That he repeatedly brings up Al Capone is puzzling. That no one calls him on it is troubling. Al Capone was a thug who ruled the underworld with guns, bombs, and other acts of violence.

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Yep. Murderer

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As repulsive as Al Capone was he also gave back to the city help build parks help feed the poor. I'm not saying he was a good man by any means he had redeeming qualities but he was a thug and unfortunately he was a thug that runs in my bloodline. The only person Trump wants to help is himself. He will never use his power to help anybody else

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Not even Rude Boy Giuliani who lowered himself to be Insane Clown's toadstool losing every penny and every shred of dignity even dumping a bottle of shoe polish on his moon roof head.

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The ONLY reason thugs like Capone pretends to help anyone is to further their own agenda. Drug lords in Mexico provide food for the village as they are kidnapping their kids and killing anyone who challenges them. No "redeeming" qualities.

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I was recently shocked when my veteran ex-husband who now lives in Missouri, told me we probably do need a dictator!

A few years ago I was battling stage 4 cancer but I was not afraid of dying. Now, I am afraid of living without democracy.

Thanks for this article Adam to remind us what a danger trump and the people behind him are!

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Thank you for being part of the fight

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Thank you for leading us and giving hope!🙏

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I promise you Cindy. I won't let that happen.

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Thank you Ally! Let me know if there is something I can do to help besides 🙏!

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Ally, we need to preserve our democracy for your family and your newest arrival!! Congratulations 🎉!!

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

It's really really scary and made more so by the fact that those of us who tend to read all of this about trump already know what he is. Most of the others on the fence about him get their news from legacy news stations that don't portray him for what he really is. Hell, they keep most of what he says and does out of the news and if they do it's only a small snippet that doesn't capture the full extent of his vile rhetoric. I truly hope people wake up before it's too late and that the tiny shred of the goodness that does exist in the Republican Party, gets the courage to stop the madness that is the Party.

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There is no shred of goodness left in the Republican Party. They shouldn’t even call themselves Republicans. They should pick another name that more closely resembles what they’ve become, like Head in the Sand, or Up Trump’s Rump (sorry for the crassness).

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There are still SOME true Republicans like Adam, Liz Cheney, John Kasich....oops, I ran out of them off the top of my head!🤔

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Mitt Romney

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Yes, thank you! Mitt Romney!

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After reading your book Adam I am now reading Liz Cheney’s. The fact that Trump

has made it this far after the 2020 election and all the crimes he clearly committed should be enough for people to kill any chance of another Trump presidency. Instead the opposite is true. As of this moment he is on track to beat Biden. This should frighten every American and truly the world. My question is how do we prevent what will be the end of democracy in this country? What is the answer? I want to do whatever necessary to make sure this man never has any power again. PS. I live in Arizona. David Schweikert is my Congressman. Loved your Israel trip story. Typical. Another criminal. We have a whole host of lunatics here. Question my Republican Party registration every single day!

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Oh he’s a clown! I agree, we need to beat him. I’m going to work for that ends tirelessly

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An Insane Clown.

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Trump is revealing the underbelly of humanity...it is up to those of us who are sane to create a new world "in the Wake of Chaos"

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He is disgusting. He's everything that America does not stand for.

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All Trump needs to do on Day 1 (Doomsday) is declare martial law & implement the 2025 plan...game over. However, I believe the mainstream media is doing us no favors by trumpeting Biden's supposedly low approval numbers, which by the way they are encouraging with their reporting. Polls are generally useless this far out from the election and much depends on what the poll questions are, the people who are polled and the algorithm.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

Insane Clown's lawyers are going to argue with a straight face that Congress failing to impeach Insane Clown renders him immune from criminal prosecution. This of course has no basis in the Constitution or anywhere else but pulled out Insane Clown's ass. I don't know if The Supremes will go so far to grant Insane Clown Presidential Immunity but I fully expect they will reinstate him on the ballot. I also expect they will take it a step further and order all trials to be suspended until after the election.

Let's be clear. If our Democracy is so decrepit that this Insane Clown makes a mockery of it time after time. If our Democracy is so rotten to the core that this career criminal Putin wannabe traitor not only gets away with his treasonous criminal acts but is rewarded by being returned to the Oval Office then our Democracy should be put out of its misery and we will deserve everything that is coming to us.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

He should already be in jail where he can't direct the MAGATS every minute of the day!

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Hope he is before that day

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Also remember he told Sean Hannity, he'll only be a dictator on Day One of his reign (I mean, presidency). And as if that isn't enough of a concern, does he think that we are so stupid to not know that dictatorship is an addictive drug?

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He would do it if he can

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The folks doing all the screaming and ranting about “poisoning the blood” are the very ones doing it. Their toxicity is destroying civil discourse and attempting to destroy confidence in all our institutions. They ultimately want something akin the Lebensborn project from WW2 so they can be the master race.

A letter from at the daughter of WW2 veterans read by Edie Falco sums these losers up perfectly...


"Profound losers" is way too nice a way to describe them...

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This is the truth and the irony

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What a great letter! Thanks for sharing that.

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Donald Trump has left us no doubt that if elected, he will destroy our nation as it exists today in favor of an autocracy, controlled by him and by his appointees, and probably, in due time, by his chosen successor. Everyone who wishes to preserve our democracy has one protection only, to vote in such numbers that for Trump to claim a tainted election will be impossible. His rhetoric will not turn a single supporter against him, but it does energize the rest of us toward a resounding defeat for him(and for any elected officials who have supported him or claim that they will). Vote blue. Even if you have always voted Republican, this time go blue to save the country. My hope is that from the ashes of MAGA, a Republican Party may emerge that is actually fiscally responsible and socially moderate.

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Yes it needs to burn to save it

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

He’s a ‘Rumpsterfire!

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Adam, thank you for this. Trump is worse and potentially no guardrails the next time. It’s extraordinarily frightening to think about the United States Of America losing our democracy. It’s who we are as a nation and Trump can take it all down. I also think that this is who he is, through and through. Trump is a despicable human being and always has been.

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Yes the second time will be way worse

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

I owe "Mistress Trump" absolutely nothing. If called upon for a favor, I would refer him to Steve Rubell.

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The only hope we have is to remember that Biden got more votes than tfg in 2020 by 7 million or so. If tfg wants to win this time around he’ll have his base, for sure, but he’ll need to garner at least 7 - 8 million NEW constituents. I’m not sure those who didn’t vote for him before are being swayed by the absolutely abhorrent speech coming out of his mouth. He only knows how to speak to his cult followers in mafia “code” so they’ll do his bidding. We are skating on thin ice here.

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Problem is how many will choose to not vote

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The concerning thing is that it only really seems to matter who wins the swing states, no matter how many popular votes a presidential candidate wins by...

"As NPR's Domenico Montanaro has put it, "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College." "


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