Our enthusiasm to save democracy and bodily autonomy must be greater than MAGA’s enthusiasm to own the libs. That’s what this race comes down to.

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That’s the perverse beauty of schadenfreude. It’s a negative emotional distraction for the people caught up in its allure to take down someone for their own pleasure. Knock yourselves out. I can defend against your words, sticks, and stones.

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The difference between the campaign against Clinton in 2016 and now is that most Americans did not know what they were getting with the orange man-baby. So for whatever reason the polls showed her slightly ahead, voters changed their positions when it came time to vote. This time around everyone knows EXACTLY what is coming if tfg wins. I do not believe the majority of voters want another four years of the absolute s**t show we’ve been exposed to since he lost in 2020. We’re exhausted, wrung out but determined we will not subject ourselves to his BS. I believe that Harris will win and we will be pleasantly surprised by how much. Love your careful optimism, Adam, which keeps us optimistic. Keep it up.

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Don't forget James Comey re-opening the email investigation (which proved to be a big zero) less than two weeks before the election

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Oh, that Comey, another dirty bastard. Hillary had that “conscientious” jerk to deal with, in addition to Trump. Grrr 😡 She just couldn’t get a break.

But Kamala is wisely being careful not to insult any voters. I think Kamala is great.

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Yeah, tbh I think he is (was) a great guy and a loyal servant to the FBI, I saw him speak and be interviewed after he was fired. But indeed at the time I thought, “What the actual HELL are you doing? Thinking?!” But I think Scump would’ve won anyway.

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I think he did what he thought was right. His wife and daughters were Hilary supporters. But I think the email thing tipped the balance to Drumpf. I believe Hilary would have won the battleground states without Comey's eleventh hour actions.

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I agree. It was the timing. I always asked the question the useless media never did. How the fk do you miss evaluating a complete computer in the original investigation!!! Makes one wonder if it was planned. Cheers 🥂

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I thought it was just Comey being a Boy Scout. I thought he had scruples but terrible timing.

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None of us knew at the time what that guy McGonigal was up to. But Comey sure might have. Far too many people think everything would have been fine if only *they’d* been the FBI director in 2016.

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Oh, come now. Trump is so transparent with his divisive rhetoric and authoritarian intentions that any *reasonable* person could immediately size him up as a dangerous con man. I remember hearing his first crazy-ass comment in Nevada when he said publicly, “I love the poorly educated” in response to that demographic helping him win the primary in that state in 2016. I thought, “What kind of sick fuck would say such a thing in that context?” From there, it has only gotten worse.

Anyone who didn’t know what they were getting in 2016 was either a Pollyanna or comatose. I know you don’t fit into either of those categories but let’s not give the MAGA disciples a defense they do not deserve.

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F kin A. Always laughed at the idea -in 2016- that his campaign would refer to the (never trumpers) and spun that as if it were a negative of people already decided and a positive for the idiot. The fucking media spun it that way for them. I laughed because; yeah, I always knew he was a lying, criminal, con man, incompetent fucking pos. When the republicans started licking his balls, it made me ashamed. Yeah, like you didn’t know. Sadly, the corporate money with a propaganda machine like fox spew, nearly destroyed our country and what is sadder, they’re both still here. Blows my fucking mind. Cheers 🥂

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AMEN! I watched 15 minutes of one of his rallys in 2016 and my first thought was (and still is) "What a blowhard!" I've never voted for him and never will!

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If all Americans who want to keep Trump out of the White House will vote for Harris, she wins. And we should also take a hard look down ballot, and vote non-Trumpist there too. We need a Congress who will work with the President, and one which puts country and the good of the American people over loyalty to an individual.

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Yes! I have been postcarding for one of those down ballot races.

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Me too! I just mailed out a ton of Ohio early voter postcards this morning, and previously worked on down ballot candidate postcards for Arizona and Pennsylvania.

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Thank you for your time and effort.

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Thank you Diane!! 👏🏼👏🏼

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Every flipped Republican voter has twice the popular vote impact as one who chooses not to vote. Think about that math.

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Thank you for today’s update Adam!Thank you for your encouraging words for Kamala and her campaign! I keep praying that we never ever have to see TRUMPIE again!

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Agree completely. I’ve worked on a number of campaigns and you can feel momentum as if it is tangible. She has it. He doesn’t.

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I really, really hope you're right, because I don't want a repeat of 2016. I don't pay attention to polls very much. One day, you get something you like, then the next, it's the other way around, and it's stressful, so I don't pay attention to polls. Harris needs to run as if she's 5 points behind, because who knows if the polls are at all accurate. I really hope that she wins.

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Spot On, Adam!! This election is far from over, but Harris is having continual gains while Trump appears to be in a self-induced, ever tightening, graveyard spiral. It won't be too long before that spiral will be beyond any possible chance of recovery. He'll implode then...

It is more apparent every day that the GOP doesn't want to participate in a Trump ordered "Nero Decree" on them and MAGA. So simple that even sycophant Mike Johnson can see it. They were being set up as "expendables" much like the January 6th fellow traitors with the "shutdown" order and actually figured it out. They will still have to pay for their blind allegiance to the madman of Mat-A-Lago with the electorate.

We need to stand with Harris and be alert for their next "weird" move. Every one so far has failed, hoping it continues that way. Enough losing and they'll go slither away back under their rocks. We need to deliver deliver incessant and massive counterattacks for a few more weeks until that final victory on election day...

Kamala, we got your wing!!

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By the way, in case you missed it, I just looked it up. The horrible "J6 Awards Gala" legal fees fundraiser for the traitors, scheduled for September 5th at Bedminster, never happened! Postponed "indefinitely". Hoorah!

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So sad, a much more important golf game must have gotten in the way of that fund raiser for those "expended losers" ...

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It is so darned nice (understatement there!) to see that there is a semblance of sanity left in this country that most of us love, despite our philosophical differences. Public sentiment is moving in the right direction, although to observers outside the US the closeness of the polls is probably bewildering. Ask anyone who lives in Europe, where Ukraine is the only thing between them and Putin

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One of the things I think the Harris campaign has in its favor is it is willing to put the hard work in. I'm remembering the Clinton campaign got a bit complacent.

I would also concur that Harris is more likeable than Hilary. Hilary simply didn't come across as being likeable or relatable.

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Hilary and Bill had been derided and accused for years by the right wing. And yes, her campaign was complacent. I heard they did not visit MI, WI, PA in the waning days, believing that they had those states sewn up. Big mistake. I tell people, the conservatives would like nothing better, literally nothing, than to convict the Clintons of something. The fact that they've never even been indicted, let alone convicted, proves that the conservatives have nothing substantive. Most if not all the infractions they accuse Bill and Hilary of exist only in their wishful thinking.

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Hillary was smart and a policy wonk. She was also seen as “inevitable” which led to the big Bernie push and that Russian, Jill Stein. Of course the email reopening by Comey didn’t help but in spite of all that, she still won the popular vote by 3M votes and lost in that damnable electoral college by fewer than 80,000 votes in three key states and we all know at this point that Russia played a huge part in that. Everyone really needs to watch “From Russia With Lev”, Rachel Maddow’s documentary. It’s excellent! Of course I’m waiting on when yours is coming out Adam. I’ll be there for it too.

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Could not agree more. I don’t like political dynasties so that was one issue I had with Hilary. I also thought her private email server setup when she was Sec of State was dubious at best and designed for nefarious purposes at worst. I’m not the greatest judge of character in the world but Trump made it easy to see how dangerous he was. I held my nose and voted for Hilary. I certainly do not regret that.

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I have heard that many, including Colin Powell when he was Sec. of State, as well as grifters supreme Javanka, who were part of the administration, also used private email servers. I have not verified these, but I think it shows the depths to which the right wing went to get Hillary when apparently it went on all the time.

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Being honest, law-abiding citizens, certainly means their uses were on the up-and-up. Another 'glass house' moment for Republicans.

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Always “good for me, not for thee” with Republicans

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And, I suspect, that some voters lost respect for her during the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the 90s. I know that I was one that didn't vote for her for that reason. IMO no delf-respecting person would have tolerated that situation.

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I think that’s really sad and not at all a reason not to have voted for her. It was quite a while ago and she knew of his cheating long before he got into politics. She was in it for the political advantages. She had ambition and swallowed her pride—WAY too many times, I woulda been outta there.

And frankly, that’s between them. It’s not my business to judge what decisions she (and HE, total pig) made in their relationship. Now having said this, he absolutely deserved to be impeached. Because he looked in the face of America and blatantly lied about it. He needed to be held accountable for that. But thrown out of office? No.

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I agree. As long as it's not child abuse (as with the Felon and the 13-year-old he and Epstein have been accused of raping) those type of incidents are between the spouses.

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"She was in it for political advantages." Exactly Its all about character. I didn't vote for Trump for the same reasons.

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Not an excuse, but she clearly loved/ loves that hound dog Bill, and let's face it, he's probably done worse, and many times, too. Remember Gennifer Flowers? I didn't vote for him in '92 because of that and cast my one and ONLY vote for a Republican presidential candidate, Bush 41. NEVER GONNA DO THAT AGAIN.

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Not meant to be an excuse. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 either, and never will!

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Adam, please reveal to the gullible media that Trump's "The election will be rigged. The only way I lose is if they cheat." is the childhood game "Heads I win, tails you lose". How strange that formerly skeptical journalists wring their hands when Donnie tries this con cheat trick. Shine a light on this!

Roger Stone formed the "Stop the Steal" non-profit corporation in April, 2016. 6 months before the 2016 election! No one in the Press asked WHY did Roger do this? The obvious reason was to take money from the rubes "under false pretenses"! And NO ONE in the Press blew the whistle on this con scam. Many in the so-called legit news media still buy it!

When one of the panel worries about "what will Donald do if he loses" please point out this "heads I win, tails you lose" gambit of his. He's a cheater. Just like his golf game, a creative, lying, cheater. When he says "I win no matter what." Shut him down and call him a lying cheater. Which he obviously is.

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In the 2016 election, Trumpers were no better informed than they are now. When his “Stop the Steal” continued, everyone in the electoral process should have taken drastic steps to ensure validity of the results, as they have this time. Trump & Co. have organized for four years and they appear to have thought of everything! Including Georgia’s and Nebraska’s changing their processes in the home stretch. I hope that people in positions of authority over the election are ready for whatever Trump and his accomplices will do next.

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My husband and I have invented a drinking game where if he does lose the election every time he whines about it, we take a shot. On the plus side, AA will gain two new members

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That is priceless. See you at the next meeting. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Not to mention being that buzzed results in not having a care in the world! 😜

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You mention this "the childhood game "Heads I win, tails you lose" When it comes to Trump and losing, he's the one whose team loses the flag football game by one heck of a disparity in the final score, but takes the football home anyway.

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This is heartening. And there's more work to do!

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Not counting chickens here but that is music to my ears. I had a dream (I know😵‍💫) that was very brief and almost more a thought than a dream, though I was distinctly asleep, that Harris won in a landslide. When I woke up it gripped my mind like it was very real, to the degree that I haven’t forgotten it a few weeks later. Just keeping that on the shelf here but I think that was before the debate when it seemed like a very unlikely scenario. Now, if things keep moving at this pace, the possibility, just the possibility mind you, for an electoral college landslide is not far fetched or absurd. Battleground states are critical no doubt but we may see more than one Red state that had been ceded and forgotten, come sailing into the picture. Just putting that out there.

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We are working hard to make that dream come true.

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I feel the same way - I'm full of optimism, but I'm trying not to be too overconfident. We can't let up.

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If you feel like being discouraged and disheartened, listen to the interviews with the young voters, the “independent “ and the undecided. My God, willful and woeful ignorance. We have the knowledge and wisdom of the world on our tiny little phones, yet folks get their “news” from Tik Tok. Jeez.

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I'm a registered Independent, and the last thing I will ever do is play the "Woe is me" card. Even though I'm a Moderate, I vote largely blue, although rarely straight party; this year will be an exception. I'm more about the person, NOT the party. Had Adam chosen to do a run for the presidency, he'd have gotten my vote post haste. Adam, you're a smart cookie to have stepped down; the current political climate is much to volatile right now. Good for you for having followed your conscience.

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And I’m old, don’t really know what the hell Tik Tok is. My ignorant impression is, not good.

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Please check out “The Gen Z Perspective” by Dash Dabrofsky ; the young people are in this to win it, if they like TikTok, so be it. He is a very positive thinking young man and I love that Stack as well.

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And Fakebook still. It is mostly older people I know, but they are just as dangerous. Also you have folks young, but many older as well, who are refusing to vote for her due to Israel and the horrific massacre that is going on. I remind them that Trump is/will be even worse. I will vote for Kamala but what is going on there is atrocious. We do not get the whole truth here from our government nor the media.

Actually Adam, I would like you to do a video chat or a newsletter addressing this situation. I know you were a proud military member, but respectfully, the U.S. has been a war machine for 70 years. And we have lost and embarrassed ourselves. Look at Afghanistan. 20 years and 1-2 TRILLION dollars and the Taliban came right back into power almost immediately.

As a person who has been deep into the military and politics, discussion with you would be quite insightful and informative.

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It is a tough choice. There is no “right” answer. Gotta see the whole picture.

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Concur! This regarding that it's too soon to make the prediction that she's the winner. However! I refuse to be pessimistic about the possible outcome. Although I've yet to ever forget the "shock and awe" I experienced back in post-election 2016, I still remain hopeful that this will not be another debacle. Fool me once, shame on you (Trump); fool me twice, shame on us voters. I have to maintain that optimism. Negativity and being around debbie-downers is my kryptonite; a trigger for my PTSD. But I'm also a realist.

Mike Pence, albeit no fan of his at all, I have to admit I've felt some sympathy for him. IMHO, as much as a lackey that he was for Trump, he redeemed himself when he went against him and signed off on the election votes. Despite the threats he be hanged by the crowds thirsting for revenge, despite having to put up with Trump's crap for 4 years. A Veep is suppose to be the President's wingman. This was never the case for Pence. I guess when I choose to look at the lesser of the two evils, Pence was nowhere near as dangerous, would never have done the things Trump did. Trump stands alone when it comes to making decisions for the good of this country and the American people. And, he would have kept it that way had he won a second time. A dictator like those he seems to worship.

Adam, as I continue to read your posts, you're one of the reasons why I HAVE to continue to be optimistic. There are a few others I deem as reliable sources to focus on, too. I try not to put too much weight into the poll results. Into those who are "predicting" that final outcome. This is why it's good that you made sure to mention there is still no clear cut winner...yet. That's being realistic rather than wishful thinking.

Back to Mike Pence, I C&P'd from your post, "“I’m deeply humbled, as your vice president, to be able to be here.” Do you recall during a "round table" session when Trump had a group of people working for him go around praising and humbling themselves towards him as if he was the "Great and powerful magnificent Wizard of Oz"? There were NO words, none, to what I was witnessing. Trump honestly believed himself more than just a president, of which, BTW, I NEVER addressed him as. During those four years, he did nothing but occupy/squat (as a squatter) in the WH.

As for then Senator Harris, the first time I watched her "in action" was when she was questioning one of the big bankers during a Congressional hearing. It might have been Jamie Dimon. I was gobsmacked as she made him feel like such a small man. She was brilliant. Should she win, of which it is my hope by remaining optimistic, she will do great things for this country, far, far better than if Trump once again reoccupies the WH. Otherwise, we are forever doomed.

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Springfield, OHIO is where the lie is set.

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I suspect, Adam coming from Illinois, habit made him append Springfield with the wrong state.

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That’s what I figured as it is the state capital

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I knew what he meant, although I've been to Springfield, IL to visit the State Fair for a number of years when my kids were in marching band in O'Fallon, IL. No Haitians eating cats and dogs there. *cackle*

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Just wait. The next lie may be in your hometown. Trump is an equal opportunity liar so likes to spread the pain evenly among locales.

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Correct. DT always totally disgusting. Had a special loathing for him ever since his J. McCain statement. McCain always been 1 of my heroes. Now Springfield? I was born, raised in THAT Springfield, Ohio. Great folks in that town. Thought my opinion of DT couldn't get any lower...I was wrong.

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You need to lower your expectations of him even further to quit getting surprised. If you have any family in Springfield, I hope they are safe.

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Still have immediate family there. Visited there around labor day. They are good. Saw many Haitians there. Like most new immigrants, hard workers, more law abiding than native Americans.

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If Adam's glorious "spell checker" is anything like mine, which is powered by Satan himself, it also "corrects your geography." As in, "NOBODY means to say Springfield, OHIO -- so Illinois it is!"

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😆good point! Adam is partial to Illinois so it makes sense that his spell checks would also. Pets are safe in just about every Springfield, just sayin’.

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