The Handmaid’s Tale, anyone? As usual Adam, you nailed it. If you are frightened, vote to make sure that Trump never again holds office. If you are not frightened, you should be. With a salute to Edmund Burke, “evil triumphs when good people do nothing.”

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I read this book in 1988 and was terrified. I have refused to watch the series because of this. I don’t want to go there. Even though it seems the US is well on its way. I feel especially guilty because I married a Swede and have moved. It’s not perfect here, but we aren’t at the US level yet. I feel like I’ve abandoned my family. And given that I’m Jewish it is compounded. My grandmother never got over feeling that her escape from Dresden was at, what she believed, at the cost of loved others. 💔😔

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Oh Kate! This is heartbreaking 💔

but please don't feel guilty! You need to take care of yourself!! Even though I'm afraid too, I do not believe we will lose our democracy!! 🙏

If that happens, I will stop in and see you on my permanent world sailing cruise!

Let's keep thinking positive!!

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Cindy, we could very well lose our democracy if trump is elected - be assured, if he loses, he still plans to take over the presidency with the help of his gangs of thugs, his ardent losers in Congress and all the judges he appointed - especially the ones in the Supreme Court. Keep positive - but stay alert.

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Oh no Sandy! I totally know our democracy will be gone if trump wins😧!

I just believe the silent majority will pull through and not vote trump! He wasn't smart enough to foresee judges/supreme court hand picked. That probably was puppet master Steve Bannon.

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I feel your pain, Kate. I also left my family when I married a Canadian and moved away. I wish I had had other options but I chose from the available - at the time - choices and I have learned to live with it.

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There needs to be outrage and widespread condemnation about the very dangerous things he said in that interview. Also, why is nobody commenting on the garbled manner in which he’s been speaking? He’s mangling words, his syntax is falling apart, and it’s getting worse and worse.

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Those that follow him don’t care. They’ve even started saying that ‘real men wear diapers’. It’s a cult and he is their God.

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A hellscape that would spread across the world. He must not succeed.

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trump is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Republican Party. They give him the ego stroking that he needs to soothe his malignant narcissism which then continues their vision, and he gives them the power that they need to upend our government and thereby democracy and to become the Russian Oligarchs that they strrive to be. They secretly despise trump but as long as he does their bidding, well then, they get what they want. I will NEVER vote to put another Republican in office at any level of government. The party has become the ruination of our country.

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I wholeheartedly agree. I will not vote for a Republican at any level unless their names are Liz Cheney and/or Adam Kinzinger.

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So would I, I was hoping that they would run for president, either one because I believe they would truly govern, especially Adam because he is very smart and is a good man. I would vote for him or her. But they are the only two candidates that I would. As it stands now I will vote blue across the board and if I don’t like them, I will write them in.

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Also maybe, John Kasich, Jeff Flake, Charlie Dent?? Some original RINOs.

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There's a disconnect between the Time Magazine interview transcript and the reporter's and editor's analysis of the interview. (I sent an email to Editor in Chief Sam Jacobs regarding this.) They failed to observe that Donald's answers demonstrate clearly how stupid he is. Incompetent. A dunce. A dunderhead. A fool. A hellish mix of deception and idiocy. Incapable of reason. A fraud. A conman. A criminal. The Press should pull the plug. Say out loud the obvious: Donald is a Dumbshit.

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And apparently he smells bad. Pass it on.

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I think the authors wanted everybody to recognize and realize what outright insane evil is buried in the word salads of Trump's blurts and bleats.

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Promising violence "if we don't win" is reason enough to dismiss and even prosecute Trump. "It's not fair" he cries. He lost in 2016 and the Republicans cheated and put him in. He lost in 2010 and threw a big baby fit. Many of those that helped him then are in prison for it now. When he loses even worse on my birthday this year, will Clarence Thomas, Steve Bannon, and Lindsey Graham fight to put him in the White House? I seriously doubt it.

Trump is a imbecile but someday there will be someone like him that will be much more evil. They will round up those they don't like and "dispose" of them. They will be the end of America as we know it unless we are always on guard against people like Trump.

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Steven miller comes to mind.

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2020 he lost again.

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We have a long ways to go before we vote. I'm worried about pre election violence. We are so very close.

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I’m prepping for this election just like I did before the pandemic. If nothing else, my spending is helping the Biden economy, and if Trump wins I will quit spending. If we did this en masse, we could severely damage a “Trump economy”. He can bluster all he wants, but he can’t force people to go shopping. Passive resistance is the way to go, IMO. He wants a fight, but won’t see this rear guard action coming, and he’d be powerless to stop it.

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The last thing Trump will care about if elected will be the economy. He's into retribution and that will be foremost on his mind but I understand your statement. We must do what we can.

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It doesn’t matter if Trump cares; his supporters and the rest of the citizenry will care a lot. And so will business leaders.

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Into the breech.

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After the Trumpian great purge of 20 million, who does he think will make the beds and wash the dishes at Mar a Lago? Mow the putting greens and polish the brass? He made his fortune, such as it is, on the backs of undocumented migrant workers, who he sometimes paid a little, and ruthlessly exploited a lot. He's an embodiment of avarice and evil, shaped similarly but in the end unconvincingly to a human man.

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May 3·edited May 3

I heard about and read that Time Mag article/interview. Thank you Adam for posting this on your Substack to help spread the word about this dangerous dark turn into autocracy. Many do not know or want to know about it but the more it is shared the more people can be reached. I frequent a political chat where I find that many are still not even aware of Project2025. I spread the word and post links so people can see for themselves whenever I can.

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If Trump were to win and the democrats flipped the house, keep the senate, couldn’t he be impeached and convicted by congress (I’m sure there would be ample cause)?

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If Trump won he'd arrest the Democrat's in the House for treason and people like you and I would be put on notice. Loyalty oaths if we're that lucky.

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Understand. But who would follow illegal orders at all level of chain of command?

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Trump when he was president embedded his people from the Supreme Court on down. It's obvious. Look how long it's taken our government to bring justice to Trump. It is no accident. There are plenty of Republicans that would follow his orders either through his definition of the rule of law or with brute force.

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keeping the Senate will be a stretch.

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The economic implications alone for his mass deportation would likely send us into a recession. There are entire industries who rely (rightly or wrongly) on the labor of illegal migrants. We'd absolutely cripple hospitality, construction, and various ag sectors.

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Yet in 2020 appx. 47% of votes cast voted for the traitor trump.

33% of eligible voters did not vote. Obviously, they don't give a shit!

By my public education math, it takes appx. 30% of eligible voters to possibly select the president.

And Yes, I know the Elect. College determines the president.

But just think about the fact that 30% could dictate to the 70% who the president could be.

These are very troubling times.

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Maybe they will get it this time - 33% is a huge number of votes for us to go after. Wake up or smell the Trump!

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I’m curious how many elections “citizen Trump” voted in during his hideous life. I’d bet rarely, if at all.

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Non-White naturalized citizens who support Trump should be reminded of how the Nazi-collaborators in France treated French Jews. Jewish French citizens were ostensibly more protected than newer arrivals. But many were deported and killed in concentration camps regardless. If they think they are immune from the terror that Trump will unleash on immigrants, they are doing it with eyes closed.

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Adam, it feels like every time we think we’ve hit rock bottom, we find that we aren’t even close. I’m a lifelong Democrat, but you and Liz Cheney may be two of the politicians I have most respect for. Thank you for doing what you thought was right for the country and Democracy instead of for your career. Thank you for your service in the military and in Congress.

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And, Adam, I mean all politicians not just Republicans or Democrats. Of all politicians. 💕

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Agreed. When you think they’ve hit bottom, you find out they’re still digging!

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It’s terrifying that so many people are still behind him. This is so far past a reasonable discussion of liberal versus conservative values. We are talking about basic decency versus evil. It’s disheartening that so few seem to recognize this like Adam and Liz Cheney. But we are at the point where it doesn’t matter what core values “normal” conservatives and liberals have if we can’t have a fair election. I don’t have the same beliefs as Adam, but I absolutely would like to have an open, fair debate about the issues and THEN let voters decide. I am not sure I see this happening anymore. And I’m profoundly sad. Yet I still thank Adam for his service and trust in many of us to see the light. God bless you, Adam Kinzinger!

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I do see hope for some Republicans not backing MTG in ousting the current Speaker! I'm not a fan of his but at least he helped pass the major Ukraine, etc aid bills!

Hopefully if her campaign goes down, we'll never have to hear from her again!

Interesting, why is trump's puppeteer playing Johnson and MTG against each other 🤔??

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That Republicans STILL embrace this awful man is a nightmare. The Electoral College could hand him a victory. Only by voting in numbers that have never been seen in a United States presidential election can we assure our future. Please vote against Donald J Trump, and against anyone who endorses him. It is our ONLY hope.

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AMEN! And be sure to share Adam's Substack posts and his Country1st.com link with EVERY reasonable acquaintance you know. Making certain that ALL reasonable people vote for Biden in 2024 is the only way to get the LANDSLIDE DEFEAT of Trump that is necessary to save democracy.

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What's terrifying is not that there is a mentally disturbed hatemonger and sociopath running for office. It's that millions of people inexplicably support him. Is this what a actual zombie apocalypse looks like?

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It is very frightening. Thank you, Adam, another great read.

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