If by some miracle we do survive this next election. There has to be some kind of an amendment made to the constitution that anyone who is a felon cannot run for any kind of office.
Even as all this continues to play out, I still find myself in shock that this sick person is ahead in the polls and actually has a chance to get back into the WH.
I can not wrap my head around this, either. How can this be? If the results of 2016 taught us anything, it’s to be afraid, be very afraid. Yet, here we are back to the possibility of him being in the Oval Office, once again. If he wins, the country will be in a constitutional crises we may not recover from.
Adam, thank you and praying we can get through the 2024 election without Trump being elected. I would love to see him not being the nominee but it’s not looking good. The country is in for a rude awakening, if Trump is reelected. Does the country not see this? Do they not care? Do they not understand what is at stake? I saw all of this in 2015 and couldn’t understand how Trump was elected back then. I understand it was due to the electoral college and not popular vote but it should not have happened. Period. The GOP should not have even had him barreling towards the nomination to begin with but they did. I am very afraid.
So where are the Bill Barrs and the generals who know that he is so dangerous?! Bill Barr just said that he would vote for him again, knowing what he knows! This is why I feel that we are doomed. Smart people doing really stupid things.
Also on this topic, I’d like to see more about what exactly Russia did in 2016 & how effective it was. James Clapper in his book goes as far as saying Trump would not have won without Russia’s help. Kinzinger did receive classified briefings about this. One NSA contractor was thrown in jail for leaking information about it.
It was silly of me to forget this was written about quite a lot in the Mueller report and a report by the Senate Intelligence Committee report (in five parts):
I read everyone's comments before considering whether to comment. I considered not commenting, but decided we need a pep talk. 1) Look at the fear and pessimism created just on this web site by the Orange Man. Scary in and of itself. My partner and many I know pooh poohed me when I said DT is very capable of staging a coup/insurrection to stay in power. No one is saying that now. Many also said he would not be indicted, but he was, big time! 2) It's critical that the criminal justice system stand up to him, stop his ranting in court or otherwise throw him in jail for witness threatening and contempt. 3) The media is a huge part of the problem because he knows how to work it, but we can request the media to give less attention. Maybe naive, but I wrote CNN saying the former CEO (Christ Licht) should be fired after Kaitlin Collins interview with Trump because it was a bad idea, and it turned into a very bad idea because T totally turned it into a campaign rant and she barely got a work in edge wise. Fact check?, Ya right! I have a feeling that many others wrote CNN saying something similar to me. Licht was fired in about a month. 4) It's time to stop whining and muscle up folks! Everyone has to get out there and push the envelope, which means taking some risks you wouldn't otherwise be comfortable with by talking to friends, colleagues etc, even if just about Country First. 5) I no longer believe polls, haven't for some time because land line days are over. How many of you have taken a poll on your cell? (I may be surprised, but I don't take any and I rarely do on labtop). 6) There is slightly less than a year to the election. There are several Trump trials to go. The incumbent President has a lot of tools at his/her disposal during an election year to woo voters, even though I wish it weren't so. The media makes us think things are worse than they are because extremism (of any brand sells). What they report often doesn't come close to present reality. SO LETS GET TO IT, BECAUSE WE CAN DO IT!
I believe that you are correct about the polls. I did marketing research for Ford professionally. Polls, especially now, are questionable. The last one I actually “took” was extremely biased. But how many people answer anonymous calls to their cellphones and answer surveys that take 5 minutes or more. As far as Barr saying who he would vote for... What does one expect him to say? The orange menace isn’t locked up and can still summon his goons. Until and unless the orange menace and his goons begin to “fear” actual repercussions for their actions they will control the wacky narrative. At this point the primary repercussions are from the justice system. However you have pointed out how individuals can mount their own actions. Corporations can have big effects with their ad dollars as Elon Musk is finding out. Good suggestions.
I am increasingly pessimistic and fearful that the Mango Menace is going to win in November of 2024. I honestly don't understand the White House's complete ignoring of the age issue. Trump is only three years younger!!! Why isn't that being highlighted? Why isn't Biden out on our televisions, daily if necessary, showing that he is up to the job (and yes, I do think that he is up to the job)? Why isn't he on our televisions, directly challenging the MAGA narrative????????
The issues are first, the disinformation from the Trump supporters here and abroad on social media and certain TV channels. Secondly, the lack of knowledge by many who are not actively trying to understand the issues and what is at stake. I have just finished Renegade. What a look into the machinations of congress. Thanks Adam for your honesty. I’m almost done with Democracy Awakening which brings historical context to events today. And then maybe I’ll read something funny just to improve my mood.
Trump's continued popularity is an indictment of our educational system. Highschool graduates don't know how to think, don't appreciate our history, and have come to rely on viral social media postings for their facts.
Many of my Army and Air Force friends from my time in Berlin (84-87) are firmly on the side of Trump, as is a former boss of mine, who in every other respect, is a wonderful person. Let’s not pretend it is just young, poorly educated people who are under his spell.
What puzzles me about these older veterans who support him is aren’t they offended by the many, many times he has disparaged veterans calling them losers if they were POWs (McCain, etc) and wondering out loud to Kelly when at Arlington “what was in it for them?” Plus the orange man has never served, so what is there for service men and women to respect and follow?
If those friends were officers, they took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against "all enemies, foreign and domestic." If they support Trump after he violated that oath and was deliberately derelict in his duty as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces in inciting an insurrection to overturn the results of a national election, then they are rejecting their oaths of office. I wouldn't vote for Trump for many reasons regarding his contemptible character and illegal actions both in and out of the presidency, but that trumps all the rest )(no pun intended). I also won't vote for Biden and Harris.
That’s in the Oath of Enlistment for regular folk, too.
I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
When the Iranians retaliated for the killing of Soleimani and many service members suffered traumatic brain injuries Insane Clown ridiculed them as having headaches. When Insane Clown calls for the military their response should be Not Now We Have A Headache.
Yes, well Democrats are also now divided by (1) the recognition that, at his age, Biden would have about a 50% chance of living through a second term, and another 15% (?) chance of becoming mentally incapacitated, and (2) the Marxist, anti-white racists in the "Progressive" wing have revealed their true nature in their support of the Hamas barbarians.
And in saying this I am almost equally opposed to Trump for reasons that I have stated in other posts. What I am FOR is a rational centrist alternative, or one of the rational conservative Republican alternatives to Trump if the RHINOS (Rational Humans in Name Only) in the Republican Party are sufficiently smart to nominate one. Those would include Haley, De Santis, or a military hero of the stature of Dwight Eisenhower, who could blow away Biden and Harris or whoever else the Democrats might come up with when they recognize the realities mentioned above.
If Michael Dantanio doesn't think that there are communists and people who hate America in the U.S., he is naive. Look to the leaderships and supporters of extreme leftist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Out of some 330 million people in the U.S., of course there will be some who have the same ideas as avowed Communists in places like mainland China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.
The common thread is that it should be government that controls the economy to allegedly produce complete equality of outcomes, regardless of how much people contribute as individuals. And the only way to achieve compliance with that notion of "equity" is through government suppression of anyone with dissenting views. I trust that Adam Kinzinger recognizes that even if Mr. Dantonio doesn't.
The polls are unreliable. They are measuring some public opinion, but it’s not clear what. MAGA Trump supporters remain a minority. Many conservatives will not vote or vote for splinter candidates in 2024. The election is open to Democrats for big wins over divided Republicans. I’m concerned, but confident that electoral reality will lead to Democrats prevailing. They have gathered strength in the past three elections. Trump and his violent followers are a serious threat, but most of the country opposes them. Keep working and sit tight.
Exactly. The analogy I use is the fundamental audiophile principle that louder invariably "sounds better". I have been saying this since 2016 when Democrats returned the favor that Republicans bestowed them with Donald Trump in spades by presenting the only tailor made punching bag that he could beat. We need the Biden who delivered a masterful State Of The Union beating Republicans at their own game, baiting them and forcing them to take ownership of their plans to sunset Social Security and Medicare. What we don't need is the Biden who too often mumbles to the point where he needs subtitles. Watching the press conference last week and how quickly Biden ran out of gas after his opening remarks was nothing short of frightening. And what is infuriating is how Donald Trump is a rank amateur at the insult game and has so much surface area for attack yet everyone is terrified of his "punching". Donald Trump is a rotten to the core proven racist Putin wannabe traitorous Insane Clown. Someone needs to tell Biden that he has to do better than calling them what they call themselves. When he calls them MAGA it only goes to Trump's fundraising merchandise. Call them Nazis let them put that on a t-shirt. Has it occurred to anyone that Donald Trump's clownish response to the virus bears full responsibility for it mutating out of control and in turn the supply chain issues and inflation that resulted.
trump has said that he is a stable genius but it's only in conning and marketing those cons. That is why he is in the limelight and so believable to so many. Is anyone in this group a Professional Marketing Manager that could help the true silent majority out-market him with the Truth?
I think so, but my only reservation is that I don't see much evidence that he is joining with other centrists (other than Chris Christie) in accomplishing that goal amidst the highly funded propaganda of the extremist "bases" of the Republican and Democratic parties.
You're right, my thinking is that a skilled marketing person would be able to reach out to more centrists who don't want a trump victory. Then they, along with Adam, could join in "one voice" that could be louder than trump's propaganda. There would be more voters who would listen because, it seems, the most media garners the attention. Thanks for responding!
Trump has already indicated that if he wins, and protests ensue (and they will), he will declare marshal law. Suspension of habeas corpus and mobilization of the military against US citizens will follow (think “four dead in Ohio” under Nixon).
What happens in Russia to opposition is exactly what we will see here. Brutal repression. It will be a “legal” coup against American democracy.
Trump must be prevented from taking power again at all costs. It’s actually come down to that at this point.
If Trump loses, we will still see violence that we haven’t seen since 1862. We have two very large segments of the population that are at extreme polar opposites.
The way that it could end well would be for a reasonable centrist to run and be elected. A choice that is limited to either Trump or Biden is not a fact of God or nature. It is up to the voters.
IMHO, even if a centrist ran and won, Trump and his radical followers are not going to accept that outcome. They are intent this time around on following thru with their violence. It was tempered on J6. Trump is facing years of imprisonment. He has nothing to lose. The Millers, Bannon’s, Flynn’s and myriad other miscreants are hell bent on taking over the government. We had all best be prepared to deal with it.
A MAJOR thing that motivates the most extreme right-wingers is seeing the emergence of the Marxist, anti-white racist "woke" movement in many prominent sectors of American society. This has been largely excused and even accommodated by Biden and particularly Harris. The chances of violence between the two extremes would be lessened by the election of a president and legislators who explicitly reject BOTH extremes in favor of policies that achieve some of the legitimate goals of each with reasonable compromise solutions.
The reality is that the violent factions don’t give a rats ass about elections and other official government machinations. They just want to rip it up and see what happens from there. So this notion of centrists winning and averting violence for the sake of this countries’ future will only go so far.
I wish what you see happening would hold true. I just think at this point we’ve allowed the extremes too much leeway.
Big difference is that Insane Clown is not in the Oval Office and doesn't have the power to orchestrate things like withholding the National Guard and ensuring a skeleton crew of law enforcement. Also the "J6" major players are locked up.
I see a disturbing parallel between the outcome of the dispute between National Socialists and Communists in Germany in the late 1920s and 1930s. It is not inconceivable that civil war and authoritarian government could happen in the U.S. The best hope for avoiding it is to elect rational centrists.
If by some miracle we do survive this next election. There has to be some kind of an amendment made to the constitution that anyone who is a felon cannot run for any kind of office.
That’s a smart idea
Yep, felons often can’t vote, but can run for office. SMDH
Tell me about it!!! It's so ridiculous!
Here is some information about disenfranchisement of felons.
Even as all this continues to play out, I still find myself in shock that this sick person is ahead in the polls and actually has a chance to get back into the WH.
I still don’t get it. Same feelings
Sadly, JAH and Mr. Kinzinger, I think that we are discovering that democracy doesn't mean as much to a lot of our fellow citizens as it does to us.
Classic idol worship. They paradoxically worship their creation.
Actually I see it as worshipping their downfall. Unfortunately we who are not worshipping the orange man will be affected too.
I can not wrap my head around this, either. How can this be? If the results of 2016 taught us anything, it’s to be afraid, be very afraid. Yet, here we are back to the possibility of him being in the Oval Office, once again. If he wins, the country will be in a constitutional crises we may not recover from.
Adam, thank you and praying we can get through the 2024 election without Trump being elected. I would love to see him not being the nominee but it’s not looking good. The country is in for a rude awakening, if Trump is reelected. Does the country not see this? Do they not care? Do they not understand what is at stake? I saw all of this in 2015 and couldn’t understand how Trump was elected back then. I understand it was due to the electoral college and not popular vote but it should not have happened. Period. The GOP should not have even had him barreling towards the nomination to begin with but they did. I am very afraid.
Misinformation. They have been convinced that their fellow American is the enemy, and they will do anything to win, including orange man
So where are the Bill Barrs and the generals who know that he is so dangerous?! Bill Barr just said that he would vote for him again, knowing what he knows! This is why I feel that we are doomed. Smart people doing really stupid things.
Also on this topic, I’d like to see more about what exactly Russia did in 2016 & how effective it was. James Clapper in his book goes as far as saying Trump would not have won without Russia’s help. Kinzinger did receive classified briefings about this. One NSA contractor was thrown in jail for leaking information about it.
It was silly of me to forget this was written about quite a lot in the Mueller report and a report by the Senate Intelligence Committee report (in five parts):
A more digestible source is Andrew Weissmann's book.
I read everyone's comments before considering whether to comment. I considered not commenting, but decided we need a pep talk. 1) Look at the fear and pessimism created just on this web site by the Orange Man. Scary in and of itself. My partner and many I know pooh poohed me when I said DT is very capable of staging a coup/insurrection to stay in power. No one is saying that now. Many also said he would not be indicted, but he was, big time! 2) It's critical that the criminal justice system stand up to him, stop his ranting in court or otherwise throw him in jail for witness threatening and contempt. 3) The media is a huge part of the problem because he knows how to work it, but we can request the media to give less attention. Maybe naive, but I wrote CNN saying the former CEO (Christ Licht) should be fired after Kaitlin Collins interview with Trump because it was a bad idea, and it turned into a very bad idea because T totally turned it into a campaign rant and she barely got a work in edge wise. Fact check?, Ya right! I have a feeling that many others wrote CNN saying something similar to me. Licht was fired in about a month. 4) It's time to stop whining and muscle up folks! Everyone has to get out there and push the envelope, which means taking some risks you wouldn't otherwise be comfortable with by talking to friends, colleagues etc, even if just about Country First. 5) I no longer believe polls, haven't for some time because land line days are over. How many of you have taken a poll on your cell? (I may be surprised, but I don't take any and I rarely do on labtop). 6) There is slightly less than a year to the election. There are several Trump trials to go. The incumbent President has a lot of tools at his/her disposal during an election year to woo voters, even though I wish it weren't so. The media makes us think things are worse than they are because extremism (of any brand sells). What they report often doesn't come close to present reality. SO LETS GET TO IT, BECAUSE WE CAN DO IT!
I believe that you are correct about the polls. I did marketing research for Ford professionally. Polls, especially now, are questionable. The last one I actually “took” was extremely biased. But how many people answer anonymous calls to their cellphones and answer surveys that take 5 minutes or more. As far as Barr saying who he would vote for... What does one expect him to say? The orange menace isn’t locked up and can still summon his goons. Until and unless the orange menace and his goons begin to “fear” actual repercussions for their actions they will control the wacky narrative. At this point the primary repercussions are from the justice system. However you have pointed out how individuals can mount their own actions. Corporations can have big effects with their ad dollars as Elon Musk is finding out. Good suggestions.
I am increasingly pessimistic and fearful that the Mango Menace is going to win in November of 2024. I honestly don't understand the White House's complete ignoring of the age issue. Trump is only three years younger!!! Why isn't that being highlighted? Why isn't Biden out on our televisions, daily if necessary, showing that he is up to the job (and yes, I do think that he is up to the job)? Why isn't he on our televisions, directly challenging the MAGA narrative????????
Biden is just to nice of a guy☹️He’s going to lose to the schoolyard bully.
The issues are first, the disinformation from the Trump supporters here and abroad on social media and certain TV channels. Secondly, the lack of knowledge by many who are not actively trying to understand the issues and what is at stake. I have just finished Renegade. What a look into the machinations of congress. Thanks Adam for your honesty. I’m almost done with Democracy Awakening which brings historical context to events today. And then maybe I’ll read something funny just to improve my mood.
I should also had that I have been following Michael D’Antonio since 2015. He’s a good guy!
He really is!
Trump's continued popularity is an indictment of our educational system. Highschool graduates don't know how to think, don't appreciate our history, and have come to rely on viral social media postings for their facts.
Many of my Army and Air Force friends from my time in Berlin (84-87) are firmly on the side of Trump, as is a former boss of mine, who in every other respect, is a wonderful person. Let’s not pretend it is just young, poorly educated people who are under his spell.
What puzzles me about these older veterans who support him is aren’t they offended by the many, many times he has disparaged veterans calling them losers if they were POWs (McCain, etc) and wondering out loud to Kelly when at Arlington “what was in it for them?” Plus the orange man has never served, so what is there for service men and women to respect and follow?
A person can be wonderful and still incapable of critical thinking while being misled by viral tweets on social media.
Yep. And it still throw’s me for a loop.
If those friends were officers, they took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against "all enemies, foreign and domestic." If they support Trump after he violated that oath and was deliberately derelict in his duty as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces in inciting an insurrection to overturn the results of a national election, then they are rejecting their oaths of office. I wouldn't vote for Trump for many reasons regarding his contemptible character and illegal actions both in and out of the presidency, but that trumps all the rest )(no pun intended). I also won't vote for Biden and Harris.
That’s in the Oath of Enlistment for regular folk, too.
I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
Same here. I just can't understand it.
Let's say that the Orange Horror is relected and he calls for an insurrection
Can the military refuse to do it because he is sick?
Is my question sounding crazy?
That’s called a Coup.
It's just all upside down when I think about How can this maniac be stopped...
When the Iranians retaliated for the killing of Soleimani and many service members suffered traumatic brain injuries Insane Clown ridiculed them as having headaches. When Insane Clown calls for the military their response should be Not Now We Have A Headache.
Conservative lawyers are organizing to oppose Trump. (About time!) Republicans are divided. American democracy can resist Trump.
The Trump Threat Is Growing. Lawyers Must Rise to Meet This Moment.
Yes, well Democrats are also now divided by (1) the recognition that, at his age, Biden would have about a 50% chance of living through a second term, and another 15% (?) chance of becoming mentally incapacitated, and (2) the Marxist, anti-white racists in the "Progressive" wing have revealed their true nature in their support of the Hamas barbarians.
And in saying this I am almost equally opposed to Trump for reasons that I have stated in other posts. What I am FOR is a rational centrist alternative, or one of the rational conservative Republican alternatives to Trump if the RHINOS (Rational Humans in Name Only) in the Republican Party are sufficiently smart to nominate one. Those would include Haley, De Santis, or a military hero of the stature of Dwight Eisenhower, who could blow away Biden and Harris or whoever else the Democrats might come up with when they recognize the realities mentioned above.
If Michael Dantanio doesn't think that there are communists and people who hate America in the U.S., he is naive. Look to the leaderships and supporters of extreme leftist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Out of some 330 million people in the U.S., of course there will be some who have the same ideas as avowed Communists in places like mainland China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela.
The common thread is that it should be government that controls the economy to allegedly produce complete equality of outcomes, regardless of how much people contribute as individuals. And the only way to achieve compliance with that notion of "equity" is through government suppression of anyone with dissenting views. I trust that Adam Kinzinger recognizes that even if Mr. Dantonio doesn't.
Happy Thanksgiving, Adam Kinzinger. I saw your commentary to GBH News Boston. Well stated. I will do what I can for you.
The polls are unreliable. They are measuring some public opinion, but it’s not clear what. MAGA Trump supporters remain a minority. Many conservatives will not vote or vote for splinter candidates in 2024. The election is open to Democrats for big wins over divided Republicans. I’m concerned, but confident that electoral reality will lead to Democrats prevailing. They have gathered strength in the past three elections. Trump and his violent followers are a serious threat, but most of the country opposes them. Keep working and sit tight.
Exactly. The analogy I use is the fundamental audiophile principle that louder invariably "sounds better". I have been saying this since 2016 when Democrats returned the favor that Republicans bestowed them with Donald Trump in spades by presenting the only tailor made punching bag that he could beat. We need the Biden who delivered a masterful State Of The Union beating Republicans at their own game, baiting them and forcing them to take ownership of their plans to sunset Social Security and Medicare. What we don't need is the Biden who too often mumbles to the point where he needs subtitles. Watching the press conference last week and how quickly Biden ran out of gas after his opening remarks was nothing short of frightening. And what is infuriating is how Donald Trump is a rank amateur at the insult game and has so much surface area for attack yet everyone is terrified of his "punching". Donald Trump is a rotten to the core proven racist Putin wannabe traitorous Insane Clown. Someone needs to tell Biden that he has to do better than calling them what they call themselves. When he calls them MAGA it only goes to Trump's fundraising merchandise. Call them Nazis let them put that on a t-shirt. Has it occurred to anyone that Donald Trump's clownish response to the virus bears full responsibility for it mutating out of control and in turn the supply chain issues and inflation that resulted.
trump has said that he is a stable genius but it's only in conning and marketing those cons. That is why he is in the limelight and so believable to so many. Is anyone in this group a Professional Marketing Manager that could help the true silent majority out-market him with the Truth?
Isn't Adam Kinzinger doing that?
I think so, but my only reservation is that I don't see much evidence that he is joining with other centrists (other than Chris Christie) in accomplishing that goal amidst the highly funded propaganda of the extremist "bases" of the Republican and Democratic parties.
Adam is definitely doing it!!
You're right, my thinking is that a skilled marketing person would be able to reach out to more centrists who don't want a trump victory. Then they, along with Adam, could join in "one voice" that could be louder than trump's propaganda. There would be more voters who would listen because, it seems, the most media garners the attention. Thanks for responding!
Could they stop him from hurting american civilians
Trump has already indicated that if he wins, and protests ensue (and they will), he will declare marshal law. Suspension of habeas corpus and mobilization of the military against US citizens will follow (think “four dead in Ohio” under Nixon).
What happens in Russia to opposition is exactly what we will see here. Brutal repression. It will be a “legal” coup against American democracy.
Trump must be prevented from taking power again at all costs. It’s actually come down to that at this point.
If Trump loses, we will still see violence that we haven’t seen since 1862. We have two very large segments of the population that are at extreme polar opposites.
Either way, this is not going to end well.
Thank you all for answering my questions I sincerely appreciate it. Iam happy to have this platform ro voice my thoughts
This is so scary
The way that it could end well would be for a reasonable centrist to run and be elected. A choice that is limited to either Trump or Biden is not a fact of God or nature. It is up to the voters.
IMHO, even if a centrist ran and won, Trump and his radical followers are not going to accept that outcome. They are intent this time around on following thru with their violence. It was tempered on J6. Trump is facing years of imprisonment. He has nothing to lose. The Millers, Bannon’s, Flynn’s and myriad other miscreants are hell bent on taking over the government. We had all best be prepared to deal with it.
A MAJOR thing that motivates the most extreme right-wingers is seeing the emergence of the Marxist, anti-white racist "woke" movement in many prominent sectors of American society. This has been largely excused and even accommodated by Biden and particularly Harris. The chances of violence between the two extremes would be lessened by the election of a president and legislators who explicitly reject BOTH extremes in favor of policies that achieve some of the legitimate goals of each with reasonable compromise solutions.
The reality is that the violent factions don’t give a rats ass about elections and other official government machinations. They just want to rip it up and see what happens from there. So this notion of centrists winning and averting violence for the sake of this countries’ future will only go so far.
I wish what you see happening would hold true. I just think at this point we’ve allowed the extremes too much leeway.
Big difference is that Insane Clown is not in the Oval Office and doesn't have the power to orchestrate things like withholding the National Guard and ensuring a skeleton crew of law enforcement. Also the "J6" major players are locked up.
I see a disturbing parallel between the outcome of the dispute between National Socialists and Communists in Germany in the late 1920s and 1930s. It is not inconceivable that civil war and authoritarian government could happen in the U.S. The best hope for avoiding it is to elect rational centrists.