Thanks for subscribing! I’m on the road today in Boston, and a hotel room is either too bright or dark. This one is bright! Here’s a few thoughts about the election last night, and a reminder to get my new book Renegade (and I read the audiobook too!) Buy here:
And now the update!
The silent majority now consists of Independents like me, centrist Republicans, disenchanted maga, and the ever growing Gen Z. We don't take polls. We don't yell at the top of our lungs. We know whats at stake. So we will vote, and fade back into the fabric of normal America and hope maga goes away.
Enjoying your audio book while knitting. Before Trump I paid attention to politics and world events but not the way I pay attention now. Very scary to think people want him after all that’s happened. He is the symptom of an insidious illness rampant in our country. This must have been brewing for a long time where folks don’t feel their voices heard I think. I’m a Democrat who at times throughout my life have voted Republican on occasion. Can’t say that can happen anymore. I appreciate you and Liz Cheney for your actions for our country. I’m sincerely hopeful our Republican Party can right itself soon.