Adam..love the write up today that outlines true conservatives! We need to get back to the days where healthy discourse was a fundamental trait in our political system.

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Jul 15
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How it must work for America (as we know it).

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His supporters don't even know what Conservatism is, nor do they care. His immigration policies, (fake) Christian beliefs, (fake) tough guy, (fake) successful businessman persona is what gets him support. It says more about the electorate, than it does him.

I'll give him one thing, that orange coating he wears is one special kind of Teflon (classified documents case dropped).

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it is Con (con the people with social media lies) Servatism (Control them like slaves through the use of misinformation)

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There's a lot of willful ignorance in MAGA world.

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They were empty people just waiting to be filled and like a cult trump has filled them. They are now members of a cult and the cults purpose is there purpose. The creation of social media has made mega cults possible.

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Social media helps spread the nonsense but let’s be honest, if the people consuming it weren’t so intellectually challenged, it wouldn’t be so easily absorbed.

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These people may be more gullible than average, but social media has been advancing it's ability to manipulate at an increasing rate . Chat GPT is just the latest advance. Social media will evolve faster than humans can adapt. It is a question of survival.

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Yes, Trump is truly the "Teflon Don"!

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Trump doesn't know any history, civics, geography, or anything. He praised Washington's ragtag Revolutionary Army for liberating the airports that the British had seized in the Revolutionary War.

I liked Ike but the rest of the GOP Presidents since then were badly flawed and made bad decisions. Giving tax break after tax break to big business inspired big business to jack prices up and make record profits. They wrongly blame inflation but seem to have no problem putting the screws to the American people.

The American people have always suffered when a Republican was in the White House. Just my observation over nearly 73 years. Ike was the best. He had lead the Allied forces to victory in Europe. He knew who did the work and sacrificed to give him victory and who did this to keep America going.

Build Back Better is no joke. It is no scam, like nearly all of Trump's crap. America needs its people who are not rich to work in factories and on jobs, spend money in stores, buy houses and vehicles, and put money in the bank. Project 2025 promises to end all of that. Ike could tell you: do that and America will collapse.

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With you on this. I’m 73, and Ike was elected Prez when I was little. I was ~5 when my Dad left for the Korean war. I remember my mother being inconsolable and me wondering why Daddy was gone. I love Adam’s take on this, but I certainly don’t remember it the same way he does. I remember Clinton digging us out of the mess HWG left. I remember W for his blatant lies, for blowing through the budget surplus BC left us, the bat-turn to Iraq when we knew OBL wasn’t in Iraq, and the deficit he left us in.

All this is why I’ve voted Dem all my voting life, and will continue to do so. Biden is cleaning up the mess made by the worst Prez we’ve ever had, selling himslef as a Republican. There’s a big difference between Adam, his heroism in the the Committee, and today’ GOP. I do 100% agree with him that trump isn’t Conservative. trump is graceless, classless, garbage.

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Bush Sr. went after the Taliban. Being ex-CIA, he may have had Intel on possible future plans of terrorism. But he got the attention of Osama Bin Laden, who vowed revenge. Bin Laden didn't attack the US when Clinton was President because Clinton was seen by him as a strong President. But when Bush Jr. was elected, that was perfect: Jr was a dofuss and son of Sr. 9/11 was the result. Nixon opened trade with China and Reagan allowed American manufacturing to move there. That is why we have Walmart and Amazon selling lots of Chinese items and firms like Temu and TomTop. I am all for the Chinese people who lived a poor and agricultural life before. But the abuses of workers there and the undercutting of American jobs I am not happy with. Trump has ruined the GOP, and I hope that they and all the rest of us survive the next few months.

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I also remember Oliver North and his warning about OBL, and W’s total disregard of it, plus his disregard of Hans Blix (plus other IAEA specialists) telling him there was no active WMD in Iraq. W was a putz.

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Actually Bin Laden did attack us during Clinton's presidency. There was an attack in 1993 at the World Trade Center parking garage. 6 people were killed. Bin Laden was linked to that bombing. My friend's husband worked there and they had to evacuate then and again in 9/11 when he had to walk home from WWC- 8 hours.

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Nixon and Reagan at least knew and employed Statesmanship in representing the nation on the world stage. There were good things that they did but then there was "Tin soldiers and Nixon coming". The US military and National Guard was used against American citizens during Nixon's time in office. The four dead in Ohio were trying to walk to class.

Reagan hated the hippies. He and Nixon closed the University of California at Berkeley in February 1970 when antiwar demonstrators burnt down the ROTC building on the campus. I moved to Arkansas by myself in June 1970. Throughout that decade there was great economic growth that benefitted all people. The moment Reagan took his oath of office, the growth switch was turned off. In the 70s there were thousands of jobs here, now there are hundreds.

Not all of this can be blamed on Reagan. Much of the industry that grew up to support the WWII effort had wound down before Reagan was elected. America needs manufacturing. America needs jobs for everyone who isn't rich.

I feel like we are having to live through the roaring 20s and the turbulent 60s at the same time right now. The stock market is at the highest it has ever been. In large part due to government investment in jobs for the not rich. That needs to be continued to stay going. Should Trump be elected, there could be a run on banks. He is liable to make decisions that cause financial distress for the not rich. Lots of things could happen.

That is why I don't live in Trump World and want no part of it. I have faith in the main Democratic leaders that we have now. I have faith in the American people.

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Darrell, I love your take on this. Glad to hear someone express this.

If the “True Conservative” mindset is to go back to business as usual as it was prior to Trump, we are in big trouble politically and environmentally.

A new paradigm is in order.

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Darrell Smith; You are right.

Coming out of the Great Depression and WWII, the New Deal policies and the GI Bill for returning veterans created the largest middle class in history. It was the envy of the world because societies with strong middle classes are the most stable politically.

The neoliberal economic policies brought in by Reagan in the US and Thatcher in the UK changed the way we do business and created crushing economic inequality.

The American Dream is now dead for most people because neoliberalism is still the way we conduct our economy. The void that that created brought us Trump because he exploited the insecurity of living paycheck

to paycheck and the stress that causes.

Going forward the folks that call themselves true conservatives need to address that in a meaningful way. Half measures won’t cut it! Citizens United is a big problem as well.

Next to the existential threat of climate change, extreme economic inequality is the second existential threat we face.

Would love to get Adam’s take on this.

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It would be nice if both political parties were committed to Building Back Better. The rich and powerful will not keep the US economy going.

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The Democrats enabled our current problems as well because of their fecklessness.

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wow! that's a pretty strong word. Basically that's saying they have no qualities that are valuable or useful which I think is not accurate. Can you clarify specifics of how Democrats are or have been ineffectual or inept?

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Diane; Obama was feckless in not using the bully pulpit to call out McConnell for refusing to allow a vote on Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court. He just watched it happen. One example.

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To be fair Harry Reid gave them the idea. Maybe he should have spoken out. But I still wouldn't call Democrats feckless. I dont like the tactics this new breed of Republicans use and we see how low it has gotten. I hope the American people rejects this in November.

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Yep. It was Robert E. Lee who said “Never fight uphill, me boys”.

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I wonder how so many of your fellow congressmen acquiesced, falling in line so fast and throwing it all away. Maybe they never had it in the first place.

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An important bullet you might have added: True conservatives believe in the sanctity of nature and the protection of global natural resources.

The protection of the natural world is a critical element in providing climate stability and food security for the future, Without this, it's game over for humankind.

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Absolutely true, Joeth

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Adam, I took notice of the different agencies created over the years that you listed. I’ve been thinking about project 2025’s agenda and am trying to understand why they oppose these agencies and want to abandon them. The FDA, created to protect us against food borne diseases and ensure our pharmaceuticals are what they claim to be and can contribute to our health, is a necessity. Who would tackle these issues if they didn’t exist? The local police? The EPA was created because corporations and big businesses were pouring toxic wastes in to the environment and endangering health of local residents. Who would hold the companies responsible? The local police? What about FEMA? Who would come to the assistance of those affected by the disasters, which are increasing as of late? Who would address these citizens who have so many needs? The local police? I’m guessing if some of the authors of project 2025 were victims of one the above mentioned scenarios and there was no agency to help them they would regret advocating for their dismantling. They need to think this through. Something that they don’t seem capable of or a desire for. Very short sighted IMO.

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Joan, it's really pretty simple; they oppose any regulation that impacts corporate profits - health and safety be damned. That's called "free markets" and it works especially well for the top 1%. You don't need public agencies, just privatize it so cronies can make more profits. In Russia they call it Oligarchy.

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What they want is to keep the population uneducated.

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They want to bring the US to its knees and everything P2025 proposes will do just that. It is rule by thug power. After all, the supreme court has already declared the Constitution, unconstitutional.

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Yes, that’s unchanged since medieval times. So much for progress.

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I believe they plan for this to go to individual states & for this to allow businesses the freedom to do whatever they want, our water, air, & safety of the workers be damned.

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That’s a great plan. Most states don’t have enough funds to give their schools let alone these added expenses. Pretty sure states aren’t going to address these issues. Once again, to hell with the “little “ people.

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Here's a question: If they eliminate the Department of Education will they also concurrently reduce the tax burden on ordinary Americans as a result of the obvious cost savings?

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No, those dollars will just be shifted to some other endeavor such as installing golden toilets in all bathrooms at the WH and Capitol.

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Or their own pockets.

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I always thought free markets also meant competition, more businesses participating in the market, more consumer choices. With the mergers going on and that have gone on over the last, 15 years?...not entirely sure the correct time frame BUT IMHO, the "free market" ship has sailed a long time ago. Then there are the private equity firms, snapping up struggling businesses, getting funding, bleeding them dry and dumping them. Please, I'm happy to be proven wrong.

Just a side note, Donald's documents case has been thrown out by Eileen Cannon. Refuse to give her the honor of being called judge.

As Donald says, "we will have so much winning, you will be tired of winning".

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Agree about cannon. She needs to be removed.

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I had thought this too about the definition of a Free Market society but I'm coming to realize that, at least the perception I've gotten (not 100% sure I'm correct) is that a Free Market society is one where there are minimal govt regulations. That the business should be allowed to do that they want.

I also take it to mean that companies that want to merge aren't prevented from do so. Anti trust laws aren't really enforced. Which, I disagree with doing. The Biden admin have been, more so than other recent presidents, enforcing anti trust laws a lot. He's prevented some pretty significant business mergers.

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Right on target as always Adam. The information about the conservative presidents provides a stark contrast to Trump. I've lived through every president from Truman (I was 2) on so have seen this all first hand. Having just seen Judge (?) Cannon's dismissal of the case against Trump for taking important documents, I am more concerned than ever about the direction being taken. If voters don't turn out in very large numbers to defeat the menace, the MAGA crowd may live to regret their decision as their rights are taken away. Please continue to rally people to spread the true information.

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How about this for a message to voters:

Attention Voters!

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Give Careful Thought As You Decide Who To Vote For In November.

The Freedoms You Save Or Lose Will Be Your Own!

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I like it. Short, concise and to the point.

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The difference between a regular conservative (true conservative)and the Trump cult is that most of them-not all -will work together with the Democrats!We are supposed to work together because it’s a democracy!John McCain was an excellent example of someone who did!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸!!!

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You’re preaching to the choir Adam. And I luff it!! Wish you and Newsom could run. But as long as Joe wants the job, I’m with him.

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Adam, another refreshing and reflective article to begin “another week” with the hope that will lead us to new insights in our political system.

Thank you for clarity and honesty highly appreciated these days.

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I so enjoy your writings. Very educational for me. There is also no visceral in your writings or videos; just your honest take.

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Thanks Adam. Indeed, Donald is not and never was a conservative. My bleeds blue cousin called this weekend. She knows I'm a fiscal and traditional/historical conservative so she thought I might have become a Trumper. Donald is ignorant of the founding principles of the nation he led. Willfully ignorant. He doesn't give a shit.

Another bright difference between Trumpism and Conservatism is Trumpism's lack of Courtesy, Respect, Manners, Honor, Honesty. Donald's shitassery is amplified by the mass spread of filth in social media/internet streaming. His natural personality to be a complete shitass, every time he speaks, fits right in with Twitter, FB and the rest.

In a normal time, the legit Press would have shut down his rude bully behavior as illegitimate for political discourse. They are on their heels, realizing that hate, rudeness, threats, bullying, disrespect, dishonor and dishonesty generates passions and eyeballs. Which generates money. This is a tragic corruption of their role in a normal society. Donald plays them like a drum. And the Dems are too meek to fight back.

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It seems that this definition of conservatism has been fully abandoned by the GOP and MAGA supporters. They know what they stand for and have chosen to make a fully conscious decision reject conservative platforms of the past. They have simply appropriated the “conservative” and GOP brands and wrapped those up tight with MAGA. Maybe US politics needs to move beyond the two party system and towards some kind of coalition government that can band together people who share core values to reject what the GOP stands for now.

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Well at least I am on board with 3 out of 6. Nixon went to China--a communist regime; we wouldn't dare do business with Russia then!--because American businesses could profit greatly. At the expense of Middle America's jobs.

And Reagan we can thank for the decline of the middle class for the past 40+ years. Although the Clintons definitely have culpability as well. Today's middle class Republican "Conservatives" (brainwashed religious zealots) are cow-towing to the very people who only want to take their rights and livelihoods away--Trump and the greed masters who now rule our country.

I understand true conservatism and I am all for businesses succeeding, but not at such grotesque levels of inequality. And it is always, ALWAYS at the expenses of we, the working people. The salary disparity is reprehensible. As are many things that our government--BOTH parties, but sorry Repubs are worse--has let slide in favor of Big Business, Private Equity Firms (Purely Evil Folks), the uber wealthy and all at what cost? The hard working, decent families who only want to do well and have a good quality of life and provide for themselves. That didn't used to be such an astronomical thing to aspire to in this country.

But the greed genie has been out of the bottle so long I don't know if it can ever be put back in. And it is a uniquely American problem. They make us pay more and more because our government does nothing to stop it.

I think recovering from these years of Trumpism will not be done in the rest of my lifetime. And that makes me sad. Not necessarily for me, but for all of the younger people behind me. :'-(

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Thanks for your recap of the republicans who held power during my life. I was born during Ike's first term. 9 republican presidential terms and 8 democratic. It'll be tied id Biden wins this fall.

I'd like to thank you again for your participation on the committee. You did the honorable, noble thing, even though you knew you would lose your seat as a result. A fine illustration of integrity.

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Second that! Indeed grateful.

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