Made an edit to make it clear, the discrepency between men and women in romantic relationships is because younger women are dating older, more established men
Having a dating age daughter there is an obvious issue with the online dating that is turning women off of those apps. So many men that she has met online admit (honest or not) to being in multiple relationships and that is such a turn off for women who think the apps are just a way for guys to “play the field”. They can’t have it both ways..if they want women to date them, they need to be respectful of them, and many of them are not. Women are smart enough to stay away from these “players”
This divide in age between young people is very stark, and a little scary. I feel badly for young men; my son is 27 with a bachelors degree but he still seems aimless (he is a Harris voter, though, cannot stand Trump).
Yes, women have raised their standards. It’s also more socially acceptable to be single. And many young men aren’t interested in marriage or real commitment, or responsibility, to be honest. I totally get why a young woman doesn’t want to babysit her beau.
I think there’s also the sexist, faux masculinity that appeals to a certain group of guys.
Agree about second paragraph. As a 73 year old retiree, married 43 years, I can so totally relate. I love my husband with all my heart, but times are different now.
This is the first article I disagree with you Adam. But none of us are perfect. As a Black man the media is lying about black men young and old going after the trump cult. Not saying that there isn’t any that agree with his rhetoric like Tim Scott and Byron Donald. Those who follow trump are known as sellout house negroes within the community.
Black men know how important it is to support and protect our black women and our families. We know Donald Trump is a racist and continues to talk to black men as if we are inferior to him and his white cronies who are part of white supremacy!!! The reason why Vice President Harris is tied in the so called polls is only one reason and let’s be honest: she a woman of color. Systemic racism is still prevalent as it was in the sixties and seventies. We have never addressed racism in conversations about race relations. White professional men and women continue to be in denial about being raised in a culture that white people were superior over the black and brown people. With all of the experience, intelligence and wisdom she has it’s appalling that she is still being treated as trumps equal. She has proven herself over and over again serving the people. In the meantime you have a clown as the republican candidate who is a conman, convicted felon and a disgusting vile person who cares about nothing but himself. As Madam Vice President says so eloquent: it’s time to turn the page and not go back to the circus of the trump cult. Wake up America before its to late and we will be having a civil war with a dictator in office!!! The media needs to do better in speaking truth!!! Be blessed Adam and stay safe.
Have to agree with U Philip. Media is off regarding black males going for trump. There will always be idiot sellouts like Scott & Donald. Good thing they are few & far between. Less than 20% black male vote 2016 & 2020 for DT. Trumps disrespect for veterans & minorities is the reason that I will never, ever have an ounce of respect for him. His verbal disrespect for POW & veteran John McCain, & other veterans enraged me. Then, THIS MONTH at a rally, DT said he would reinstate the old name of a military base in N. Carolina. Some history... Jan. 2021 before DT left office, he vetoed a military spending bill in part, because it included changing the name of military base Ft Bragg. [Braxton Brag], a Confederate General. Congress overrode his veto, including most republicans in congress. The only time DT had any of his veto's overrode, during his 4 yr. in office. The military base is now Ft. Liberty. Long overdue, getting rid of confederate names & monuments honoring traitors. Many, many veterans in immediate, & family ancestors, including G Grandmothers uncle, that fought for the Union, out of Lexington, Kentucky. Old paperwork from even shows his name, date of entry, 1 July 1864 & his 'Owners' name. He's listed under " Colored Volunteer Army Soldiers". Many people have no idea, the seething anger, that forms, when idiots like DT, talk about anything positive regarding the Confederacy. October 2024, & hateful people [DT] are still talking about honoring the confederacy. Gotta say, I do have more allies of all ethnic groups now, than I did while in military '68-72. Vote. United we stand, divided we fall.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. Harris has so, so many more qualifications and experience to lead this country compared to tfg. He has the mental capacity and command of the English language of a third grader. And his dementia is worsening right in front of us, on display daily.
Thank you, Philip for writing this! It's so sad that we have not equalled out our race divisions. As a white woman, I don't think whites are "all that"! We tend to take too much for granted and expect everything instantaneously. Where others seem to appreciate the small things and much more willing to forgive. Speaking generally, of course, through my life's amateur study of socialogy 😁! Take care and may we be celebrating about November 5th!
Young men would do well to consider the implications for them of Donald J Trump’s misogynistic policies. (Unwanted pregnancies=years of child support payments).The “locker room talk” and misogyny are a big turn-off for most women. Guys that go around bragging about the size of other men’s(or their own) penises are not likely to put those to use with most young women. Have the 63% of young men not in a relationship and who want one figured out that if you behave like an incel, then you’ll be an incel? And have black men fearing immigrants figured out that Trump is telling them that their “black jobs” are the underpaid and low-requirement jobs traditionally done by immigrants and that they must fear them?
or from a musk. He never marries the women he has children with and one of the mothers of 3 of his children, recently had to sue him for child support.
These two groups are a troublesome wildcard. No doubt, the Democratic Party needs to work much harder on getting out the message and controlling conversations. However, saying we have “years of unfulfilled promises is just plain wrong. We have years of being mischaracterised
Or years of having every attempt to fulfill those promises blocked, instead of negotiated upon, by those who are across the aisle as well as a wanna-be Presidential Candidate who wanted to campaign on the border.
We seem to be stuck in conversations about Trump's many character flaws and who will *win* the election rather than what we should do when Trump tries to *steal* the election. Trump has a recent history of not admitting defeat so, regardless if he loses by a slim margin or a landslide, he and his cronies will rev up the misinformation generator and start the process they have been planning to subvert the election. A similar ad hoc strategy was used in 2000 when Florida governor Jeb Bush and his republican led state legislature stopped a Florida ballot recount by taking the case to the Supreme Court. This in turn gave the election to his brother George ,W. Bush.
Evidence, conflicts of interest or truth do not matter to Republicans anymore. It’s either win or steal. There are simply too many ways in which this election can legally be thrown to the machinations of the individual state legislatures and/or the Supreme Court. We need to begin talking about ways to legally prevent this from happening. If anyone has any ideas, please enlighten me.
Check out Robert Hubble and Joyce Vance on substack for some legal insight. There are more legal safeguards in place than one might know about- thanks again to the woefully inept reporting by big media outlets- shame on them. One example, a judge in Georgia just struck down a maga attempt at giving county election boards the power to NOT certify vote counts and so delay or deny the electoral votes from their county and state. With this ruling , this honorable judge preserved and protected the legal and constitutional pathway for vote certification in that state. I think- but I do not have more specific information- that many many smart and constitutionally loyal legal minds are preparing and prepared for the imminent lawsuits and attacks from those who might believe or otherwise support the Big Lie,phase two. Job one right now is to encourage and assist VOTING. Who can you call and reach out to? And I doubt that Trump would ask the sitting Vice President ( Ms Harris) to refuse to certify the counting of the electoral votes in congress. Pence earned some respect for his fealty to the constitution on that one.
Musk is working on convincing 200 million people. We're not even going to to get know reality after the election. The mess is getting larger - I don't even think more financial donations will make a difference at this time. Truth has been destroyed. Trump supporters are really going to be disappointed.
In these final two weeks before the first phase of this election, I have used my limited donation ability to send funds to organizations giving people rides to vote, where otherwise they could not or would not. As a Californian, I can only sit and watch otherwise, casting my almost meaningless mail-in ballot in our fortunately very blue state (but which will still cast millions of ballots for the fascist ticket, which hates our state anyway). Winning that vote is job one. Everything else depends upon that. I am fairly confident we can arrest our decline if we do, better and faster if we could take Congress too, but that seems unlikely unless there are a lot of quiet sane voters out there. But if we lose, we will be lost, quite possibly for decades or forever. I cannot abide the thought. I doubt I will be in a concentration camp anytime soon—Adam would be way ahead of me there—but watching our country self-destruct would be heart-breaking.
Women may be our salvation. Their rising independence means they don’t have to settle for loser men these days. If those men are going fascist, I hope women step up and show them what losing really looks like by sending the fascists to defeat everywhere. I say that while women close to me who should know better are supporting the fascists. Which has made life very unpleasant for me, another reason I want this election done and blue.
Whatever happens, we real Americans need to stand together with Adam, VP Harris, Ms. Cheney, others of whatever label who share our real values and respect our institutions when they function as they should. Ours is a republic, and, Mr. Franklin sir, we intend to keep it.
Beautifully put Roy from someone in a very blue area of California! I couldn't have said this any better!! My only thing to add is, hopefully these troubled younger men treat voting as they do relationships......not invested in doing 🙏!
Good morning Adam. Polls are just something put out by papers/media to sell the products. They also give talking heads something to pontificate about. My news consumption is limited to mornings with my coffee and late night round up to see if anything has changed. Right now the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating is in progress. If you want to see true sportsmanship tune in for a bit. In whatever country the competition is in, with full stadium, you will NEVER hear a boo. Competitors from all countries are appluded and appreciated. The competitors support each other and often train together irrespective of which country they represent. Meanwhile, our young boys start sports at an early age with shouting from parents and coaches, arguing and overall aggressiveness. No wonder they grow up to think people like 45 are role models. Girls sports can be the same, I pulled my daughter out of softball due to the nasty parents. We have maybe 18 years to teach our children after that they are on their own. It is unfortunate young men feel disenfranchised. Remember it has only been a little over 100 years since women got the vote.
Feeling lucky to be married at this point! Trying to send my daughters off into the world with good heads on their shoulders, and solid self esteem. Let’s win this and get to work putting this country back together. Most of the division is contrived. If the public votes for their best interest it would not even be a contest. Harris across the line! 270
....but the people seem to vote against their best interests
why? *people do not take the time/effort to dig deeper into a subject *attention spans are short *voting the same as their friends, don't want to be the odd duck *?????
I'd bet money that many more young women will turn out to vote. Not only are they happier and working, they have the abortion issue staring them in the face!
It would also be smart for Harris/Walz to talk about the return of manufacturing jobs and explain that many of these new re-shoring jobs aren't like the old ones. They require training and computer skills because bots and other mechanical devices are going to be doing the "dirty" work.
I have been listening carefully to your concerns about the mental health of young men in America. I agree there is data to support your concerns. I would love to hear more about how struggling young men can improve their mental health during this time of societal change.
For sure Trumpism doesn't help.
Specfic mental health programs that address how young men can aquire a deeper understanding of the societal change elevating their anxiety, fear, and self awareness would be a great start. Young men who scape goat, or blame others for their pain might help them feel better in the short term. Unfortunately, it is not a long term solution for healing their emotional pain. Thanks for opening this issue up for discussion.
Every person has value. We all need love and safety. Family and faith!
I see in my Gen Z nephew a grievance attitude for no reason. He believes lies that Trump and others spout. His mother (my sister) lost everything in Helene and she had to set him straight on lies that he mentioned to her about people not getting money or help from FEMA. He has very bad communication skills and I think that sadly, there are lots of Gen Z males like him. Not all of them obviously, but enough that it's become a demographic within that generation. Maybe that is contributing to them not dating and being passed over for job opportunities. He doesn't vote so I'm betting there are a lot of his demographic that also do not vote.
Trump knows what he's doing. He's talking to his base, who love his shit, and men who want to be "manly, part of the gang".
They dont care what kind of crap he's done, or what he says. They are riding on the emotion they get from trump. They dont even care he doesnt talk about policies or plans.
I will say two things: (1) Those who support Trump support him based on their emotion only (or blind loyalty to their Political Party). If a person does not like their situation, that person is the ONLY ONE who can decide to do something about it (or not). But first, that person needs to have a degree of self-awareness and critical thinking skills. (2) In a general sense, the statistics Adam refers to are good indicators. HOWEVER, there can be a myriad of reasons for the disconnect between Gen Z men and women (or men and women of any generation for that matter). I could say more, but I will leave it at that.
Made an edit to make it clear, the discrepency between men and women in romantic relationships is because younger women are dating older, more established men
Having a dating age daughter there is an obvious issue with the online dating that is turning women off of those apps. So many men that she has met online admit (honest or not) to being in multiple relationships and that is such a turn off for women who think the apps are just a way for guys to “play the field”. They can’t have it both ways..if they want women to date them, they need to be respectful of them, and many of them are not. Women are smart enough to stay away from these “players”
This divide in age between young people is very stark, and a little scary. I feel badly for young men; my son is 27 with a bachelors degree but he still seems aimless (he is a Harris voter, though, cannot stand Trump).
Yes, women have raised their standards. It’s also more socially acceptable to be single. And many young men aren’t interested in marriage or real commitment, or responsibility, to be honest. I totally get why a young woman doesn’t want to babysit her beau.
I think there’s also the sexist, faux masculinity that appeals to a certain group of guys.
your 2nd paragraph hammer - hits the nail squarely on the head and drives it home
Agree about second paragraph. As a 73 year old retiree, married 43 years, I can so totally relate. I love my husband with all my heart, but times are different now.
This is the first article I disagree with you Adam. But none of us are perfect. As a Black man the media is lying about black men young and old going after the trump cult. Not saying that there isn’t any that agree with his rhetoric like Tim Scott and Byron Donald. Those who follow trump are known as sellout house negroes within the community.
Black men know how important it is to support and protect our black women and our families. We know Donald Trump is a racist and continues to talk to black men as if we are inferior to him and his white cronies who are part of white supremacy!!! The reason why Vice President Harris is tied in the so called polls is only one reason and let’s be honest: she a woman of color. Systemic racism is still prevalent as it was in the sixties and seventies. We have never addressed racism in conversations about race relations. White professional men and women continue to be in denial about being raised in a culture that white people were superior over the black and brown people. With all of the experience, intelligence and wisdom she has it’s appalling that she is still being treated as trumps equal. She has proven herself over and over again serving the people. In the meantime you have a clown as the republican candidate who is a conman, convicted felon and a disgusting vile person who cares about nothing but himself. As Madam Vice President says so eloquent: it’s time to turn the page and not go back to the circus of the trump cult. Wake up America before its to late and we will be having a civil war with a dictator in office!!! The media needs to do better in speaking truth!!! Be blessed Adam and stay safe.
Have to agree with U Philip. Media is off regarding black males going for trump. There will always be idiot sellouts like Scott & Donald. Good thing they are few & far between. Less than 20% black male vote 2016 & 2020 for DT. Trumps disrespect for veterans & minorities is the reason that I will never, ever have an ounce of respect for him. His verbal disrespect for POW & veteran John McCain, & other veterans enraged me. Then, THIS MONTH at a rally, DT said he would reinstate the old name of a military base in N. Carolina. Some history... Jan. 2021 before DT left office, he vetoed a military spending bill in part, because it included changing the name of military base Ft Bragg. [Braxton Brag], a Confederate General. Congress overrode his veto, including most republicans in congress. The only time DT had any of his veto's overrode, during his 4 yr. in office. The military base is now Ft. Liberty. Long overdue, getting rid of confederate names & monuments honoring traitors. Many, many veterans in immediate, & family ancestors, including G Grandmothers uncle, that fought for the Union, out of Lexington, Kentucky. Old paperwork from even shows his name, date of entry, 1 July 1864 & his 'Owners' name. He's listed under " Colored Volunteer Army Soldiers". Many people have no idea, the seething anger, that forms, when idiots like DT, talk about anything positive regarding the Confederacy. October 2024, & hateful people [DT] are still talking about honoring the confederacy. Gotta say, I do have more allies of all ethnic groups now, than I did while in military '68-72. Vote. United we stand, divided we fall.
Wonderful article Frederick! Thank you and your ancestors for service 🇺🇲 to this Country!
I wholeheartedly agree with you. Harris has so, so many more qualifications and experience to lead this country compared to tfg. He has the mental capacity and command of the English language of a third grader. And his dementia is worsening right in front of us, on display daily.
Philip this is one of the most well articulated comments EVER. Amen to every sentence.
Thank you, Philip for writing this! It's so sad that we have not equalled out our race divisions. As a white woman, I don't think whites are "all that"! We tend to take too much for granted and expect everything instantaneously. Where others seem to appreciate the small things and much more willing to forgive. Speaking generally, of course, through my life's amateur study of socialogy 😁! Take care and may we be celebrating about November 5th!
Young men would do well to consider the implications for them of Donald J Trump’s misogynistic policies. (Unwanted pregnancies=years of child support payments).The “locker room talk” and misogyny are a big turn-off for most women. Guys that go around bragging about the size of other men’s(or their own) penises are not likely to put those to use with most young women. Have the 63% of young men not in a relationship and who want one figured out that if you behave like an incel, then you’ll be an incel? And have black men fearing immigrants figured out that Trump is telling them that their “black jobs” are the underpaid and low-requirement jobs traditionally done by immigrants and that they must fear them?
They don’t care about child support. Can’t squeeze blood from a turnip.
It appears that it's not very high on the priority list to those that should be enforcing it.
or from a musk. He never marries the women he has children with and one of the mothers of 3 of his children, recently had to sue him for child support.
These two groups are a troublesome wildcard. No doubt, the Democratic Party needs to work much harder on getting out the message and controlling conversations. However, saying we have “years of unfulfilled promises is just plain wrong. We have years of being mischaracterised
Or years of having every attempt to fulfill those promises blocked, instead of negotiated upon, by those who are across the aisle as well as a wanna-be Presidential Candidate who wanted to campaign on the border.
We seem to be stuck in conversations about Trump's many character flaws and who will *win* the election rather than what we should do when Trump tries to *steal* the election. Trump has a recent history of not admitting defeat so, regardless if he loses by a slim margin or a landslide, he and his cronies will rev up the misinformation generator and start the process they have been planning to subvert the election. A similar ad hoc strategy was used in 2000 when Florida governor Jeb Bush and his republican led state legislature stopped a Florida ballot recount by taking the case to the Supreme Court. This in turn gave the election to his brother George ,W. Bush.
Evidence, conflicts of interest or truth do not matter to Republicans anymore. It’s either win or steal. There are simply too many ways in which this election can legally be thrown to the machinations of the individual state legislatures and/or the Supreme Court. We need to begin talking about ways to legally prevent this from happening. If anyone has any ideas, please enlighten me.
Check out Robert Hubble and Joyce Vance on substack for some legal insight. There are more legal safeguards in place than one might know about- thanks again to the woefully inept reporting by big media outlets- shame on them. One example, a judge in Georgia just struck down a maga attempt at giving county election boards the power to NOT certify vote counts and so delay or deny the electoral votes from their county and state. With this ruling , this honorable judge preserved and protected the legal and constitutional pathway for vote certification in that state. I think- but I do not have more specific information- that many many smart and constitutionally loyal legal minds are preparing and prepared for the imminent lawsuits and attacks from those who might believe or otherwise support the Big Lie,phase two. Job one right now is to encourage and assist VOTING. Who can you call and reach out to? And I doubt that Trump would ask the sitting Vice President ( Ms Harris) to refuse to certify the counting of the electoral votes in congress. Pence earned some respect for his fealty to the constitution on that one.
Musk is working on convincing 200 million people. We're not even going to to get know reality after the election. The mess is getting larger - I don't even think more financial donations will make a difference at this time. Truth has been destroyed. Trump supporters are really going to be disappointed.
In these final two weeks before the first phase of this election, I have used my limited donation ability to send funds to organizations giving people rides to vote, where otherwise they could not or would not. As a Californian, I can only sit and watch otherwise, casting my almost meaningless mail-in ballot in our fortunately very blue state (but which will still cast millions of ballots for the fascist ticket, which hates our state anyway). Winning that vote is job one. Everything else depends upon that. I am fairly confident we can arrest our decline if we do, better and faster if we could take Congress too, but that seems unlikely unless there are a lot of quiet sane voters out there. But if we lose, we will be lost, quite possibly for decades or forever. I cannot abide the thought. I doubt I will be in a concentration camp anytime soon—Adam would be way ahead of me there—but watching our country self-destruct would be heart-breaking.
Women may be our salvation. Their rising independence means they don’t have to settle for loser men these days. If those men are going fascist, I hope women step up and show them what losing really looks like by sending the fascists to defeat everywhere. I say that while women close to me who should know better are supporting the fascists. Which has made life very unpleasant for me, another reason I want this election done and blue.
Whatever happens, we real Americans need to stand together with Adam, VP Harris, Ms. Cheney, others of whatever label who share our real values and respect our institutions when they function as they should. Ours is a republic, and, Mr. Franklin sir, we intend to keep it.
A woman will be our salvation! Should have happened decades ago.
Beautifully put Roy from someone in a very blue area of California! I couldn't have said this any better!! My only thing to add is, hopefully these troubled younger men treat voting as they do relationships......not invested in doing 🙏!
Good morning Adam. Polls are just something put out by papers/media to sell the products. They also give talking heads something to pontificate about. My news consumption is limited to mornings with my coffee and late night round up to see if anything has changed. Right now the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating is in progress. If you want to see true sportsmanship tune in for a bit. In whatever country the competition is in, with full stadium, you will NEVER hear a boo. Competitors from all countries are appluded and appreciated. The competitors support each other and often train together irrespective of which country they represent. Meanwhile, our young boys start sports at an early age with shouting from parents and coaches, arguing and overall aggressiveness. No wonder they grow up to think people like 45 are role models. Girls sports can be the same, I pulled my daughter out of softball due to the nasty parents. We have maybe 18 years to teach our children after that they are on their own. It is unfortunate young men feel disenfranchised. Remember it has only been a little over 100 years since women got the vote.
Keep up the good work Adam👍🏼.
Feeling lucky to be married at this point! Trying to send my daughters off into the world with good heads on their shoulders, and solid self esteem. Let’s win this and get to work putting this country back together. Most of the division is contrived. If the public votes for their best interest it would not even be a contest. Harris across the line! 270
....but the people seem to vote against their best interests
why? *people do not take the time/effort to dig deeper into a subject *attention spans are short *voting the same as their friends, don't want to be the odd duck *?????
Lack critical thinking skills.
I'd bet money that many more young women will turn out to vote. Not only are they happier and working, they have the abortion issue staring them in the face!
It would also be smart for Harris/Walz to talk about the return of manufacturing jobs and explain that many of these new re-shoring jobs aren't like the old ones. They require training and computer skills because bots and other mechanical devices are going to be doing the "dirty" work.
And about funding more on- the- job training programs!!
I have been listening carefully to your concerns about the mental health of young men in America. I agree there is data to support your concerns. I would love to hear more about how struggling young men can improve their mental health during this time of societal change.
For sure Trumpism doesn't help.
Specfic mental health programs that address how young men can aquire a deeper understanding of the societal change elevating their anxiety, fear, and self awareness would be a great start. Young men who scape goat, or blame others for their pain might help them feel better in the short term. Unfortunately, it is not a long term solution for healing their emotional pain. Thanks for opening this issue up for discussion.
Every person has value. We all need love and safety. Family and faith!
I see in my Gen Z nephew a grievance attitude for no reason. He believes lies that Trump and others spout. His mother (my sister) lost everything in Helene and she had to set him straight on lies that he mentioned to her about people not getting money or help from FEMA. He has very bad communication skills and I think that sadly, there are lots of Gen Z males like him. Not all of them obviously, but enough that it's become a demographic within that generation. Maybe that is contributing to them not dating and being passed over for job opportunities. He doesn't vote so I'm betting there are a lot of his demographic that also do not vote.
Trump knows what he's doing. He's talking to his base, who love his shit, and men who want to be "manly, part of the gang".
They dont care what kind of crap he's done, or what he says. They are riding on the emotion they get from trump. They dont even care he doesnt talk about policies or plans.
"Birds of a feather flock together!"
I will say two things: (1) Those who support Trump support him based on their emotion only (or blind loyalty to their Political Party). If a person does not like their situation, that person is the ONLY ONE who can decide to do something about it (or not). But first, that person needs to have a degree of self-awareness and critical thinking skills. (2) In a general sense, the statistics Adam refers to are good indicators. HOWEVER, there can be a myriad of reasons for the disconnect between Gen Z men and women (or men and women of any generation for that matter). I could say more, but I will leave it at that.