Great summary. One additional point is that while Trump has an irrational hatred renewable energy, EVs, etc. China is innovating and scaling quickly. Trump's policies will ensure that the world looks to China for these technologies while the US falls further behind.
Elon paid $44 Billion for Twitter. And $200 million for control of the most powerful nation on Earth. What a deal! Of course, Twitter was used as a tool for this goal. So the campaign cash was only a part of the total purchase price for the United States of America. Master of the Universe!
Ed, JRD & Burke, I agree that Musk’s goal is to be “Master of the Universe”, and he’s perhaps the only one of trump’s picks who will not respond to issues with a knee-jerk reaction. He’s going to use the US as a chess piece.
While I appreciate Ed’s optimistic take on what the populace will do once trump and his team of misfits get rolling, I don’t share his expectations. Brainwashing isn’t a formally recognized Psychiatric disorder, but it resembles a dissasociative disorder which requires intense psychotherapy, and sometimes medication, to treat. As long as the GOP continues to enable trump, the people who voted for him will accept whatever sacrifices they’re forced to make - in the name of ‘Patriotism’, or whatever lies are fed to them. You can be sure the authors of ‘Project 2025’, and the right-wing media propagandists have thought of that, and are prepared with the lies they’ll use to shift blame, as always.
Yes, that makes sense as to why (I think it was GM) laid off 1000 employees since Trump will not be supportive of electric vehicles?! Have you heard about that?
Musk buys Trump’s support. Trump fought against EVs but admitted that if Elon wants them he’ll support EVs. Same with crypto. Trump said that he supported the US $ but Elon likes crypto so Trump must like crypto.
That last bit of your post makes sense, since I would attribute this to turning our country into another North Korea. I feel, however, that we as a whole, will not allow this to ever come to long as the U.S. Constitution is not "eviscerated." I could use "decimated" but that would leave the document 90% still intact. And that would be too much in the Orange Nutjob's quest for complete control.
Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are the BEDROCK of the United States. Let's never forget that we are a Constitutional Republic.
Please don’t forget Climate Change. Trump removing the US from the Paris Climate Accord offers a perfect opportunity for China to step up and lead. Trumps commitment to drop the support for green energy, including the $7,500 rebate on EV’s will slow down the US’s ability to remain competitive in the global market. Trumps denial of humans negative impact on the environment is out of step with the rest of the world. China can lead.
What is the point of destroying our economy and standing in the world? What happened to Trump's constant drumbeat phrase: Make America Great Again? I know Trump is mentally ill and wants everyone to suffer for the slings and arrows he believes he has suffered unjustifiably, but turning the U.S. into a "shit hole country" doesn't benefit anyone unless, of course, he and his billionaire friends can greatly enrich themselves and also escape any form of justice. I wonder if Trump plans to live in Russia (if he doesn't die first)?
But people don't like him. This is the biggest problem though--FEAR. Everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off...we can't give up! All is not lost. And if it is, then we fight a civil war or we leave the country. I'm willing but I can't do it alone.
In 1939, Neville Chamberlain went to the Czechs and, with France, told them that England and France would not be with them if they did not cede the Sudetenland to Hitler. They were desperately trying to avoid war. Churchill called this appeasement a disaster, but at the time, he was not listened to because of Gallipoli. With in a month or so, Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway, and teamed with Stalin to bomb Poland. France and England were next on the menu. France was occupied and England suffered the Blitz. Of course, they then declared war with Germany. They actually STARTED WWII with this appeasement. Trump will try this. He will not supply Ukraine with ammunition. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it!" Putin WILL NOT STOP until he has ALL of Ukraine, and then the NATO countries. The world who looked to us for guidance, I'm afraid, are extremely scared , as am I. He will not bring peace, but instead WWIII. The enemy is Putin/Russia. I think that China will go with whoever is the strongest, and that doesn't look like a Trump administration is putting us there.
China already looked elsewhere during the first trump admin to avoid tariffs and get their soybeans somewhere else. trump had to give our proud farmers welfare.
I am not as optimistic as you are. If the idiocy that is Magaland continues, the US may well find itself isolated from the possible incursions of countries like Russia or China. Trariffs will probably cost many households much more than $2000 per year. All it takes is a close look through closets, pantries and in a child's room full of toys to realize the impact. I was horrified a few years back during a visit to the Kennedy Space Center to discover that almost everything in the gift shop was made in China. Seems as though we are already more dependent on them than we should be. Outsourcing of jobs and the clammer for cheap products has left our good sense in the dust.
The clamor for inexpensive goods is a worthwhile clamor. The outsourcing of jobs and manufacturing is nothing less than how the rich get richer. Anyone who believes that the rich give a damn about the rest of us is delusional and likely among those who voted for trump. What the rich don't realize is that it's the rest of us who made them rich in the first place. They are shooting themselves in the foot by greedily disregarding us and using tariffs to discourage imports. How will they grow their wealth when the average American (the rest of us) cannot afford to buy anything due to stagnant wages/benefits and tariffs resulting in higher prices (increasing inflation)? I remember the old adage "Never bite the hand that feeds you." The rich should remember it too.
There you go. Spot on. They are so blinded by greed, they refuse to see past the end of their collective olfactory senses. Somehow, I'm not the least bit surprised that the Orange Nutjob is aware of this. He'll be getting his millions from the rich themselves for doing favors for them. Favors that won't cost him personally one red cent. It'll all be coming out of the taxpayer's pockets. Scratch my back; I'll scratch yours. He loves spending gov't money; he seems it's this bottomless pit of wealth. This is why he was a complete and epic failure as a businessman. End of convo.
it's not just made in China. The first round of tariffs started during trump admin on China, did not bring our companies back to America. They went to Vietnam, Indonesia, and other low wage countries. They will do the same with trump 2.0 tariffs.
I’m an old retired farm hillbilly, for the past 30 years we have bought cheap products from China. Really the problem — trying to reverse 30 years of outsourcing to China over night. Tariffs should be stair stepped over the next 2 years to allow less shock to our pockbooks.
American companies did not come back here during the first trump tariffs and will not during trump 2.0. They went to countries like Vietnam and Indonesia. More tariffs and US withdrawal from the global stage will also cause countries to start finding other trading partners. There was an inkling of that with trump tariffs in the first go round. China got it's soybeans from another country and our farmers had to be subsidized.
This just never ends. I have made it clear to family members who voted for Trump not to ask me for financial help or assistance with whatever stupid predicament they find themselves in .... they will get no sympathy from me. I am so tired of this shit and it hasn't even actually started yet. Just changed my beneficiary to a family member who is the most in need of it to a 'Never Trumper' family member, who actually doesn't need the money, but is getting it anyway. I am done effing around here. Boy, did that feel good. HA!!
family bonds area important. these corrupt leaders don't care about you or your family members. Mayb don't talk about politics - just do the fun things and ignore the rest.
Sorry but for 248 years men and women fought and died for this country to not have this situation we are in now. It's unforgivable voting for a dictator/tyrant. Why would I want to be around a person that did that? Family or no family.
Trump may be a lame duck 🦆 president, but he can and will do a whole lot of damage to our nation and world order in the next four years. The midterm elections may see a turning away from the carnage. We shall see!
With the many countries around the globe turning to China because....trump, and we see our allies falling away from us, to also look to China... I can't blame them. We have always been a bit high-handed to those we work with, and that’s fostered some resentment. We are the country that others love to hate. Now, that has become justified. I don't recall who said it, but during the campaign, maybe at the republican convention, someone predicted that we would become a third world country under Harris. I see that happening under tRumPutin and Project 2025. We will be the next Iran and Afghanistan. A religious cult of rich, white, Christian Nationalists - ruling with iron fists, and rounding up all dissenters - and the majority of the population living in poverty and fear.
And the time to fight is Right NOW....while we still can.
Donald just wants to be called POTUS. That and revenge are his goals. HE thinks because he threatens our allies that he's a big shot, and the MAGA dummies applaud his "strength" and love his withdrawal from the world order. HE is dumber than a stump and America will pay the price.
We have the midterms to mitigate some of the damage maybe, but after that, I really don't think anyone in the world will really trust us anymore. We have now proven we are NOT to be trusted. We have a bit of a "comeback" from the first Donald debacle but we couldn't hold it.
Europe and other countries must take care of their own interests and those interests used to work with ours but not anymore. I was always so proud of the esteem that the US was held in around the world and that image is truly tattered at this point, and frankly is may not ever come back, as least to where it once was. It's a shame.
Regarding the midterms, I read a great article by Bryan Tyler Cohen, and I like his take on what Democrats have to do, OR really anyone else who is interested in the US NOT ending up totally in the septic tank. Would you rather have say a Joe Manchin (yes I know he's not running) voting with the Democrats 70% of the time or the guy that's there now that will vote with MAGA 100% of the time. IF we say the Democratic party has a big umbrella, then we need to prove it. It is the ONLY way so save us.
Gotta stand up. Be prepared to have the military hauling people away and lots of sedition charges made. No charges could be made to stick to Donald (thank you Merrick Garland) but Donnie won't have the same problem I don't think. Just sayin''s a new world.
Freedom isn't free! Protesting is not sedition, there is a very good chance with this guy that people may be shot. It happen during the Vietnam War protest and it can happen again.You have to ask yourself is "Freedom Worth It". Being a Vet my answer is YES.
Yep, I served as well, but not in combat. Just the same....I sure as hell didn't swear that oath and wear the uniform on a false premise. I did it because of what this country stands for. And I wasn't even born in the U.S. but I love it as if it was my birth country.
Protesting is NOT sedition, but Donald and his cronies don't look at anything in a normal way. Like I say, it's a new world, one that WE never thought we would see.
He'll want to keep the First Amendment, but only as it applies to him. We'll certainly not be permitted to peacefully protest. He is walking with one foot in the grave. His other foot is grazing the edge of it. He's a degenerate.
Welcoming Greens, Working Families, Independents, while inviting Democrats and Republicans (Non-maga), and disgusted non-voters to join with Country First could forge a coalition that will grow toward the redemption of the USA.
Adam, no disrespect - I love you man. But this piece sounds like it was written by the NYT in their normalizing trump kind of way.
"Trump’s ability to navigate these complex situations remains uncertain." Really? Uncertain? The guy can't put together three coherent sentences on any topic of importance. Of course he's incapable of navigating geopolitical complexities. Which is only one of the many reasons he is totally unfit for the Presidency.
And "The incoming administration’s approach, however, appears to signal such a retreat." Duh, he tanked the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), an alliance that would have limited China's influence. Of course Trump will retreat. More patents for Ivanka, I guess.
Trump will retreat everywhere. Everywhere he can get paid for retreating at least. He will bluster and act the tough guy, but as you've said many times, he's a bully and bullies are weaklings. We know this - you think Xi and Putin don't know this! His retreats in China, Ukraine and elsewhere will make the US increasingly vulnerable and less relevant. We don't have to guess about these things. This is now our reality.
Trump has been telling us who he is for years, and more explicitly during this campaign. With the dismissal of the criminal charges against him, he is now above the law, just like Putin, Xi, and Kim. He will implement his policies, but they will be erratic just like his brain, and in months or weeks he will throw Cabinet members and staff under the bus as he always has. Buckle up folks, this is going to be the wildest rodeo of our lifetimes, and I’m going to suggest there will be a lot of “buyers remorse” for a large number of voters who thought he can fix things; he can all right, but not in the way they hoped!
Bob, I’m convinced a lot of trump supporters LIKE the chaos he represents, and consider him entertaining. Basically, they think it’s a TV show. Most don’t - and won’t - look past the bombastic rhetoric to the details of what he says he’ll do. And when prices go up at Walmart and Fox tells them it’s Biden’s fault, they’ll believe it.
Lou, maybe for the first little while, but when you’re the guy in charge for a year or so that bat shit ain’t gonna fly. The Pres gets blamed for everything, good and bad, but especially the bad! 😱
See, Bob, we’re going to have to disagree on that. Because no matter what goes wrong, his base - backed by fox and right wing radio - will blame Biden for 2 years, and then someone else after that. It’s the Fascist playbook - create a scapegoat (or enemy), claim you’re the only one who can defeat said enemy, and that it’ll take 100% loyalty to Der Fuhrer (the leader) to get it done.
This guy is at least partially responsible for 100,000 out of the MILLION of Covid deaths due to his negligence, and instigated a riot to try to stay in power. And they STILL voted for him AGAIN. He was PROVEN a liar, cheat, and molester, and they STILL voted for him. AGAIN.
then that's up to the Democrats and sane media to speak out loud and clear who deserves the blame and who deserves the credit. When the Infrastructure projects get completed during trump's reign and trump takes credit- it was Biden. and when trump's own policies fail- it's his fault period.
That’d be great, Diane. But when most of the media are trying hard to be “fair” and consequently let trump off the hook, while Fox and other right wing blame Biden for *everything* including hurricanes (!), trump will get away with taking credit for infrastructure and everything good - including shrinking gas prices - while accepting no responsibility for anything bad, just like his previous 4 years.
The democrats need to - excuse the expression - “grow a pair”, stop playing nice, and appeal to the “common man” instead. Quit being afraid of getting dirty, cuz trump is filthy.
Easy there. I may or may not be speaking out of turn; putting words in Adam's mouth, but bear with me. And if I am out of "control," then I apologize in advance.
We all know just how far and how hard Adam has worked during this entire campaign, during the investigation of January 6th. Voting Democrat instead of Republican. According to the Orange Nutjob, Adam is one of many enemies within. It's possible Adam, along with Liz and Jack among many, many others have "jackets" that are red-flagged. Were I in their situation, taking an active role against the true enemy within (Orange Nutjob and his entire cabal), I would certainly keep doing everything in my power and within the legal bounds to prevent losing our democracy. But, by the same token - since I have been/would be in the public eye - I would also carefully weigh my words....for the sake of staying on course to do what's right and NEVER GIVE UP! Them's just my thoughts. Hopefully, I haven't offended Adam. For all I know, I might be way off base. But then again, I was never one to live within the constraints of the inside of the proverbial box.
Thank you for today’s update Adam!!! I am also concerned about all the things that you have mentioned! TRUMIE is definitely emboldened to PUTTIE and that could definitely 💯 make things worse for us!!!! The tariffs he wants would make things worse for our country economically!!!
Jack Smith please leave the country before Jan. 20th and take the people that worked with you who also may be in danger with you. Because they are coming for you! You have done enough to try and help us . I would love to come with you but I need to stay and fight for this democracy again!
The orange man-baby has no idea what he’s doing to the economy with his ridiculous policies if tariffs and deporting of migrant workers who take jobs many Americans aren’t interested in doing such as farm laborers. Our country has, in the past, embraced isolationism fearful of conflict in other parts of the world and no desire for a repeat of WWl. That was in the 1930s, a time of much suffering and hardship, partly due to the Great Depression. This also allowed countries such as Germany and Japan to strengthen their influence over surrounding regions, filling the void left by the US. This came back to bite us, contributing to WWll. Didn’t work out so good then. Won’t work out so good now.
Why can’t they understand that? I see Magas crying about get out of the war in Ukraine, when we need to help a country defend its democracy. I don’t have to spell out the reasons to you, because you know! But these Magas act like we can live in a vacuum, all be white and hetero, ignore what’s going on in the world and never have any problems. It doesn’t work that way.
Great summary. One additional point is that while Trump has an irrational hatred renewable energy, EVs, etc. China is innovating and scaling quickly. Trump's policies will ensure that the world looks to China for these technologies while the US falls further behind.
I find it interesting that Trump is anti-electric cars and yet has Elon musk in his back pocket.. help make this make sense 🤦♀️
Elon Musk has Trump in HIS back pocket.
Elon bought a President for less than $200 million. A bargain!
Elon paid $44 Billion for Twitter. And $200 million for control of the most powerful nation on Earth. What a deal! Of course, Twitter was used as a tool for this goal. So the campaign cash was only a part of the total purchase price for the United States of America. Master of the Universe!
Let’s not run to the fox holes yet folks!
I was shocked and dismayed by Trump's win. His cabinet picks are unique to say the least.
But give it a year or two to see what implodes. Once the “ new deal” starts hitting people’s pocket books, then watch the fireworks.
Once you try to export the people who do the real tough work, watch food prices soar. I’m guessing 60% of the packing plants employee immigrants.
Ed, JRD & Burke, I agree that Musk’s goal is to be “Master of the Universe”, and he’s perhaps the only one of trump’s picks who will not respond to issues with a knee-jerk reaction. He’s going to use the US as a chess piece.
While I appreciate Ed’s optimistic take on what the populace will do once trump and his team of misfits get rolling, I don’t share his expectations. Brainwashing isn’t a formally recognized Psychiatric disorder, but it resembles a dissasociative disorder which requires intense psychotherapy, and sometimes medication, to treat. As long as the GOP continues to enable trump, the people who voted for him will accept whatever sacrifices they’re forced to make - in the name of ‘Patriotism’, or whatever lies are fed to them. You can be sure the authors of ‘Project 2025’, and the right-wing media propagandists have thought of that, and are prepared with the lies they’ll use to shift blame, as always.
He'll be pro Elon and will help him block competition.
Yes, that makes sense as to why (I think it was GM) laid off 1000 employees since Trump will not be supportive of electric vehicles?! Have you heard about that?
Musk buys Trump’s support. Trump fought against EVs but admitted that if Elon wants them he’ll support EVs. Same with crypto. Trump said that he supported the US $ but Elon likes crypto so Trump must like crypto.
^ This.
Upon stolen US technology.
That last bit of your post makes sense, since I would attribute this to turning our country into another North Korea. I feel, however, that we as a whole, will not allow this to ever come to long as the U.S. Constitution is not "eviscerated." I could use "decimated" but that would leave the document 90% still intact. And that would be too much in the Orange Nutjob's quest for complete control.
Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are the BEDROCK of the United States. Let's never forget that we are a Constitutional Republic.
Please don’t forget Climate Change. Trump removing the US from the Paris Climate Accord offers a perfect opportunity for China to step up and lead. Trumps commitment to drop the support for green energy, including the $7,500 rebate on EV’s will slow down the US’s ability to remain competitive in the global market. Trumps denial of humans negative impact on the environment is out of step with the rest of the world. China can lead.
Yes especially when you have moronic comments from Musk and Co questioning military equipment and doctrine with zero qualifications to do so!
The Tech Bros will destroy our democracy while further enriching themselves.
What is the point of destroying our economy and standing in the world? What happened to Trump's constant drumbeat phrase: Make America Great Again? I know Trump is mentally ill and wants everyone to suffer for the slings and arrows he believes he has suffered unjustifiably, but turning the U.S. into a "shit hole country" doesn't benefit anyone unless, of course, he and his billionaire friends can greatly enrich themselves and also escape any form of justice. I wonder if Trump plans to live in Russia (if he doesn't die first)?
I prefer the latter.
The problem with that is that we would be stuck with Vance as president and I am even more afraid of him because he’s smarter than Trump
But people don't like him. This is the biggest problem though--FEAR. Everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off...we can't give up! All is not lost. And if it is, then we fight a civil war or we leave the country. I'm willing but I can't do it alone.
Keep the Country First ball rolling to gather together with more and more patriots.
You won't have to.
“ he and his billionaire friends can greatly enrich themselves and escape justice” Bingo! “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
As soon as possible Please! But then we’d have Vance 🤢.
In 1939, Neville Chamberlain went to the Czechs and, with France, told them that England and France would not be with them if they did not cede the Sudetenland to Hitler. They were desperately trying to avoid war. Churchill called this appeasement a disaster, but at the time, he was not listened to because of Gallipoli. With in a month or so, Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway, and teamed with Stalin to bomb Poland. France and England were next on the menu. France was occupied and England suffered the Blitz. Of course, they then declared war with Germany. They actually STARTED WWII with this appeasement. Trump will try this. He will not supply Ukraine with ammunition. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it!" Putin WILL NOT STOP until he has ALL of Ukraine, and then the NATO countries. The world who looked to us for guidance, I'm afraid, are extremely scared , as am I. He will not bring peace, but instead WWIII. The enemy is Putin/Russia. I think that China will go with whoever is the strongest, and that doesn't look like a Trump administration is putting us there.
China already looked elsewhere during the first trump admin to avoid tariffs and get their soybeans somewhere else. trump had to give our proud farmers welfare.
Now THAT is interesting. So Trump is not the great economist that he thinks he is!
he never was but he still fools people somehow
Heaviest of all possible sighs!
I am not as optimistic as you are. If the idiocy that is Magaland continues, the US may well find itself isolated from the possible incursions of countries like Russia or China. Trariffs will probably cost many households much more than $2000 per year. All it takes is a close look through closets, pantries and in a child's room full of toys to realize the impact. I was horrified a few years back during a visit to the Kennedy Space Center to discover that almost everything in the gift shop was made in China. Seems as though we are already more dependent on them than we should be. Outsourcing of jobs and the clammer for cheap products has left our good sense in the dust.
Nikita Khrushchev once said, “We will bury you and you will sell us the shovels”. Turns out the Chinese will sell us the shovels to bury ourselves.
I hadn't heard the second part of the Khrushchev statement "...and you will sell us the shovels". Thanks for enlightening me.
The clamor for inexpensive goods is a worthwhile clamor. The outsourcing of jobs and manufacturing is nothing less than how the rich get richer. Anyone who believes that the rich give a damn about the rest of us is delusional and likely among those who voted for trump. What the rich don't realize is that it's the rest of us who made them rich in the first place. They are shooting themselves in the foot by greedily disregarding us and using tariffs to discourage imports. How will they grow their wealth when the average American (the rest of us) cannot afford to buy anything due to stagnant wages/benefits and tariffs resulting in higher prices (increasing inflation)? I remember the old adage "Never bite the hand that feeds you." The rich should remember it too.
There you go. Spot on. They are so blinded by greed, they refuse to see past the end of their collective olfactory senses. Somehow, I'm not the least bit surprised that the Orange Nutjob is aware of this. He'll be getting his millions from the rich themselves for doing favors for them. Favors that won't cost him personally one red cent. It'll all be coming out of the taxpayer's pockets. Scratch my back; I'll scratch yours. He loves spending gov't money; he seems it's this bottomless pit of wealth. This is why he was a complete and epic failure as a businessman. End of convo.
it's not just made in China. The first round of tariffs started during trump admin on China, did not bring our companies back to America. They went to Vietnam, Indonesia, and other low wage countries. They will do the same with trump 2.0 tariffs.
I’m an old retired farm hillbilly, for the past 30 years we have bought cheap products from China. Really the problem — trying to reverse 30 years of outsourcing to China over night. Tariffs should be stair stepped over the next 2 years to allow less shock to our pockbooks.
American companies did not come back here during the first trump tariffs and will not during trump 2.0. They went to countries like Vietnam and Indonesia. More tariffs and US withdrawal from the global stage will also cause countries to start finding other trading partners. There was an inkling of that with trump tariffs in the first go round. China got it's soybeans from another country and our farmers had to be subsidized.
This just never ends. I have made it clear to family members who voted for Trump not to ask me for financial help or assistance with whatever stupid predicament they find themselves in .... they will get no sympathy from me. I am so tired of this shit and it hasn't even actually started yet. Just changed my beneficiary to a family member who is the most in need of it to a 'Never Trumper' family member, who actually doesn't need the money, but is getting it anyway. I am done effing around here. Boy, did that feel good. HA!!
I'm 73 and stopped talking to my sister, probably forever! Some things are unforgivable!!
family bonds area important. these corrupt leaders don't care about you or your family members. Mayb don't talk about politics - just do the fun things and ignore the rest.
John, maybe after she suffers some hard knocks from Maga-land she'll wake up and you can again be brother and sister.
Sorry but for 248 years men and women fought and died for this country to not have this situation we are in now. It's unforgivable voting for a dictator/tyrant. Why would I want to be around a person that did that? Family or no family.
Trump may be a lame duck 🦆 president, but he can and will do a whole lot of damage to our nation and world order in the next four years. The midterm elections may see a turning away from the carnage. We shall see!
When your a dictator there is no such thing as a lame duck!!
I hope that rings true.
With the many countries around the globe turning to China because....trump, and we see our allies falling away from us, to also look to China... I can't blame them. We have always been a bit high-handed to those we work with, and that’s fostered some resentment. We are the country that others love to hate. Now, that has become justified. I don't recall who said it, but during the campaign, maybe at the republican convention, someone predicted that we would become a third world country under Harris. I see that happening under tRumPutin and Project 2025. We will be the next Iran and Afghanistan. A religious cult of rich, white, Christian Nationalists - ruling with iron fists, and rounding up all dissenters - and the majority of the population living in poverty and fear.
And the time to fight is Right NOW....while we still can.
You may call me a Cassandra, I'll allow that. ☮️
"We are the country that others love to hate." I remember 'The Ugly American'
And about to become 'the hideous American'.
Let's build Country First into a dynamic response!
Donald just wants to be called POTUS. That and revenge are his goals. HE thinks because he threatens our allies that he's a big shot, and the MAGA dummies applaud his "strength" and love his withdrawal from the world order. HE is dumber than a stump and America will pay the price.
We have the midterms to mitigate some of the damage maybe, but after that, I really don't think anyone in the world will really trust us anymore. We have now proven we are NOT to be trusted. We have a bit of a "comeback" from the first Donald debacle but we couldn't hold it.
Europe and other countries must take care of their own interests and those interests used to work with ours but not anymore. I was always so proud of the esteem that the US was held in around the world and that image is truly tattered at this point, and frankly is may not ever come back, as least to where it once was. It's a shame.
Regarding the midterms, I read a great article by Bryan Tyler Cohen, and I like his take on what Democrats have to do, OR really anyone else who is interested in the US NOT ending up totally in the septic tank. Would you rather have say a Joe Manchin (yes I know he's not running) voting with the Democrats 70% of the time or the guy that's there now that will vote with MAGA 100% of the time. IF we say the Democratic party has a big umbrella, then we need to prove it. It is the ONLY way so save us.
The only way to save us is the voices of "We The People"!!
Gotta stand up. Be prepared to have the military hauling people away and lots of sedition charges made. No charges could be made to stick to Donald (thank you Merrick Garland) but Donnie won't have the same problem I don't think. Just sayin''s a new world.
Freedom isn't free! Protesting is not sedition, there is a very good chance with this guy that people may be shot. It happen during the Vietnam War protest and it can happen again.You have to ask yourself is "Freedom Worth It". Being a Vet my answer is YES.
"Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming"
1970 I remember it well, I was a few weeks away from going to Vietnam,
I was 18 years old. I'm sure there is still plenty of Tin Soldiers around ready to fire away. We shall see!
Yep, I served as well, but not in combat. Just the same....I sure as hell didn't swear that oath and wear the uniform on a false premise. I did it because of what this country stands for. And I wasn't even born in the U.S. but I love it as if it was my birth country.
Protesting is NOT sedition, but Donald and his cronies don't look at anything in a normal way. Like I say, it's a new world, one that WE never thought we would see.
He'll want to keep the First Amendment, but only as it applies to him. We'll certainly not be permitted to peacefully protest. He is walking with one foot in the grave. His other foot is grazing the edge of it. He's a degenerate.
Welcoming Greens, Working Families, Independents, while inviting Democrats and Republicans (Non-maga), and disgusted non-voters to join with Country First could forge a coalition that will grow toward the redemption of the USA.
Country1st should team up with the group Indivisible.
Adam, no disrespect - I love you man. But this piece sounds like it was written by the NYT in their normalizing trump kind of way.
"Trump’s ability to navigate these complex situations remains uncertain." Really? Uncertain? The guy can't put together three coherent sentences on any topic of importance. Of course he's incapable of navigating geopolitical complexities. Which is only one of the many reasons he is totally unfit for the Presidency.
And "The incoming administration’s approach, however, appears to signal such a retreat." Duh, he tanked the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), an alliance that would have limited China's influence. Of course Trump will retreat. More patents for Ivanka, I guess.
Trump will retreat everywhere. Everywhere he can get paid for retreating at least. He will bluster and act the tough guy, but as you've said many times, he's a bully and bullies are weaklings. We know this - you think Xi and Putin don't know this! His retreats in China, Ukraine and elsewhere will make the US increasingly vulnerable and less relevant. We don't have to guess about these things. This is now our reality.
Trump has been telling us who he is for years, and more explicitly during this campaign. With the dismissal of the criminal charges against him, he is now above the law, just like Putin, Xi, and Kim. He will implement his policies, but they will be erratic just like his brain, and in months or weeks he will throw Cabinet members and staff under the bus as he always has. Buckle up folks, this is going to be the wildest rodeo of our lifetimes, and I’m going to suggest there will be a lot of “buyers remorse” for a large number of voters who thought he can fix things; he can all right, but not in the way they hoped!
Bob, I’m convinced a lot of trump supporters LIKE the chaos he represents, and consider him entertaining. Basically, they think it’s a TV show. Most don’t - and won’t - look past the bombastic rhetoric to the details of what he says he’ll do. And when prices go up at Walmart and Fox tells them it’s Biden’s fault, they’ll believe it.
Lou, maybe for the first little while, but when you’re the guy in charge for a year or so that bat shit ain’t gonna fly. The Pres gets blamed for everything, good and bad, but especially the bad! 😱
See, Bob, we’re going to have to disagree on that. Because no matter what goes wrong, his base - backed by fox and right wing radio - will blame Biden for 2 years, and then someone else after that. It’s the Fascist playbook - create a scapegoat (or enemy), claim you’re the only one who can defeat said enemy, and that it’ll take 100% loyalty to Der Fuhrer (the leader) to get it done.
This guy is at least partially responsible for 100,000 out of the MILLION of Covid deaths due to his negligence, and instigated a riot to try to stay in power. And they STILL voted for him AGAIN. He was PROVEN a liar, cheat, and molester, and they STILL voted for him. AGAIN.
then that's up to the Democrats and sane media to speak out loud and clear who deserves the blame and who deserves the credit. When the Infrastructure projects get completed during trump's reign and trump takes credit- it was Biden. and when trump's own policies fail- it's his fault period.
That’d be great, Diane. But when most of the media are trying hard to be “fair” and consequently let trump off the hook, while Fox and other right wing blame Biden for *everything* including hurricanes (!), trump will get away with taking credit for infrastructure and everything good - including shrinking gas prices - while accepting no responsibility for anything bad, just like his previous 4 years.
The democrats need to - excuse the expression - “grow a pair”, stop playing nice, and appeal to the “common man” instead. Quit being afraid of getting dirty, cuz trump is filthy.
Easy there. I may or may not be speaking out of turn; putting words in Adam's mouth, but bear with me. And if I am out of "control," then I apologize in advance.
We all know just how far and how hard Adam has worked during this entire campaign, during the investigation of January 6th. Voting Democrat instead of Republican. According to the Orange Nutjob, Adam is one of many enemies within. It's possible Adam, along with Liz and Jack among many, many others have "jackets" that are red-flagged. Were I in their situation, taking an active role against the true enemy within (Orange Nutjob and his entire cabal), I would certainly keep doing everything in my power and within the legal bounds to prevent losing our democracy. But, by the same token - since I have been/would be in the public eye - I would also carefully weigh my words....for the sake of staying on course to do what's right and NEVER GIVE UP! Them's just my thoughts. Hopefully, I haven't offended Adam. For all I know, I might be way off base. But then again, I was never one to live within the constraints of the inside of the proverbial box.
Thank you for today’s update Adam!!! I am also concerned about all the things that you have mentioned! TRUMIE is definitely emboldened to PUTTIE and that could definitely 💯 make things worse for us!!!! The tariffs he wants would make things worse for our country economically!!!
Jack Smith please leave the country before Jan. 20th and take the people that worked with you who also may be in danger with you. Because they are coming for you! You have done enough to try and help us . I would love to come with you but I need to stay and fight for this democracy again!
Vietnam Vet
The orange man-baby has no idea what he’s doing to the economy with his ridiculous policies if tariffs and deporting of migrant workers who take jobs many Americans aren’t interested in doing such as farm laborers. Our country has, in the past, embraced isolationism fearful of conflict in other parts of the world and no desire for a repeat of WWl. That was in the 1930s, a time of much suffering and hardship, partly due to the Great Depression. This also allowed countries such as Germany and Japan to strengthen their influence over surrounding regions, filling the void left by the US. This came back to bite us, contributing to WWll. Didn’t work out so good then. Won’t work out so good now.
Why can’t they understand that? I see Magas crying about get out of the war in Ukraine, when we need to help a country defend its democracy. I don’t have to spell out the reasons to you, because you know! But these Magas act like we can live in a vacuum, all be white and hetero, ignore what’s going on in the world and never have any problems. It doesn’t work that way.
Any way you cut it, we are looking at a disaster for the US.
I’m curious about Taiwan? Would the US come to their aid?
Not a chance, and China knows that.