
Reading this is so empowering. And you point out the nuts and bolts of how to hold people accountable...calll them out and keep the pressure up and don't let anyone dodge the answers to the questions American people are owed. Such as Why did you willingly support baseless election fraud ?and try stop a peaceful transfer of power? And why do you still continue to be an election denier ? And not admit it now?

They need to be held accountable

The United States is in this mess because people have not been held accountable.

I see all the hate posts on Twitter.

Thank you for your bravery.

Don't ever stop posting.


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First the media needs to regain its backbone. They need to stand up to these elected officials and demand an answer to the question and not back down. What would have happened when Johnson wouldn’t answer the question and when he tried to move on, the press corp just stood there? Foxx of NC said shut up, so they did.

I believe the election denier/voted for Johnson Representatives will answer to the voters. Democrats and Independents need to remind the voters in ‘24.

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They spent too much time on him where and when it didn’t matter and shouldn’t have. Trump said he ran as a Republican because they’re so stupid.

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Thanks , Adam. You, and other who have the public ear (and in your case the chops to back up your statements) will help us all by continuing to bang the drum of accountability.Most elected Republicans have lost their integrity , and it may be that the current crop has no way back. We can turn this around if every caring American votes for principled candidates who consistently put country and constituents over Party.

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Adam, thank you for this as I agree with you. I am not sure any of the GOP will realize just how harmful they have become, or they just don’t care. This is a disgrace to our country and our democracy.

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That's why, as a former Republican, I refer to the remaining stalwarts as RHINOs -- Rational Humans in Name Only.

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First of all, I have to say that I live in Colorado. What a CF of Republican representatives we have in the House: Lamborn, Buck, and Boebert.

I have NEVER been a fan of Ken Buck, always viewing him as extreme. Then Jan 6th happened and Ken Buck was the voice of reason. WHAT?! Are you sure? yeah, it was Ken Buck, alright. at least compared to the "new normal" of the Republican Party.

I am now really afraid of just how extreme a politician needs to win primary these days.

Here's one of them: Justin somebody https://ballotpedia.org/Justin_Schreiber

Who are you? Tell us about yourself.

I am a combat veteran and I don't tolerate tyrants! I'm running to restore the constitution fully, dismantle the IRS, ATF, and FBI they are domestic terrorists. I am pro freedom on everything, this is America and we should be acting as such! Freedom Isn't Free!

What is your favorite book? Why?

Vehicle and firearm manuals

oh good lord, we are so screwed

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wow! the dismantle part really scares me- it's part of Project2025 that the maga cult actually endorses.

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I read it yesterday on politico

I gotta say it terrified me

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I just don’t get Buck ... if he’s retiring why cave and vote for an election denying anti-democracy candidate for speaker? What’s the motivation or fear there?

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He and/or his family were probably threatened.

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Adam, so many of us already admire your integrity, and love you as a person, as a military man, and as a politician who we can rely on without needing to read between the lines.

When the Speaker position took three attempts to fill, that told me something.

I might have lost a few Christian friends because there they go with the nationalism again.

Today my goal is to be nice to Republicans. Colbert spoke of the party's former leader as "the Unflushable Turd," and when I recovered from laughing aloud, I wondered if maybe the election deniers are secretly embarrassed since the only coverage Dr. DumDum seems to be getting anymore involves court cases that he's losing.

I'm not going to care if election deniers are embarrassed. They earn $83.00 an hour. Maybe they could have considered putting integrity on their job descriptions like they probably expect from the taxpayers.

Eat, pray, love, believe... You have supporters all the way.

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I agree wholeheartedly, Mr. Kinzinger. Voters, fellow congresspeople, senators, the news media should never let election deniers pretend that they did not say and act like the 2020 election was rigged and/or subsenquently did not denounce the events of January 6th. All of the efforts to deny or overturn the 2020 election represented our country's most significant internal threat since the civil war and, just as importantly, most of those deniers continue to support the man who was most responsible for that threat and who continues to pose that threat (can't they see that??). Thank you, Mr. Kinzinger, for doing your part to make sure they can't pretend it didn't happen.

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I don't know what to think anymore about anything. In Nevada, my newspaper just reported that Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden by double digits. It is hard to fathom. So not only do people cover for him, and deny what happened in 2020, they keep going with him.

This is the man who very clearly tells us what he will do, he will gut the government, throw out anyone that would question his authority, put in place judges that will rule that he HAS the ultimate authority on almost everything, they will be the king makers.

Those young people demonstrating in DC have a very short memory or didn't see it in the first place, about what Donald does with demonstrators. Well, unless they are worshiping him. He calls the military on them and then has a parade with the generals down the church to show his upside down Bible.

The media, even the left leading media is trashing Biden, saying he's too old, and Donald can't even keep a thought train or string three words together. He makes no sense, has no policies, cares about no one and yet people want to put him and his string puller, Steve Bannon in power. Republicans have been running on Biden's accomplishments and policies, pointing out that nice new roadway that is connecting parts of their city that makes everyone's commute so much better, built by the program THEY voted NO on!!!!!

As for polls? I don't participate anymore. I could see how the biases are formed so I still don't know who is taking them and how they are getting their results. This is how they go. Answer me this: "would you rather your five year old be run over by a train or a steamroller?" Well, I don't want either of those choices but that isn't a choice. So, I'm not feeling good today. Actually I haven't felt good since 2015 and King Donnie came down that elevator. How CAN we hold election deniers accountable and get through to the American public. Why are the democrats so intent on getting Donald Trump back in the White House. All I can say, is there are few people more short sighted and arrogant that a "true" progressive. Sorry if I'm offending but that is just MHO.

Got your book today Adam. I'm heading out of town for a week tomorrow so will start it when I get back. Thanks for your courage and not giving up.

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They like what trump is doing and this is what they want for America. They are aware. They know about Project2025. They want our Federal Institutions/Agencies to be 'yes' men to the President. They want to weaken our 3 equal branches and give more to the President. They want Autocracy.

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It can get worse. A group of Trumps followers, I'm sure Steve Bannon, Steven Miller, and some others, want his to use the Insurrection Act as soon as he is inaugurated and then he can have the military on the streets stopping people, arresting people, and jailing anyone that seems to not be in love with the Dear Orange Leader. Donald HAS talked about executing people and I really can't poo poo that. The media is all treating this like it just another silly "Donald" thing.

That orange freak is just a sleazy assed nobody, do nothing, narcissist piece of garbage and look at where he has brought us. Well, Hitler was nothing but a paper hanger from Austria so seems people never learn. We are so easily manipulated.

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Just finished reading Andrew Yang's novel, The Last Election, and I too am depressed at how fragile our democracy actually is...sane people must stand up and vote these crazy manics out of office!!

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Absolutely the strongest example of adult pressure and then we wonder why out kids don’t stand up to bullies, turn to drugs just to fit in and are leaving churches in droves? Just tell the TRUTH!!!

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Thanks for your continuing bravery. Sadly so many sensible Republicans are jumping ship. I understand why. It's hard when the leadership doesn't have your back. Leadership in House and Senate (yes even McConnell with his silence) have embraced trump after Jan 6th when they didn't have to. This empowered the maga cult even more to the point we are today. I am seriously scared for the future of out democratic Republic. I don't think the 2023/2024 elections are about issues. I think it's about saving our form of government. We have one chance to get it right. Democrats need to bring front and center Project2025 and what it really means. Heritage Foundation says invoking the Insurrection Act isn't part of it, but we all know it is being considered. Autocracy is around the corner and we must be vigilant.

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But be vigilant how? What are the actions we can take in our neighborhoods and towns to accomplish this? It isn’t enough to just post warnings on the internet.

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Join groups like Indivisible- they have local chapters everywhere. Sign petitions. Email your Legislator/Representative/Senator- especially federal- since that is what they want to dismantle, and VOTE!

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Thanks for the info. I’ve never heard of that group. I’ll check it out. I’m 72 and have never missed voting in a primary or general election ever! And I’ve contacted my elected officials.

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Adam, you, I, and many Americans, some of them are readers of your Substack writings, did grow up with lessons in our childhood...to”tell the truth and accept responsibility for your actions.” Unfortunately not every American was taught this at a young age. Those lacking that basic integrity don’t really comprehend that sense of having strong moral principles and convictions that reside deep in one’s soul. We see examples of this all the time with hit and run accidents seemingly on the rise. Hatred and outright physical hostility by some who would punch and hit Asian Americans on the street in broad daylight. Parents turning to violence at kids’ games or at school board meetings. The adults perpetrating this behavior won’t and don’t take responsibility for their actions. I’m appalled by it but not everyone is. This is what some in our society have devolved to. I have two observations from your essay. First, Rachel Scott’s fellow reporters didn’t back her up. They should have. When Mike Johnson said next question, the next reporter should have asked the same thing of him. Instead they let themselves be booed by the Republicans and thereby silenced. Secondly, Scalise says we should “quit rehashing 2020”. But that is exactly what the former guy does day and night, 24/7 never letting his lies fade into oblivion. But when someone wants to dissect and examine these lies under a microscope and ask hard questions, it’s dismissed as in the past (by everyone except the former guy). But the past needs to be examined and reflected upon so we as a nation don’t repeat it. That famous saying if you don’t know about the past you are doomed to repeat it.

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Appalled is the perfect word to describe how I view the behavior of the Republicans in Congress, especially in the House of Representatives. Your example of Rachel Scott’s question to “Speaker” Johnson was great. When did our “Representatives” begin to believe it was “ok” to tell a reporter to “Shut Up?”. I mean who the fuck are you working for bitch! We the taxpayers are paying your fucking salary and your lunch expenses and your health care (that you want to take from us???) and your fucking retirement - again that you want to steal from “we the people’s social security “ you fucking MAGAits.

Now, I don’t think that anyone wants to be talked to rudely - BUT - there are MORE of us than there are of them and they damn well better remember it. As far as Project2025 - no one is giving up their guns - so does anyone really believe that our military is going to Risk their lives fighting against their own people for some tyrant who called them losers and suckers - when they swore to uphold and defend the Constitution. Especially when that military knows the population (their fellow Americans) is armed to the teeth. Personally, I highly doubt it.

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There are plenty of children from past generations who did not grow up with or learn those lessons of telling the truth and accepting responsibility. It's not that we have devolved. It's that those who do not practice those lessons are being empowered instead of being shunned. trump is the perfect example of that and all those he has empowered. Achieving your goal becomes more important than how you achieve it. Threatening, bullying, not following the rules or laws, even violence become acceptable.

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I was reading about Trumps competing rally to the debates.

On Wednesday night, Trump sharpened his rhetoric of alleged "persecution" and resistance to communism -- invoking the experiences of attendees and their families, particularly Cuban Americans who remember the communist rule of the late dictator Fidel Castro.

We would love for you to have public appearances or combatting media to follow these “false prophet”appearances. Trump can relate to Hispanic persecuted people like an atheist an relate to God. He Doesn’t. How can you address this disinformation Adam.


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Every part of this article was well outlined.

It’s no longer just tell the truth”.

Everything follows all of us. Our choices, thr sand or rock we stand upon.

I no longer am able to trust most republicans w my vote. I wonder even if any current pres runner for primary can be trusted to NOT HELP dt out in the end.

Haley , Prnce Rameseamay, Scott. They all put their hands up to support t in the primary.

Will everyone’s hand go up if he’s convicted? Will they extend a pass if they could?

Unfortunately this is where we are at today!

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One other thought about election deniers: Whenever an election denier suggests that we should "move on" from the 2020 election and its aftermath, we should reply "We'll move on when you move out". There should be no second chances for anyone who was ready and willing to sell out democracy. Thanks again, Adam, for not letting them pretend.

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Your moral gyroscope is intact. Your courage is refreshing.

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