Absolutely. My sister made the point after the Supreme Court decision that, the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land, but they still work for us. ❤️
Yes! SCOTUS justices can be impeached, but I think it would take a 2/3 majority for the Senate to convict them. The only other thing I can think of is adding at least four more justices. Or maybe if at least two of them are investigated and found to be corrupt they could be persuaded or forced to step down.
(1) Why does the media call for Biden to withdraw yet let the felon get by with his cognitive guffaws, lies, and legal outcomes? Maybe rhetorical. But only a few voices in the mainstream media speak rationally about the situation, but even those who seem rational don’t call for choosing democracy over autocratic theocracy.
(2) why is so little reported to the public about the Heritage group’s platform and its parallel to the MAGA movement, including idolizing Hungary’s Orban?
Yes! That needs to reach more people so they can see the hell that these people propose.I see Trump claims he has noting to do with Project 25 but I call BS on that.
Exactly the right question. I just read a good piece on how the Weimar(German) press unwittingly aided Hitler even though they were as democratically minded as are we.
because biden looks like he had a stroke. and then is doing a trump thing by doubling down and saying he's fine, he doesnt need an independent medical check, and that he doesnt believe polling
He’s old and looks old. Unfortunately the bully speaks loudly and Biden speaks in a whisper. The loud one speaks lies and autocracy. The whisperer speaks democracy. Biden is surrounded by experienced democracy loving people. The loud bully speaks vindictiveness and self interest then selects sycophants. It’s not a choice between to personalities. It’s a choice between democracy and autocratic theocracy.
Where is this country going? This is a serious question. I’m overcome with fear for our future. It seems that so many of us Republicans/former Republicans now are voting straight Democratic tickets no matter what. Is that enough? Oops that’s 2 questions!
I’m not sure anything is enough. I hope voting Blue is at least a start. Sad to paint all Republican candidates with a MAGA brush but seems this is what this election is now.
Sheila, I feel great fear also but a group of us from this Substack say a short prayer🙏 3pmEST daily for Adam, his family and all of us feeling free of this stress, if you're so inclined. I know I get peace from this!
Through action and unity. This very discussion that Adam has started is part of that. United We Stand, divided we fall. There are more than 100 million of us. When we work together, move together, join our skills and our Faith, our voice cannot be denied.
Some people may think that it is corny or old school, but it is also a reality. 100 million feet stepping in unison is enough to make the ground shake, to make the boot steps echo across the nation.
All of our differences, together, paints a picture that is both beautiful and strong. We have shaken off oppression before, and we can do it again and again. We have proven our strength when we stand as one.
Look at Adam, who like me was a lifelong Republican. He has shown repeatedly, that for the good of the nation, he will work together. None of us is alone.
Thank you for the compliment. Adam has my support, but I am unreliable these days. Too many medical problems and older than dirt. All Adam needs to do is speak from the heart, but keep the rational part of his brain engaged.
It is much like flying a glider. Your head knows how and where to find the updrafts, but your heart knows how to feel the wind.
More descriptive writing👏Gosh, don't we have 2 old guys running for the biggest job in the world?? One older but the other more like dirt (to coin your phrase! 😄) 🙏Praying your tendon is healing well and you'll keep feeling better! You've done enough for America 🇺🇲 so, ok, just keep up your writing for us (as long as it works for you mentally!)
Sore, but doing much better. I haven't fallen in over a week, so a record.
Adam was right in saying to paint the picture. I lack the artistic ability to "paint", so to speak, but I can assemble the image. I keep my emotions under strict control because when I feel, I feel strongly and that undermines rational thinking. I will be blunt here, Cindy. I have always had a problem with absorbing the emotions of others. Seeing the kid on the curb crying with a skinned knee made my chest tight and I would feel their pain. That gets in the way of taking the actions needed to help and protect them. So I had to learn how to keep the pain and anger in check.
These days, I can speak about how I feel with less chance of being overwhelmed. What people need right now is that picture, in living color as we used to say. What gives Trump power over so many is his ability to put an image in the minds of people to the point where they believe him, even when a rational person knows that the image is a lie.
If we are to defeat Trump, we must paint the true picture, reach into their hearts, and get everyone to see the truth, expose the lie, and provide a path for them to unite against him.
Trump's charisma is due to his own belief in himself. I have watched him in a crowd of people, and he knows what the truth actually is, but his belief is that if he tells someone that something else is true, they will believe him.
When I got hurt and retired, I lost that belief in myself. I saw myself as a failure because I couldn't get back up and continue to serve. Belief is a powerful thing. Take that away from a person, and they collapse. They implode. Take it away from Trump, and it would be his end. All of his power is centered on that.
I think, looking back, that this was a lesson that I had to learn the hard way. Everything came easy to me for most of my life. It was natural and made sense. If you are one of Faith, then you understand what I mean. I had to be taught in order to become better and be ready for what we must face today. This is also part of the balance of nature and the universe.
Thank you for sharing! You are truly a special person! You paint perfect images with colorful and precise words. trump's words are childishly inarticulate but repeated so many times people believe them. You are right how we need to convince people! I am a person of faith and requested our Substack 3pmEST 🙏 daily prayer add you and other soldiers. Hope you're feeling it! Join us if you like! Just short acknowledgment and also for Adam & democracy! Hoping there's no more falling!
What is it that Trump has over everyone that they all enable him? I bet it’s the tax breaks for the rich. Also, that they think their jobs are in jeopardy.
He is a mob boss. He strikes fear into people for his fury, his likely retribution and how he will sic his followers on anyone who doesn’t agree with him and/or isn’t sufficiently loyal.
I’m feeling so bummed out with this entire experience. How or what can a 74 year old do to effectively spread awareness of the extreme danger we are in. The number of people who are swallowing the MAGA narrative is staggering. Where do we go from here.
This is a complicated mess. I am a lifelong Dem, fairly moderate, and also a polisci prof. I know my party and I know politics and I am genuinely uncertain about which course of action will maximize our chances of keeping Trump out of the WH.
Here’s the question. Do you think if the party ends up keeping Biden as the nominee, that any other Democracy Republicans will have the guts to endorse like you did? And what about if the nominee ends up being Harris?
One thing I can tell you is that a brokered convention would be a disaster, so I’m not even going to ask you about that one.
Appreciate your courage and good humor. And the fact that you don’t want to tell the Dems what to do because it’s not your party. If you ever decide to join us, you’ll be very welcome. We are a big 🎪!!!
This may seem trivial w Rome burning, but is there any real solutions in Ukraine and Gaza ? Thanks for you insight! And your family is precious. I’m sorry you had to move to protect them.
Sometime before the election, will there be a legit journalist or pundit or political leader who pulls the plug on Donald? I keep waiting for you or Jake Tapper or someone rational and serious to finally reveal that the MAGA/Trump World/GOP/RNC is a money scam. With the clear evidence. Connect the dots. No one has asked Donald WHY he wants the job. It certainly is not Public Service. His whole schtick is a con game for money. But the Dems/Biden Campaign and the mass media press continue to play along with his game. They could shut him down any day. I don't get it.
He wants the job for retribution. And to stay out of jail. Trump wants To be a dictator and to be able to kill people, jail them, and put them in internment camps to do slave labor. Lots of people's lives will be ruined and our country demolished.
Adam. 30-35% mega cult, remaining would vote for him. Most all democrats would vote for him. He’s capable, honest and a republican. Run with a Democrat vice. It’s in the numbers. Likely the only time that this would work.
As an independent voter, I don't like either of our options. However, I really don't like one of our options being Trump. Do you think the Democratic party can pull off a victory with the help of Kamala Harris and the fact that women's rights are at risk?
It’s now not only women’s rights but the courts and our entire way of life. It’s telling that NONE of the Wall Street big money donors are supporting Felon 45/34. It’s all the libertarians and tech bros along with Chas Koch, Mellon; the usual ilk in that sector.
I just don't understand how this man is so untouchable. I don't understand how he can get away with so much granted, he stacked the courts but how they could rule in his favor and offer pretty much absolute immunity. If I were Biden I would take into consideration. What's good for the goose is good for the gander
Yes. The court ruled that trump is not immune for “unofficial acts.” And “not everything the President does is official,” So everything will have to be litigated and go up to the supreme court each time there is a case and any evidence used was during the presidency. The good thing is that the Prosecutors can argue specific evidence is not official and show why. For ex- signing checks for a personal lawyer, calling states regarding an election.
In answering your question as an old independent voter, I believe that there are enough of us to pull off a victory behind anyone if we focus on the end game and stop our squabbling. We tend to step on our pecker and lose sight of what is important; you know, like the way life was before the Supreme Court raped women, gutted voting and now just making up “laws” out of their butts. Republicans have been manufacturing their dystopian vision for Amerika for forty years at least and now they feel it’s within their grasp. I don’t know if democrats, independents, uncommitted or others who at this point aren’t interested can pull together to put Felon 45/34 and his henchmen in the rear view mirror but I certainly hope we can. I’m supporting Democrats up and down the ballot as are others. That’s the way the game is played. It’s too bad you and others think Joe is a bad bet. He’s worked wonders since taking office and there’s no reason he’ll stop. I believe Kamala shares his vision and would be an excellent candidate should Joe decide to step away. The rest will be up to us.
It's not that I think Joe is a bad bet. It's that a lot of people think he's a bad bet and I'm not the only one voting. On the other hand, I probably am the only one enjoying this beautiful summer evening sipping my root beer and enjoying the life that I have right now. Have a good night everyone
I wrote the President and requested he have DOJ re-indict DT on narrower charges of sedition and treason since he incited, supported and refused to stop the insurrection and has called for the arrest and prosecution of the President, VP, members of Congress and former members of Congress (ring a bell) if he is elected. Nearly four years with none of the three criminal trials thanks to his SCOTUS appointments and his appointed Judge Cannon, and none likely before the election. This isn’t democratic it’s dictatorial. My understanding is the SCOTUS decision gives the President immunity for core functions of the office, which logically assumes stopping an insurrection and threatening government officials. What do you think? I’ve heard no one express this opinion, only what a great decision it is for Trump.
Let's talk Air Force! (I'm a 20 year vet, commissioned through OTS, aircraft mx officer) I've been at a loss to understand how any former officer can set the honor code aside by supporting Trump. Any theories?
Hi. I am a 6 year Navy vet and put my life on the line in support of Democracy. I am voting for anyone that is against Trump. Below is why I believe so many people have swallowed the Trump pill.
People must understand why Trump is so well liked with so many people. Simply stated, he tapped into those blue collar people that lost their jobs many years ago that found themselves living on scraps while Wall Street is being bloated. I was an out of worker blue collar guy for many years and I truly feel their pain. BTW - I left the blue collar workforce, got myself educated and have become very accomplished in life. Those lost blue collar souls in our American workforce have been pissed off at the government for decades! When Trump talks he touches their inner heart strings, hence they believe every word coming out of his mouth (lots of lies). Especially if its about reducing and/or eliminating government as it is today. This is the MAGA movement. These people, from their past work experiences believe our country is becoming a 3rd world country, etc., etc. BTW - Its not and America is still the greatest country in the world! I love our Democracy and willing to fight for it, for myself, my childrens childrens children.
James, I find your story interesting and inspiring, and I think your explanation of MAGA makes a lot of sense. It seems to me that a lot of people have become "victims" in our country because that's easier than getting yourself educated and possibly having to relocate, which I'm guessing you have done,perhaps many times. It takes some gumption, desire and discipline to get training for the jobs that exist now and into the future and I applaud you for doing that! I hope we can inspire more to get motivated. I too believe that training and education is the key.
Yes Bob, I did get myself educated and it wasn't easy. When I left the Slaughterhouse I had a 10 year plan in mind. Join the Navy and serve our country. Then attend a university and obtain an engineering degree. It took me 10 yeas and 6 months. OMG I failed to do it inside 10 years! LoL I earned every penny, nothing was given. If you're interested, check out my inspirational memoir entitled "Slaughterhouse Rules." Find it on Amazon, B&N, and Apple. All the best to you and your family. DEMOCRACY RULES!
Agree, this is a very large part of the MAGA base. In my experience there is another core crowd - a significant subset of the rich/very rich that see Trump through a financial lens almost exclusively and support him to preserve/enhance their wealth/power. This makes for two odd bedfellows, since the wealthy generally speaking have little in common with the blue collar class. (Not sure why there hasn't been any backlash from the blue collar group about this - perhaps many enamored by wealth). The wealthy MAGA are a significant factor via their financial support. To turn this into a question: How can this group support a man who is undermining a country that has provided the conditions for them to be so successful? On top of all the other things at risk, this country will no longer function as the top economy/land of opportunity if it turns into a banana republic.
Yes sir! I agree. I recently had the same discussion with my wife. In my blue collar days our "tribe" consistently bitched and complained about upper management and those with wealth. How then, can the same tribe support Trump? He has done absolutely nothing to support the middle to lower class wage earners. Trump is a conman. GO FIGURE.
Also, I can't figure out in my mind how how Trump can negatively blast the country that enabled him to become a billionaire? Capitalism has pulled hundreds of millions out of poverty, yet Trump's words associate third world countries to the United States. Again - GO FIGURE.
If Abraham Lincoln fought against his Supreme Court when it came to the slavery issue why can’t we fight against our Supreme Court!!
Absolutely. My sister made the point after the Supreme Court decision that, the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land, but they still work for us. ❤️
We must!
Yes! SCOTUS justices can be impeached, but I think it would take a 2/3 majority for the Senate to convict them. The only other thing I can think of is adding at least four more justices. Or maybe if at least two of them are investigated and found to be corrupt they could be persuaded or forced to step down.
(1) Why does the media call for Biden to withdraw yet let the felon get by with his cognitive guffaws, lies, and legal outcomes? Maybe rhetorical. But only a few voices in the mainstream media speak rationally about the situation, but even those who seem rational don’t call for choosing democracy over autocratic theocracy.
(2) why is so little reported to the public about the Heritage group’s platform and its parallel to the MAGA movement, including idolizing Hungary’s Orban?
I agree that Project 25 needs a lot more airtime.
Yes! That needs to reach more people so they can see the hell that these people propose.I see Trump claims he has noting to do with Project 25 but I call BS on that.
It’s just like when he said he knew nothing about QAnon. That was complete BS and he “retruths” Qanon posts all the time.
I know many people who have never heard of it! It needs to be covered by the media!!
Same here.
Google utube from sen chris murphy of CT. He has a four min video out about it
Working on it. Spread this around.
Exactly the right question. I just read a good piece on how the Weimar(German) press unwittingly aided Hitler even though they were as democratically minded as are we.
because biden looks like he had a stroke. and then is doing a trump thing by doubling down and saying he's fine, he doesnt need an independent medical check, and that he doesnt believe polling
He’s old and looks old. Unfortunately the bully speaks loudly and Biden speaks in a whisper. The loud one speaks lies and autocracy. The whisperer speaks democracy. Biden is surrounded by experienced democracy loving people. The loud bully speaks vindictiveness and self interest then selects sycophants. It’s not a choice between to personalities. It’s a choice between democracy and autocratic theocracy.
yes, Biden is not prosecuting the case against Trump effectively. thats why they should swich to Kamala
A stroke? I don’t see any evidence of that.
Excellent questions
Would you consider being Kamala’s VP? Your foreign policy experience would really round out the ticket!
I want him to run for president so we can (affectionately) call him AK-47. 😁
AK-47 is a damn fine invention. That’s a compliment.
I will vote for whomever the Dems put up this year. But if Adam is on the ticket, I will have so much fun over the next four months.
…and demonstrate your commitment to our country and to the Constitution
Where is this country going? This is a serious question. I’m overcome with fear for our future. It seems that so many of us Republicans/former Republicans now are voting straight Democratic tickets no matter what. Is that enough? Oops that’s 2 questions!
Great question! We are voting blue but I’ve wondered if it’s enough!
I’m not sure anything is enough. I hope voting Blue is at least a start. Sad to paint all Republican candidates with a MAGA brush but seems this is what this election is now.
Republicans fall in line.
As Adam stated when all falling in line; “it’s a cult “
I find myself seriously losing sleep over this election all the way down the ticket, not just presidential. How do you keep your sanity?
Sheila, I feel great fear also but a group of us from this Substack say a short prayer🙏 3pmEST daily for Adam, his family and all of us feeling free of this stress, if you're so inclined. I know I get peace from this!
Joining you!
That's SO exciting!! 🙏 I'll be thanking God for you in 53 minutes!! We're stronger together under Him and Adam 😁!!
Through action and unity. This very discussion that Adam has started is part of that. United We Stand, divided we fall. There are more than 100 million of us. When we work together, move together, join our skills and our Faith, our voice cannot be denied.
Some people may think that it is corny or old school, but it is also a reality. 100 million feet stepping in unison is enough to make the ground shake, to make the boot steps echo across the nation.
All of our differences, together, paints a picture that is both beautiful and strong. We have shaken off oppression before, and we can do it again and again. We have proven our strength when we stand as one.
Look at Adam, who like me was a lifelong Republican. He has shown repeatedly, that for the good of the nation, he will work together. None of us is alone.
Hopefully that's 200 million feet!! ;-)
Mac, you should be a speech writer for Adam when/if he runs again! Beautifully written!
Thank you for the compliment. Adam has my support, but I am unreliable these days. Too many medical problems and older than dirt. All Adam needs to do is speak from the heart, but keep the rational part of his brain engaged.
It is much like flying a glider. Your head knows how and where to find the updrafts, but your heart knows how to feel the wind.
More descriptive writing👏Gosh, don't we have 2 old guys running for the biggest job in the world?? One older but the other more like dirt (to coin your phrase! 😄) 🙏Praying your tendon is healing well and you'll keep feeling better! You've done enough for America 🇺🇲 so, ok, just keep up your writing for us (as long as it works for you mentally!)
Sore, but doing much better. I haven't fallen in over a week, so a record.
Adam was right in saying to paint the picture. I lack the artistic ability to "paint", so to speak, but I can assemble the image. I keep my emotions under strict control because when I feel, I feel strongly and that undermines rational thinking. I will be blunt here, Cindy. I have always had a problem with absorbing the emotions of others. Seeing the kid on the curb crying with a skinned knee made my chest tight and I would feel their pain. That gets in the way of taking the actions needed to help and protect them. So I had to learn how to keep the pain and anger in check.
These days, I can speak about how I feel with less chance of being overwhelmed. What people need right now is that picture, in living color as we used to say. What gives Trump power over so many is his ability to put an image in the minds of people to the point where they believe him, even when a rational person knows that the image is a lie.
If we are to defeat Trump, we must paint the true picture, reach into their hearts, and get everyone to see the truth, expose the lie, and provide a path for them to unite against him.
Trump's charisma is due to his own belief in himself. I have watched him in a crowd of people, and he knows what the truth actually is, but his belief is that if he tells someone that something else is true, they will believe him.
When I got hurt and retired, I lost that belief in myself. I saw myself as a failure because I couldn't get back up and continue to serve. Belief is a powerful thing. Take that away from a person, and they collapse. They implode. Take it away from Trump, and it would be his end. All of his power is centered on that.
I think, looking back, that this was a lesson that I had to learn the hard way. Everything came easy to me for most of my life. It was natural and made sense. If you are one of Faith, then you understand what I mean. I had to be taught in order to become better and be ready for what we must face today. This is also part of the balance of nature and the universe.
Thank you for sharing! You are truly a special person! You paint perfect images with colorful and precise words. trump's words are childishly inarticulate but repeated so many times people believe them. You are right how we need to convince people! I am a person of faith and requested our Substack 3pmEST 🙏 daily prayer add you and other soldiers. Hope you're feeling it! Join us if you like! Just short acknowledgment and also for Adam & democracy! Hoping there's no more falling!
Have a good week!
What is it that Trump has over everyone that they all enable him? I bet it’s the tax breaks for the rich. Also, that they think their jobs are in jeopardy.
He is a mob boss. He strikes fear into people for his fury, his likely retribution and how he will sic his followers on anyone who doesn’t agree with him and/or isn’t sufficiently loyal.
That’s exactly what I call him!!! A Mob Boss!!!! So agree with you!!! We cannot allow him to get into the White House!!!
That keeps bugging me, too.
I think it’s subconscious white supremacy. The WASPS are loosing their grip over the establishment and they’re scared to death
It is absolutely that. Manifest destiny on the March again. It is critical we stop it.
I agree. Especially the people in the South. We have to face facts. English will no longer be the main language in the states.
I’m feeling so bummed out with this entire experience. How or what can a 74 year old do to effectively spread awareness of the extreme danger we are in. The number of people who are swallowing the MAGA narrative is staggering. Where do we go from here.
This is a complicated mess. I am a lifelong Dem, fairly moderate, and also a polisci prof. I know my party and I know politics and I am genuinely uncertain about which course of action will maximize our chances of keeping Trump out of the WH.
Here’s the question. Do you think if the party ends up keeping Biden as the nominee, that any other Democracy Republicans will have the guts to endorse like you did? And what about if the nominee ends up being Harris?
One thing I can tell you is that a brokered convention would be a disaster, so I’m not even going to ask you about that one.
Appreciate your courage and good humor. And the fact that you don’t want to tell the Dems what to do because it’s not your party. If you ever decide to join us, you’ll be very welcome. We are a big 🎪!!!
This may seem trivial w Rome burning, but is there any real solutions in Ukraine and Gaza ? Thanks for you insight! And your family is precious. I’m sorry you had to move to protect them.
By the way, that's such a sweet picture. Little Christian is growing up so quickly
What have you learned about yourself and your relationship through the journey of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and parenting a young child?
Sometime before the election, will there be a legit journalist or pundit or political leader who pulls the plug on Donald? I keep waiting for you or Jake Tapper or someone rational and serious to finally reveal that the MAGA/Trump World/GOP/RNC is a money scam. With the clear evidence. Connect the dots. No one has asked Donald WHY he wants the job. It certainly is not Public Service. His whole schtick is a con game for money. But the Dems/Biden Campaign and the mass media press continue to play along with his game. They could shut him down any day. I don't get it.
He wants the job for retribution. And to stay out of jail. Trump wants To be a dictator and to be able to kill people, jail them, and put them in internment camps to do slave labor. Lots of people's lives will be ruined and our country demolished.
Hi Adam, if Joe Biden were to step aside, who do you think would have the best shot against the Donald?
Adam. 30-35% mega cult, remaining would vote for him. Most all democrats would vote for him. He’s capable, honest and a republican. Run with a Democrat vice. It’s in the numbers. Likely the only time that this would work.
As an independent voter, I don't like either of our options. However, I really don't like one of our options being Trump. Do you think the Democratic party can pull off a victory with the help of Kamala Harris and the fact that women's rights are at risk?
It’s now not only women’s rights but the courts and our entire way of life. It’s telling that NONE of the Wall Street big money donors are supporting Felon 45/34. It’s all the libertarians and tech bros along with Chas Koch, Mellon; the usual ilk in that sector.
I just don't understand how this man is so untouchable. I don't understand how he can get away with so much granted, he stacked the courts but how they could rule in his favor and offer pretty much absolute immunity. If I were Biden I would take into consideration. What's good for the goose is good for the gander
It’s not quite that easy. The Supreme Court made themselves the ultimate arbiter of what is “official” and what is not. Nice gig and they got it.
Yes. The court ruled that trump is not immune for “unofficial acts.” And “not everything the President does is official,” So everything will have to be litigated and go up to the supreme court each time there is a case and any evidence used was during the presidency. The good thing is that the Prosecutors can argue specific evidence is not official and show why. For ex- signing checks for a personal lawyer, calling states regarding an election.
And Elon Musk
As The Beatles once said " so you say you want a revolution?"............
Well yes. I just lumped him in with the tech bros.
In answering your question as an old independent voter, I believe that there are enough of us to pull off a victory behind anyone if we focus on the end game and stop our squabbling. We tend to step on our pecker and lose sight of what is important; you know, like the way life was before the Supreme Court raped women, gutted voting and now just making up “laws” out of their butts. Republicans have been manufacturing their dystopian vision for Amerika for forty years at least and now they feel it’s within their grasp. I don’t know if democrats, independents, uncommitted or others who at this point aren’t interested can pull together to put Felon 45/34 and his henchmen in the rear view mirror but I certainly hope we can. I’m supporting Democrats up and down the ballot as are others. That’s the way the game is played. It’s too bad you and others think Joe is a bad bet. He’s worked wonders since taking office and there’s no reason he’ll stop. I believe Kamala shares his vision and would be an excellent candidate should Joe decide to step away. The rest will be up to us.
It's not that I think Joe is a bad bet. It's that a lot of people think he's a bad bet and I'm not the only one voting. On the other hand, I probably am the only one enjoying this beautiful summer evening sipping my root beer and enjoying the life that I have right now. Have a good night everyone
I heard your question on Adam Kinzinger’s Q & A 👍👏🏻👏🏻.
Poor guy having to have to pronounce my full name. It's a really long last name but he did it with ease and nailed it
I wrote the President and requested he have DOJ re-indict DT on narrower charges of sedition and treason since he incited, supported and refused to stop the insurrection and has called for the arrest and prosecution of the President, VP, members of Congress and former members of Congress (ring a bell) if he is elected. Nearly four years with none of the three criminal trials thanks to his SCOTUS appointments and his appointed Judge Cannon, and none likely before the election. This isn’t democratic it’s dictatorial. My understanding is the SCOTUS decision gives the President immunity for core functions of the office, which logically assumes stopping an insurrection and threatening government officials. What do you think? I’ve heard no one express this opinion, only what a great decision it is for Trump.
Let's talk Air Force! (I'm a 20 year vet, commissioned through OTS, aircraft mx officer) I've been at a loss to understand how any former officer can set the honor code aside by supporting Trump. Any theories?
Hi. I am a 6 year Navy vet and put my life on the line in support of Democracy. I am voting for anyone that is against Trump. Below is why I believe so many people have swallowed the Trump pill.
People must understand why Trump is so well liked with so many people. Simply stated, he tapped into those blue collar people that lost their jobs many years ago that found themselves living on scraps while Wall Street is being bloated. I was an out of worker blue collar guy for many years and I truly feel their pain. BTW - I left the blue collar workforce, got myself educated and have become very accomplished in life. Those lost blue collar souls in our American workforce have been pissed off at the government for decades! When Trump talks he touches their inner heart strings, hence they believe every word coming out of his mouth (lots of lies). Especially if its about reducing and/or eliminating government as it is today. This is the MAGA movement. These people, from their past work experiences believe our country is becoming a 3rd world country, etc., etc. BTW - Its not and America is still the greatest country in the world! I love our Democracy and willing to fight for it, for myself, my childrens childrens children.
James, I find your story interesting and inspiring, and I think your explanation of MAGA makes a lot of sense. It seems to me that a lot of people have become "victims" in our country because that's easier than getting yourself educated and possibly having to relocate, which I'm guessing you have done,perhaps many times. It takes some gumption, desire and discipline to get training for the jobs that exist now and into the future and I applaud you for doing that! I hope we can inspire more to get motivated. I too believe that training and education is the key.
Yes Bob, I did get myself educated and it wasn't easy. When I left the Slaughterhouse I had a 10 year plan in mind. Join the Navy and serve our country. Then attend a university and obtain an engineering degree. It took me 10 yeas and 6 months. OMG I failed to do it inside 10 years! LoL I earned every penny, nothing was given. If you're interested, check out my inspirational memoir entitled "Slaughterhouse Rules." Find it on Amazon, B&N, and Apple. All the best to you and your family. DEMOCRACY RULES!
Agree, this is a very large part of the MAGA base. In my experience there is another core crowd - a significant subset of the rich/very rich that see Trump through a financial lens almost exclusively and support him to preserve/enhance their wealth/power. This makes for two odd bedfellows, since the wealthy generally speaking have little in common with the blue collar class. (Not sure why there hasn't been any backlash from the blue collar group about this - perhaps many enamored by wealth). The wealthy MAGA are a significant factor via their financial support. To turn this into a question: How can this group support a man who is undermining a country that has provided the conditions for them to be so successful? On top of all the other things at risk, this country will no longer function as the top economy/land of opportunity if it turns into a banana republic.
Yes sir! I agree. I recently had the same discussion with my wife. In my blue collar days our "tribe" consistently bitched and complained about upper management and those with wealth. How then, can the same tribe support Trump? He has done absolutely nothing to support the middle to lower class wage earners. Trump is a conman. GO FIGURE.
Also, I can't figure out in my mind how how Trump can negatively blast the country that enabled him to become a billionaire? Capitalism has pulled hundreds of millions out of poverty, yet Trump's words associate third world countries to the United States. Again - GO FIGURE.