The silent majority now consists of Independents like me, centrist Republicans, disenchanted maga, and the ever growing Gen Z. We don't take polls. We don't yell at the top of our lungs. We know whats at stake. So we will vote, and fade back into the fabric of normal America and hope maga goes away.

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I agree

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From your mouth to voters ears. 2024 scares the hell out of me.

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Everything is in this paragraph.


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Enjoying your audio book while knitting. Before Trump I paid attention to politics and world events but not the way I pay attention now. Very scary to think people want him after all that’s happened. He is the symptom of an insidious illness rampant in our country. This must have been brewing for a long time where folks don’t feel their voices heard I think. I’m a Democrat who at times throughout my life have voted Republican on occasion. Can’t say that can happen anymore. I appreciate you and Liz Cheney for your actions for our country. I’m sincerely hopeful our Republican Party can right itself soon.

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I've got to think that you are playing a role in creating an undercurrent for change. Thanks for all you've done and for your continued efforts.

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I’m trying but it’s a job for us all

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True, but I count Republicans like you among the likely most effective in making change within (or just in) the Republican party. You're not alone; your visibility and courage give me renewed energy and hope.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Adam Kinzinger

I enjoyed your talk on the 538 podcast. Would love to see you run as a Democrat in Texas.

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Adam, I hate that you have to be away from your family for the speeches and touring for your book. I know you feel it’s extremely important to get your message (which is by proxy also our, non maga’s message too) told to as many who will listen. I’m a Republican who voted Democratic last election (almost killed me) and will not vote Republican again until they all have a “come to Jesus moment” or until you run someday. I got your book and am about halfway through. Your story is so compelling. God placed you here for such a time as this.

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Got your book!

So clear what u said” if u tie yourself to dt; you become that”

We’ll said Mr K!!

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Hi. I enjoyed your audio version. Your description of your journey through the televangelist eighties really resonated with me. I made something of the same journey and would like to share with you for your amusement. 😇 I am a woman born in 1945 and raised in Texas, but gratefully immigrated to Washington state in 1990.With that being said, y journey has been longer than yours. I grew up with the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam, assassinations as alternatives to voting, etc. etc. etc. I was a democrat, but that should not pin me to any particular attitudes except being an American exactly as you describe yourself. By the mid 1970s, the evangelical movement was well underway and I was not impressed. From a liturgical background, the “Holy Roller” atmosphere was uncomfortable for me. As things became louder and twisted from what I knew from my own scriptural training, i grew into more and more of a skeptic. One of my early amusements was knowing that “if you were a Christian, you should vote for Jimmy Carter -- Why? He was a Southern Baptist. H-m-m-m. But later, God apparently changed his mind and then we were all supposed to vote for Reagan. Not much was said about voting your conscience. Later, as an adult I heard stories from nurses who had to monitor patients in nursing homes because they believed that taking Dr’s prescriptions would show that they did not have faith -- I guess that dying was a greater show of faith than being cured. All of this is to say that Trump’s astounding gig as a messiah doesn’t even move my astonishment meter. I thank you for your straight-forward view of being an American, and I pray that this will be the ultimate model in our country’s political future. P.S. I’m still a democrat for philosophical reasons, but I love hearing sanity wherever I find it!

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So enjoy your videos, even if it is a quick one. I am reading your book and have learned a lot so for, thank you! I am hoping that this undercurrent is something tangible and can help steer us back on track. If not completely, as it will take quite some time but we need something to start turning this country around. We can not go off the cliff, democracy is at stake, it’s what and who we are. Thank you so much, Adam.

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Thanks, Adam, for your continued stand for democracy! Finished reading your book, I partucularly enjoyed the last chapter, "The Definition of Courage". Glad to hear Russell Moore is supporting your efforts! I agree with you that Christianity has been harmed by the many supposed "Christian" supporters of Trump, particularly those in Christian leadership. I am reminded of Matthew 7: 21, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Please keep up the faith! Your efforts will endure the FIRE! (I Corinthians 3:13-15).

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Adam, you are doing great work, although I’m sorry you ever thought of becoming a Republican in today’s party would be a good idea.

And to add to Trump’s “death by endorsements”; as Rick Wilson likes to say, everything Trump touches turns to....(feel free to add your own expletive).

I actually believe Trump is a modern day alchemist in reverse: Only he can turn Gold into Lead. And apparently the MAGA mob, and his sycophants are suffering from extreme lead poisoning, which actually explains a lot.

Anyway, I wish you much success on the book tour, and please keep fighting for democracy, the same way you fought for our nation. It’s worth saving...:)

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One way to keep the momentum going it to continuously hold up the mirror to the liars and hold them accountable. As Adam said the other day, you don't get to lie and then pretend you didn't. I wrote my Congressman asking him not to vote for Jordan or any candidate who voted to not certify the election. He voted against Jordan and for Scalise. When that failed he voted for Johnson and sent me a letter saying that Congress was now back in business and that Johnson was a good man who would get things moving. Guess what I'm going to right him back? In the Boise Mayoral election last evening the incumbent, a progressive who's done a lot of good things won, but her opponent, a former police chief lied about things he claimed she had done, which in reality were already done by the previous administration. Don't let them get away with it folks! Keep holding their feet to the fire and turn up the heat because that is the only way they will know we are not buying this Bull Sh--!

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I look forward to seeing you in Baltimore tomorrow evening. I too am frustrated by the people like Peter Meijer. They have shown they know what a danger Trump is to our system of government; however, they are out there saying that Trump is still better than any Democrat. In his case, it sounds like an egotistical justification. It's fine for him to say he will vote for Trump because the country needs Peter in the Senate. Unfortunately for him, the MAGA voters typically spot an obvious phoney. The result will likely be a loss for Meijer while at the same time he will be giving comfort and encouragement to those Trump skeptical Republicans to vote for Trump in 2024.

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I think you're being way too easy on Peter Meijer. I was so disappointed to hear that -- anyone at this point who would vote for Trump is voting against democracy. Full stop.

I totally agree with you and others who are worried that the Dems are not taking this (2024 election) seriously. It feels like we are being blackmailed into voting for Biden, simply because the alternative is too horrible to bear. And maybe that's the link to the undercurrent you are taking about.

Personally, I would love to see younger people run, and there is no shortage of qualified moderate (seriously!) people on the Dem side. Fewer GOP, but they are still there. Hopefully, this site/organization will encourage them to tell the truth about Trump, and then run and win with our help! We need moderates on both sides.

Keep up the fight, and keep the faith, Adam! We're with you.

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Keep on encouraging us with your voice. Perhaps your friend hopes to get elected to the Senate, then do what is Right! Or maybe he succumbed to the political powers in the GOP. All of us together must work in whatever ways we can to bring this nightmare to an end. We must insure that our Democracy and our Country survives as the land of freedom for all. I'm looking forward to seeing how our young people will vote in the next few years. They will be instrumental in what comes next.

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The last few years have been disturbing when we put politics in context with truth. As an early baby boomer, my political awareness blossomed, kind of, during the 60's. A couple of international work experiences have also widened my experiences and altered my world view. But, it is in recent years that I started to begin to put together what had been making me uneasy, and to understand the the appeasement of the GOP to the Southern Coalition along with so many of the moral compromises which have come since the turbulence of the '60's (all in the name of Christian morality). Your book, that I'm getting through when I have some free reading time, is refreshing all that history. My reading time is also competing with "Romney." Unfortunately, for the USA, DJT has fit into what had already become dysfunctional and spineless.

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Democracy is at stake, but when we say that, it does not strongly suggest to people the alternative – autocracy and the full impact of autocracy doesn’t leap to the front. I would like us to change the plea to “The Rule of Law” is at stake. That might get people to pay attention to the consequences of losing to Trump.

Love what you are doing and I am halfway through your impressive book.

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I wonder if everyone including the magas realize what American lives will be like under trump’s fascist rule. The issues that are presently occupying our country’s conversation like gun ownership (assault rifles) and mass shootings, education inequalities, homelessness and inadequate housing (I could go on but I won’t) will be the least of everyone’s problems. Life will be difficult for all peoples of America. The maga people will have to live under the repressive government along with all of us. How would trump be able to distinguish maga from non-maga? By a red hat? Maga needs to be careful what they wish for.

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