Thanks you Congressman Kinzinger. I just read that Senate Republicans are now turning against their own border bill. I was so angry that I wanted to scream (but cannot do it in my office). Your newsletter made me re-prioritize and redirect my energy. Thank you. You have shown us the way and I am so happy to follow folks like you, Liz Cheney and others who have shown so much bravery and integrity.
It would have been funny if I am not so angry. At least we also have the news that the Orange Menace is not immune from prosecution. It makes me feel a little better.
I love the irony involved in most of his prosecutions. most are by women, women judges, women prosecutors, women plaintiffs. and many of these women are black. oh, how that must really piss off Trump, being the racist, misogynist that he is. The Stormy Daniels hush money case is up next and this will be a Federal conviction and many Republicans have said they will no longer support Trump if he is convicted on Federal Criminal charges. We'll see
I screamed "YES" and jumped for joy when that news broke this morning. But my joy is temporarily tempered until I see what the Supreme Court does with the inevitable appeal from Trump.
You and Liz Cheney are true patriots, putting little "r" republican principles first. Your service on the Jan. 6 Committee is greatly admired and appreciated by a substantial majority of Americans. In a time of violent rhetoric and threats, you are a role model of courage and wisdom, recognizing that sacrifices in the cause of freedom and justice are the way of the good life, a life well lived. Challenges abound in a changing world, and some may, for a time, succumb to the siren song of a divisive, self-serving populist, but the majority of Americans share your devotion to founding principles. Stay in the fight - leadership like yours makes all the difference.
I consider myself on the Progressive-left end of the spectrum on many issues, but would gladly work with people on the center-right and center-left (along with just plain old center). I have never forgotten the horror I felt decades ago when overhearing Rush Limbaugh lecture his radio audience that compromise of any kind was the same thing as supporting socialism (which he did not bother to define). Like you, I believe that seeking win-win solutions is our only way forward, starting with identifying all the things we do agree on and building out from there. Thank you for keeping the faith with a similar vision.
Real people just want to make a decent living so they can live a decent life. That, and their voice be heard. That is the ultimate promise of democracy. They don't want their livelihood or rights taken away. They don't the rights of women or children or minorities taken away. They don't want to bow down to a golden statue. They don't want their freedom of religion to be taken away.
They will fight next to you Adam, as long as there is something to fight for.
I am in assisted living not my family. I cannot speak up here where I live; some say the Jan 6th committee was a fraud. I heard the hearings and believed what I heard. Not fraud; not a riot. It was insurrection. I agree with Adam Kinsinger; I wish to add more support for him.
Thanks for these words, Adam. We all have a job to do in the service of our country. Now is the time to do what we can….write to elected officials, write to our media sources, and above all , we must vote. I only wish that more principled Republicans (and there are many) would be more vocal about the danger of Trump and Trumpism. Going along to get along simply isn’t an option any more.
I am a registered Republican, Vietnam veteran, and retired law enforcement officer, who never voted for Trump even once. I just could never stand his constant lies and immature behavior. In addition, he consistently demonstrates a lack of understanding about how a democracy works. Until about six months ago, I did not give much thought to Trump being elected a second time because it seemed obvious to the most casual observer that he was mentally ill and not suited for public office. I was wrong. His cult of followers is much stronger than I imagined. For the future of my grandchildren, he must not be elected a second time.
Thanks for this jolt of inspiration and commitment. And to answer one of your questions near the beginning of this piece, YES... Your voice IS making a difference. Please don't ever stop.
Adam thanks for keeping up the fight. The Republican position to ignore border fixes so Trump can have that issue in the November elections is a disgrace. In other words they are so scared of Donald Trump that they will stop a fix from taking place while letting down the people in Ukraine. They should hang their heads in shame. Somehow the message needs to get to the citizens of border states that the Republicans are letting them down. It would be great to raise funding to run advertisements in local media in those states. Hopefully you can also partner with Liz Cheney to jointly carry the message.
Debate and compromise were really more about discussing and learning, so the result was better than what you started with. Now debate has become defend, and compromise has become attack and destroy. This is heaven for a malignant narcissist (The Donald), but it is hell for normal people. Donald said on January 6, " if you don't fight like hell, you won't have a country anymore." The truth is, "If you don't fight the HELL HE CREATED you won't have a country anymore."
I'm determined. (Used to lean Democrat - wanted McCain for president his first run, too scared of the party for the actual run. Now, no other democratic choice but the Democrats for the foreseeable future.) The Greatest Generation understood country first better than we apparently do now. My generation pointed out all their very real flaws. Ironically, they had the balance of power when the Civil Rights Act was passed and my generation had it when the Act was gutted. My brother-in-law's dad was a German POW for the last 9 months of the European war - unbeknownst to him - and was on the longest forced march in the European theater. It damaged him forever. He was livid when Bush went into Iraq. Oddly, right after he died, my brother-in-law was contacted by a French family who lived near where his plane went down and he was captured after D-Day. He would have loved to hear how seeing their first Allied soldier gave them hope.
Energized! So very energized! The US Court of Appeals just rejected the Florida wingnuts` claim to presidential immunity. Let the prosecutions resume! It's a glorious Tuesday morning in America! Rock on truth, justice and the sane American way.
This was an excellent post Adam, and it needs to be said and spread. I’d hoped that more of your colleagues would feel emboldened to speak out against MEGA extremism, but sadly it seems many feel the cost is too high. I’m still holding some hope there are traditional Republican out there that will someday see the cost of being silent to America outweighs the personal cost of speaking out. Keep up the good fight Mr. Kinzinger. I for one am honored to fight alongside you despite some differences we might have.
I would be VERY skeptical of any Republican who hasn't already spoken out loudly against Trump (especially after January 6th) even if they suddenly started doing so.
Thank you Congressman Kinzinger. I am greatly worried about a second Trump term. Will we go into opposition or into hiding. I wish I knew what to do about our political structure -- we need 2 parties with competing visions where both support our constitutional order. I am just not sure how to get there. In my opinion Trump is a symptom but not the problem.
Thanks you Congressman Kinzinger. I just read that Senate Republicans are now turning against their own border bill. I was so angry that I wanted to scream (but cannot do it in my office). Your newsletter made me re-prioritize and redirect my energy. Thank you. You have shown us the way and I am so happy to follow folks like you, Liz Cheney and others who have shown so much bravery and integrity.
Crazy right???
It would have been funny if I am not so angry. At least we also have the news that the Orange Menace is not immune from prosecution. It makes me feel a little better.
Amen to both being angry about the border bill and glad that the 🍊 mental case has been told that he’s not immune to prosecution.
I love the irony involved in most of his prosecutions. most are by women, women judges, women prosecutors, women plaintiffs. and many of these women are black. oh, how that must really piss off Trump, being the racist, misogynist that he is. The Stormy Daniels hush money case is up next and this will be a Federal conviction and many Republicans have said they will no longer support Trump if he is convicted on Federal Criminal charges. We'll see
I screamed "YES" and jumped for joy when that news broke this morning. But my joy is temporarily tempered until I see what the Supreme Court does with the inevitable appeal from Trump.
Yeah, but at least that was done so it can move onto SCOTUS.
You and Liz Cheney are true patriots, putting little "r" republican principles first. Your service on the Jan. 6 Committee is greatly admired and appreciated by a substantial majority of Americans. In a time of violent rhetoric and threats, you are a role model of courage and wisdom, recognizing that sacrifices in the cause of freedom and justice are the way of the good life, a life well lived. Challenges abound in a changing world, and some may, for a time, succumb to the siren song of a divisive, self-serving populist, but the majority of Americans share your devotion to founding principles. Stay in the fight - leadership like yours makes all the difference.
I appreciate that you continue to speak out Adam, especially knowing it is taking a toll on you and your family.
That means a lot thank you
I consider myself on the Progressive-left end of the spectrum on many issues, but would gladly work with people on the center-right and center-left (along with just plain old center). I have never forgotten the horror I felt decades ago when overhearing Rush Limbaugh lecture his radio audience that compromise of any kind was the same thing as supporting socialism (which he did not bother to define). Like you, I believe that seeking win-win solutions is our only way forward, starting with identifying all the things we do agree on and building out from there. Thank you for keeping the faith with a similar vision.
Glad to fight together with you
Real people just want to make a decent living so they can live a decent life. That, and their voice be heard. That is the ultimate promise of democracy. They don't want their livelihood or rights taken away. They don't the rights of women or children or minorities taken away. They don't want to bow down to a golden statue. They don't want their freedom of religion to be taken away.
They will fight next to you Adam, as long as there is something to fight for.
Thanks. There still id
I am in assisted living not my family. I cannot speak up here where I live; some say the Jan 6th committee was a fraud. I heard the hearings and believed what I heard. Not fraud; not a riot. It was insurrection. I agree with Adam Kinsinger; I wish to add more support for him.
Thanks for these words, Adam. We all have a job to do in the service of our country. Now is the time to do what we can….write to elected officials, write to our media sources, and above all , we must vote. I only wish that more principled Republicans (and there are many) would be more vocal about the danger of Trump and Trumpism. Going along to get along simply isn’t an option any more.
That’s absolutely correct
This led me to subscribe - perhaps because of my father and uncles in WW2 - probably. You’re a good man and I hope you continue to speak for sanity.
I am a registered Republican, Vietnam veteran, and retired law enforcement officer, who never voted for Trump even once. I just could never stand his constant lies and immature behavior. In addition, he consistently demonstrates a lack of understanding about how a democracy works. Until about six months ago, I did not give much thought to Trump being elected a second time because it seemed obvious to the most casual observer that he was mentally ill and not suited for public office. I was wrong. His cult of followers is much stronger than I imagined. For the future of my grandchildren, he must not be elected a second time.
Thanks for this jolt of inspiration and commitment. And to answer one of your questions near the beginning of this piece, YES... Your voice IS making a difference. Please don't ever stop.
I've talked to people who are believing Adam in what he is saying on pod casts, CNN, MSNBC etc. but they aren't active in the fight YET!!
Adam thanks for keeping up the fight. The Republican position to ignore border fixes so Trump can have that issue in the November elections is a disgrace. In other words they are so scared of Donald Trump that they will stop a fix from taking place while letting down the people in Ukraine. They should hang their heads in shame. Somehow the message needs to get to the citizens of border states that the Republicans are letting them down. It would be great to raise funding to run advertisements in local media in those states. Hopefully you can also partner with Liz Cheney to jointly carry the message.
Debate and compromise were really more about discussing and learning, so the result was better than what you started with. Now debate has become defend, and compromise has become attack and destroy. This is heaven for a malignant narcissist (The Donald), but it is hell for normal people. Donald said on January 6, " if you don't fight like hell, you won't have a country anymore." The truth is, "If you don't fight the HELL HE CREATED you won't have a country anymore."
I'm determined. (Used to lean Democrat - wanted McCain for president his first run, too scared of the party for the actual run. Now, no other democratic choice but the Democrats for the foreseeable future.) The Greatest Generation understood country first better than we apparently do now. My generation pointed out all their very real flaws. Ironically, they had the balance of power when the Civil Rights Act was passed and my generation had it when the Act was gutted. My brother-in-law's dad was a German POW for the last 9 months of the European war - unbeknownst to him - and was on the longest forced march in the European theater. It damaged him forever. He was livid when Bush went into Iraq. Oddly, right after he died, my brother-in-law was contacted by a French family who lived near where his plane went down and he was captured after D-Day. He would have loved to hear how seeing their first Allied soldier gave them hope.
Energized! So very energized! The US Court of Appeals just rejected the Florida wingnuts` claim to presidential immunity. Let the prosecutions resume! It's a glorious Tuesday morning in America! Rock on truth, justice and the sane American way.
No one ever said fighting evil is easy. Don’t give up.
This was an excellent post Adam, and it needs to be said and spread. I’d hoped that more of your colleagues would feel emboldened to speak out against MEGA extremism, but sadly it seems many feel the cost is too high. I’m still holding some hope there are traditional Republican out there that will someday see the cost of being silent to America outweighs the personal cost of speaking out. Keep up the good fight Mr. Kinzinger. I for one am honored to fight alongside you despite some differences we might have.
I would be VERY skeptical of any Republican who hasn't already spoken out loudly against Trump (especially after January 6th) even if they suddenly started doing so.
Thank you Congressman Kinzinger. I am greatly worried about a second Trump term. Will we go into opposition or into hiding. I wish I knew what to do about our political structure -- we need 2 parties with competing visions where both support our constitutional order. I am just not sure how to get there. In my opinion Trump is a symptom but not the problem.