A consensus speaker would be a breath of fresh air. Imagine a focus on getting things done for the American people and not for selfish interests. Would be even better if it were you!

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Tell me this doesn’t sound like middle school class politics -

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thats generous

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This is a circus inside a clown car.

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Worse, this is middle school dance planning committee politics!

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Interesting update - better than listening to reporter questions - Thanks

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I like the consensus candidate idea, like Cheney, but wouldn’t she need a democrat to nominate her? Why would the republicans do that when they think she betrayed them. I’d love your thoughts on what that process looks like.

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Def will need to be after a few more iterations here. Yes dems in theory would nominate, all vote for this person, with 5 or more reps. Unprecedented, but so is everything nowadays

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If you were still in congress, would you vote for Jeffries? He has 212 votes so they just need to convince 5 of the moderate republicans to do so. I would assume this is a path to getting primaried.

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That’s a very good question. Adam please give us your thoughts.

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One possibility is that there do exist enough Rs who feel this way, but if they started talking about it publicly then McHenry would simply put off the vote indefinitely and do his best to function as Speaker on an acting basis until the next congress. Of course it could also be fear of getting primaried or just old fashioned stubbornness.

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Excellent point. The Republican Party used to be militaristic with messaging discipline. Now with the Pure Grade A Colombian MAGA in leadership roles, they’ve lost control. I saw they were going to vote on rules that would require a congressperson to have the same vote on the floor as they do in their private meetings. If the vote changes then they would lose their committee assignments. So they know that they can’t be trusted to keep their word in public or in private!

Also, there is an unconfirmed theory that Jordan and the other insurrectionists in congress are about to be charged. Propping up Jordan to make it seem like he has a real shot at being speaker and then DOJ drops charges? The Republicans would scream about a politically motivated witch hunt.

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Thank you, but the theory is not looking very good!

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A ; R voting D would be career death. This is exactly why taking 15 votes to be speaker. What number is Jordon on?

No system that takes one vote after another wins anything.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

What you wrote above reminded me of the story awhile back about how Tucker Carlson was a source for many reporters. I'm unsure what to feel about a potential Jordan speakership. It's what Republicans deserve, and at some point they need to pay a large electoral price for their actions. However, Ukraine aid and other issues are too important for me to fully embrace the schadenfreude. A compromise speaker seems to be best for the country, but has never happened on the federal level. Although it has happened in state legislatures, and the removal of a Speaker of the House hadn't happened either - until Kevin McCarthy. So, maybe the time is now.

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THIS is just tragic. Oh please NOT Gym (I know this is childish but I can't write his name any other way anymore) Jordan. Please if there is anyone left with a teensy bit or a moral compass left in the Republican side of the House, do NOT cave. Sigh.

Thanks Adam. I know there have been political backroom deals since the beginning of time, but I think we are in new territory with this group. Always, good to get your take.

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Your update really helps clarify what is going on. We are almost to Halloween and the whole situation plays like a bad horror film. Have you considered putting your name forward to the Dems? Surely you could get more than five Republicans to come together and get a speaker who will work to preserve democracy. Coming from the 60s I wonder if l accidentally ate some magic mushrooms.

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let's get to the consensus speakership already!! Go Adam...

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I love it that you are more concerned with speaking truth than your appearance.

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These assholes just never disappoint

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Maybe a consensus speaker should be in the rules no matter who’s in the majority. It’s clear once the helm gets turned back over to ppl whose core personality structure isn’t manifesting at pathological levels some serious guardrails need to be put in place to eliminate the capacity for minority tyranny. We have got to get mega money out of politics.

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One more question I have about having a Speaker that isn’t a sitting member of congress is how that would actually work. Tim Hogan had a great post on this on Twitter but I deleted Twitter so I can’t get to it.

Here’s a write up in Wikipedia that describes the numerous constitutional contradictions regarding this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives#Eligibility_of_non-members

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The GOP has made as progress this term as GYM Jordan has made in his decades in the House of Representatives. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/jim_jordan/412226

Before you ask why he keeps getting elected, a simple search for gerrymandering + his name will make that clear.

If they can not agree on who can lead themselves why would anyone in this country believe they are competent to have any role in leading America?

DJT is the Pied Piper leading them all down a path toward Loserville where they will all look at each other in 2024 and wonder what happened.

Will lawsuits claiming rigged elections follow? Will they go quietly into that good night?

I would like to say that Liz Cheney would be a good choice however she doesn't support a woman's right to choose. So I can't.

My first choice would be Hakeem Jeffries. I believe he can get the votes and most likely will become speaker before the next election if for no other reason that the GOP will keep on tossing speakers out of the position like a baby tosses peas off its high chair tray.

The baby enjoys it, it gets the baby a lot of attention and it sometimes make someone mad. All make their Pied Piper happy which in turn keeps these babies from being primaried.

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Thank you Ila in Maine.

Your points detailed here are very conclusive ! Like reading a great summary from a book well read.

Think we’re all feeling the “ what if’s” of the leadership now.

We’ve all come such a long way in learning how to treat and love one another better..

To hone our flexibility in listening better is a human being thing we cannot lose.

No matter how we see any particular piece of anything.

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Thank You for your kind words regarding my post. You are correct, many have come a long way. It is people like you who are leading the way for others to see that how we treat each other truly matters. I appreciate you very much.

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So WELL SAID!!! Babies tossing peas in the floor! If so many of us are seeing things clearly, how is this rhetoric still on play?

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Thank You Diana. I'm happy you liked what I posted. You make an excellent point, how is this still going on.

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Thank you once again, Adam. Enjoyed your video with some behind the scenes information to this circus. I agree with you and others here, a consensus speaker is what we need. It is something that won’t happen, if there is even a shot at it, until the GOP has exhausted all other possibilities. This is a cluster.... of epic proportions and very sad for our nation. We are in troubled waters in so many areas and it’s time, beyond time to put our country ahead of party, ahead of power, ahead of money, ahead of ego, ahead of tv hits. The GOP needs to pull up their big boy panties and do what is right for the country, as well as our allies.

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I believe that its time for a few Moderate Republicans to save their party by leaving it. If a few brave Congressman would like to change history and save their party, and Country from maga, resign and realign as Independents. The moderates are the majority. Its time they rescue us all. I understand the potential outcome for them personally, but true warriors know the risk of the battle.

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LOVE your Congressional insights. Many thanks, Adam.

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Time for the Democrats to throw some chum in the water and offer a select group of Republicans a deal on creating a fusion coalition on picking a speaker for the House of Representatives. Recall that the two Republicans who joined the House Select Committee on the January 6 Insurrection became the stars, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. The Republicans will sink into the slime of the swamp that they created. The cross-overs get to occupy an elevated place in our politics. They can run as Independents next time, or run as Democrats. We need a working majority in the House to get stuff accomplished. Political doctrines are maliable when you need to get stuff done. Do it.

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