Apr 11·edited Apr 11

Thank you so much for your lesson on the workings of the House and what must be done to protect democracy. I learn so much from you. People have no idea all the rules there are in Congress to be able to get anything accomplished. I emailed my Representative after listening to your video to insist that he do what he can to bring up the vote for Ukraine funding.

AND- Yes!! I would love the ZOOM meeting! Ari Melber does that once a year on his Substack. Members love it. He has a moderator who organizes those who want to ask a question, or make a comment, and Ari speaks to each question/comment. All subscribed members can attend the meeting.

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great advice!

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Yes, Donald Trump consistently thinks only about himself...and the sooner everyone recognizes this the sooner we as a country can move back towards sanity!!

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and YES...defeating Donald Trump in November is THE priority!! everything else pales in comparison.

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Thank you so much for the update Adam!! The Ukraine situation just breaks my heart. My Representative is Victoria Spartz and she is from Ukraine and I just can't believe she is a Republican and won't do squat. I have called her office more than once and registered my disapproval. For what good it did. Grrrr.

I don't think I am a paid Subscriber but I get paid on the 15th and I promise I will sign up. I will be glad to. I think a Zoom call would be a great idea too. I will also check out Country first. Thanks for all you do!! Your voice is so important. We appreciate you!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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thanks! As an aside, Victoria Spartz disappoints me more than almost any of them

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Same here. I used to live in her district.

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Where are you from Mac? I live about about 40 miles north of Indy.

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Yes, I honestly don't how she sleeps at night. Btw, I am a paid Subscriber. On the monthly plan. Looking forward to some great conversations!! Thanks so much for your reply. It made my day!! 💙🇺🇸❤️

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Thanks Adam. Signing up for country1st.

Keep at it, you are deeply needed!

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Great, and thanks!

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Thank you for another very important and clarifying video message. Goddamnit, why are there not more people like you on the Republican side of Congress? Why are there not more clear minded, decent, patriotic people? How could we let ourselves fall so low as to have trash like MTG, and her ilk filling these critical posts in our legislature. What the hell is wrong with this country that it is become so feckless, so fumbling, we look like goddamn fools to the rest of the world. My father risked his life to save this democracy and the world during WWII. I’m so glad that he died several decades ago because this would’ve surely destroyed him. He loved this country and so do I and clearly so do you, Mr. Kinzinger. How can we let these people destroy us this way? How can we let the likes of Vladimir Putin thrivewhile we have every ability to stop him dead in his tracks. What has become of this one’s great nation and when I ask everyone, when do we say this far no further. We are done with this filthy trash in our Congress. We are done with these cowards. When do we stand up and behave like true Americans? If we don’t do what must be done on November 5, we’re going to get the government we deserve. Unfortunately, so will our children and grandchildren and that’s going to be one goddamn shame.

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I agree Joe. It's beyond shameful. I pray we can win in November. The alternative is unthinkable. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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I think you voiced perfectly what we're all feeling!! Hopefully more people wake up to what is really happening!!

On the positive side, I do think there are more Americans do but aren't as vocal 🙏🤞

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I am on X daily and what I am seeing needs a very bright flashlight, everyone. I believe the Republicans know they are going to lose bigly in November. And they are already creating plans and conspiracy for it.

Everyday, from trump to Musk to maga Congress and people like "red wave press" are spreading the lies that Democratic Strategy to win the election is based on their border policy. The Conspiracy is that millions of immigrants are being let in and groomed to vote for Democrats. Illegally, of course because they are not Citizens, and of course Democrats are making sure they are registering to vote anyway. To "cheat once again" and steal the election. This is the Republican fail safe when they lose. This will once again create chaos and even deeper division in November. Please shine a very bright light on this false narrative fail safe anywhere you can. Thanks.

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You maybe right, which is why we have to defeat them....bigly!

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The word "bigly" in Adam's reply can be translated into "by a landslide!" IMO.

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A good update. Easy to understand and contains good information.

I would like to ask you, how do you manage all of the strife and hate? I have had to step back lately just to reduce the barrage of what feels like a spreading evil. It is all emotional with little to no rational thinking behind it. When I was active duty, I could leave it on the boat (submarine) when we were home so that my family did not suffer from what we went through when deployed.

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Same with a plane, you can walk away! I wish I could say i can just walk away from the strife. Its always with me at some level, I think after 14 years and especially the Jan 6 stuff, you have to learn to just manage it. That said, someday when I do walk away from politics, whenever that is, will be a great day! But there is some fighting to do still. Like in Ukraine, they wish the war would go away, but they have to fight till it does

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I am not politically oriented, but when it comes to the fight to protect, I've never known how to walk away from it, even at my age. What has gotten to me is that some that I trusted, including the Republican party have violated my trust.

But if you have the strength to keep fighting, I will keep up the fight as well. You may not be a George Patton, but you are a good leader. Nobody is a George Patton. Thank you for the reminder.

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I just want to thank you for continuing the fight for our democracy! The difficulties and strained relations we suffer through are terrible, but knowing that whatever we sacrifice, we do it for the very future of this nation helps strengthen my resolve during the dark times. You’ve already served, and it stinks that you’re needed again. But I’m thankful for men and women like you. God Bless you! In the words of my deceased warrior husband, “Soldier on, Brother!”

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Thank you Adam for answering Mac! You are two I SO appreciate for your service to our Country! If I'm thinking correctly, I think you both get some relief from your Faith! Sorry if I read this incorrectly!

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I think a Zoom Q&A would be great!

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Ill get on it!

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I wish everyone could communicate as clearly and as honestly as you do. I’ve been pretty much a lifelong Democrat, although I have voted for several Republicans that I admired over the years, but sir, I’d vote for you in a New York minute. I don’t care what party you’re part of or how many things we disagree about, and there are a few. because when it comes to the subjects and things that truly matter, and that define us as patriots versus cowards, you are always right on the money. I hope you run and I hope I can vote for you because, my God, do we need more people like you in our legislature and hopefully someday in the White House. Thanks for all you do. Keep up the great work. And we will keep spreading the word and sharing your stack with as many friends as possible.

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Happy to support you Adam in supporting democracy! I am grateful for you.

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thank you!

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Great update. Your videos are a good addition to your writing. The Zoom meeting is a fine idea.

I have family in the rural midwest. Trump voters. He in particular is undereducated and just believes whatever shows up on Fox. She goes along to get along, but still doesn't do much to find out what is true. It's an extremely difficult situation. I live far from them so can't try to talk in person. Sad as it is, we just don't talk very often. I try to keep it to how are the kids and the horses. The possibility that Pure Evil Donald and His Flying Monkey Minions might regain the White House is just creepy beyond belief. Especially since my family might contribute to that. Heartbreaking. Please continue to shine a bright light on what is going on in Congress and elsewhere. Thank You.

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Sorry Linda. I have friends like that but we just agree not to discuss it. I can't imagine having it be close relatives!

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I really appreciate your political and foreign policy analysis, especially your recognition that we don't have to agree on everything to cooperate on the common good for our nation.

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Adam, it’s always a treat to hear your thoughts and perspective in your own voice. Thank you for your service and unwavering efforts to get Ukraine funding front and center. Equally important, thank you for your commitment to keeping the evil orange man-baby with dementia out of the WH. I know why you are determined to not falter in this endeavor and his name is Christian. I’m a paid subscriber to your Substack and a monthly contributor to Country 1st. My reasons are my 5 grandkids. I remember when the Berlin Wall came down. It’s something that I thought would never happen but it was thrilling to see it and think of the freedoms East Germany could start to experience after so many years of repression. I pray that never happens in this country’s future. Keep up the fight and take care of yourself so you can take care of your family.

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Amen Joan!! 🙏🏻

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Thank you Adam for all you do!!!!A zoom call is a great idea!!Thanks for the update on The House of Representatives!!!I agree with you that the Maga Republicans and Trumpie are making a mess things with the lies they spread and their hatred towards others!!!!

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Its really sad, we have to beat them

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I agree!! I just heard that Johnson is running off to Florida to meet with Trumpie instead of staying in Washington and doing his job like helping the Ukraine 🇺🇦!!!We really need to get them out of the White House!!!

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Thank you, Adam, for keeping us informed and for fighting once again for our country, this time for the very soul of democracy.

I will stand beside you and all others who love this country and know that Donald Trump and MAGA MUST be defeated in order to preserve it. I have lost relationships, as have you and likely most of us who subscribe, and it is difficult and painful. But through the darkness, I choose to hold up the truth, and I will “soldier on” with you.

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Adam, you're one of my heros so I put my money where my mouth is and subscribed. I would love a zoom call. Thank you for your work. The country needs you.

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Thanks a ton!

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