Your words really are important so please keep them coming. We can handle this, together. I am a lifelong Democrat that believes collaboration with Republicans and anyone wanting to make the best possible decisions for our nation and communities is the right path forward in the vein of Tip O’Neill and our nations way of collective collegiality that defined us for 50 years. This has all shifted. I admire you and Liz Cheney for standing for our country and constitutional republic. History will remember you well. Now, please don’t give up bringing these writings into our world. We need your voice more than ever. Thank you 🙏

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Agreed. I don't feel so alone after reading articles such as this.

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Please share how the average citizen can resist.

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Leslie, if you're not already a Country 1st member, they offer ways!

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Robert Reich posts 10 specific things that we all can do to “resist”. Check him out.

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All of the above and a politcal strategy that can be implemented.

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I am doing this. The masses won’t leave Fakebook and Insta and Amazon. “I don’t want to lose all my connections and pictures”. “I really need Amazon though…”. The “what can I do about it?” attitude is unreal.

With so many issues over my lifetime I have said, “All we have is strength in numbers. I’ll be the first one out there, but I can’t do it alone.” The apathy of millions of Americans is what has gotten us here. It’s beyond frustrating.

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The clowns really haven't done anything yet. Jan. 20th is when they start their "change the country" project. As people start to become affected by their nonsense, attitudes will start to change and resistance will be seen in the way of protest and boycotts. 165 million people did not vote for this man. That's your strength in numbers what we need now is the courage to act.




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Sadly there is no way to totally disengage from the technology associated with these platforms. Would it be great to say “I will never buy another thing from Apple” or “never do an online search through Google”? Perhaps, but companies depend on these technologies - they are how people connect to the world (both personally and professionally) with few options to choose other services. They have become monolithic giants interwoven into most of our daily lives.

Biden’s FTC made strides to break up some monopolies, but it will take concentrated efforts to restore balance and fairness in the tech world. Which is why the Tech Bros are all kissing the ring. They are our version of the railroad robber barons of the early twentieth century. Standing up to them is possible, even if not easy.

We must find a way to counter the Fox News and right wing propaganda machine. Adam’s Substack and Country First movement are part of that. There are others, too, like Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance, Jay Kuo, MeidasTouch Network, Robert Reich, Jessica Craven, John Pavlovitz, Robert Hubbell, Democracy Docket, Scott Dworkin, The Contrarian, and so many more.

Wow, as I was typing that list, I realized we truly are not alone. We have a movement underway, that needs to be connected and amplified. Subscribe to their free newsletters. Become a paid subscriber to those you can afford. Support these voices who are leading the resistance against the oligarchs.

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Being a veteran the sacrifices citizens have to make are minuscule compared to what the military has to sacrifice. We are talking about companies that are smooching a "fascist to the core" narcissist. They are supporting a fascist regime.

Let that sink in! Their are alternatives for most things but not all. Lenovo/Samsung for Apple or Bluesky for Facebook/Twitter or Walmart for Amazon etc etc. So when you do buy that Tesla or something from Amazon or use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or TikTok ask yourself where is the sacrifice?

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Thank you for remaining steadfast in this fight, Adam. Your republican colleagues folded faster than the Afghan army..

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This is all very upsetting and demoralizing. I never thought our country could move so quickly toward this dangerous situation. You say we must stay strong and not give up. I’m looking to know what I can do. I’m in New York and thankfully have senators that will speak up. Do I need to contact them and ask for a stronger response from them? What do you think the best line of action is from us?

Thank you for keeping us focused and sane.

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What we can do is stop buying a Tesla, using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or buying from Amazon or any other company that's kissing the ring, we need to stop doing that. We need to boycott these companies, it's something "We The People " can do with minimal effort. It's a start!!! Also, if there is a protest in your area we all need to show up!! Our voices need to be heard!! We need to show these morons that were out there and were not going to take it. Recently, it took the South Koreans just six hours to shut down a "Martial Law" decree. Not saying it can happen here right now but got to love the response! "Don't Poke The Bear"

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Doing this. Passive resistance with a very long lead time to produce results.

What big thing can we all do now?

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If there is a protest in your area show up. https://wefightback2025.org/action-listings. There is no quick fix hear, the more angrier "We The People" get the more probable success will come. That will probably get people off the couch, all 90 million of them non-voters. If we can start getting the universities involved like back in the 60's and 70's. Huge Impact!!! We can't be like Russia and live in silence!

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Do you have a local group you can align with to collectively take action? There is an Indivisible group in my neighborhood that I've been working with off and on since 2026. The group has some really smart, committed, and strategic thinkers in it that send weekly alerts to members with actions we can take. They make it easy for me to be as active as I wish to be. I'm a minor player, but every bit helps, right? The moral support is great too. Find a group!

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Sorry--typo! Been working with since 2016!

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I can feel my chest tighten and/or my stomach churn every time I think of what's coming. What do you recommend we do, Adam? My spouse and I aren't able to show up places and protest locally, much less travel to do it. What, exactly, might anyone listen to?

I'm appalled and scared that a falling down drunk and womanizer (to use the nicest possible term) appears to be about to head the DoD. If even half of the current nominees get through, the U.S. will no longer be able to function as it needs to, much less well.

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Call every Senator in your state or write and email and tell them the two you don’t want confirmed. Adam has stated there are maybe 2 that could not be confirmed within the unwritten rules of how this goes. If Hegseth is one, then let them know. Mine are Hegseth, RFK and Patel. I really cannot stand Bondi after seeing her hearing, but she’s gonna get through.

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I have already tried to contact the one who might pay the least bit of attention, but when you email them, there is only a forced-choice option for the topic--shockingly, none of them relate to fighting fascism--and the reply is a form letter based on the topic.

At that time, I chose what I think was "health" to protest the RFK nomination. I may well look up the Senate switchboard number and call at least one of them as soon as I get off of here. I agree with your choices of worst, but the whole think is a freak show of incompetence and corruption. For as little as I know of the specifics, Rubio *might* do the least damage, depending on whether or not he also lives 100% with "I do as I'm told." Hell, half the problem is that the devil won't even know what to tell them! He has no idea how the government as a whole works or what any of these jobs require. He doesn't want to do his own job, even less so than the first time. Excuse me, Ima be sick.

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Most legislators also have a local office in the state so call that number also. Give a very calm reason why you don’t want the person confirmed, if possible link it to how it would negatively impact your state. This also is a better way of doing it when either being for or against a legislative bill.

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I have read that calling actually has more impact than writing emails anyway.

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I did email my senators even though I live in CA and I’m pretty sure how they will vote on those three.

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AND we already know how our senators response will impact our state

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Adam, I too was extremely dissatisfied and disappointed with the questioning of Hegseth. I didn’t watch it all the way through but what I did see (Kane, briefly) was pathetic. I’ve been on job interviews (for very low level employment, sales clerk at Kohl’s for one) where the questions were more direct and pointed than what Hegseth was experiencing. I had to quit watching when one Republican (can’t remember who) actually apologized for the “nasty, tough treatment “ Hegseth was going through at the expense of the Democrats. Give me a break!! He’s been to war. How did he get through that. He needs to have his big boy panties on, take whatever the hearings throw at him and give truthful answers. Our country deserves no less. But I save my rage for the spineless, ball- less men asking questions. Tammi Duckworth was clearly asking the right things, but I heard the report of Joni Ernst seemingly asking softball questions. That surprised me. What in the hell is the matter with everyone? The American people deserve so much more from their elected officials and from their collective efforts to govern us as a whole body. And WE aren’t getting any of that. What a waste of taxpayer dollars to keep these people in office. I know there are some fighters out there, you among them. But they are too few in number. I will not get discouraged though. Keep speaking the truth. We’re listening.

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Hegseth is clearly unfit for the job -

I doubt if he would have truthfully responded the question of whether or not he would approve of unleashing the military in domestic affairs

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I don't think any of them respond truthfully any more. As an example, think back to how Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett said that she would respect precedent when deciding a case. Then think about how much she respected precedent when deciding the Dobbs case. They all lie and/or evade the questions during these confirmation hearings.

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Adam .. we must stay strong. I am upset with my party, the media and the inability to have our voices heard. Please know that there are many of us united either you. Idiot time for another Party?

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Here's something to think about so that we stay strong, vigilant and courageous. Although the Nazi Party had been gaining legislative seats for years, when Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933, it took him just 53 days using constitutional means to destroy the Republic of Germany. The reason, partly luck, but mainly because the politicians and business people of the time thought they could control him. Even the few who stood up, eventually pulled back and we know the rest of the story (from an Atlantic article by Timothy W Rybach,

This time at least half the population (likely more) are opposed to Trump, but Monday he will be in power. Dems did a crappy job of interrogating the proposed Cabine members so far. I think it's very possible, "We, the People, are going to have to take some very strong measures to keep this from going Hitler's way. Never give up, Never give in!!!

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I wrote my Senators yesterday requesting them to vote NO on Hegseth and Gabbard because they aren't qualified, and Gabbard a potential threat to American security, but I live in a bright red Trump state. I'm going to keep after it anyway - got to, got to!

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me too

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I am so frustrated with the insipid "grilling" the Dems have done. Duckworth is the only one I've seen so far who asked real questions. I get that Hegseth is wildly unqualified in terms of his drinking, predatory sexual behavior and overall frat-rat bruh ick, but putting the culture war stuff aside for a while -- because it didn't precisely win the day in November, did it -- how about some freakin' strategic questions or some questions that display the depth of knowledge that has gone into creating the Pentagon as the formidable organization that it has been (not perfect, but formidable for a very long time). ASK SOME DEEP QUESTIONS AND DEMAND SOME REAL ANSWERS.

GOD. I wish I were a drinker. It feels like a good time to do that right now.

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If your looking to drink Kool-Aid good look finding it, the Republicans/ Fascist Party bought it all up!

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By the tanker ship ...

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Agree. The dems blew it again. All they had to do was ask tough questions about the job at hand and world events and he would have failed miserably. This all sucks so bad. Trying for dry January but I may fail miserably.

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I totally agree. The pointless questions just made them look silly and ineffectual. Not helpful at all.

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Yes! All the references to his "womanizing " were frustrating to me too!

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It was reported the other day in the German press that dozens of the most important large universities in the Germany are leaving Elon Musk’s X platform in protest against its increasingly radical direction. Why isn't our country doing that? Why are WE not boycotting Tesla, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Amazon for starters? Why isn't OUR universities doing anything to protest? Are we all scared of Trump? What ever happen to "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave". It might be early, I guess time will tell !!!

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John, you might be pleased to know that millions of users are fleeing X and going to Bluesky. Since Musk bought X, the platform has lost around 7.7 million users, 2.2 million of them left in the 2 months after the election. That being said, I agree that we need to boycott these "kiss the ring" billionaire's companies! On the other hand, we might not be able to totally boycott them. In the January/February issue of AARP Bulletin, an article titled "Where Have All The Doctors Gone?" mentions "the growing trend of private equity firms and corporations, such as CVS Health and Amazon, purchasing hospitals and private practices." Well, it looks like Bezos is going to make more money by Amazon's involvement in the healthcare system! President Biden's concerns about a growing Oligarchy in this country seem to be very real!

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Buying a Tesla today is like a American citizen buying a Mercedes Benz during World War II. People need to think before they act. Is that asking too much?

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Nothing is a 100% but it is the patriotic thing to do. After all, we are the true patriots!!!

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Adam, we must teach them. We have to show the way and show the nation that this can be won. Despair saps the strength of the mind and soul. Step by step, and you have chosen to be a leader among us. Many of us have chosen to follow you.

Be inclusive and forgiving, yet strong and adaptive. I think that it is time to cast off political parties. When you look at the life of Dr. King, you will see a movement of the hearts and minds of millions. It wasn't politics that gave him strength and the power to change the nation and the world. It was the ideal that started a movement for all types of people.

Be honest, be true, and lead. I was a Republican since before you were born, Adam. I cast that off a year ago, and I follow your lead now. Not the politics, but the movement for freedom and democracy.

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Adam again I thank you for speaking honestly. Most of my friends and family are totally depressed. We cannot believe what has happened to our country. Hopefully more people with stature and visibility will speak out. Your courage is an example for all of us.

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The hearings have been confrontation hearings. The Democrats have been too nice. The Republicans are "how dare you ask questions". The MAGA believe Trump's lies about landslide and mandate.

This whole thing is based on a big lie by a uneducated, morally bankrupt, and emotionally stunted person. The whole world knows the truth. What could be a greater house of cards?

Many who voted for Trump were unhappy with Obama and sure didn't want a female version of that. I voted for Obama and Biden and Harris. America needs to move forward and upward no matter who is at the helm.

I look for the house of cards to crumble. Whether he shorts out on his own or the Iranians do something. Lots of Trump voters are having second thoughts. Most sensible people don't like seeing how Trump and the Republicans act. Many millions are staying away from the Inauguration next week. Trump spouts that it will be the "biggest ever". He will probably blame Democrats when there is a poor turnout, and blame them for the weather.

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so true...all of what you said...and as for the inauguration we were invited and I even had hotel reservations but to see that guy sworn in? we just can't stomach it...cancelled the trip and won't be watching for sure

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Who wants to watch a Fascist be sworn in to uphold the Constitution. The main thing that he wants to get rid of. Our whole system of government has turned upside down. This truly is the "Twilight Zone"

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I agree with you Adam and will stand beside you to fight for our country and our democracy!!! Yes it’s sad to see others willing to destroy it-the MAGA cult clan and their leader will destroy our country if we don’t stand up to them!!!👍👍👍❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙

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We must stay strong. I hope we aren't living through another Hitler. Adam, you are mly moral compass at this time. We have to find qualified, non MAGA candidates to offer the democrats a strong alternative. AND we need strong democrats to show there is another option. This is very scary.

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Thank you, Adam, for the tempered encouragement. I vacillate between conviction and desperation. Biden's speech last night brought me to tears. He isn't perfect, but he loves this country as we do. We need to stand together as a new coalition. Share your advice on what we can do, and we'll do it.

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Your voice is important to me for all the reasons others have articulated so well here. Thank you!

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I feel that it seems insurmountable to alter the cult beliefs corroding our democracy.

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It's not, Elizabeth; Never Give Up; Never Give In!

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Even in the darkest of times, we have the power to rise above it all and fix it. Their power that they use against us all is conflict, creating discord and chaos while sowing hate, anger, and fear. Believe it or not, we are the majority. For many, it is a quiet majority, because they are afraid to draw attention.

Our strength is found in unity and care for each other. Bonds that are strong and will withstand the chaos.

I served with a guy who was quiet and what we called barely proficient. But he was "barely proficient" in almost everything on a submarine. And he was great at helping wherever he was needed. Be it drills or a real casualty, he would shift around filling in exactly where help was needed. Think on that for a moment. A guy who was great at nothing, who was barely noticed was also the glue that helped hold everyone together and get through whatever happened to us.

You are special, just like the rest of us here. Keep your chin up and remember that all you have to do is keep trying and sticking together. With good leadership and a true cause, we will succeed.

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Mac, those glue holders are important; quiet observant ones; little if any talk, just glide in and do it then glide out

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You have a visibility and a track record the vast majority of us do not, Adam. You are also young, male, white, hetero, a decorated veteran. Those things should not matter by themselves, but let’s not kid ourselves, they do. I am privileged to call a good friend, mentor and former colleague a man who just turned 100, and received the French Legion of Honor for his war time service, which included taking a Nazi bullet as a young Captain in the Army during the Battle of the Bulge.

We need a new political party in this country, or a redirected Democratic one,prepared to take on the morbidly rich of whom President Biden warned in his farewell speech, UC has President Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex in his. As we in the opposition look for a new leader, I look at you and say we have one. Seize the reins, Adam. Be a unifier against the forces of rapacious plutocracy, proud ignorance, bold bigotry that are about to assume power. If not you, who? If not now, when?

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We indeed need a new party. New parties are hard to start, but if ever there were a time, it's now! Freedom and Responsibility party - moderate, fiscally responsible, internationally capable and respectful. There is no Republican Party and the Dems are lost and in fighting.

With the right combination of candidates and platform, there could be millions of new members in a matter of days, and I'd be the first to sign up!

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Yes, what does it take?!

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Do not focus on creating a new party. Focus on creating a movement. It will grow and build momentum. As it gains mass, so does it gain power until it becomes an unstoppable force.

Remember that a party is always defined and limited. It is given boundaries' that hold it back. A movement on the other hand grows and builds because it reinforces itself without the limitations. You want it to spread as it grows. With good leadership, it has direction and focus. And that is what accomplishes the goals.

MAGA was just such a movement, but with bad leadership. It is already collapsing, but that sick leadership was able to keep the movement together long enough to get in control. Many of them will not just turn away from MAGA, but they will join an honest, fair movement.

Personally, I say it is best to end the party system. It creates conflict when everyone should be working together for the best of the nation, which is the American People. All of the American People.

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Bob thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts here. I agree with you wholeheartedly

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You are welcome! I have found when you keep trying with the old ways and they don’t work, you have to find a new paradigm. I feel the middle, hard working honest folks (millions of us) are not being represented. The Dems are in disarray and don’t get it. Their questions and attacks on Trump’s appointees varied from moderate to pitiful, but they did’t ask the hard questions except with a few exceptions. And we know what the Maggots represent. We need a new injection of fresh blood politicians who can restore trust, generate enthusiasm and new thinking to solve our increasing problems that most politicians won’t even talk about-SS and Medicare reform, reducing the deficit through painful spending choices before it gobbles us up etc. We are living in a false prosperity based on ever increasing debt. If we don’t fix it, markets will and it won’t be pretty! Whew, that was way longer than I intended.😟

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Bob; I am interested in Ben Wikler, who has led successful campaigns in Wisconsin, and whom I hope allies with Adam and some folks from the Lincoln Project. Although he is vying for Chairmanship of the DNC, I am hoping he will respect Country First and meet with aforementioned patriots. Other younger folks may also wish to join them.

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Adam thoughts about this?

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