Thanks for all you stand for, Adam. You’re right. It’s no contest. They are polar opposites in character.

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Thank you for standing up for Democracy. I still don't se why everyone thinks that neon nazi is going to do so well in this debate. He literally talks about sharks and boats, then drifts to washing his hair and toilets. People are so weird that they think that is great. I don't see it. I think he's an illiterate fool. Maybe we roll a bit different in Canada.

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That’s what MOST Americans think too. Unfortunately, the minority is hell-bent on ruling the majority. They spend sleepless nights coming up with all the ways they can to break the system. The authors of our Constitution never imagined someone as toxic as Donald Trump.

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Jun 27Liked by Adam Kinzinger

Thanks Adam. So very proud of you! Semper fi brother.

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Adam, I continue to appreciate your commitment to the “country over party” theme. It’s completely fair that you have policy disagreements with Joe Biden, but that you at the same time recognize the extreme psycho-social difference between the two candidates and can accept (and hopefully convince other Republicans) that reason demands that we never let Trump close to the levers of power again. You and Liz Cheney are martyrs to this cause and Americans of every stripe should be singing your praises. Thanks for keeping your voice out there defending truth, justice and “the American Way.”

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Adam, you give me hope!!!!

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I disagree that it’s not about you, because in part I think it is. So many republicans who initially criticized Trump are now demonstrating their boot-licking toady skills - I’m keeping this G rated, something I don’t usually do - so it’s refreshing to see people such as you and a few others who have walked the walk on the issue of Trump. Keep up the good work.

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I should also mention for those who haven’t read my other comments that I am a very liberal democrat who supports people who work across the aisle, when that was still a thing, one I hope to see again without Trump stopping it after the fact. And I will always remember fondly your humor during the January 6 hearings.

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Thanks Adam I am so grateful you are a true man of integrity. You are a good descent man and screw the Maga creeps. Hope Joe does well

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Mr. Kinzinger.

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to our Democratic Nation. You may not fully understand, nonetheless, you are a beacon of hope to so many of us. I began to know you from the January 6th Commission and you have continued to impress from that day forward. My best to you and your family. You are a man of integrity, so needed in these times. Stay safe and be well.

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Thank you for standing up for democracy! I not only stand up for you, but Liz Cheney as well. Even though the mics will be off, when the other person speaks, I can almost guarantee you we’ll still hear Trump opening up his mouth (because the podiums are only 8’ apart)

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Wish the podiums were further apart. Maybe 10-20 feet.

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Thank you for all your hard work Adam!!I really respect you and your dedication to our democracy! I can’t wait to see what happens with this debate tonight!

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Thanks Adam! You made me feel calmer about the debate because I think Biden can definitely beat the low bar! Was hoping to see you on the CNN panel tonight but happy you got to go home!! Then there's always tomorrow's video to look forward to!! God bless you and be with Joe tonight 🙏

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After the debate, I realize trump lived up to his projection, lies and nastiness. Unfortunately, I was wrong about Biden beating the low bar. I'm depressed what this might mean for our Country. Will undecided voters still see it as decency vs. a self-serving power-hungry narcissist? As low as I feel, I know God has a plan!

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I pray you are right Cindy.

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Good stuff.. grab the popcorn sit back and cheer for JB... :)

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trump absolutely cannot stay on point or keep his attention from wandering. Part of his profound mental illnesses. I expect that, since the mic gets cut if you go over time, he will quickly tack to hurling insults at Biden. Policy? trump never had any policies (that aren't totally deranged notions like making illegal immigrants fight each other for sport). Of course, MAGA will love him for insulting Biden in the manner of a naught fifth-grader. They're not at all interested in the nuts and bolts of running a powerful nation of 330 million people. To them, this is just another reality show.

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Brilliant Adam you are amazing this is just what we need!!

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I frankly have a difficult idea that trump can debate he does not make sense much of the time to me at least. I don’t know about this debate and how folks will precieve it I just feel discouraged on some level that there is a question on folks minds I will vote Biden no doubt and hope for best these are difficult times

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Appreciate your endorsement of Biden! Your actions and patriotism are commendable.

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