Yes when he loses, the nightmare continues. Trump and all needs to be over and done. He has terrorized the American people long enough.

We don't need him or any of his supporters. We will not let Democracy die.

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“We will not let Democracy die.” That’s where we need to focus. All rump all the time instills fear that can paralyze and keeps that windbag in our minds — especially the minds of people who have been tuned out and who vote for the most recognized name.

Adam, as a military veteran, how do experienced soldiers deal with the enemy’s fear tactics? Who sets the agenda? My guess is that we have to do that.

Let’s also remember that we have a Democratic administration led by a competent President who will prepare to defend our country against this howling cult. They are no match for the federal government’s security forces, including the National Guard and the FBI. And the Capitol and DC police will be prepared this time, unhindered by 45. We are stronger than them.

At the local and state level, let’s protect election workers and officials. They will bravely hold the line as will judges who aren’t MAGAfied.

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Agreed. You can read my thoughts on Trump from this morning here.


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So scary. I feel like we are just sitting in a “safe space” right now but watching a volcano about to erupt.

How do we get the press to wake up?? Don’t they remember how he would disrespect and mock them at press conferences because I do!

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I see no way out of this now. If we survive the aftermath of November, Adam, I sincerely hope you and other decent conservatives try to create a new/old Republican Party, one that will civilly, fairly and with dignity engage those on the left on issues of substance, not culture war persiflage. I know. Not going to happen, because the morbidly rich would lose too much power and influence.

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“No Labels”? Aloha, Mike

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Thank you Adam for your work on the Jan 6 Committee!!We do live in frightening times right now !!MAGA and their orange 🍊 cult leader only make things worse-we will live under dictatorship!!!We need to stand up for our democracy!!!We can’t let them win!!💙💙!!

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When can we ever get over this crime against humanity? It’s very sad what has become of the Republican Party! It will take years for it to recover, if ever! Thank God for truth tellers like Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney! Blessings to you, Adam!

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Why does this government allow the Trump-RNC Shadow Government continue to interfere with foreign affairs and the upcoming election?

Why does this government allow plainly biased, seditious judges to hold office? I am specifically talking about Cannon and her mentor, Clarence Thomas, who have denied justice re: the espionage indictments. And then, there’s Alito’s 5th Circuit, and his clown show . .

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Thanks for this Adam, and for all the work you've done on the Jan 6 committee.

I can still see the images of that day. As vivid as when I watched them live. I kept saying, soon the National Guard will flood the building from the tunnels underneath the Capitol as they encircle them outside. Putting them in a vise to crush the mob and stop the violence. It would have been a textbook military operation.

But Trump was still in charge and that never happened. Instead, he sat on his obese ass, watching TV and stuffing his fat face with cheeseburgers.

Dante should have included a tenth circle of hell.

• Circle one - limbo.

• Circle two – lust.

• Circle three - gluttony.

• Circle four - greed.

• Circle five - wrath.

• Circle six - heresy.

• Circle seven - violence.

• Circle eight - fraud.

• Circle nine - treachery.

• Circle ten – all of the above.

Let justice rule the day, and let the light of liberty shine upon us all.

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Bob, I was wondering like you, where was the national guard?!?

I hope Adam tells us one day why the January 6 Committee didn't go after trump more for not sending them in immediately!!

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Is there any way, Adam, that you could talk to any high-level Republicans to reason with them and show them that Trump is a real and present danger? We need more Republicans to reject Trump, because non-Democrats won't believe Democrats, but a well-known Republican, like Mitt Romney, you, or Liz Cheney, bad-mouthing Trump can get a lot of attention and maybe stimulate rethinking of their support for Trump.

I fantasize you convincing my senator, Marcos Rubio, that his support of Trump is risking the very life and future of our nation. (I give up on my other senator, Rick Scott: He's too far gone; in fact, in many ways, he's as bad as Trump.) Senator Rubio seems to possess some modicum of decency and a lot of common sense; however, then I ask myself, how can he support Trump, if that's the case?

You've probably tried and failed at doing just this many times while you were in Washington. Thanks for that. We all know that it's virtually impossible to change anyone's mind; they can and do resist all logic, reason, and evidence: "Don't confuse me with facts; my mind is made up."

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TFG and the MAGATS would just dismiss the criticism as coming from RINOs. They are incapable of listening because they don't WANT to listen.

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Unfortunately, that the god's truth. I never thought that the greatest threat to our nation would come from within our own house, from our own brothers and sisters. Russia and China must be overjoyed at this state of affairs.

I am so glad, however, that some name-brand Republicans see and speak the truth. That gives me reassurance that my viewpoint is correct and hope that maybe someday widespread sanity and integrity will return in large measure to America. I didn't know so many people could be so gullible and stupid.

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The "gullible and stupid" were always there. I use the term "intellectually challenged".

What Trump did was provide them with the confidence to put their ignorance on full display. If I had a nickel every time I've heard "he sounds like us". Yes, he sounds like an uniformed, intellectually lazy, buffoon.

Why wouldn't they have the confidence to show/verbalize their profound stupidity? Trump is just as stupid, and he made it all the way to the WH.

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The truth often hurts.

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Just like children!

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I'm sure Adam has tried everything! The Republican Party is the MAGA Party now and that's not going to change soon. With 50% of the people supporting Trump, this country appears to be condoning his behavior and incendiary platform. They LIKE where he's coming from and want more. They rejected a saner yet still ultra conservative alternative.

I fear for America and what it says about our collective future. This trend is worldwide. The concentratiin of wealth in a few oligarchs and the trouncing of basic human rights (take DeSantis who just signed a law to prevent local governments from requiring shade and water for field workers) is frightening. As resources become more limited, violence and war are going to seize this world. We are only seeing the start of it in the Middle East and Ukraine.

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Rubio has defended DT in a CNN interview this year about DT’s NATO comments during a rally. If you listen to everything Rubio says in that short interview, you might be more skeptical about him as he defends DT.

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Oddly, and almost scarily to me, I heard part of that interview (Was it with Jake Tapper?), and Marco gave some reasonable answers, at least regarding the border problem. I didn't know what to think: He successfully fended off Tapper's gotcha questions. Have I slipped into another universe?

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Where DT states that other countries can do with the (unpaid) country what they will. NATO is an alliance, not we each take care of ourselves.

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Yes, Jake Tapper. I live in FL. as well. He really surprised me that he would defend him at all. Regardless that he may have been able to give context that would satisfy some - but the topic was what it was- I think DT does or will do what he says. I think we should all take DT at his word. Some people will always excuse DT.

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Rubio goes whichever way the wind is blowing

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“Your” senator, Little Marco”? Aloha, Mike

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he is hitler and worse. unlike hitler, this asshole was born in the usa with a silver spoon.

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The pundits and editors describe Jan 6 as an "insurrection". They report on Trump's and Stone's claims of "Stop the Steal" as legit political discourse. Trump and his attorneys claim his right to Free Speech. The mass media reports Trump World claims that the rioters did nothing wrong and are political "hostages."

What the hard news Press misses today, and history will remember in the future, is that Donald Trump, while President of the United States of America, charged by law with enforcing the laws of the land, led a conspiracy to STEAL CONTROL OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Trump and his conspirators and violent supporters almost succeeded. We know this because of the fantastic work of your committee, Adam. We also know this because WE ALL WATCHED HIM DO IT! LIVE ON NATIONAL TV!

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It is still beyond me that Trump is still not jailed and was not impeached -should have been a no brainer! He’s extremely dangerous and gotten by with way too much! It would be far worse if he’s elected president again. So I hope something whether it’s jail, a health problem or whatever happens soon!

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No brains is what got us to this point.

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He WAS impeached. Just not convicted.

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I’m sure to Trump Jan 6 did feel like a “Love Fest”. He in fact said to shut down the magnetometers, because the attendees weren’t there to hurt him. The fact that the rioters were violent, enraged and inspired by him to inflict as much damage as necessary to disrupt the democratic process was only incidental to his purpose of getting what he wanted. In fact, like his policy on Ukraine, “capitulation or we will destroy you so I get that I want” is his entire approach to foreign and domestic policy, financial goals, and pretty much everything he cares about. His supporters know this (at least intuitively) because he has convinced them that burning the whole country to the ground is actually a good thing. Unfortunately, what happens on the day after the fire hasn’t occurred to anyone in the Trump camp except Trump, who will take his money and split, just like all former dictators do (at least the ones that survive the coup).

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In jail I hope he gets a taste of their version of a love fest.

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Most of America watched in horror as January 6 unfolded. Most of us watched the televised coverage of the Congressional hearings, and heard the compelling evidence offered even by former Trump associates. And now, we listen to Donald J Trump threaten us with chaos and bloodbaths is he is not elected. We listen to him sanctifying convicted criminals, whom he refers to as hostages rather than as the lawbreakers that they are. His minions stand as ready today as they were on 1/6 to do his bidding, to interfere with our election process, and to try to bring down our government. Sentient Americans must vote in record numbers for the Democratic candidate. Even if you’re not a Democrat. Think of it as a vote against authoritarianism…only by keeping Trump and his ilk out of the White House can we preserve the United States.

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Adam, once again, thank you. You are one of the few voices consistently addressing Trump's distortions and lies. The Democratic Party, I offer for the fifth time, needs designated responders to provide factual information immediately after each of Trump's nonsensical statements. Generally, the media is interested in repeating or lightly challenging his lies in the interest of attracting readers. Not the same effect. In fact, it expands his coverage. I think media logic is that reporting this makes Trump look worse. We are way past needing to reenforce his despicable behavior. His staunch supporters are immune to everything. His critics already get it. It is very late in the game. We are headed where you described without a change in the response to his nonsense.

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Thank you, Adam, for sacrificing your political career (temporarily), becoming politically homeless, losing family and friends but doing the right thing by being on the January 6 Committee and speaking the truth. I hope you're feeling the "love" out here!! God is proud of you and so are we!! See, you can look yourself in a mirror as a hero but poor trump can only see a wrinkled 🍊 orange __that is no longer a-peeling!

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How is it that Trump still has not been held accountable for his behavior on Jan 6 three and a half years later? The thing is that he knew he had lost the election. His own dept of Justice told him so. All Republican secretaries of State told him so. His cybersecurity experts told him so. He then hired his own investigators who also told him he lost (read Ken Block's "Disproven"). All before January 6.

What everyone forgets is that he actually fired Chris Krebs, head of cybersecurity, for telling him he lost. That's the behavior of a dictator. He then proceeded to fire his own Attorney General, but other Justice Dept officials told him they would all resign if he did. There won't be any such guardrails for a second Trump presidency.

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