I have to wonder how many of those 59% worried about crime have experienced any or just heard Trump and Vance talk about immigrants eating pets, coming into our homes to slit our throats or move into our houses while we are living there. Why I bought a loaf of bread just last Friday and no one tried to rape or stab me when I did so. I even crossed the street safely on the way.

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It really is remarkable how Fox keeps these voters fixated on fear of crime. And of course, the crimes we’re talking about are not things like bank fraud, tax fraud, bribery, obstruction of justice, stealing classified documents, falsifying business records, or obstructing government proceedings.

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I am an old. Christian. Republican. Female. Retired teacher, principal, and dean of a college of education. I’m wondering (sigh) if a LOT of Christians and Christian nationalists come from strict hell-fire-and-brimstone churches that socialized them into assuming the worst of humanity instead of looking for the best. My parents were very legalistic and I know how hard it can be to create a new screen through which to see the world. Then, a lot of Trumpers are just greedy for power and money. Then there’s Trump, who tells the world where he likes to grab women and then claim protector status. “I will be your retribution!” Nonetheless, to almost half of our citizens, I say, “You’re being mesmerized by Satan! SNAP OUT OF IT!”

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Exactly. The very thinly veiled insinuation is crime committed by immigrants and minorities is the threat since white (person) collar crime not fear inducing and thus not inflammatory.

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This is all old, slimy, con playbook from the 50s, 60s and 70s. From Roy Cohn to Richard Vigurie to Roger Stone. See Joe Conason's new book "The Longest Con". Every journalist should read it. And they should blow the whistle on Donald's Big Con Game. Trump World is nothing but a huge money scam. The formerly ethical news professionals are his suckers.

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And you still have both arms and both legs after purchasing said loaf, I gather

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Amazingly, I was unharmed in these lawless times.

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I guess…mebbe…is it possible that we’ve been lied to about the peril we face? That my cat is not in danger of becoming someone’s dinner? That I don’t have to pack heat to go to the store? That gasoline and a dozen eggs won’t bankrupt me? Is it possible?

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Kamala Harris has tried to speak out. But the Maggot social media stream backed by the billionaire bros and their “friends” like Putin have captured what is being seen by the certain elements of the American public.

It’s a steady stream of misogyny, racial, religious and stratification hatred that MAGA people see nothing else but hate.

Get them alone, we agree - but as soon as they hit their phones - they are being brainwashed again by hatred for their fellow Americans.

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How do we see each other...as reflecting our Maker (we have great potential authority over our lives) or as an lying enemy who is deceitful, it is up to us, our choice as to what we see in others...well, what will it be?

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There is a big financial incentive for generating and promoting adrenaline pumping propaganda. From Russia Today TV to Fox "News" to Bad Faith politicians.

Reading "The Longest Con" by Joe Conason. There's gold in conning the gullible. Funny and tragic rip-off stories from Roy Cohn to Donald the Naked Conman.

Last night 60 Minutes had a story on the education system in Finland. Teaching kids how to be critical thinkers. Look for the red flags of autocrat-serving propaganda and lies. We need that here.

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I saw that segment and was impressed that children are being taught to discern situations and

Recognize fake news! Most adults can’t do that in the US!

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Clearly too many supposedly Intelligent adults are lacking in critical thinking skills. If you have not acquired those skills by the time you are an adult, it's probably too late. The result is a Trump sending out a firehouse of lies, and too many adults cannot sort through the wheat from the chaff. I'm sure you know - there is very little wheat there.

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Very little of anything there!

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I like your last line...very little!

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Sorry I missed 60 min last nite. I taught Reading for 34 years - and had units on how to read an article, Critical Thinking with part focused on the news industry. When the internet came into being we addressed the digital divide, showing kids how to search and recognize the source and credibility of a site.

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Thank you for being the teacher! It's almost a volunteer position....

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You can catch the 60 Minute episode on Paramount +. It’s worth watching.

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Sorry, first story was about how Floridians are still trying to get paid for Hurricane Ian and how the despicable insurance companies are altering appraisals submitted by adjusters, while also denying a lot of damages and sending out paltry checks to homeowners. It's reprehensible.

And NOW what's going to happen after Helene?? These poor people.

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I don't live anywhere near those areas (I'm in North Central Illinois). I've never had a claim, my auto insurance is bundled with my homeowners insurance, my Insurance Company doesn't do business in any hurricane or wildfire prone areas and is highly rated by Consumer Reports. Yet for the past 5 years my annual premium has gone up 18 to 20 percent each year. This year it went up 65 percent! My agent claims that it would cost the company $475,000 to rebuild my 1,700 sqare foot house (which is currently estimated to sell for around $285,000). Does anyone doubt Kamala Harris's claims that there is price gouging going on in Corporate America? NOT ME! My current to-do is to research local home construction costs in my area. I apologize for blowing off steam but I agree with your perspective on insurance companies.

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Corporate greed and price gouging are a big part of the problem that the average person has trouble paying their monthly bills. It’s the same old system of powerful corporations “sticking it” to the people who can least afford it. In turn the corporations pay their CEO et. al. and shareholders exorbitant bonuses.

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That’s why we need Harris Walz! I’m sick of corporate greed and

Price gouging!!

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Plus the corporations hid their price gouging in the aftermath of the pandemic and got a big assist from Repubs who blamed inflation and "Bidenomics."

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I watched 60 minutes last night. Didn't see anything like that. First it was Hurricane Helene, then a segment on Vladimir Kara-Murza, an anti Putin activist who was poisoned by him and imprisoned by him--an amazingly brave man.

Then the WNBA and the last segment was on Mezcal.

Where are you located Burke?

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I thought that feature on Murza was fascinating. Talk about a patriot! With a stone-cold expression, he said freedom for his entire country was an easy personal sacrifice to make, even unto death. You simply don't hear that kind of talk anymore. I wonder if he is related to Patrick Henry? DNA test!!

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You watched the wrong episode.

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You can see why conservatives continually seek to undermine public education, where such ideas as critical thinking, tolerance, and equality may be taught. Oh, the horror! Especially when such indoctrination is publicly funded

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If the Republicans and the Democrats want the same things why don't they get them? Who wants inflation? Who wants tax cuts? Who wants monopolies? Who wants undocumented workers so labor cost are low? It is the people who for the price of a nice RV can put Clarence Thomas in their pocket. The supreme court has said if the payment comes after the favor it is a tip not a bribe. The truth is that one small group gets exactly what it wants. The true divide is not left/right it is rich/poor.

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Many people vote for the face on the issues, not the issues themselves.

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Adam thank you thank you thank you

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Thanks for this information, Adam! I think we should all write to the Harris - Walz campaign to let them know to talk more about how they will preserve democracy!! Also, to let Walz know that all he needs to do tomorrow night is be his warm self while telling how their policies are what most Americans want. I hear he's very nervous about tomorrow's debate. I'm suggesting that those of us who pray daily at 3pmEST add extra ones for Tim Walz!🙏 Anyone can join in!

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In addition to writing to Harris- Walz, it probably be more powerful if the Republicans for H-W be the ones to continue warning about trump's danger to democracy! ⚠️

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Talking about Trump's being a threat to democracy (while true) is a double-edged sword. Trump has repeatedly claimed that the assassination attempts on his life are "because of the Left's rhetoric that I am a threat to democracy." I suspect that Harris doesn't want to give him an opportunity to use this to fire up his base further.

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Good point! That's why I added that I think it will be more powerful coming from the Republicans for H-W!

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I agree.

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Cindy very helpful what you have picked up about Tim W … so us 3 pm folks let’s fortify him with prayer in these next 40 hours or so. May he find divine favor as his Shield ( Psalm 5:12 )

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Amen Lourine!🙏 I knew you'd be with us!!!

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Amen! Will do.

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The more we challenge ourselves to embrace change, and step in the reality of another,

the closer we become. Seek out others who traditio s and culture seem unfamiliar and a bit scary. Test your assumptions and fears. We cannot go back.

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Adam, you nailed it on such important information. Politicians who only care about power are the problem as well as the media function has been merely making money. I yearn for the journalistic integrity I grew up with. If we can’t agree on truth we are doomed.

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Great comments! I also think she should be directly rebutting each new lie that comes out of Trumps’ mouth— everyday, all day. Use her official statements, and her supporters, to address. I’m hoping to see lots and lots of former Republicans on talk shows, doing the same thing! I’m with you— Loss of our Democracy is the biggest issue. Still, many have criticized her, that, “ loss of democracy, is too heady for most— talk policy and issues. Both need to be going on at the same time, these next 30 days. Calling out the stupid lies, with Truth, is my # 2. Have a good week!

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Adam, we’ve all been inundated with the numbers from polls as nauseam, but as your piece points out, numbers can sometimes tell a different story than the media wants to paint. I do believe the vast majority of Americans want the same end result: democracy, stability, justice and kindness in our daily lives. The division comes from the twisting of truth to fit a desired narrative. Both sides are guilty of this (maga far right more often than moderates, centrists and left), IMO. I hope, trust and pray that Harris’ campaign hammers this point over and over. I know she has said this often in her speeches but she needs to highlight it even more. We are more alike than we’re being told by the orange man-baby. Her campaign ads need to broadcast this to every corner of our country, we are in this experiment of governing by democracy together. The only way it survives is together. Thank you for the pep talk and all that you do for we,the people, and the preservation of our freedoms.

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I feel very optimistic about Tim Walz knocking out Vance tomorrow night. I just watched the video of Tim walking his dog with a man from We Rate Dogs. It was my lunchtime entertainment https://youtube.com/watch?v=Spiwlde4kys&si=DV3Jazr71sfmLCr6

Recently both Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham expressed concerns about Trump and Vance fondness for dictators like Victor Orban. And remember how many high ranking retired military officials have endorsed Vice President Harris. Here’s the link to the story about McConnell and Graham:


Kamala is not getting the message out about how Project 2025 would hurt rural America. She’s not getting the message out about high ranking financial leaders have endorsed her plan for an Opportunity Economy.

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When most households received daily newspapers, politicians ran full-page ads with a lot of information and data about their histories, platforms, and criticisms about opponents. Now, we are dependent on our selected news sources and social media. Unless we try to read everything, we miss stories. Harris, Vance, and their surrogates have talked loudly and often about Project 2025 and data from prominent economists. Most of that has been in rallies (we aren’t there and they aren’t televised). And in interviews (and they don’t do many of those). We have no control over the Harris/Vance campaigners and they need help. Maybe they will listen to Adam! Getting out the word may require that WE do it en masse. We have the information and links to the primary sources (the reports and/or video of the economists). We need to text, post, send postcards, and call. Some will believe. There’s nothing we can do about those who won’t. For now.

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Both links go to Tim Walz and dog. You’ll want to replace the second link with the needed one. 👍

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There’s more that binds us than divides us. That has been the case for most of our history. And we come together as Americans when faced with an attack (911). The duopoly in charge is what’s driving the strategy of divisiveness. We NEED open primaries so those seeking to represent us, truly represent the American people, not a billionaire or some far right/left ‘think tank’, have to appeal to ALL constituencies. Undo the gerrymandering and open up primaries and change will come quickly. At least, that’s my dream!!

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HEAR, HEAR! (first all caps I've used in a while)

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I think the reason Harris campaign had stopped using phrases like, 'trump is a threat to democracy' is because repubs started saying that is what incited the assassination attempts, basically blaming Harris and democrats and ignoring trump's daily rhetoric. Harris still says it in other ways- 'we're not going back' and her campaign has focused on project 2025- pointing more at trump's actual agenda 47 and how it is aligned with project 2025.

She has also been focusing on the kitchen table issues and laying out her plans in detail as everyone keeps saying she hasn't been doing. It seems no matter what Harris does there is always an issue - she should be focused on the border- she goes and they say- oh she's just going now and saying things to get the vote- she should have b4. Or, she lays out her economic plans with specific ways to help the middle class and small business and people say- oh it will be too expensive and oh inflation is down but the prices are still too high. Now that trump went to GA effected by the Hurricane, they are saying- look why is the Biden/Harris admin out west when trump is here? When in fact the Admin doesn't want to distract and take away resources and time from the clean up efforts- FEMA is there. trump is taking time, money and resources away from the immediate needs of the people.

Harris is and has done a great job hitting all the points that need to be made including on trump's dangerous rhetoric and policies. People are far more energized and engaged, more people are registered, down ballot races are seeing record volunteer turnout. Large voter turnout historically means Democrats win. (minus voter suppression and not accepting results of course)

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Spot on for everything you said. It's sad that all maga can do is to criticize their opponents. A recent analysis of campaign advertising shows that 89% of Trump's ads are negative ads attacking the opposition. 10% are neutral and only 1% say what he will do if re-elected.

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I'd like to see the media point that out instead of hitting Harris for "not being specific enough." What the hell? All he ever says is stupid shit like she never worked at McDonalds and Jimmy Kimmel is the worst Oscar host ever. He has no policies. He has no ideas, beyond dictatorship and staying out of the pokey.

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Diane, Grimm’s fairy tale about the man, his son, and their donkey is so apropos. When the son rode the donkey, someone complained that the dad should be riding. When dad rode, someone complained that he was selfish and unconcerned about his boy. When both rode, someone said, “The poor donkey!” No matter what we do, someone will gripe.

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I'm curious if the recent weather events in NC, GA, TN and FL will affect people wanting to or having the energy to vote. I would assume when people are in crisis they only have so much energy.

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I’ve been wondering the same thing. I’m an expat now but have voted absentee in N.C. already. I just got a message from the board of elections telling me they had gotten my ballot and it would be tabulated soon. They missed work I know Friday and possibly Thursday but we’re back at it today. They probably should reinstitute Covid voting protocols but I know republicans would raise Hell. One other thing, western N.C. is a pretty solid red color and now finding themselves depending on being helped by FEMA and every other federal agency that will be involved for years in getting things back under some semblance of control. They’ve probably not given it a thought how they would fare without all that disaster relief that republicans won’t fund and under Project 2025, would gut and then privatize so everything would have to be paid for out of pocket for help. This is what trump et. al. have wrought!

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No way, this is the MOST critical election of our time.

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And HOW will they vote? Schools and churches are polling places. And roads must be navigable. I’m thinking that voter advocacy groups are figuring out how to get in the votes.

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^ This right here.

“If you get a bunch of normal people at random and put them in a room together and chat about issues, there’s a lot more convergence than you might imagine.”

Thank you Adam.

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Thank you Adam, most people can’t see through the media rush to protect Trump. I feel that the big spenders certainly want him in office because he will protect them and keep their taxes low! Needless to say that is very bad for the middle-class, of which I am a member. I can’t wait to vote blue! 💙

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