"It turns out that John McCain was right and I was wrong."

That is one of the things that I and the others here really admire about you: The ability to reassess an opinion and try to get it right for the American people. Thanks, and glad you're feeling better too!

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Its basic, nobody is ever right all the time. Admit when you werent!

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True, but I'm sure you've noticed that far too many people don't see it that way. Hopefully, that virtue can make it's way back into public discourse once Trump is once and for all finally defeated.

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That reminds me of the old saying “it takes a big man to admit when he’s wrong, and I’m not a big man.” Might have been a Clint Eastwood line.

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Yes, those, like you, with an ounce of integrity and self examination can revisit an idea or opinion and change. It’s called growth and evolution.

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It’s what I want my kids to know: I.e, it’s important to do your best at the time and then see what you can learn with the outcomes.

Keep going Adam K. I hope you are feeling better. This flu/cold/assorted illness season got my household down. But we are vaxxes and the sun is coming out!

If I could just not stress myself about the election, I’m sure my body would be happier, but I feel in my bones the importance of efforts to keep democratic processes at this point and they seem a little rickety.

I hope you go back to governing; this place needs your vision and experience.

No push, but admiration

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Yes I share the same view. This is why I trust Adam. He is willing to see the details and the big picture in a bipartisan way.

Ps Adam Glad you are feeling better!!!

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If Donny Boy admitted he was wrong, it would be the first time in his life that he would be right. His core value is keep telling lies and Repetition will make them true.

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Glad you’re feeling better Adam. I would add a big one to the list which is Trump’s admitting on air that he’s proud to have killed Roe vs. Wade.

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Thanks...yep that too

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Only because he doesn't have the courage to realize or admit that he was wrong in doing so. I think that the results of the 2024 election will show Trump and his followers/supporters how wrong they are!

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I want to believe that so bad!!! it is my fingers crossed hope :)

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Regarding that election. You can google it and read it for yourselves. There is a chance Biden may NOT be on the ballot in Ohio. There is a conflict between the Dem convention date where Biden will OFFICIALLY be declared the Dem candidate and Ohio's closing date for the party to declare that. The convention is AFTER that closing date the and Secretary Of State has said that the Dems can either change their convention date of go to the Ohio legislature and beg. Repugs are pulling out ALL the stops. Also the Supreme Court is dragging its' feet on ruling on gerrymandered maps that have been declared by STATE Supreme Courts to be unconstitutional.

This election is going to be the toughest one EVER in my lifetime.

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I went through a few years of major financial struggles. My wife and I, we both have health issues, would not have been able to buy health insurance without Obamacare. It literally saved our lives! And I'm sure there are many thousands more that have been saved from death or financial ruin.

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You have to wonder if McCain's own grave illness made him vote to save the ACA even though he had voted against it in 2009. Maybe its value to people like you came through to him.

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I worked for a company that helped people apply for “Obamacare” when it was first implemented. What really helped was the expansion of Medicaid for low income folks. Those states that refused to take the federal funds to expand it, hurt the poor people of their state ( Red States ). Over all The Affordable Care Act has been a success.

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The replacement for Medicaid would have been POOF its gone.

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The reason a repeal was proposed was to eliminate Obamacare before unveiling the replacement. The replacement was going to be less desirable than Obamacare. If Obamacare were gone, it would be competing against nothing.

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Diabolically, the red states are also where the poverty is highest, so it seems at least racist and elitist to deny healthcare in those states.

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Hey Adam, I've got a 16 month old toddler. I think I've had maybe two-ish full weeks of not being continually sick since.... mid-December? Suffice to say, I feel your pain brother. Daycare kids are basically adorable little Typhoid Mary's.

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Matt, Dude, we need to start a group. Its been basically two weeks for me too, but this one was the WORST>

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I got EVERYTHING my kids got and now I get most EVERYTHING my grandkids get except now I am smarter and also don't have to be around If I know they're sick. And when I taught, I got everything my students got especially at the beginning of the school year.

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Toddler Parents Upset & Sick Association? We can shorten it to TPUSA. I don't think that's been snagged yet?

But yeah, if he gave you RSV, that'll knock an adult on their ass. Got that in December after my little boy sneezed right in my face. Like, thanks bud.

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Ugh. Our first grandchild is coming in May, he will be a daycare kid. Our son and daughter in law will be joining the group. Hoping grandma and grandpa our not members.

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My mom got RSV from my son. And my mother-in-law got the stomach flu from my son. For what it's worth, the babies at daycare don't get sick nearly as often because they aren't that mobile yet. The season of sick typically hits around toddler age, when they're running around and putting everything in their mouth.

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great note Trump is the worst person /President in our Country’s history.. we have to bury him. ms

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Apr 2Edited

I am glad to read a possible winning message for Biden and agree he should lean in hard. I was very ambiguous about Obamacare at first, and believe it has not solved the affordability problem. But providing more access is ultimately a good thing. Thank you for being thoughtful on this issue.

Get well soon Adam. We need you to be in fighting shape to help save democracy.

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Ya, its not great, but was better than where we were. We need to fix it not repeal it

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Thank you for this essay, Adam. I was one of your constituents in Illinois and didn’t agree with many of your stances, but it’s good to see you can admit when you change your mind. I was working for welfare department when ACA was first passed. It made so much difference for our clients and for those who weren’t eligible for our services. I wish my current representative was more open minded.

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I was working for welfare in California at the time of ACA!! It did help our clients; however, it was not easy at the time to maneuver (as many of the rolled -out

government programs were not). We could see though given time to develop further, it was going to be a God-send and it is! I remember watching John McCain enter to vote on ACA with bated breath and he put his thumb down to overturn! A true American hero!

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Yeah, I'm in the district Adam used to represent too. I did some quick research on our current representative (in preparation for the primary election last month) and found that his recent votes on legislation were all "no" votes. How can I vote for someone who is seemingly against everything?

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Unfortunately, no one is running against him.😢

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True. But, as with most of the other candidates on the ballot, he, and they, did Not get my vote. It'll be interesting to see if there are any Dems that I can vote for on the November ballot. Biden has already got my vote of course.

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I’ve always liked the straightforward way you put things across. Thank you for reminding us of events as they happened and your part in them even when it doesn’t necessarily show you in the best light.

I’ve worked with some very proud people in my career but the ones I have had the most respect for are the ones who could admit when they were wrong. I applaud that.

Would love to have your insight of what’s happening with Mike Johnson in the coming weeks.

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Our health care system costs 80% more than the next highest countries. For what it costs we should have the best health care in the world but on life expectancy and infant mortality we are in the middle ranks of developed countries. We are the only developed country in the world that have bankruptcies due to health care costs. It ruins a lot of folks financially.We can do better than this! Single payer is what we should move to. For profit health care is immoral,imo.

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Sorry you were sick over the weekend, Adam! Thanks for reminding us the difference between Biden and trump! Also, we should never forget trump denied there was an epidemic called COVID the first year that probably killed so many when it could have been prevented. Even the few that tried his bleach remedy!

It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong. You just did and trump NEVER has! God bless you!

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Mr Kinzinger, in interviews you used to claim that the ACÁ was “rammed through without any Republican support” in an attempt to make your party look like a bunch of victims. Of course, it’s true that no Republicans ultimately voted for it, but the fact is Republicans had all sorts of opportunities to weigh in as it was being written. Grassley met with Obama over it repeatedly, and there were lots of public hearings before it was passed. In fact the ACA was passed in exactly the manner that major legislation is supposed to be passed.

This is in complete and total contrast to the way in which Republicans tried to repeal it in 2017. McCain wrote in the book he published just before he died that his primary objection was to the secrecy with which the “American Health Care Act” was written. Of course it was secretive! It was driven by nothing but spite!

Then, of course, wealthy Republican donors got angry and started issuing ultimatums before the midterms. The result was an equally rushed, and possibly even more secretive, massive tax cut for them. I’d love to hear your side of this story. Nothin’ says “I love America” like a billionaire who doesn’t wanna pay taxes, eh?

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I appreciate your willingness to change an opinion, even when it went against those whose support would make a difference in a coming election. This is a sign of character strength that this country desperately needs. From a personal prospective, I hope you will press on to return to elected office. We need people like you

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Thanks Adam, for stating the True Statistics, about the ACA and Infrastructure of our Country. Glad you are feeling better, and back in the fight of our lives. Thank you for your service, then and now.

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Thank you!

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Please get better soon!

The Trump "Presidency" was a disaster throughout because Trump doesn't know how to preside. He alienated those who could help so they left. He ended up with his kids as advisors. So nightmarish was it that he spent how many hundred days "golfing" instead of at the helm of the United States.

FDR's New Deal benefitted all people. That is the kind of government that the American people want. Too many handouts to big business has given them historic profits because they raised prices on everything. I know that real Republicans didn't want the beneficiaries of their policies to make it hard on their customers but that is what happened. Republicans have to pay high prices too and not because of inflation.

Whoever is in charge needs to work more for the American people, the ones who elect them. JFK, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama all tried to move us forward and upward. Biden is continuing this.

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Darrell, most welfare goes to the rich. We just don’t call it that.

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Adam, this is huge. To admit you were wrong. Doesn't happen too often. I'm a physician. I believe all Americans deserve affordable healthcare. The Affordable Care Act is not perfect. But, there are so many provisions of it that are crucial to our healthcare. How healthcare is a partisan issue is beyond me. No one should go bankrupt because of healthcare costs. I know you are against abortion and would love to educate you where you are wrong on that one too. Abortion care is not black and white. And, now, as we see more women dying and having horrendous outcomes, I think those on the right need to hear the facts and really listen. It will save lives.

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