
How do we get rid of people like MTG? They’re killing our country! And Adam, please run for president in 2028. Save us.

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Adam you have my vote!!

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Thank you Adam for your insight. I just want to say that I survived 5 shutdowns during my government service & what I know is that there are no winners. It hurts people who are not high on the Civil Service ladder especially but it also impacts the communities & businesses because people don’t have the money for day care, groceries, utilities & even gas.

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The “littler” people down the line are always the ones to carry the burden. I think it should be a Lee that if there’s government shutdowns, legislators don’t get paid either.

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I call this the Karma Kazi Kongress.

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Ilene, I call it the Kama Kazi Republican sh.. Congress. Here are a couple spiritual exercises for the day, better yet, every day:

1) Imagine so many Kama Kazi's coming at the Statue of Liberty that they all self-destruct by missing and plunging into the bay. 2) I've started imagining Orange man in jail in his Orange jump suit weeping and thrashing as they seize his oh so overinflated assets one by one (It's a Democratic plot you know). No it's a democratic plot because "we the people" believe in the rule of law and that there are consequences for breaking the law. Never forget, thoughts have energy, words have energy, so I invite anyone interested to join me in the T be gone and MAGA Republicans in Congress be gone exercises because I do believe in Karma, but it doesn't always happen on our timetable; however all that extra energy could help. It's time to create a vacuum so the Heavenly Spirits can get back here and help straighten things out!

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MTG: "it's more of a pink slip" --because she doesn't want to throw the House conference into chaos. What an absolute clown in an epic circus.

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It’s all for show…

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Thank you Adam. I appreciate your insight and perspective. Much respect to you.

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Agreed 💯

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You are definitely right Adam!!MTG is a clown 🤡 in the MAGA circus!!!Johnson needs to pass the Ukraine 🇺🇦 bill.I find it interesting that the Democrats are the ones who have to help him-especially since he can’t stand them!!I don’t understand why he even visited the Ukraine 🇺🇦 if he wasn’t going to help them!!

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He visited for show. It’s all about the optics to try to convince the American people he’s “working for them”. Too bad some fall for it. But the rest of us aren’t so easily fooled.

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I agree Joan!! Johnson is only making himself look worse for the people that aren’t fooled by the games he’s playing!!It’s not fair to the Ukraine 🇺🇦!

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My heart hurts for the valiant people of Ukraine. I just don’t understand how legislators can be so cavalier about people’s lives who are fighting for their very survival.

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Adam, keep up the fight--people of common sense stand with you!

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Yes we do

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Thank you. She is just plain psycho. I’m sorry we have such a low bar for congress.

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In November, let’s all go surfing on a “Blue Wave”!

We need two parties but it looks to me like the Republican Party needs to burn to the ground and be rebuilt from scratch.

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Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed on both hands. I’m reading reports of chemical warfare use in Ukraine - Putin testing international resolve to see how far he can go, as it were.

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The way to stop putin and stop trump is to get the ukraine bill passed and not with loan conditions to the full support now!

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Thanks Adam for this update! Great job on CNN this morning! So refreshing after listening to MTG spew her disruptive propaganda auditioning for VP. I'm continuing to pray for Ukraine funding! So they have to wait another 2 weeks while being attacked and Congress goes on vacation?!? It's unconsciable!! Thanks for giving us hope for better days!

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We really need to stop paying these buggers!

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Amen! Then vote them out!!

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Fingers crossed that is the offer Jeffries will make. Souzi told CNN he’d bote for Johnson, not the crazies.

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Long before he became “America’s Greatest President” even better than Lincoln or Washington or his beloved favorite martyr president, Andrew Jackson, Trump was well known as a bloviating brash and frequently bankrupt real estate developer and bankrupt casino operator . But that was all before he found his life raft, the genuine fake “reality” TV show The Apprentice . It helped save him financially and gave him his first platform push to the presidency.

But to really know him, is to hate him. To really know him is to know an angry, embittered and deeply disturbed man who deeply despises this country, its democracy, its constitution, and all its peoples. His methodology is not only Orwellian speak. War is peace, up is down, red is blue and staple is genius. These are all oxymorons for MAGA morons. But Hitler resurrected: Victimization. He rallies around his anvil chorus cries with a standing salute “to the horribly and unfairly treated Jan 6 hostages.” Done. He replaced the Star-Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance, Hitler talked about Jews as Vermin, Trump, Migrants are all criminal animals. Done. His Reagan plagiarism that we were all better four years ago under his glorious reign, Done. As we really remember, four years ago we were all prisoners of our own homes for two years, the economy nosedived and the loneliness and isolation caused record suicides and domestic violence as we all got on each other’s nerves.

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Contacted my MRGA congressman, after providing my name & address, the follow message under "Home-Land-Security".

"Tell the Speaker to bring up Ukraine support for a vote. The Republican Russian Extremist are compromising USA security."

Flood the the MRGA cesspool!

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Mr. Kinzinger, your former colleagues are truly a circus inside a clown car.

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Adam I thank God for people like you who have integrity. I know who will be in the new republican party

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Trump World is imploding. The pro-Trump media, corrupt politicians and legit mass media are trying to prop him up with deference and legitimacy. But they can't keep it up in the face of Donald and his cult followers making fools of themselves. Every day. The tipping point is coming. This rotten house of cards is about to self-destruct.

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What legit hard news reporters believe that a majority of Americans are going to vote for a hateful, indecent, military hating, sex offender asshole? They know better. So why are they giving him any deference or respect?

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