have experienced two Teflon Dons. One down, one to go.

Two mob bosses. One Mafia, one MAGA.

Amazing similarities of circumstances and behavior.

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Projection requires that one displaces one’s objectionable urges on another person, animal or thing. I submit that Trump has no “objectionable urges.” Maybe it’s confession?

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