It’s a real puzzle to me why the average maga person who buys into his vitriol is middle class in the economic scale. Why would they think and believe that someone who is ultra rich(supposedly, according to him)have any commonality with them. They are not high enough status to belong to his country clubs nir could they afford the fees. They couldn’t afford to stay at his hotels or buy a condo in Trump tower. They gloss over the fact that trump thought you had to show an ID to buy a loaf of bread (clearly he doesn’t now or has ever done shopping for his household). Just what exactly do they think he can do for them? So much chaos and drama with him. So we have 77 million drama queens and kings in this country? Aren’t people tired of that?

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Joan, why so many in the middle class view Trump as their “voice”, the one who truly understands them, has baffled me for years. He will sell them snake oil, con them and use them. To your point, there is no commonality between him and them. But the ONLY 2 things he cares about these people, is he loves the adoration they bestow upon him. He needs them to feed his ego. The other thing that he cares about them: their vote. It is only through their votes that he can reclaim power he so desperately craves.

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Actually they are more like Donald than one would think. Donnie was always an "on the fringe" wannabe in New York. He hung around with Roy Cohn who also was on the fringe, The , so called in crowd, didn't like either of them, found them coarse, crude, and rude, but they were amusing and fun to mock the next morning at lunch.

Donald and his big basket of deplorables have much in common and Donald certainly knows how to pull their strings. Between Donnie and "Mr. Q", it's a wonder those people can get out of bed in the morning.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

The problem then was that NY at the time was going through rough times and the struggling real estate salesman was there to help them rebuild NY. They used each other. NY overlooked trumps fraud and corrupt dealings to rebuild when they knew what he was doing. That enabled trump to think he can do whatever he wants and rules don't apply to him. trump has never been stopped all along the way, helped by those who wanted something for themselves ignoring the public good.

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True, as usual there are NO clean hands. I remember when the city couldn't get the ice rink in Central Park going and Donnie bought it and got it going. NOW it would be lovely if he really cared about the people enjoying it, no, as usual it was to puff himself up, BUT the city couldn't get out of their own way.

No one in New York tried to talk Donnie from heading south. At this point, bad as things can be, they've had enough of him, as have I.

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Well said

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Unfortunately not. Because united behind the "god" that they created and worship they are controlling the conversation. The challenge they are presenting is this ... Do 75 million armed to the teeth outvote 81 million sheep. The future of Democracy lies in how that question is answered.

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The folks who love Trump adore them because he hates who they hate. These followers are racist,xenophobic,misogynistic, homophobic, and intellectually lazy. And hypocritical (like defending the Florida Threesome because they’re MAGAs) They never tire of a fat old schlub hating on their perceived “enemies”.

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Trump stimulates the reptile brain-stem primed by the Limbaugh/Kardashian Syndrome of hatred of the other and vapid celebrity worship.

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20 years ago conservatives wanted to ban video games, because they feared they would lead to godlessness. Liberals condemned them because they feared they led to violence. I never put much rock in either of these theories as unproven, but have always wondered if the easy stimulation our devices provide haven‘t made us addicted to easy/passive stimulation and immune from concern about consequences because the possibility of bad things happening doesn‘t seem real. Are kids being asked to engage in political discourse? Are they parroting views they hear on TikTok? Is anyone teaching or challenging others about critical thinking (or the lack therof)? The lizard brain theory seems very real today, and would explain a lot. But how can we short circuit this, switch it off?

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Dirty Trickster Roger Stone and stinky Steve Bannon will tell you that from the beginning it was the GOP intention to install Donald J Trump as Dictator of the United States. Planning for this may have started long before. From the day I was born in 1951, Republicans and supporters have attacked everything that Democrats have done to advance the American people. The GOP does not care one bit about the American people. They don't care about religion or "rights" or anything else. I could list all that Republicans have done in 72 years but it is too depressing. I did like Ike. Eisenhower had led the Allied Forces to victory in Europe. He knew that it was the American people that fought and died on the battlefield. It was the American people that sacrificed and worked hard in the factories building the arms and ammo needed to win. He knew that his job as President was to serve the American people.

Trump only serves himself. He doesn't even do that. Someone else has to serve him.

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So, how about supporting another retired senior officer of the armed forces, who honors his Constitutional responsibilities, as a better choice than either Trump and a clone, or Biden and his likely successor, Harris.

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Good point. Eisenhower was sick much of the time as President due to the harsh conditions in Europe. His VP, a brash young Senator from California named Dick Nixon ran the country when Ike was ill. This did not end well for the American people.

A few retired senior military officers come to mind but most are too old or tired of politics. One thing is certain: they would not be willing to turn America into part of the Soviet Union.

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I usually find that people I talk to hide behind voting for him by rationalizing that they are one issue voters weather it be guns ( most popular) , abortion, or the old favorite " he's not a politician" , which in itself is a lie. The day he stepped on that escalator he became a politician pure and simple. But a real nasty one.

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They feel overlooked and forgotten by the coastal elites. They're tired of smooth-talking politicians that have promised a lot and delivered very little. They're jobs are disappearing, and their values are mocked. Trump honed in on that like a laser. That's what a master- manipulater does.

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But he’s one of those coastal elites. He used to be based in NY and his lifestyle is of an elitist. He lives the life that they hate. Americans have been sleepwalking through the decades in regard to who they’re sending to Washington to do the people’s work. This decline in principled, honest people running in elections and winning has been going on for much too long. We are now reaping the results of that, much to the detriment of our democracy. We are partly to blame for not being watchful enough.

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He‘‘s a coastal elite that talks like a poorly educated thug. That is apparently what makes him relatable. He sounds bitter (like they are)but he’s really just mean spirited and cruel. The people who stand in Trump‘s way of absolute power are vilified by him. The Retribution president couldn‘t say then quiet part any louder that this.

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He is one of those elites, but I think the bottom lines for the trumpers are that he doesn't talk like one. Whatever he thinks in the moment comes right out of his mouth. He also is perfectly versed in what they want to hear. Ironic, isn't it?

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Trump had the money to become elite through shady business practices, shady real estate (also look at J. Kushner & father) practices that led to several bankruptcies.

Read about his father & who his role model was while he grew up.

You can’t buy class! I bet he never fit in.

A little bit off comment topic, Adam points out the need to be paying attention. So, I’m curious, why is Louis DeJoy still head of USPS? Trump (while in office) continued to talk about election fraud & placed DeJoy despite him having no background for this position. He immediately removed mail sorters & created havoc before 2020. Trump still has people in place to do his work.

If we have any concerns about him and future false claims, wouldn’t the postal service be important?

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How many people are using their right to vote? And how many among them "vote less on how we feel, and more on who is committed to following their oath."

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„If you‘re a celebrity, you can get away with anything“. This was a statement that had nothing to do with so called „locker room talk“ and everything to do with Trump confessing his world view, his belief in his divine right to do whatever he wants, and his contempt for others and any rules protecting them. His has a fifth grade bully mentality and level of maturity, if that fifths grader were the son of the over indulgent guy who owns the school. (Think Trunchbull in Mathilda, Scott Farkus in A Christmas Story and just about any other bully trope imaginable). Punching down is probably the most fun Trump gets these days, now that his days of infidelity are becoming passe (or perhaps impossible). Who would have thought the days of Trump bankrupting casinos would be his best?

In a Hollywood movie, the bully always loses, or grows up and seeks redemption. But we must remember that one kid standing up to him won‘t defeat him or win the day. Because for every person willing to do so there seem to to be three Grandmas for Trump who can‘t distinguish between being a Fangirl of this bad Elvis impersonator from being a responsible voter (I know several wealthy wealthy widows who still give him money). They continue to cheer him on with their money and their votes. He whines that he is a victim and they believe him. In other words, half of the kids in the schoolyard have joined the Lord of the Flies, and cheer on that punching down, since it isn‘t directed at them. At least, not yet. By the time it is, it will be too late.

I have re-registered Republican so I can vote against Trump in my state‘s primary. I have volunteered to work the polls on Election Day. I continue to give as much as I responsibly can to moderates in both parties. I don‘t know if any or all of this will be enough.

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Those actions are a good start. We also need to be vigilant in our choices at the ballot box, including local and state elections, lest we vote in another Santos

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We need to hear voices of reason challenging nonsense in both parties, Republicans and Democrats alike. There could be a 'Trump' lurking within the Democratic party too.

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Yes, these less than honorable people are in both parties but it’s just been the Republicans who have strayed so far from what they used to stand for. Doesn’t it seem odd that when a Democrat loses an election he or she doesn’t cry fraud and rigged election and file lawsuits to challenge the results, just the Republicans (as far as I know).

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That's why I never changed by registration from Republican to Democrat. I can vote in Nevada's primary and boy do we have some "gems".

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

Interesting he doesn't like one judges wife, accusing her of being a Trump hater and yet he has NO problem with Ginny Thomas as the insurrection "queen". What ever.

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Thank you, Adam. I can not believe that so many people are in awe of Trump, support Trump and will push democracy down that proverbial cliff to stay in this cult. There really are no words to the depths of what Trump will do, with his followers following him with glee.

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We can hope that somehow, someday, more people will see the 'Emperor's New Clothes'. I worry that we may be too late... but I refuse to give up hope.

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"Each of us needs to vote less on how we feel, and more on who is committed to following their oath." Majority of the voters who vote, (in any nation) don't do it.

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Many don‘t need to, or haven‘t needed to vote this way, because it was a given that the oath mattered, and serious consequences would result if they didn‘t follow it. Now, in some circles, the defiance of the oath is celebrated. We need to be sure there are consequences again. Any elected official who fudges on their undying commitment to the oath they took should be removed. That includes speakers of the house and Supreme Court justices. And, of course, presidents.

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We would need to have some procedures in place to accomplish that and it would take all three branches going along to agree to something that could facilitate removing people from office. It’s like asking the fox to guard the hen house; it would never happen. The legislators would say that voting people out of office is the way to curtail undesirable and dangerous behaviors.

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And yet, the House just removed George Santos. This was admittedly a small easy step, but at least one was taken. And we have Jack Smith. And the Red wave of 2022 didn‘t happen as expected. And we have good people like Adam Kinzinger and the highly entertaining folks at the Lincoln Project relentlessly challenging the broken and the corrupt. People are waking up. Only time will tell if there are enough of us to right the ship.

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No doubt about it

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Sadly, I think a big appeal of Trump to the middle class that are so committed to him, is that he is very good at speaking to their fears. He uses words like “others”, “them”, and “they”. These words, unfortunately, play into the fears that so many have about the diversity and progression of America. Very adept at trigger these subconscious fears. Upsetting, that so many don’t accept people that may look differently, think differently or have different beliefs. It’s the fabric that America is built upon.

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I recommend the interview of Liz Cheney by John Dickerson on CBS Sunday Morning program yesterday to hear the warning and call to action she describes well.

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Liz is awesome. I just saw the interview that she had with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. I agree with Liz and Adam one hundred percent.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

Adam you are spot on! I would add that it didn't help that even way back in 2015 our leaders did not shun him and did not know how to counter him. People listen to their leaders and by them ultimately caving and overlooking his faults, their constituents start thinking it's ok.

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THIS IS BENEATH COMMENTING ON. You are right,of course, Adam, but Trump is sick, sick, and once more, sick -- right up there with with George Santos. The guy is a total loser -- a word he supposedly doesn't like to hear. For sure he's stirring up hatred of the other, using pre-school, play-yard tactics. Shame on networks for giving his tantrumps airtime. Far from being worth despising, he actually drags the entire nation down into his pathogenic slime. I would suggest jailing him on St. Helena, but the locals (the "saints") deserve better. Still, how about a cell with no window and no companions (and sadly, no Coke or burgers) but a full library of the world's great thinkers to read?

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With Fox "News" as Trump's mouthpiece and partner-in-crime, his MAGA followers will never benefit from insight such as this. It's disgusting how popular that tabloid show has become, masquerading as news.

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Your assessment of the Former Guy is 💯 accurate. As for his supporters, and as he himself said, “I am your retribution”.

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